Thomas Neubauer
Secure Business Austria, Favoritenstrasse 16, 1040 Vienna, Austria
Security, Risk Management, Economics, Decision Support.
IT security incidents pose a major threat to the efficient execution of corporate strategies and business pro-
cesses. Although companies generally spend a lot of money on security companies are often not aware of
their spending on security and even more important if these investments into security are effective. This paper
provides decision makers with an overview of decision support techniques, describes pros and cons of these
Companies are often not aware of their spending on
security and even more important if the investments
into security are effective. The definition of security
safeguards is often a result of current needs or influ-
enced by security problems that may go public. When
seeking to select the most appropriate set of measures
and, thus, the right level of security investments, de-
cision makers are challenged by (i) having to concen-
trate resources on value-generating and supplemen-
tary business processes while (ii) having to consider
multiple strategic objectives that are often conflicting
as well as (iii) the cost-efficient usage of the available
resources and interdependencies between the systems
and (iv) a variety of potential technologies and po-
tential systems. As a consequence security decisions
provide only punctual solutions and are made without
considering the costs and benefits of introducing the-
ses measures. Accordingly, a variety of approaches
have been introduced that aim to support decision
makers in identifying the “right” investment candi-
dates. This paper provides decision makers with an
overview of common methods for the evaluation and
selection of security safeguards and describes pros
and cons of these methodologies. One major focus of
this evaluation lies on identifying the methods capa-
bilities in (i) considering business processes for align-
ing expenditure to actual business needs and (ii) inte-
grating multiple objectives in order to properly con-
sider financial, technical and/or further types of ob-
jectives. Thereby this paper supports decision makers
in their decision which methods to choose when hav-
ing to evaluate security investments.
The Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) developed by
Saaty (Saaty, 1980) is a tool for solving multicriteria
decision making problems and is based on the prin-
ciples of hierarchy, pairwise comparison, and weight
synthesizing for prioritizing criteria and the evalua-
tion of alternatives. Specifically, the process consists
of the following steps: Structuring a Hierarchy, Pri-
oritizing the Criteria, Evaluating the Alternatives, and
Calculating the Global Priorities. The Analytic Hier-
archy Process (AHP) is a widespread and easy to use
decision support tool for evaluating different alterna-
tives that can be applied to solve security safeguard
selection problems. Its strength is the analysis of the
alternatives’ properties in different categories, or in
other words, the evaluation of alternatives with re-
spect to multiple objectives. The pairwise comparison
technique however requires (i) the direct comparabil-
ity of alternatives and (ii) may result in a major ef-
fort. As security safeguards are not limited to techni-
cal solutions but also include organizational measures
and operational procedures, comparing them directly
may be problematic, e.g., comparing a packet filter-
ing firewall with a fire extinguisher. Therefore, it may
be beneficial not to use the AHP as a standalone tool
for solving information security-related problems, but
Neubauer T. (2009).
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - Information Systems Analysis and Specification, pages
DOI: 10.5220/0001860503200323
to integrate it with other methods. Regarding the ef-
fort, Maiden (Maiden and Ncube, 1998) illustrates
this fact by means of a case study of a project with
about 130 requirements: because it would have re-
quired an estimated 42,000+ individual paired com-
parison scores, applying AHP was impossible in this
and similar cases due to the time constraint involved.
Another framework that takes multiple objectives
into consideration when determining suitable secu-
rity safeguards is the cost/benefit-based Security At-
tribute Evaluation Method (SAEM) (Butler, 2002). As
the risk assessment process is tasked with prioritiz-
ing threats, a benefit assessment determines the safe-
guard effectiveness, and a cost analysis determines
the expenses associated with the security measures.
The SAEM process involves the following four steps:
Risk Assessment, Benefit Analysis, Coverage Analy-
sis, and Security Technology Tradeoff Analysis. Un-
like AHP, it was developed specifically for solving in-
formation security evaluation problems and therefore
particularly addresses security-related concepts such
as threats and safeguard effectiveness. Multiobjectiv-
ity is considered in the multiattribute risk assessment
where threats are ranked according to their likeli-
hood of occurrence and impact on attack outcome at-
tributes. The resulting threat index values and the ef-
fectiveness values of the security technologies under
consideration are then used to calculate their risk re-
duction impact. The coverage analysis ensures that no
security gap is overlooked when arranging the safe-
guard portfolio, and the tradeoff analysis compares
the risk reduction impact and other benefits of secu-
rity measures with their costs like implementation or
maintenance costs. The SAEM approach is a very de-
tailed and structured process to evaluate information
security and safeguards. The risk assessment pro-
cess ensures that specific threats are addressed, and
the benefit and tradeoff analysis consider the multiob-
jectivity of threat consequences and safeguard effec-
tiveness. The normalization of threat and safeguard
values also allows the concurrent usage of qualitative
and quantitative data. But, as the SAEM method is
quite detailed and extensive, it is also rather complex
to conduct. Each phase requires relatively much work
and, without automation of certain steps, this work
can be quite tedious. Although this method allows the
definition of multiple objectives, the outcome is still
aggregated into a single scalar value used for the eval-
uation, i.e., the threats and safeguards cannot be eval-
uated subject to the attributes ’independently’. Also,
SAEM does not consider the business processes and
the safeguards’ influence on them.
The Central Computer and Telecommunications
Agency (CCTA) Risk Analysis and Management
Method (CRAMM) (InsightConsulting, 2007) is a
commercial qualitative risk analysis methodology de-
veloped by the UK government’s Central Computer
and Telecommunications Agency in full compliance
with BS7799. CRAMM is divided into the three
stages Asset Identification and Valuation, Threat and
Vulnerability Assessment, and Countermeasure Se-
lection and Recommendation. The CRAMM pro-
cess includes the following steps: Assets, Threats,
Vulnerabilities, Risks, Countermeasures, Implemen-
tation, and Audit. The frameworkis intended for large
governmental and commercial organizations. It pro-
vides a structural method to identify relevant assets
(arranged into asset groups), possible vulnerabilities,
and threats, to combine them to risks that are mea-
sured according to the assets’ values and vulnerability
and threat levels, and to recommend suitable counter-
measures. The process is considered as rather com-
plex and considerable experience is required in order
to produce meaningful and correct results. There-
fore, organizations often rely on external qualified
CRAMM practitioners to conduct the analysis in-
stead of letting internal analysts undergo the exten-
sive training to gain the necessary expertise. This re-
duces the organization’s internal staffs involvement
in the assessment phase and therefore also does not
improve their insight into security matters. The out-
come is often quite extensive and a full review may
last up to several months. The framework neither of-
fers the flexibility to customize it to the organizations
characteristics, nor does it provide an evaluation of
business process related issues. Grouping the assets
into asset groups may also prove to be unfavorable,
as all assets have their own properties and security re-
quirements. And finally, CRAMM does not calculate
economic indicators, such as implementation costs of
the recommended safeguards and whether they fit into
the security budget.
Operationally Critical Threat, Asset, and Vulner-
ability Evaluation (OCTAVE) (CERT, 2007) is a risk-
based strategic assessment and planning technique for
security developed by the Carnegie Mellon Univer-
sity. Essentially, the OCTAVE framework is a set
of criteria containing guidelines and requirements for
implementing process steps, instead of pre-specified
techniques. These criteria must be fulfilled in or-
der to correctly implement the OCTAVE framework.
Unlike other frameworks, the OCTAVE approach fo-
cuses on organizational risks instead of technological
ones and is structured into three phases: Build Asset-
based Threat Profiles, Identify Infrastructure Vulner-
abilities, and Develop Security Strategy and Plans.
OCTAVE is quite different to CRAMM: On the one
hand, the actual OCTAVE framework does not pro-
vide a step by step procedure as CRAMM, but a set
of criteria that has to be met to conform to the OC-
TAVE methodology. This provides great adaptability
and more flexibility than CRAMM to address specific
organizational needs. For easier access, three specific
application methods have been developed to choose
from, suited for different sizes of organizations. On
the other hand, it is self-directed, meaning that the
OCTAVE methodology has to be wholly exercisable
by the organizations internal staff in a workshop en-
vironment, thus not relying on external experts. Fi-
nally, OCTAVE is focused on organizational risks,
whereas CRAMM concentrates more on technical is-
sues, and OCTAVE generally does not take threat
likelihood into consideration (except for OCTAVE S
which provides basic means for including threat like-
lihood in the evaluation).
While the risk assessment methodologies evaluate
security technologies on their effectiveness to miti-
gate risks, the POSeM framework deals with informa-
tion security in a different way. The Process-Oriented
Security Model (POSeM) framework developed at the
University of Z¨ı¿
rich by ı¿
hrig (R¨ohrig, 2002) is
a methodology to define security requirements and to
derive security measures by using process models as
the basis for the analysis. In this proposal, the four
security objectives confidentiality, integrity, availabil-
ity, and accountability are used to measure the secu-
rity levels of each process component (actor, artifact,
activity), and suitable security measures are derived
via rule bases. It takes into consideration that as-
sets do not generate business value themselves, but
participate in business processes that produce utility,
and therefore the methodologies rely on business pro-
cesses as the basis for their analysis. It also ignores
specific harmful events (e.g., threats), but concentrate
on eliciting security requirements and deriving appro-
priate security measures. The POSeM approach con-
sists of five steps: Definition of General Security Ob-
jectives, SEPL Model, Consistency Analysis, Deriva-
tion of Generic Security Measures, and an optional
Implementation Phase. The strengths of the POSeM
approach lie in the usage of business process mod-
els as the basis for the security evaluation and the
definition of organization specific rule sets for the
consistency checks and safeguard derivation. Using
process models seems to be a logical step in today’s
process-centered world. As processes are continually
improved (or completely restructured with BPR tech-
niques), the security status should be evaluated and
improved in line with the business processes. Relying
on the well established CIA properties also enhances
the insight into security-related matters of processes,
especially by assigning them to the individual process
components (participant, data, activity). By defining
organization-specific rules, the particularities of the
organization and its main processes can be taken into
consideration, thus reaching a high level of adaptabil-
ity of the POSeM process. These rules can be spec-
ified once and stored for further uses, which signifi-
cantly reduces the amount of time needed for the (re-
)evaluation. And the formal description methods of
SPEL, SMDL, and SCRL allow a high degree of au-
tomation, thus further reducing the workload. As em-
phasized by ı¿
hrig, this framework is mainly in-
tended to elicit the requirements for safeguards, but
not to decide which specific safeguards to choose. As
a matter of fact, it is not suited as a standalone deci-
sion making method. The outcome of the evaluation
is solely a list that is suitable for implementing the
required security levels of the process components.
This is underpinned by the fact that the economical
factors of safeguards, namely their costs in monetary
or time units, are completely neglected and only the
technical aspect of security measures are evaluated.
Furthermore, POSeM ignores any specific negative
factors influencing business processes such as threats
and vulnerabilities, which are integral parts of risk as-
sessment practices. No harmful events (such as a viral
infection of the information system) are considered
and therefore no safeguards can be defined to counter
that specific problem. This is a major disadvantage of
a framework that is specifically designed to be a secu-
rity evaluation process.
The CORAS Framework is a tool-supported and
model-based risk analysis methodology, the result
of the EU-funded CORAS project. The frame-
work is founded on four pillars: Risk Documen-
tation Framework, Risk Management Process, Inte-
grated Risk Management Process and System Devel-
opment Process, and Platform for Tool Inclusion. The
CORAS framework that also applies UML for mod-
eling security-related issues, is centered around a tra-
ditional risk assessment process with asset, vulner-
ability, threat identification and evaluation and safe-
guard derivation. In order to model the risk entities, a
UML profile has been developed. Unlike the other
methods, CORAS incorporates techniques of other
frameworks to realize its risk identification process
(e.g., HAZard and OPerability study (HazOp) and
Fault Tree Analysis). This ensures a thorough analy-
sis of the problem, but also requires participants pro-
ficient with these techniques to pick the most appro-
priate. The main pillar of interest, the risk manage-
ment process, is based on the Australian/New Zealand
Standard AS/NZS 4360:1999: Risk Management and
ISO/IEC 17799: 2000 Information technology - Code
of practice for information security management. In
ICEIS 2009 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
contrast to specifying its own methods, the CORAS
risk management process relies on techniques of other
frameworks for each of the steps including HAZard
and OPerability study (HazOp), Fault Tree Analy-
sis (FTA), Failure Mode and Effect Criticality Analy-
sis (FMECA), Markov analysis, and the CCTA Risk
Analysis and Management Methodology (CRAMM).
To provide a framework for modeling all risk-related
aspects, a UML profile was developed to act as a
graphical reference and communication method be-
tween the different stakeholders. The risk manage-
ment process consists of the following steps: Es-
tablish Context, Identify Risks, Analyze Risks, Risk
Evaluation, and Risk Treatment. The CORAS risk
management process represents a holistic framework
for the evaluation of information security of different
application areas. It inherits all strengths and weak-
nesses of the assessment methods it incorporates, and
the graphical models are used for describing the tar-
get system, its context, and all security features, and
therefore provide a valuable insight into the subject
and facilitates communication between the stakehold-
ers. The combination of different analysis methods
also reduces the individual weaknesses and therefore
enhances the overall quality of the risk assessment
outcome. This integration also poses a considerable
drawback of the CORAS approach. As it is rec-
ommended to rely on multiple methods in the same
process step to get a more complete result, this also
means an increased demand for time. Generally, the
CORAS methodology is very time consuming, and
the participants need experience in the multiple meth-
ods to be able to select and apply them efficiently.
Today many companies are not aware of their spend-
ing on security and if their investments into secu-
rity are effective. Decision makers are increasingly
challenged by having to define an optimal set of
security safeguards in line with the corporate busi-
ness processes as well as multiple strategic objec-
tives. This paper gave an overview of common meth-
ods for the evaluation of security safeguards identi-
fied the method’s capabilities in considering business
processes for aligning expenditure to actual business
needs and integrating multiple objectives. This com-
parison reveals that all methodologies focus on cer-
tain aspects of information security only and neglect
others, thus not being able to provide a complete secu-
rity evaluation of a business process and multiobjec-
tive safeguard selection. The risk-based approaches
take assets and threats into account and therefore con-
sider specific risks in the analysis, but neglect busi-
ness processes. POSeM in turn is process-based,
but ignores specific threats and risks. None of these
frameworks consider multiple criteria when evalu-
ating the safeguards, except for AHP and SAEM.
But AHP is not specifically developed to deal with
security-related issues, thus lacking information secu-
rity specific functionality. And SAEM can be consid-
ered as a hybrid, including methods for multiobjective
optimization and risk determination, but not as thor-
ough as the other risk-based methods, and also lacks
business process support.
Butler, S. A. (2002). Security attribute evaluation method:
a cost-benefit approach. In ICSE ’02: Proceedings of
the 24th International Conference on Software Engi-
neering, pages 232–240, New York, NY, USA. ACM
CERT (2007). Octave. Online at
InsightConsulting (Access in May 2007). Cramm. Online
at (http://www.cramm.com).
Maiden, N. A. and Ncube, C. (1998). Acquiring COTS
software selection requirements. IEEE Software,
R¨ohrig, S. (2002). Using process models to analyze health
care security requirements. In International Con-
ference Advances in Infrastructure for e-Business, e-
Education, e-Science, and e-Medicine on the Internet,
Saaty, T. L. (1980). The Analytic Hierarchy Process.