coordination and sharing processes in the open source
development process.
The purpose of this paper is to describe OFLOSSC
(Ontology about Free/Libre Open source Software
Communities), the ontology we propose as the back-
bone of our approach. In the next section, we dis-
cus the way we consider open source development
community. Then, the following section describes the
content of OFLOSSC and our conclusions.
A FLOSS (Free/Libre Open Source systems)
is a
software or a computer language which license allows
everybody to use, study, modify, duplicate, give and
sell it. According to (Ankolekar, 2005), communi-
ties developing FLOSSs are usually created from a
software or computer language developed by an indi-
vidual or an organization which source code, called
seed code, is then transferred to the open source do-
main. The activities of the individuals belonging
to the community built around the FLOSS consist
in maintaining and supporting evolution of the seed
code. Linux, Mozilla, Apache, OpenOffice.org ou
MySQL are well-known examples of FLOSS.
Members of FLOSS development communities
work in geographically distinct places, rarely meet
and coordinate their activities mostly by using Web
technologies (mails, forums, discussion lists, collabo-
rative work platform). According to (Ntioudis and al.,
2006), FLOSS development may be seen as a partic-
ular case of distributed development having a volatile
project structure, without clearly-definedorganization
and assigned tasks for all of its members, requiring a
long term commitment and a common vision of the
participants. The dynamic and free nature of this
kind of project raises new challenges about knowl-
edge sharing.
Proposals have already been made to exploit se-
mantic Web techniques to improveknowledge sharing
in FLOSS development communities. A. Ankolekar
proposes a tool, Dhruv (Ankolekar, 2005), which ex-
ploits semantic Web models and techniquesto support
bug resolution in FLOSS development communities.
G. Simmons (Simmons and Dillon, 2006) proposes
an ontology to support the development of semantic
portals dedicated to FLOSS development community.
The proposed ontology, OSDO (Open source Devel-
opment Ontology), mainly focuses on concepts de-
scribing tasks and tools dedicated to software devel-
opment activity. It provides a detailed classification
of the different kinds of tools and tasks encountered in
FLOSS development communities, which let us think
that it is devoted to large FLOSS development com-
From our point of view, FLOSS development
communities may be considered as Communities of
Practice (CoP). According to (Wenger et al., 2002),
CoPs are ”groups of people who share a concern, a
set of problems, or a passion about a topic, and who
deepen their knowledge and expertise in this area by
interacting on an ongoing basis”. The members of a
CoP cooperate and exchange knowledge to create a
collective value useful to everyone. They share com-
mon resources (know-how, experiences, documents)
and collaborate in a collective learning process.
Web technologies encouragethe emergence of vir-
tual CoP. The two main specificities of a virtual CoP
are to exist outside of any particular organization and,
because of this independence and the geographical
dispersion of its members, to be based on Web tech-
nologies (Zarb, 2006). FLOSS development commu-
nities belong to this category of CoP.
In this context, we consider FLOSS development
communities as virtual CoPs in order to emphasize
the collective and collaborative learning dimensions
of such communities, so as to support the enhance-
ment of coordination and knowledge sharing.
To model the FLOSS development concepts from
a CoP point of view, we started from O’CoP, an
ontology dedicated to CoPs which has been devel-
oped inside the frameworkof the PALETTE european
. The aim of O’CoP is to provide a full set of
concepts to describe any CoP (its actors, their compe-
tencies, their resources, their activities, etc.) in order
to allow the semantic annotation of the CoP resources
with regard to this ontology. Indeed, three ontological
levels are provided in O’CoP. The high level ontol-
ogy provides models in order to build the other layers
of the ontology. The middle layer provides concepts
common to all CoPs and the specific layer provides
concepts specific to each CoP. The high level ontology
and the middle layer(Tifouset al., 2007) have been the
starting point of our work. Our proposal can be seen
as part of the specific layer of the O’CoP ontology.
We also started our work from the OSDO ontol-
ogy (Simmons and Dillon, 2006) and from the on-
tologies provided in Druhv (Ankolekar, 2005). From
Dhruv, we reuse the vocabulary suggested to describe
bug related resources (bug reports, discussions, posts,
etc.) and code related resources (files, packages, vari-
ables, etc.). We reuse few interaction classes. In-
ICEIS 2009 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems