Milene Serrano, Maurício Serrano and Carlos José Pereira de Lucena
Department of Informatics, Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio)
Rua Marques de São Vicente 225, 13º andar, Ed. Padre Leonel Franca, Gávea, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Keywords: Ubiquitous Software Development, Agents’ Intentionality, Collaborative Multi-Agent Systems, Distributed
Intentionality Modeling, Belief Desire Intention Model.
Abstract: Ubiquitous computing is a novel computational paradigm in which the users’ mobility, the devices’
heterogeneity and the service omnipresence need is intrinsic and intense. In this context, the ubiquitous
software development poses some particular challenges that are not yet dealt with by the traditional
approaches found in the Software Engineering community. In order to improve the ubiquitous software
development, this paper describes a detailed technological set based on multi-agent systems (MAS), goal-
orientation, the BDI (Belief Desire Intention) model and various frameworks and conceptual models.
Nowadays, the advances of the Internet, the wireless
network, anywhere and anytime information
dissemination and device heterogeneity are
contributing to the unfolding and growth of studies
in Ubiquitous Computing. This novel paradigm
represents an expansion challenge for Software
Engineering professionals.
Ubiquitous Computing, introduced by Mark
Weiser and published in 1991, idealizes a world in
which the main requirements are the users’
satisfaction, the service omnipresence and the
process complexity invisibility to provide different
services. In this distributed and untapped context, it
is important to investigate traditional and emergent
technologies that improve the ubiquitous software
development. Some particular challenges of
ubiquitous applications are: the inherent users’
mobility; the need to consider different devices and
the integration of a number of environments.
Ubiquitous software development poses some
particular challenges, such as those presented
previously, which are not yet dealt with by the
traditional approaches found in the Software
Engineering community. In order to improve the
ubiquitous software development, this paper
describes a detailed technological set based on
collaborative MAS, goal-orientation, the BDI model
and various frameworks and conceptual models. Our
main contribution is to purpose a systematic way to
develop ubiquitous software centered on intentional
frameworks and conceptual models reuse.
Additionally, as we are considering the
Ubiquitous Computing and the MAS paradigms, it
increases the importance of investigating some
special concerns. For example, the agents in
ubiquitous applications must be based on context to
adapt their actions according to real world situations.
The BDI model (Pokahr et al. 2005) can be viewed
as an emergent model to develop software agents
based on their intentionality. The intentional agents
reason, learn and take decisions according to their
beliefs, desires and intentions. The beliefs can be
stored in the agent’s knowledge base, and represent
what the intentional agent believes that the real
world is. The desires are the goals to be achieved.
The intentions are the strategic plans to achieve the
goals. The BDI model can be improved by using
fuzzy logic, as shown in this paper, which
significantly increases agents’ cognition. Thus, a
new approach for the agent-oriented ubiquitous
software engineering has to be considered.
This paper is organized in sections. Section 2
shows the related work. Section 3 describes some
ubiquitous challenges. Section 4 presents our
proposal. Finally, Section 5 summarizes the
Serrano M., Serrano M. and Pereira de Lucena C. (2009).
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - Software Agents and Internet Computing, pages 25-34
DOI: 10.5220/0001857400250034
According to (Saha et al. 2003), Ubiquitous
Computing is an interesting domain that is
investigated by various research groups: (i) Aura
(Carnegie Mellon University): the main objective is
providing easy access to different services anywhere
and anytime; (ii) Endeavour (University of
California in Berkeley): the main objective is
allowing the user interaction with different devices,
people, and information; (iii) Oxygen (MIT)
: the
main objective is naturally incorporating the
communication technologies in the people life; (iv)
Potolano (University of Washington)
: the main
objective is creating a testing environment for the
investigation of Ubiquitous Computing challenges
using specific devices for each task.
Additionally, there are several research projects
that consider different concerns of Ubiquitous
Computing, such as the content adaptation and the
context awareness. In (Ravindran et al. 2002), the
authors emphasize the importance of the service
personalization concept to improve the content
adaptation in ubiquitous scenarios. It consists of
delivering personalized services based on some
specific information, stored in a profile. In order to
support this personalization, they propose a
framework for managing service personalization in a
domain; and the results are documented in a survey
that particularly helped us to improve our work. In
(Hightower and Borriello 2001), the authors present
a set of basic techniques used for location-sensing,
documented in a survey. Moreover, they define how
the taxonomy, defined by them, can be used to
evaluate location-sensing systems.
Despite all the efforts to propose support for
Ubiquitous Computing, there is a lack of approaches
that consider the ubiquitous software development
from the requirements to code. Our main
contribution is offering a set of technological
supports to deal with some ubiquitous applications
challenges and to orient the software engineer in the
systematic development of ubiquitous software. We
documented our approach as a specific ubiquitous
profile (using the building blocks concept) based on
the TROPOS (Giunchiglia et al. 2002) disciplines
and the RUP phases (Kruchten 2003). Details are
presented in Section 4.
Some challenges commonly found in the ubiquitous
software development are: (i) Heterogeneous
Network: the network can be wire or wireless, and it
can obey different communication protocols (e.g.
DQDB (Distributed Queue Dual Bus), SMDS
(Switched Multimegabit Data Services) and SONET
(Synchronous Optical Network)). Thus, it is
important to establish ways to allow the users’
communication in this heterogeneous medium; (ii)
Geography and Network Topology
: the security in
the communication with heterogeneous mobile
devices is quite different when we analyze it using a
physical or virtual perspective. In Ubiquitous
Computing using the geographical proximity instead
of using the network topology is preferred. The
former guarantees more security and direct
communication; (iii) Limited Battery of the Devices
as the device is dependent on the battery to perform
its basic operations, this feature limits its capacity. It
is necessary to save the device energy as much as
possible. Moreover, it is necessary to have
mechanisms that allow dealing with the
disconnection of the device when the battery is low
or the signal is weak; (iv) Ubiquitous Software
Evolution Need: to attend new market needs, the
devices are constantly adapted, improved and
evolved. Thus, it is necessary that the software,
which is developed based on these devices, has
mechanisms to allow its evolution; (v) Different
Devices: the ubiquitous applications are based on
different devices. Some of them are limited, such as
a simple cellular. Others are powerful such as
desktops and notebooks. Moreover, they have
heterogeneous features in terms of memory and
processing capacity; screen resolution, supported
image types; and others; (vi) Users’ Mobility
: as the
ubiquitous applications offer service/content
anywhere and anytime, the users are in constant
movement. In this context, it is important to consider
technologies to deal with the intrinsic users’
mobility through different smart-spaces; (vii)
Distributed Environment
: the ubiquitous
applications are distributed and complex. They
consider different intelligent environments that are
distributed in the world.
To deal with different ubiquitous challenges, such as
the ones presented in Section 3, we propose the use
of collaborative software agent communities based
on agents’ intentionality. The agents as a
development paradigm have already demonstrated
their benefits in various applications domains
(Moulin and Chaib-Draa 1996). They can be used as
ICEIS 2009 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
natural abstractions to represent different users in
ubiquitous contexts. Agents can take decisions to
simplify the users’ access to services, contents and
peripheral devices. In this scenario and in order to
emphasize the importance of the agents for
ubiquitous computing development, some
considerations that compose our proposal
hypotheses are presented as follows: (i) Software
agents can asynchronously perform tasks. It is
desired in Ubiquitous Computing to deal with the
challenge “Limited Battery of the Devices,”
presented in Section 3. Moreover, they allow parallel
executions that reduce the user’s waiting time to
receive her/his requests; (ii) Software agents
significantly reduce the data traffic in the network,
because only the processing requests are transmitted
by the network instead of several information
packages. These requests are transferred with the
agents; (iii) Intentional software agents can improve
the user’s satisfaction as they can be responsible for
the content searching, analysis and adaptation
according to the user and device profiles. Moreover,
the agent can easily integrate the user to different
smart-spaces based on the context analysis, and
agent’s beliefs, desires, and intentions. It is
important to consider that the object orientation is
based on the class abstraction that represents a group
or a category. Thus, this abstraction can be used to
satisfy a group but it is not appropriated to satisfy a
specific member of this group. The agent abstraction
can represent a specific member, a specific client, a
specific device, a specific context. Thus, an agent
can be used to satisfy a specific user according to
her/his preferences, device’ features, network
specifications, and contract information instead of a
group of users. Amongst other contributions, this
approach increases the service personalization
possibilities; (iv) Software agents guarantee code
portability (Nakajima et al. 2003 apud Bergenti et
al. 2004). It is important in Ubiquitous Computing
as in this domain the smart-space distribution and
the devices and network heterogeneity are intrinsic.
The code must be portable, allowing the agent to
move/circulate through the network without extra
difficulties. Moreover, agents can perform their
activities independently of the device operational
system; (v) Software agents, based on the agents’
platforms protocols and resources, are uniforms.
They have pre-established communication protocols
and life cycles. These features guarantee the
ubiquitous system stability and avoid problems with
heterogeneous networks; and (vi) Software agents
can be used to improve the security in ubiquitous
applications. As the ubiquitous applications are used
in the people day-to-day activities, it is important
that these applications are prepared to avoid
malicious attacks. An agent can be responsible for
the security. It can be modeled and implemented
considering the security as a quality criterion.
4.1 Case Study Media Shop
The Media Shop project is based on a typically
ubiquitous context, composed of: (i) heterogeneous
devices (e.g. smartphone and palm); (ii) users in
constant movement and with different preferences;
(iii) several offered services and contents; and (iv)
remote servers’ integration need. The main objective
is the media content download through different
devices. The users’ preferences are specified and
stored in a knowledge base. They compose the
user’s profile. The agents consult this base to
improve the service/content searching and
consequentially the users’ satisfaction.
The first solution to develop this project was
based on: (i) the JADE platform (Bellifemine et al.
2007) to support the agents’ implementation; (ii) a
database to store the ubiquitous profiles; (iii) the
Hibernate framework as the persistence layer; and
(iv) the web-service for the implementation of the
offered services such as the users’ registration and
the content download. This solution presents some
deficiencies in the cognitive agents’ development.
According to our experiments the agents’
implementation centered on their behavior showed
itself not adequate to deal with the intentions of the
users. The behavior abstraction is appropriate to
represent user’s behavior and the users also have
intentions, principles and goals. Thus, we have the
necessity to develop more intelligent, autonomous,
flexible, and adaptable agents. We propose the use
of a new technological support (second solution).
The second solution to develop this project was
based on: (i) the JADE-LEAP platform (Caire 2003)
to integrate different devices and smart-spaces; (ii)
the JADEX framework (Pokahr and Braubach 2007)
to support the development of cognitive agents
centered on the BDI model; (iii) the JADEX-JADE
Adapter to allow the integration between the JADE-
LEAP and the JADEX; (iv) a database to store the
ubiquitous profiles; (v) the Hibernate framework as
the persistence layer; (vi) the use of fuzzy rules to
improve the agents’ cognition considering the non-
functional ubiquitous requirements (e.g. user’s
satisfaction, performance, security, price); (vii) a
collaborative and intentional MAS centered on the
negotiation, adaptation and other agents’ properties.
We propose the use of intentional agents to represent
the users, their devices and different ubiquitous
contexts. We use the BDI model abstractions to
improve the modeling and the development of
cognitive agents’ communities that perform actions,
reason, learn and take decisions according to users’
intentions, goals, beliefs, preferences, needs and
other information capable of facilitating the service
personalization in ubiquitous contexts.
4.2 Case Study DIUP Project
The DIUP project proposes the integration of the
dental and the computing areas to improve the dental
assistance in deprived communities. Different
devices can allow patient registration, treatment
follow-up; diagnosis, drug prescriptions; physician
appointment management, image and registration
searching, and other contributions. Our purpose is to
perform these activities using an intentional MAS.
DIUP imposes various ubiquitous challenges
such as: specific requirements analysis based on the
dental domain; service omnipresence; content
adaptation; different profiles and network
bandwidth; servers overload; users' mobility; and
context awareness. Moreover, there are a lot of
stakeholders involved (e.g. dentists, patients and
attendants); and various smart-spaces (e.g. deprived
communities, hospitals and pharmacies)
Among the technologies used in this project, we
can mention: (i) the i* framework (Yu 1998) to
model the requirements; (ii) a development
environment; (iii) the JADEX to implement
cognitive agents; (iv) the JADE-LEAP to integrate
different devices and the smart-spaces; (v) the
JADEX-JADE Adapter to allow the communication
between the JADE-LEAP and the JADEX; (vi) the
BIGUS fuzzy logic library (Bigus and Bigus 2008)
to improve the implementation of the agents’
cognitive model (their reasoning and learning); and
(vii) the intentional MAS centered on the
negotiation, adaptation and other agents’ properties.
4.3 Systematic Development
We documented the proposed technological support
as a systematic development approach based on the
RUP phases (conceptual, elaboration, construction
and transition,) and the TROPOS disciplines. Thus,
we organized the presentation of our proposal and its
software engineering contributions according to the
TROPOS disciplines: Early Requirements, Late
Requirements, Architectural Design, Detailed
Design, and Implementation. We also incorporated a
discipline to present the testing proposal. We offer
building blocks based on frameworks and models
reuse for each discipline, as presented on Sections
4.3.1 to 4.3.4.
4.3.1 Perform the Early and the Late
The ubiquitous applications are very complex.
Therefore, the requirements must carefully be
elicited, modeled, and analyzed. Elicitation
techniques combined with the stakeholders’
interactions are extensile used by the authors and the
collaborators to know the functional and non-
functional requirements of both projects, Media
Shop and DIUP. Moreover, we suggest the
requirements modeling centered on distributed
intentionality, using the i*framework models.
The early requirements discipline consists of the
identification of the main application stakeholders,
which are represented as actors in i* models. It is
also necessary to elicit their goals based on the
activities that they perform or will perform on the
analyzed environment. In the late requirements
discipline, we introduce the system as another actor.
This actor is associated with other stakeholders,
considering the dependencies among them. These
dependencies represent the obligations of the system
towards its environment and actors.
According to our experience using the i*
framework to model our case studies, this modeling
showed itself very adequate: (i) to deal with the
agent’s intentionality properties and the intentional
relationships among different agents; (ii) to present
descriptive models that consider the agent’s strategic
actions can be dynamic and unpredictable; (iii) to
have a semi-formal component for concepts that are
not prepared for formalization (e.g. user’s
satisfaction, security and performance).
Some advantages for using the i* framework
are: the reduction of the quantity of diagrams, which
are commonly used in other modeling proposals
(Bauer and Odell 2005); the functional (Dubois
1989) and non-functional (e.g. softgoals) (Chung et
al. 2000) requirements modeling centered on goal-
orientation that increases the possibilities to
implement traceability policies, and to model agents
that dynamically decide which strategic plans will be
performed according to the user’s profiles, her/his
device profile and contract profile. This latter
advantage increases the possibilities to improve the
user’s service personalization, which is much
desired in Ubiquitous Computing.
The i* uses two types of diagrams to model the
application requirements: (i) the Strategic
ICEIS 2009 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 1: Smart-Space and Collaboration Representations.
Dependency Model (SD), which describes the
dependences between actors/actors, actors/agents,
and agents/agents in an organizational context; (ii)
the Strategic Rationale Model, which describes the
stakeholders’ interests, and how they can deal with
different software specifications.
The i* framework offers some abstractions for
the goal-oriented modeling, such as actor, agent,
task, goal, softgoal, resources, means-end, and task-
dependency. Details about these abstractions can be
obtained in (Yu 1997). These abstractions are not
sufficient to represent all the concerns of Ubiquitous
Computing for many reasons, such as: (i) i* does not
consider a specific abstraction to represent different
smart-spaces; (ii) i* does not consider a specific
abstraction to represent the intrinsic agent’s
mobility. Thus, our approach suggests some
complementary and specific abstractions for agent-
oriented ubiquitous applications modeling: (a)
Mobile Autonomous Entity
: is an autonomous entity
(reactive or cognitive agent) that is capable to move
from a smart-space to another. We suggest to use the
traditional i* agent abstraction combined to different
tags or stereotypes to classify the agent as fixed or
mobile. In the case of the mobile autonomous entity
it is classified as the mobile stereotype; (b) Smart-
Spaces: are intelligent ubiquitous environments, in
which the actors and the agents perform and
deliberate plans to achieve their goals. We suggest
the box representation (see Figure 1), which delimits
the smart-space that is composed by an agent or an
agents’ community; (c) Collaboration
: is desired
that the agents in ubiquitous context cooperate with
each other to achieve the specified purposes. We
suggest the use of a set of goals, tasks and softgoals
combined to task-decomposition to represent the
collaboration. In order to simplify this
representation, it is recommendable the use of the
capability representation. This representation
encapsulates all the collaboration process. Other
relationships (e.g. negotiation, concurrency, and
adaptation) between the agents can also be
represented using capability. The collaboration
between two agents is also illustrated in Figure 1.
Some other abstractions are presented on our
technical report (
Serrano et al. 2008
), submitted for
IEEE Transactions. Additionally, we are identifying
the different ubiquitous non-functional requirements
(e.g. user’s satisfaction, performance, security, and
service omnipresence), the impact among them, and
ways for operationalizing them using intentional
agents. Details are presented on Section 4.3.2.
4.3.2 Perform the Architectural and the
Detailed Design
The architectural design considers some new
actors/agents and the subgoals/subtasks, which are
associated with these actors/agents and the system in
development. In the detailed design, we detail the
system actors/agents. Thus, the communication
between them and the respective protocol that will
be used to orient it are established. The models
constructed in the early and late requirements are the
main entries of the design disciplines.
In the design disciplines, our approach suggests
some important models, framework and middleware
based on the literature and the experimental results,
obtained in the Software Engineering Laboratory at
PUC-Rio. Some models and frameworks are: the
JADE-LEAP execution modes; the JADEX BDI
model; the Intentional Framework for Content
Adaptation in Ubiquitous Computing (IFCAUC)
Serrano et al. 2008
); the incremental spiral model;
and the Softgoal Interdependency Graph (SIG)
(Chung et al. 2000). Our purpose is to assist the
software engineer to systematically develop
ubiquitous software based on reuse. The JADE-
LEAP platform is basically the JADE used to run in
mobile devices as Personal Java and MIDP devices.
This platform offers two basic execution modes,
called standalone and split modes. The standalone
mode allows integrating the platform and the
Personal Java devices, which are capable of running
the platform container. The split mode allows
integrating the platform and the MIDP devices. In
these devices, as they are limited in memory and
processing capacities, the JADE-LEAP provides a
mechanism to allow the devices to share resources
with a powerful machine. In other words, the limited
devices can run only the “light” part of the
container, called front-end, and the “strong” part,
called back-end, can run in the powerful machine.
For the limited devices, this integration process is
invisible. Thus, using these two modes it is possible
to integrate both, limited and powerful devices, to
the agents’ platform.
The JADEX BDI model
is important to
implement the cognitive agents. The BDI model
considers that the agent is based on its beliefs,
desires, and intentions. This model uses the
abstractions: (i) agents, which represent entities that
perform the actions delegated by the users; (ii)
beliefs, which represent information, knowledge and
physical object of the real world that can be
exchanged among the agents; (iii) desires, which
represent the goals that will be achieved by the
agents; and (iv) intentions, which represent a set of
actions/tasks to achieve the specified goals. This set
of actions/tasks is called plan.
is a framework, developed by the
authors, based on an intentional MAS to perform
activities involved in the content adaptation process.
This model recommends, among other technologies,
needs and concepts: (i) the use of different strategies
centered on agents’ intentionality to perform the
content adaptation according to the ubiquitous
profiles and in order to guarantee users’ satisfaction;
(ii) the use of different profiles as a knowledge base
to store the users’ preferences, the access devices
features, the contract and service information, and
the network specifications; (iii) the use of a MAS
centered on collaboration, negotiation, concurrency
that is improved by reasoning and learning
techniques and the agents’ mobility; and (iv) the use
of a dedicated server to perform the adaptation and
to avoid the application server overload.
The spiral model
, which is used in traditional
application development, is also suggested in our
approach. However, we incorporated the concept of
the incremental software construction in this model.
Thus, in our incremental spiral model, we based the
ubiquitous application development on the
generation of various versions, each more improved
than the last. This incremental principle allows the
evolution and the adaptability of the ubiquitous
software development as errors on the
implementation or on the design can previously be
identified and corrected before the software
deployment. Figure 2 shows this model.
Figure 2: Incremental Spiral Model.
The Softgoal Interdependency Graph (SIG) is
used to formalize the ubiquitous non-functional
requirements (NFRs), the impacts among them, and
ways to operationalize them using an intentional
agent-oriented approach. The main objective is to
provide an adequate support for software engineers
to develop ubiquitous application from the
requirements elicitation to code, considering the
non-functional requirements. Software engineers
frequently forget these requirements. Thus, as our
approach offers a way to deal with these
requirements from the modeling to code, it
considerably increases the relevance of our
systematic development. Figure 3 illustrates some
operationalization for the Satisfaction[User] and
Invisibility[Process Complexity] NFRs.
Figure 3: SIG for Satisfaction and Invisibility.
Additionally, another interesting contribution of
our proposal consists of the associations between the
i*, the BDI, and our approach abstractions (IUSDT).
Figure 4 illustrates some of these associations.
ICEIS 2009 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 4: Association among Abstractions.
Furthermore, we are developing an ontology for
context aware ubiquitous application to improve and
to standardize the agents’ knowledge base. We also
incorporated, for example, the smart-space and the
profiles abstractions as terms of our ontology. Figure
5 shows the hierarchy of our ontology. Other models
are presented in (
Serrano et al. 2008
Figure 5: Ontology Hierarchy.
4.3.3 Perform the Implementation
The implementation discipline depends on the
details specified in the design disciplines. The
TROPOS approach suggests an association between
the detailed design and the implementation template.
The code is added to the template using agent-
oriented programming language supported by a
platform (e.g. JADE-LEAP) or a framework (e.g.
JADEX). The models of the previous disciplines are
the main entries in the implementation.
The support offered by the proposed approach is
centered on framework and middleware reuse.
Therefore, the JADE-LEAP, the JADEX, the
Hibernate, the IFCAUC, and other technological
supports are used in the ubiquitous software
implementation. This technological set has the
responsibility to offer an adequate infra-structure to
solve the main ubiquitous challenges, improving the
software engineering work in the integration of
different devices and smart-spaces; in the users’
mobility, in the cognitive agents development based
on ubiquitous profiles; in the communication,
registration and creation of the agents; in the storage
and recovery of ubiquitous profiles information; in
the adaptation of contents, which are requested in
different access devices anywhere and anytime; and
in the context analysis to facilitate the user’s
integration in different ubiquitous smart-spaces.
Some frameworks (e.g. JADEX and Hibernate)
are under development by important and renowned
Software Engineering research groups. Others, such
as the IFCAUC, are being developed by the authors
to improve the development of intentional
ubiquitous application considering specific
ubiquitous concerns (e.g. content adaptation,
ubiquitous profiles need and context awareness).
Implementation details can also be obtained in
Serrano et al. 2008
and 2008
and 2008
.) As
follows, we briefly describe some ubiquitous
application implementations based on the case
studies presented on Sections 4.1 and 4.2, which are
developed in the Software Engineering Laboratory
at PUC-Rio as experimental researches of our group.
(1) Framework for Media Content Download using
Mobile Devices centered on the Agents’ Behavior
and the Web Service Technology: we develop a
framework for download media contents (e.g. music
and video). The users requested and received the
contents using their own access devices, which
could be limited or not. The main technologies
involved in this implementation were: JADE, web-
service, MAS, user and device profiles. The agents,
according to the implementation model suggested by
the JADE, were based on their behavior. This model,
based on our experimental results, did not allow
improving the agents’ cognition to quite represent
the human intentions in order to guarantee the user’s
satisfaction, and the agents’ autonomy, adaptability
and flexibility.
(2) Ubiquitous Applications instantiated using the
Framework (1): we instantiate the previous
framework to develop three ubiquitous applications.
The first application instantiates the framework to
download the contents using a desktop and a web
interface. Our purpose was testing different powerful
devices with several users’ requests. The desktops
are integrated by the wire network. The second
application instantiates the framework to download
the contents using mobile devices with limited
memory and processing capacities. The third
application instantiates the framework to register the
offered contents and to download the requested
content. According to the performance testing, the
framework agents are very efficient. However, with
regard to the user’s satisfaction, as the cognitive
model is very limited, the results are medium. We
improved this framework by using emergent
technologies, as the ones presented in the next
framework implementation.
(3) Framework for Media Content Download
centered on the Agents’ Intentionality: in order to
improve the cognitive agents’ model, their
autonomy, flexibility and adaptability, we use
emergent technologies to implement the MAS. Some
of these technologies are: the JADEX and the BDI
model; the JADE-LEAP to integrate different
devices and smart-spaces; ubiquitous profiles (user,
device, contract, network, and content profiles) to
store and to recover specific information to achieve
the user’s satisfaction; the Hibernate as the
persistence layer; fuzzy rules to improve the agents’
reasoning. The first structure layer of our Media
Content Framework represents the interface, in this
case the user and her/his access device. The second
layer is more complex and represents the intentional
MAS. The technological support that comprises this
layer is the JADE-LEAP, the JADEX, the JADEX-
JADE Adapter, and the BDI model abstractions. The
third layer represents the knowledge base, which is
used by the agents to perform the tasks in order to
achieve the goals. The knowledge base is composed
of the agent’s beliefs, the fuzzy rules based on non-
functional ubiquitous requirements, and the
ubiquitous profiles. The agents consult this
knowledge base, improve their reasoning, and
dynamically decide which strategy is the best one to
guarantee the user’s satisfaction and the device
compatibility. In the performance testing, the results
are excellent. The difference in relation to the first
proposed implementation (agents based on behavior)
was in the user’s satisfaction. Using intentionality
and a solid knowledge base, the agents were more
cognitive and it also improves their strategies, which
guarantee and increase the user’s satisfaction.
(4) Framework for Content Adaptation in
Ubiquitous Computing centered on Agents’
Intentionality (IFCAUC): when we defined the
appropriate technologies, we developed a framework
to deal with a specific concern of ubiquitous
applications, the content adaptation. We also
developed a conceptual model to improve the design
and the implementation of the IFCAUC. This
conceptual model is detailed in (
Serrano et al. 2008
Different strategies to improve the agents’
performance and to guarantee the user’s satisfaction
were used in the agents’ implementation. We
structured these strategies in a pyramid
representation (see Figure 6), in which the agents’
first goal is the user’s satisfaction. If it is not
possible to achieve the user’s satisfaction, the agents
perform activities to guarantee device compatibility.
The agents’ intentionality is improved by using the
BDI model. The agents’ knowledge bases are
dynamically updated, which guarantee more realism
in the agents’ decisions. Moreover, we use mobile
agents to perform some complex content adaptations
on a dedicate server. It avoids the application server
overload. We use the capabilities offered by the
JADEX to register and deregister the agents in the
Yellow Pages; to control the agents’ life cycle in the
White Pages; and to improve the agents’ mobility.
These programming practices standardized the
implementation and facilitated the IFCAUC
Figure 6: Strategies Pyramids for Content Adaptation.
(5) Framework for Context Awareness in
Ubiquitous Computing centered on Agents’
Intentionality: we developed a context awareness
framework to allow the analysis of different contexts
and to facilitate the integration of users and smart-
spaces that offer services, and peripheral access. Our
idea is to use agents to represent the users’ interests
and to negotiate with other agents in order to
integrate the user in the smart-spaces.
(6) Applications using Physical Sensors and
Intentional Multi-Agent Systems: we developed
some applications to test different methods of
communication between the users and different
contexts or the users and different devices. We
explored physical sensors such as touch sensor,
presence sensor, sound sensor and light sensor.
4.3.4 Perform the Test
This discipline is dependent on the previous
disciplines. Our approach, as we are following the
TROPOS methodology, suggests the requirements-
driven ubiquitous development. Therefore, we use
the SD and SR models to previously select which
plans will be executed in order to achieve the
specified goals. In this scenario, it is important to
consider, for example: the ubiquitous profiles; the
available technologies; and the non-functional
requirements. Our purpose, based on the
requirements verifiability in high abstraction level, is
to stimulate the ubiquitous software development
centered on quality and in agreement with the users’
interests. Our proposal, combined with the
incremental development, can reduce the test costs
and avoid the need for rigorous validation tests.
ICEIS 2009 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
In order to validate our approach, we performed
some experimental tests with the user participation.
The results are promising and confirm the pertinence
of our approach. The first test is performed in the
IFCAUC. We model this framework using agents
and goal-oriented approach. Thus, we verify, by
using a modeling analysis, if each agent’s decision
was according to the ubiquitous requirements.
Additionally, some stakeholders were invited to
participate in the evaluations. Our purpose was the
investigation of users’ satisfaction in the DIUP
application, instantiated using the IFCAUC. Each
stakeholder specifies her/his preferences, which
were stored in the user profile. Moreover, we
requested that each stakeholder used her/his own
access devices. The devices’ features are registered
in the device profile. The dentists requested some
content (e.g. x-ray image) using their devices. The
DIUP application analyzed the requests and returned
the contents, which were adapted according to the
user and device profiles. Therefore, the stakeholders
declared how satisfied they were with the received
content. The main metrics we used are: (i) the
answer time; (ii) the service/content quality; (iii) the
service/content cost; (iv) the security to obtain the
requested content; and (v) the relevancy of the
offered content. Results
: 80% of the users were
Completely Satisfied, 10% were Completely
Satisfied/Very Satisfied
, and 10% were Very Satisfied.
These results demonstrate high indices of users’
satisfaction in relation to the quality and the
relevancy of the requested contents. The
stakeholders also emphasized the DIUP application
performance in quickly answering the requests.
These good results only strengthens the fact of our
proposal is appropriate to ubiquitous software
development as it considers different ubiquitous
profiles, users’ satisfaction, service omnipresence,
agents’ performance, and other requirements that are
commonly found in ubiquitous context.
We also analyzed the agents’ performance using
a log agent, which is responsible to determine the
answer time. This time started when the content was
requested and finished when the adapted content was
sent to the user in her/his device. The contents had
different resolution and adaptation needs. The results
were optimistic, and raised the authors’ confidence
in the proposed approach.
Furthermore, our approach suggests an
automated non-functional (NF) testing using MAS.
We are developing an intentional agent-oriented
framework for NF testing in Ubiquitous Computing.
We will analyze, for example, the ubiquitous
application performance and security using stress
and trustworthiness testing, respectively. We intend
that the agent community generates a report
according to different NF testing.
4.4 Summarizing Our Systematic
Development Proposal
It is important to consider that the emphasis of the
Conceptual Phase
in our proposal is in the Early and
the Late Requirements disciplines, in which we are
concerned about the stakeholders’ interests, the
organization’s policies and the ubiquitous system
that will be implemented. In the Elaboration Phase
our proposal suggest that the software engineer
dedicates her/his time on the Architectural and
Detailed Design disciplines, in which we are
establishing the architectural model and the
technological support that will be used in the
ubiquitous software development. In the
Construction Phase
we are particularly motivated by
the challenges imposed by the Implementation
disciplines, in which we will apply all the conceptual
and technological support, specified in the previous
phases. In the Transition Phase
we concentrate our
attention on testing the ubiquitous software, using
the users’ participation and considering the users’
feedback as a parameter to classify the ubiquitous
software development as a success or not. Figure 7
illustrates these disciplines and phases.
Figure 7: Summarizing Our Systematic Development.
As briefly showed in previous sections, our
systematic development is based on building blocks
for each discipline. For example, the JADE-LEAP is
used to deal with the integration of different devices.
Thus, this platform is part of our Device Integration
Building Block. In other words, we propose a
systematic development using building blocks based
on platforms, frameworks and models reuse.
Ubiquitous Computing encompasses: (i) content
adaptation needs; (ii) integration of devices and
smart-spaces considering the users’ mobility and the
devices’ heterogeneity; (iii) adaptability capacity of
ubiquitous applications in a world in constant
evolution; and others. In order to deal with these
challenges, our proposal investigates traditional and
emergent technologies centered on intentional MAS
to improve the ubiquitous software development.
The main advantages of MAS include:
autonomy, reactivity, ability to decide without
human interaction; adaptability, mobility,
interactivity, and flexibility. Intentional agents have
all the advantages presented above and also
represent a natural metaphor for human actions as
they can decide centered on their beliefs, desires and
intentions. Thus, we argue that the use of an
intentional MAS seems to be adequate in the
ubiquitous applications development.
Another contribution of our approach proposes
an incremental development for ubiquitous
applications, which is based on reuse. We combined
traditional and emergent technologies to specifically
support the ubiquitous software development, which
is improved using an ontology and fuzzy logic.
As further work, we intend to improve our
approach, incorporating technologies to deal with
the ubiquitous concerns using MAS. The agents’
cognition can be based on special issues on learning
techniques for compositional reasoning
(Giannakopoulou and Păsăreanu 2008) (Upal and
Rogers 2005). It can be a way to discover a new
basis for building intelligent agents. Moreover,
intentional agents can also be considered as planning
systems (Wilensky 1983). We intend to investigate
this research area in Ubiquitous Computing.
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