An Analysis of Customer-to-Customer Trust on eShop-Platforms
Georg Peters and Vasily Andrianov
University of Applied Sciences - Muenchen
Department of Computer Science and Mathematics
Lothstrasse 34, 80335 Munich, Germany
Consumer-to-Consumer Trust, eShops, Helpfulness of product reviews.
In the last decade the market share of online stores in the retail sector has risen constantly and partly replaced
traditional face-to-face shops in cities and shopping malls. One reason is that the cost structure of online shops
is lower than of classic shops since the latter have to finance physical stores and sales personnel. On the one
hand, this often leads to a strategic cost advantage and results lower selling prices. On the other hand, online
stores normally do not provide personal consulting services as in traditionally face-to-face shops. However,
online shops have established different forms of product consulting to compensate the missing personal advice
of the sales persons in a physical shop - examples are product related hotlines or online chatrooms. An even
cheaper possibility is to establish a recommendation system where previous buyers are invited to write reviews
on a product. Some eShops even provide some kind of cascading system: a product review written by a
customer can be classified as helpful or not by other customers. In our research we focus on this second
cascade. The objective of our paper is to analyze if there are structures or rules that make product reviews
written by customers helpful for other customers.
In the last decade the market share of online stores
in the retail sector has risen constantly and partly
replaced traditional face-to-face shops in cities and
shopping malls.One reason is that the cost structure of
online shops is lower than of classic shops since the
latter have to finance physical stores and sales person-
On the one hand, this often leads to a strategic cost
advantage and results lower selling prices of products.
On the other hand, online stores normally do not pro-
vide personal consulting services as in traditionally
face-to-face shops.
However, online shops have established different
forms of product consulting to compensate the miss-
ing personal advice of the sales persons in a physical
shop - examples are product related hotlines or online
An even cheaper possibility is to establish a rec-
ommendation system where previous buyers are in-
vited to write reviews on products. Therefore - be-
sides the reputation of a product or a company and
reviews in neutral consumer magazines, like Stiftung
Warentest in Germany or Which in the UK - recom-
mendations by former buyers influence the decision
which product will be bought by a consumer. The
non-commercial communication between consumers
about goods and services is known as word of mouth
or electronic word of mouth if it is primarily electron-
ically based (Arndt, 1967; Westbrook, 1987).
Some eShops even provide some kind of cascad-
ing system: a product review written by a customer
can be classified as helpful or not by other customers.
In our research we focus on this second cascade. In
a previous study Peters et al. (Peters et al., 2007)
analyzed the German Amazon shopping platform to
find out if there are hidden rules of thumb for writing
helpful product reviews. They applied basic statisti-
cal methods and found some weak indicators how to
write helpful reviews.
The objective of our present research is to ap-
ply more advanced statistical methods and analyze if
there are structures or rules that make product reviews
helpful for other customers. In contrast to the previ-
ous study of Peters et al. (Peters et al., 2007) we ana-
lyze data of Amazon’s U.S. based shop system.
The paper is organized as follows. In Section 2 we
present the results of our study on the helpfulness of
product reviews on eShop platforms. The paper con-
cludes with a summary in Section 3.
Peters G. and Andrianov V. (2009).
ON THE HELPFULNESS OF PRODUCT REVIEWS - An Analysis of Customer-to-Customer Trust on eShop-Platforms.
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - Software Agents and Internet Computing, pages 41-46
DOI: 10.5220/0001858800410046
2.1 Preliminaries
Amazon is as a pioneer of the Internet. It was founded
as an Internet based bookshop more than 10 years
ago. Today, its product range is similar to the product
range of a classic department store covering kitchen
ware, watches, CD & DVD, computer hard- as well
as software, cloth besides many others products. Be-
sides its own department store business Amazon runs
an Internet-based shop platform for third-party retail-
ers and therefore functions as some kind of Internet
In the year 2007 Amazon generated net sales of
USD 14,835 millions up from USD 10,711 millions
in the previous year which is an increase of more that
38% (Amazon, 2008). This makes Amazon to the
world’s leading Internet retailer and shopping plat-
On its shopping sites Amazon provides its cus-
tomers a C2C communication platform where reviews
and pictures of products can be exchanged. Amazon
constantly adds new C2C functionality like the re-
cently introduced video messages. The C2C informa-
tion of mostly former buyers shall help potential buy-
ers to make their decisions which product to choose.
So these information influence the level of trust a po-
tential buyer experiences for a product. However,
since the information sources, the authors of the re-
views, are normally not personally known or even
anonymous to the potential buyer she/he faces another
challenge: Can I trust the information sources and
their comments on a certain product.
In this context Amazon provides the possibility to
rate a product review as helpful. So, product reviews
that are mostly considered as helpful can be regarded
as good reviews. The objective of this study is to ana-
lyze correlations between product review features and
the acceptance of a review defined by the helpfulness
parameter. The analysis is conducted within product
categories as well as between different categories.
For our study we choose product categories that
have been used in previous studies on eMarketing and
customer behavior (e.g. (Wang and Head, 2007)) al-
ready. They are listed below:
Digital cameras
Mobile phones
For our analysis the following parameters of the
product reviews were selected and group into three
Review based Parameters. Text length; ab-
solute and relative numbers of syllables, words,
sentences, paragraphs, punctuation marks, sig-
nal words (superlative and customer-support-
groups), figures, personal pronouns; product
rating given by the reviewer, helpful votes
(Hel p f ulV), total votes (TotalV ), review accep-
tance (Acceptance =
Hel p f ulV
), readability in-
dexes (Flesch and SMOG), presence of listed pas-
sages in the review.
Reviewer based Parameters. Number of re-
views, average rating of all author’s reviews, pres-
ence of the real name’ badge, presence of a re-
viewer’s photo.
Product based Parameters. Average prod-
uct rating (avProdRat), product rating given by
the reviewer (ProdRat), relative product rating
(relProdRat =
), total reviews on prod-
uct, presence of the product name in the review.
As shop systems Amazon was chosen. Besides
its leading position as online shop a main reason for
selecting Amazon was that it provides easy access to
its data.
2.2 Hypotheses
Based on the parameters as given above we defined
hypotheses which can roughly be grouped into the
following categories:
Letter and Word Analysis
Semantic Analysis
Product-based Analysis
Reviewer-based Analysis
Our hypotheses are defined in the following para-
2.2.1 Letter and Word Analysis
In this category we subsume hypotheses that count
letters and words without caring about their meaning.
Text Length. The impact of the text length of a re-
view on its helpfulness is difficult to predict. On the
one hand, a long review may be regarded as more so-
phisticated and comprehensive than a short review;
on the other hand, a short review may be clearer and
more precise.
This motivates to the following hypothesis.
ICEIS 2009 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
H1b. The impact of the text length on the helpfulness
gets weaker for longer texts.
Punctuation Marks. Punctuation marks help to
structure a text and give it an intonation. Therefore
punctuation marks should have a positive impact on
the helpfulness of the review.
This motivates to the following hypotheses.
H1c. The frequency of punctuation marks correlates
positively with the helpfulness of the review.
H1e. The frequency of the question marks correlates
positively with review acceptance.
H1d. The frequency of the exclamation marks corre-
lates positively with review acceptance.
Paragraph Density. We define ’paragraph density’
as average paragraph size (in number of words) in a
review. Long paragraphs might be more difficult to
read and therefore have a negative impact on the help-
fulness of the review.
This motivates to the following hypothesis.
H1g. Reviews with a high paragraph density are less
helpful than reviews with a low paragraph density.
2.2.2 Semantic Analysis
Automated analysis of semantics is still an ongoing
research topic. Therefore, we restrict our analysis to
some very basics.
Readability. According to DuBay (DuBay, 2004)
readability is what makes some texts easier to read
than others’. McLaughlin who suggested the SMOG
readability index defines readability as ’the degree to
which a given class of people find certain reading
matter comprehensible and conclusive’ (McLaughlin,
By 1981, over 200 readability indexes were pro-
posed (Klare, 1981) which can be grouped into two
Semantic aspects, e.g. related to vocabulary
Syntactic aspects, e.g. average sentence length.
In our analysis we select two popular readability
indexes, a variation of Flesch’s (Flesch, 1974) famous
readability index, the Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level,
and SMOG readability index.
The Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level is defined as fol-
FKGL = 0.39 ·
+ 11, 8 ·
while the SMOG index (McLaughlin, 1969) is de-
fined as:
SMOG = 1.043 ·
+ 3.1291
To analyze the correlation between readability and
the helpfulness of a review we apply the relative de-
viance from the means of the indexes:
relRD1 =
relRD2 =
We propose that reviews are more helpful when
they are easier to read in comparison reviews with low
readability indexes.
This motivates to the following hypothesis.
H2a. The review readability positively correlates
with the helpfulness of a review.
Personal Pronouns. A high frequency of personal
pronouns of the first and second person may make the
reader more involved in the review. So, in this case the
review helpfulness is expected to be above average.
The same applies to the usage of personal and relative
pronouns of the second person.
This motivates to the following hypotheses.
H2b. The more personal pronouns (I, me, we and us)
and relative pronouns (my, our, mine and ours) are
used, the more helpful the review is.
H2c. The more a reviewer uses personal pronouns
(you) as well as relative pronouns (your, yours)
the more helpful the review is.
Numbers. Numbers are normally used to describe
details of a product and maybe considered as objec-
tive. This objectiveness may be perceived positively
by the readers and result in trust in the author of the
This motivates to the following hypothesis.
H2f. The more numbers are used in a review the more
helpful the review is.
2.2.3 Product-based Analysis
In this Section we define hypotheses that are related
to the reviewed product itself.
Relative Product Rating. We assume that extreme
product ratings, in numbers of stars, are less helpful
in comparison to average product ratings. Extreme
product ratings are defined to be far away from av-
erage. For example, the average number of stars for
a product is four. Then, a product reviewer is con-
sidered as extreme when she/he awards the product
just one star. This deviation from the average may
ON THE HELPFULNESS OF PRODUCT REVIEWS - An Analysis of Customer-to-Customer Trust on eShop-Platforms
be regarded as less helpful review than a mainstream
This motivates to the following hypotheses.
H3a1. The relative product rating correlates with re-
view helpfulness.
H3a2. The product acceptance correlates with review
Product Rating and Review Attention. Here, we
focus on the relationship of the product rating and the
helpfulness of the review. We assume that critical re-
views are more helpful than encomiums.
When a critical review is an exception to the com-
mon opinion about this product it will get more at-
tention (Homer and Yoon, 1992; Park and Lee, 2008)
since the reader is already aware of the positive sides
of the product and is looking for its downside to ob-
tain a comprehensive evaluation (Bone, 1995).
The number of feedbacks on a review indicates
the attention it gets. Extreme reviews probably get
more attention than mainstream reviews. However,
that might have a negative impact on the acceptance
of the review.
This motivates to the following hypotheses.
H3b. The helpfulness of negative reviews (one to
three stars) is higher than the helpfulness of posi-
tive reviews (four and five stars).
H3d. The more often a review has been evaluated the
less helpful it is.
2.2.4 Reviewer-based Analysis
In this Section we develop hypotheses that are cen-
tered around the reviewer of a product.
Previous Review Helpfulness of the Reviewer.
Normally, the authors of the product reviews are not
personally known by the reader. Authors even have
the possibility to hide personal information like their
real names, e-mail addresses etc. and publish their
opinions using a pseudonym.
So, the reader of a review may regard an author
who was trusted by previous readers already also as
more trustful as an author without a comparable good
reputation. For example, McKnight et al. (McKnight
et al., 2002) claim that the reputation plays an essen-
tial role when a person is identified as a trustworthy
A high degree of trust can be obtained by signals
that indicate a high expertise of the reviewer. So,
Bone (Bone, 1995, p. 220) found that ’the influence
of WOM was stronger when provided by an expert
than when provided by a non-expert.
Therefore, an experienced reviewer with many
well accepted reviews might probably has a head-start
over a novice with respect to trust.
This motivates to the following hypotheses.
H4a. The higher an average acceptance of previous
reviews of a reviewer is, the higher the acceptance
of his current or next review is.
H4b. A review by an author who has written many
reviews before is more helpful than a review writ-
ten by an author who has written a small number
of reviews.
2.3 Analysis and Results
2.3.1 Some Fundamental Descriptive Statistics
of the Data
On average the longest reviews (TotalWords) can be
found in the product categories music, software and
digital cameras. In the category digital cameras we
have the highest number of (Numbers). Punctuation
is higher than the average in music reviews. Personal
pronouns of first-person (PP1) are most frequently
used in digital cameras reviews.
The best readability (average of relRD1 and
relRD2) can be found in reviews on music and cell
phones. In contrast to that the worst readability in-
dexes occurred in reviews on software and digital
The most positive average product ratings
(avProdRat) are in the categories books and music.
The worst in software and cell phones.
On average, the helpfulness of reviews is between
77% and 79% for all product categories except for
music (61%) and software (70%).
2.3.2 Correlations
All variables are significantly correlated.
In general the correlations appear to be weak.
There is no single features that has a dominate influ-
ence on the helpfulness of a review.
2.3.3 Factor Analysis
In total we analyzed 24 features (review-based,
reviewer-based and product-based). To reduced these
features we apply factor analysis, in particular Princi-
pal Components Analysis (PCA) with a varimax rota-
WOM: words-of-mouth.
ICEIS 2009 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
We use the graphical method scree test’ (Cattell,
1966) to define the number of factors to be extracted.
The eigenvalues are depicted in a line plot in Fig. 1.
Figure 1: Eigenvalues over Component Numbers.
Cattell suggests to find the point where the smooth
decrease of eigenvalues appears to level off to the
right of the plot. To the right of this point, one finds
only ’factorial scree’.
According to this criterion we retain five factors.
The first factor is characterized by high loadings on
the review variables that reflect text size and com-
plexity. The second factor is characterized by high
loadings reflecting review attention. The third factor
is related to product ratings in the review. The fourth
factor contains variables referring to the review help-
fulness. The fifth factor sums up variables represent-
ing the emotional context. Five variables had loadings
less than 0.2 and were dropped from subsequent anal-
The correlation analysis of the retained factors and
review helpfulness show that the factors are indepen-
dent - as it is a central objective of the data reduction.
The factors were tested on correlations with the
helpfulness of the reviews. Along the lines with our
analysis of all features we obtain correlations with the
helpfulness criterion on comparable levels of signifi-
cance and strengths.
2.4 Limitations of the Study
The main limitations of the study are as follows:
Source of Test Data. For our study we only an-
alyzed data of the Amazon shop. Other eShop plat-
forms may provide different data. We also do not have
any influence on the role of Amazon as moderator that
may do not publish all or change product reviews.
Spelling Errors in Reviews. The spelling errors
in reviews as well as other linguistic irregularities are
not considered.
Dictionaries for Word Groups ’Superlatives’ and
’Customer Support’. Dictionaries for superlatives
may not include all significant signal words.
Social Structure of Reviewers and Readers. An-
other limitation is that product reviews can only be
submitted by registered Amazon customer. These
customer group may not be representative for average
Internet users. We also restrained from any analysis
of the demographics of the users.
Review Manipulations. There is also a possibility,
that some reviews are ’fakes’, e.g. written by compa-
nies trying to promote their products.
No Cause-Effect Relations Findings. Correlation
analysis do not provide insides into cause-effect rela-
2.5 Discussion of the Results
The study shows that there are weak, however signif-
icant correlations between our tested features and the
helpfulness of the reviews. Therefore, it is not possi-
ble to give a simple rule of thumb how to write helpful
However, some indicators that may help to get a
positive feedback on a review can be derived out of
the Tables referred to in the previous Sections.
The main reason for this result of our analy-
sis is that a document is more than ’bag-of-words’
(Whitelaw and Patrick, 2004) and our analysis was
limited to formal, mainly non-semantic aspects. More
sophisticated methods, like concepts based on com-
puter linguistics, may provide further evidence. Such
methods - utilized for semantic analysis (Scott and
Matwin, 1998) and syntactic analysis (Carr and Es-
tival, 2002) - and other text classification models may
provide further insides.
Our study shows and proofs again the present big
gab between formals methods and natural language.
From a pure IT perspective that might be considered
as a pity; however, from a more human centered per-
spective this result is positive since natural language
still remains a hideaway that is difficult to addressed
by information technology. For IT it will remain one
of the big challenges in the foreseeable future.
The hierarchical structure in the retail market, experts
in shops recommend products to their customers, has
changed significantly towards a flat structure where
customers exchange their experience on products. In
this context trust plays an important role since cus-
tomers have to trust the judgement of often anony-
mous authors of product reviews.
ON THE HELPFULNESS OF PRODUCT REVIEWS - An Analysis of Customer-to-Customer Trust on eShop-Platforms
Therefore, in this study we investigate the rela-
tionship between text features and the helpfulness of
reviews on an online shopping platform. We found
statistically significant but weak correlations. The re-
sults are positive in the sense that, presently, it seems
to be impossible to automatically write helpful re-
views and that human language is still too complex to
be fully mapped into basic computer linguistic con-
Based on the results of our present analysis we are
planning to apply more advanced computer linguistic
concepts to disclose further structures of helpful re-
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ICEIS 2009 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems