Walter Balzano, Maria Rosaria Del Sorbo and Luca Di Liberto
Istituto Nazionale Fisica Nucleare, Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, via Cinthia, 4 – 80126, Napoli, Italy
Keywords: AJAX, Comet, Web collaboration, Real-time, Data fidelity, DWR, Reverse AJAX.
Abstract: The last web applications advances, even if significant, doesn’t yet allow to substitute desktop applications:
data are often redundant, user/web interfaces interactions notably differ from the user/desktop ones, data
propagation isn’t fully instantaneous. This work shows some strategies for real-time client/server and
client/client communications by server to manage multiuser collaboration issue in innovative ways: the user
can use two techniques AJAX (Garrett J., 2005) and Comet (Russell A., 2006), recent and standard based,
without installing plug-ins. Web 2.0 (O’Reilly T., 2007) was this project’s leading philosophy, by which a
mash up of two features was mainly realized: a chat module and a WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You
Get) text editor. The results show a potential cooperation among users interacting simultaneously using
simple graphical interfaces, with a large work speeding up. Many applications exploit client/server
interactions, directly sending updated information to connected users, as in online auctions (Wellman M. et
al., 1998) multiuser cooperation (Tapiador A. et al., 2006) and e-learning (T. Chan, 2007) systems. Further
details about the code and simple demos are available on http://people.na.infn.it/~wbalzano/AJAX.
Broadband communicating systems and
participation architecture give users deeper and more
active interaction with the web as in Wikipedia (Lih
A., 2004), Amazon (Linden G., et al 2003), Google
Maps (Markoff J., 2005), (Tulloch D. L., 2007).
AJAX and Comet (Bozdag E. et al., 2007)
techniques improved client/server communication so
as user/web interface interaction (Smullen III C. W.
et al., 2008), (Smullen C.et al., 2007), allowing real-
time client/server interaction where users can trade
information instantly as in Google Docs (Google,
2007) beta application. Multiuser cooperation and
support tools for formerly cited techniques are
shown, specially DWR (http://getahead.org/dwr,
2008) and Jetty (Jetty Web Server, 2003).
This work will show recent applications of the
preceeding technologies, that offer a solution of
frequent problems in web interactions and open new
perspectives: users haven’t to download plug-ins,
somehow complex procedure when they aren’t
operating on their own PC, but they can directly
achieve these services all over only using a browser.
Multiuser cooperation issue is argued to improve
cooperation by chat and to speed up the work by a
WYSIWYG text editor, with no instant messaging
software or specific formal language. In this context
data reliability and single user’s data maintenance
are key factors, and then critical information is
properly spread to all members by Comet technique.
This paper is organized in two sections: in the
first section, basic techniques of the model are
illustrated, with their most relevant features, and
client/server interaction is described, highlighting
the aspects tied with real-time feature and some
AJAX patterns; in the section two some projects are
illustrated with the respective implementation
aspects. These projects are compared with our
proposal. Moreover our multiuser model and chosen
strategies, support tools and future perspectives are
shown in details.
The conclusions highlight the effectiveness of a
synergic use of these techniques to improve some
parameters of client/server communication, in the
aim to allow a better interaction between clients via
server in the real-time collaborative schema,
exploiting just standard solutions.
Balzano W., del Sorbo M. and Di Liberto L. (2009).
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - Software Agents and Internet Computing, pages 35-40
DOI: 10.5220/0001858100350040
2.1 AJAX/Comet
AJAX is a set of interconnected techniques applied
to improve web applications. Data are retrieved
using the
XMLHttpRequest (http://www.w3.org/
TR/XMLHttpRequest, 2008). Despite of the name,
XMLHttpRequest object is often combined with
JSON (JavaScript Object Notation), (http://json
2008), and SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics).
Comet, word introduced by Alex Russell, leading
developer at Dojo Toolkit, in communication style
defined Push Technology, consists of a long-lived
HTTP connection between client and server, always
initialized by client by a handshaking but then left
open so that the server might send data, when
needed, even if user hasn’t actually required them.
The persistent connection, oppositely, could lead
to issues in the resources management as it creates a
pending request between client and server to which a
thread is always allocated. An Event Driven
architecture is apt to face these problems, as SEDA
(Welsh M. et al., 2001). The standard feature
Continuations of Jetty web server is also exploitable,
managing up to 10000 concurrent connections from
857 threads and reducing the memory stack from
694 MB to 57 MB.
2.2 Real-Time Client/Server
Synchronous client/server paradigm defined "click,
wait and refresh" is frequent in web applications.
But this scheme has some drawbacks as redundant
data loading and blocked web interface. AJAX faces
these problems producing two key benefits:
interactivity between users and web interface,
since even if the browser is making a request
to the server, possibly hidden to the user, the
user can interact with the web interface, so
always available;
reactivity in the communication, as only a
section of the page is reloaded, that is only the
data needed in response to the client.
The asynchronous interaction created by
XMLHttpRequest object allows the user to perceive
a greater efficiency, satisfaction and usually a richer
experience of web utilization (White A., 2006).
The client/server communication can further
improve through two patterns: Predictive Fetch
(http://AJAXpatterns.org/Predictive_Fetch, 2008), to
try to anticipate the actions of user himself, and
Submission Throttling (http://AJAXpatterns.org/Sub
mission_Throttling, 2008), to dispatch data to server
in the background, and to manage these interactions
opportune widgets or techniques as Yellow Fade are
used. The main graphical schema is shown in fig. 1.
Figure 1: Real-time data validation made in background
by the browser.
In the case of critical data update, the Comet
technique allows a client/server communication
perceivable as in real-time because data are
exchanged among the various participants as soon as
possible, without explicitly requiring refreshes of the
page by client-side or cycles request by the browser
to the server, leading to a useless network traffic. In
figure 2 is illustrated an example of critical data
update, regarded in our project. A client updating
shared context by
XMLHttpRequest object
generates data sending from server to other clients
and update of only his personal context, with a
persistent client/server connection to obtain a better
performance in communicating with one slow-start
and fewer of RTT (Round Trip Time)
Figure 2: Critical data update in a Client/Server interaction
ICEIS 2009 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
3.1 A Comparative Analysis
In this section are recalled and compared only recent
works, pertinent to real-time collaborative problems
according to Web 2.0 style: particular attention has
been paid to the updates diffusing procedures to
users and the base techniques of applications.
UsaProxy 2 (Atterer R. et al., 2007) allows the
vision and use of the same page or application by
two different browsers at the same time, without
installing client-side code. In particular it offers two
modes: Monitoring, in which all user actions are
communicated to the second user's browser that in
this case can only assist, and Shared Browsing, in
which the two browsers are locked together and each
user can see other's actions which he may possibly
influence and then even generate conflicts. The
definite area we are interested in is the Shared
Browsing, in which rather to see a remote pointer of
the other user, the two users can also chat in a
window. Unlike our project, collaboration is
mutually exclusive, one user at a time can operate,
and it is also mainly directed to a couple of users.
The real-time data update between the two browsers
is implemented through the polling technique and a
chat window is placed above the webpage, hindering
users a complete vision.
In (Gstöttner G., 2007) the author, member of
the Austrian ISAC-team (ISAC-team, 2002)
interested in systems for applied mathematics whose
main area is e-learning, suggests to use AJAX
techniques, with the aim to achieve interactive and
responsive web applications, and Data Push method
to send data from the server to the connected clients,
by Polling and Comet. In this case different
connected users can observe the computation
progress but only one user can control and act.
Comet technique is particularly indicated to send
immediately the results of the computation to the
connected users. In this article it is suggested the
DWR framework to implement Comet technique.
In (Toffetti Carughi et al, 2007) the author
focuses their attention on the modelling methods
shortage for the push-enabled RIA characteristics,
particularly suited for collaborative web
applications, proposing an extension of a language
to implement the different aspects of distributed
communication such as synchronicity, persistence,
and message filtering using a combination of
primitive and patterns. The use case presented is the
multiuser collaboration through a server and the
methods to send and receive events triggered in
response to user actions or directly by the server. To
implement this model was used OpenLaszlo
framework which led to client-side installation of a
flash plug-in.
Google Docs represents a very famous
application for real-time web collaboration
according to Web 2.0 in Beta version. Also in this
case the users share the project and receive
simultaneous and regular updates.
As in (Atterer et al., 2007) we propose a chat
module to support the communication between
users, with the innovation of a proper space in web
interface and as
Schrottner we suggest Comet
technique to inform users about critical data update
mainly using DWR framework unlike the
indications in (Toffetti Carughi et al, 2007).
Moreover in our project there are many other
dissimilarities properly emphasized in the following
3.2 Our Approach: The Ajax/Comet
Techniques for Live RIA
The aim of our project is to enable all and only users
involved in the task to update every parts of work
simultaneously whereas other users are enabled just
to see the project in the last realised state.
Figure 3 shows an example of interaction by
graphical interface. The Red user logins and
accesses real-time update mode. His login is notified
in the dashboard in both users and notifications
sections. Green user has idRT as his scope, Smith
user has idAC as his scope and Red, once logged in,
has idChat as his scope. Subsequently Green user
updates idRT, action reported in notifications, in the
meantime Smith has changed scope, selecting idApp
and Red is devoted to idAC.
Figure 3: An effective chat example of RIA collaborative
schema by Ajax/Comet technique.
public void updateMessage(String msg) {
messages.addFirst(new Message(msg));
WebContext wctx = WebContextFactory.get();
String currentPage = wctx.getCurrentPage();
ScriptBuffer script = new ScriptBuffer();
Collection pages = wctx.getScriptSessionsByPage(currentPage);
for (Iterator it = pages.iterator(); it.hasNext();)
{ ScriptSession otherSession = (ScriptSession) it.next();
otherSession.addScript(script); }
Code Fragment 1: Java method invoked by a Javascript function for Return or Send button.
In order to present our model we focused on
some important issues about the main idea of a new
approach for collaborative AJAX/Comet techniques
oriented to applications:
desktop vs. web application development (RIA);
real-time client/client communication (Live RIA);
data fidelity.
RIA. According to the philosophy of Web 2.0 we
have mainly conceived a mashup composed by two
features, a chat module and a WYSIWYG (What
You See Is What You Get) text editor. The chat
module, realized using Comet technique, offers to
users a straight communication in a web interface. A
dashboard is added to the chat, allowing each user
the sight of the scope of every other user: near the
logged nick appears the id of the current working
section to inform the users about the working state
with elaboration notifications. A simple idea of the
program code’s kernel is shown in the following
chunk of a representative Java method invoked by a
Javascript function when an user sends a chat
message by clicking Return or Send menu button. In
this method the actual context is obtained by a
feature of DWR toolkit and then Javascript function
updates chat content.
The WYSIWYG text editor realized in the
AJAX style facilitates the upgrade procedure usually
divided into three steps, editing, preview and review
and publication, in only one step which consists in
editing and immediately seeing the final update’s
Several operations are performed in background
without user’s explicit actions, other operations are
executed by the server in response to some events
caused by user’s actions, always by an immediate
Desktop like interaction as it happens with
postAsynchHiddenE(id, event, url).
Live RIA.
Following suggestions in (Bhide et al,
2002) for data characterized by a critical update in
web applications, the data push technique
implemented in the Comet model has been used, so
as to immediately inform the different people
involved: when a user causes an event enabling a
data modification, first the current context with all
the users involved in updating is available and then
through Java methods and Javascript functions users
of this context are updated.
In figure 4 is shown the main schema for a
critical data update using Comet technique and
allowing the server to send data to the client in a
minimum update time.
Figure 4: The main interaction client/server updating
schema using Comet technique.
ICEIS 2009 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 5: Updating of context area of a web collaborative application.
An extra critical problem related a multiuser
cooperation scenario with numerous concurrent
users, is the timing management. The proposed
solution was to offer a wide choice of action to users
who can work on the same section changing it
without the risk of losing their jobs if someone else
terminates before and updates the context. In the
following figure 5a is shown the reference schema
for a data sending to the shared context: the main
operations carried out involve the updating of shared
and personal contexts. In figure 5b is represented an
exemplifying schema of a conditional update: the
application tries to update the shared context area
using methods similar to conditional-get technique,
i.e. comparing the last change time with the present
change time. The updating occurs only if the
observed period was greater than a specific
Data Fidelity
. The data shared between users are
promptly updated and the work done by individual
users is saved. If for any reason, a user does not
receive the update from the shared context, he can
still ask for it when he tries to update a section
recently amended or when he reads processing
notifications on the dashboard.
Thanks to AJAX/Comet techniques we can extend
the range of many scenarios, from desktop to the
web, as the case of multi-collaboration (Shen H. et
al., 2007).
The interest for AJAX is increasing in different
contexts, such as e-learning not only based on
multimedia features, but even on these innovative
techniques (Lin Y. et al., 2007). For example, in a
scientific context, using AJAX and SVG excellent
applications could be achieved, that graphically
represent mathematic functions.
Comet technique is still in an initial phase and
even if it presents some problems on the server side,
it is fundamental for an immediate propagation of
data to clients. There is an increasing interest about
it by the web developers community because very
probably the Push Technology represents a mode to
spread updated data better then Polling. In particular,
the Dojo Toolkit has realized the Bayeux Protocol
(Davis D. et al., 2007) to make client/client
communication via server more responsive.
Further features can be performed to improve
real-time web collaboration as audio chat and
operation log: in this way each user can better
understand the current work state thanks to the
cognition of the earlier states, because the user gets
information of operations and their performers.
A real-time client/client communication via
server realized by AJAX/Comet techniques involves
important benefits, in particular no plug-in
installation: users can exploit these web technologies
in every computer connected to Net. Furthermore an
implementation based on standard features allows
developers to rely on normal support groups in the
Web and more friendly with different browsers.
Strategies and techniques described lead to
possibility to take advantage of different services
everywhere according to Cloud Computing style.
(a) Updating of shared and personal contexts.
(b) Conditional update of shared context.
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