Florian Schnabel, Eva Bucherer
Institute of Media and Communication Management, University of St. Gallen
Blumenbergplatz 9, 9000 St. Gallen, Switzerland
Uwe Heck
Institute for Information and Process Management, University of Applied Sciences St. Gallen
Teufener Strasse 2, 9000 St. Gallen, Switzerland
Keywords: Service-oriented architectures, University, Web services, Event-driven architecture, e-Government, Public
Abstract: Due to the Bologna Declaration and the according procedures of performance management and output
funding universities are undergoing organisational changes both within and across the universities. The need
for an appropriate organisational structure and for efficient and effective processes makes the support
through a correspondent IT essential. The IT environment of Swiss universities is currently dominated by a
high level of decentralisation and a high degree of proprietary solutions. Economies of scale through joint
development or shared services remain untapped. Also the increasingly essential integration of applications
to support either university-internal or cross-organizational processes is hindered. In this paper we propose
an approach for a comprehensive service-oriented architecture for swiss universities to overcome the current
situation and to cope with organizational and technical challenges. We further present an application
scenario revealing how Swiss universities will benefit of the proposed architecture.
Just like companies in the private sector universities
are increasingly faced with a highly competitive
market. They rival for reputation and funding on
national as well as on international level. In
response, “excellence” has become the slogan of
various initiatives in the university environment. The
requirements to achieve excellence in research and
teaching are manifold. But not less important is the
factor of “operational excellence”. High
administrative efforts result from resource and
course planning, data administration, accounting of
services, and the administration of sponsorships.
The need for efficient and effective processes
makes the support through IT, also for the university
sector, essential. As a result university IT
departments are facing a lot of challenges. The
recent organisational change, caused by the Bologna
declaration (van der Wende, 2000), requires
European universities in addition to adhere
progressively to external (system) requirements,
such as the transmission of statistical data to public
authorities. In addition Bologna increases the
transparency and thus the comparability of
This work focuses on Swiss universities and how
they could face the organizational and technical
challenges. In the Swiss Campus 12 universities, 8
universities of applied sciences and 14 “universities
of teacher education” such as further university
institutions, supported by the Bund, exist (CRUS,
As a result of the federal organization, the IT
infrastructure and systems of Swiss universities is
dominated by a high level of decentralisation. Each
university produces and consumes its individual IT
services. Economies of scale through joint
development or the use of the same standard
software product remain untapped. Consequently the
potential of cost reduction through the usage of the
same standard applications and shared services is
Schnabel F., Bucherer E. and Heck U. (2009).
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - Databases and Information Systems Integration, pages
DOI: 10.5220/0001861802670273
Analogous to the experiences and empirical
studies of the private sector there is a high potential
for universities to decrease IT costs through the
systematic use of synergies. Universities commonly
agree about the weaknesses of current island
solutions and about the opportunities a common
service infrastructure will provide, e.g. cost
reduction as aforementioned. However the required
organizational and technical changes will not occur
spontaneously. Universities still hold on to the
federate structure, as it grants them certain
autonomy. Certain barriers such as lock-in effects
through existing structures are almost impossible to
be overcome by an individual institution resp.
The way for change has to be paved and
incentives for universities have to be pointed out.
Joint effort is needed to overcome the described
barriers. Efforts have to be based on a common
architecture and understanding. Such are the
declared goals of a consortium of partners from
industry and academia that form the research project
Swiss Campus Web Services (SCWS) funded by the
CTI (Swiss Confederation’s innovation promotion
. First results of this project are presented in
the paper at hand.
The main goal of the project is to develop a
service-oriented reference architecture for the
administrative area of Swiss universities. This Swiss
Campus architecture shall enable the exploitation of
existing synergies, while taking into account the
specifics of the federal structure of the Swiss
Campus. Existing structures shall not be replaced
but included into the new architecture. Hence
universities will benefit from the harmonization and
reuse of internal processes that run similarly in
different organisations. Furthermore the complexity
of multiple point-to-point connections can be
reduced by creating a central infrastructure handling
the communication between the universities.
The standardisation of university software and
the accrual of a market for university software and
IT services shall be promoted, by enabling the IT
divisions of universities and IT companies to
provide their applications as Web Services.
The SCWS project extends the emerging e-
Government initiative in Switzerland. This initiative
comprises several governmental domains e.g. the
domain for resident registration SEDEX (SEDEX,
See acknowledgements
On a technical layer the Swiss eGovernment
initiative has jointly specified a secure
communication infrastructure based on the concept
of an Enterprise Service Bus (ESB), the so called
Event Bus Schweiz (Bund, 2006). Therefore the
envisaged development of a Swiss Campus
architecture (see section 3) will be in line with the
national initiative Event Bus Schweiz.
This paper evaluates how the implementation of
a service-oriented concept could promote the use of
synergies and support the integration of
heterogeneous applications across universities. It is
organised as follows. Section 1 introduces the
current situation for universities and motivates our
work. We give an insight into our research setting.
Furthermore this section presents the embedding of
our work in the emerging eGovernment landscape in
Switzerland. Section 2 then discusses the current IT
situation for Swiss universities and gives an
overview of the envisioned architecture. The
architecture is described in more detail in section 3.
Finally an application scenario is introduced in
section 4 that will reveal the benefit of our
architectural approach.
To underline and clarify the present situation in the
Swiss Campus we conducted numerous workshops
during the SCWS project involving Swiss
universities. The goal of these workshops was to
gather information and to derive concrete figures
about their current IT infrastructure and systems.
Analysing the results of these workshops we figured
out both technical and organizational challenges of
the existing information technology the SCWS
project has to cope with. The following main
findings have been derived:
There is a lack of organisational support for
tasks and processes spanning different
organizational units both within and across
universities and their related organizations. From a
technical point of view the electronic integration of
the correspondent applications to support such
processes is still rudimentary.
The current IT infrastructure and IT systems of
Swiss universities do not provide the flexibility to
accommodate to changing organisational conditions.
The objective of SCWS is to provide an IT
ICEIS 2009 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
architecture that is flexible and agile enough
allowing for an easy adaptation to changing
organisational and legal requirements.
While most of the applications in use are still
traditional client/server systems, there is a trend
towards the establishment of web-based
applications. These web-based applications either
replace existing applications or cover functionalities
that haven’t been implemented yet.
Figure 1: Swiss Campus architecture.
There are only a few commercial software-
vendors that dominate the Swiss standard software
market for universities. A potential for the Swiss
Campus architecture is to define an open
infrastructure allowing other software vendors to
gain market share, to allow for the modularisation of
comprehensive software solutions, and to provide
these solutions as a service.
At the moment software is mainly hosted in data
centres operated by universities themselves. By
leveraging a software market and enabling the easy
composition of independent software modules
universities will be able to consume these modules
as a service. Hence the need to operate an own data
centre will become obsolete.
Since SOA and business process management
initiatives should be combined (Schulte, 2008b) the
Swiss Campus architecture has to consider the
modelling of processes and tasks as well as to
elaborate a concept for the transformation of these
models into IT services.
The SCWS project therefore proposes an
architectural approach enabling both the SCWS
application partners and external organisations to
establish a platform where they can bring in and
share services.
Figure 1 gives an overview of the envisaged
architecture. The architecture includes three main
roles of agents; Service users are universities or
university institutions. The functionality of a service
provider can be taken over by a software provider
but as well by a university offering internally
developed services to other universities. Service
provider and user communicate via a central
platform, the intermediary, that provides a service
registry and further central infrastructure services
(security, authentication, monitoring, etc.).
The Swiss Campus architecture will have to cope
with existing, heterogeneous solutions of the
universities’ IT-departments. These legacy systems
will be integrated into the service-oriented
architecture as web services. Another architectural
challenge is the implementation of the central
infrastructure functionality. Furthermore a goal of
the envisioned architecture is to create an
environment where software vendors and IT-service
providers are leveraged to create services that
decrease the universities’ IT and process costs.
3.1 Meeting Organisational Challenges
In order to meet the organisational requirements,
discussed in the previous section, we propose an
architectural approach for the Campus Switzerland
that extends the proposed architecture of the Swiss
e-Government initiative. This enhanced architecture
has to consider the integration of different
stakeholders like the universities’ IT departments,
markets for commercial software vendors and IT
service providers, and peer universities as well as
Swiss governmental organisations and initiatives
like SEDEX.
The planned architecture is based on the
coupling of multi-agent systems that will seamlessly
interact with each other. The multi-agent systems
represent domains containing central communication
and mediation services and standard objects that are
exchanged between the so called agents that
represent the stakeholders of one domain. Through
the lose coupling of these heterogeneous multi-agent
systems we will allow each university, institute, and
external partner to keep their proprietary
applications and infrastructure. Our approach
doesn’t necessarily mean to replace existing systems
in order to participate. This is one of the critical
success factors of our common infrastructure.
Swiss Campus
Unive r s ity Z
Institute XY Institute XZInstitute XX
University YUniversity X
Ex te rnal PartnerExternal Partner
Ad a p t erAdapter
Adap terAdapterA dapt er
Ad a p t e r
Figure 2: Hierarchy of multi-agent systems in SCWS.
As depicted in Figure 2 the central domain is
situated on the second upper horizontal layer and
symbolizes the Swiss Campus. The above layer
comprises external domains e.g. companies
providing insurances for students or Swiss
governmental organisations. On the layer below the
Swiss Campus layer different universities are placed
that interoperate through the Swiss Campus domain.
Each university is built up of different institutional
domains. The different domains are connected by
adapters that allow for the seamless integration into
a holistic architecture.
Within the Swiss campus internet services are
provided by one central organisation. The SCWS
project considers to create one central service hub
that will be operated by the organisation currently
providing the internet services. You can think about
other approaches without a central hub to connect
Swiss universities. One example is to organise
communication in a peer-to-peer network. However
the existence of the internet service organisation and
thus the existing expertise in operating a hub and
providing services led us to the central hub approach
The hub function of the central Swiss Campus
domain allows for the loose coupling by providing a
central integration function. Furthermore it will
guarantee the availability of the message exchange
medium and provide security services.
We strongly believe that our envisaged approach
is applicable to other countries as well. Through the
loose coupling the autonomy of organisational units
will be guaranteed. However by simply defining
common rules and standards it will be possible to
make the coupling tighter.
3.2 Meeting Technical Challenges
The main technical challenge for the Swiss Campus
is the seamless integration of existing,
heterogeneous applications. We will therefore create
a central middleware medium that will allow for the
interconnection of these applications. The
applications themselves will then be connected
either directly, through adapters, or through the
coupling of the existing middleware solutions the
applications are connected to.
The basic principles for the Swiss Campus
architecture are based on best practices from service-
oriented architectures (SOA), as described in
(Arsanjani, 2004), and event-driven architectures
(EDA), as described in (Chandy, 2006). In order to
implement the described functionality of SOA and
EDA a middleware infrastructure is required that
provides special communication and mediation
services (Schulte, 2008a, Schulte, 2008b). For the
Swiss Campus we will implement an Enterprise
Service Bus (ESB) (Schmidt et al., 2005; Maurizio
et al., 2008; Papazoglou and van den Heuvel, 2007).
The required communication and mediation services
(Keen et al., 2004) will be described in more detail
later in this paper.
Furthermore we have to define standard objects
for the Swiss Campus that will be exchanged
through the event bus. These standard objects follow
both syntactical and semantic standards. An example
of such a standard object is an object containing a
student’s master data. As well we will specify a
concept for the connection of legacy applications
through adapters.
Communication and Mediation Services. One of
the challenges that the SCWS project has to cope
with is what central communication and mediation
services will be needed and where they should be
implemented. Further the service design has to be in
line with the service specification of the Event Bus
Schweiz initiative (Bund, 2006). Hence we will
guarantee that services of the ESB will be able to
seamlessly access the services of the Swiss Campus.
The services have to be divided into a group of
services that have to be implemented on the central
Swiss Campus bus and services that can be
implemented on distributed buses. The services
running on the Swiss Campus bus comprise a
directory service, an event catalogue service, a
subscription service, and security services. The
services running on the distributed buses cover
services for transformation, simulation of events,
operational services, tracing, error handling,
exception handling, validation, and routing.
Table 1 describes these services in more detail.
ICEIS 2009 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Table 1: Communication and mediation services for the
Swiss Campus.
Service Functionality for the Swiss Campus
Services running on the Swiss Campus bus
Provide and make accessible all services
provided by Swiss universities, commercial
software vendors, and external partners.
Provides a list of all events and their description
that can be operated by the Swiss Campus bus.
Offers the connected participants to subscribe to
the notification or reception of certain events.
Offers standard security functionality
(authentication, authorization, event or data
Services running on the distributed buses
Transforms messages or events from application-
specific formats into the common format of the
Swiss Campus and vice versa.
Provides simulation functionality e.g. for sending
or receiving events.
Provides functionalities for the analysis of log
files as well as performance and capacity
Allows for the tracing of events and messages.
Furthermore error and exception handling as well
as validation is covered by this service providing
basic functionalities for transaction management.
Covers the provision of tables for addressing and
routing. The Swiss Campus bus only contains
entries for directly connected applications and
for the connected buses of other domains.
Standard Objects for the Swiss Campus. Existing
applications in Swiss universities and applications
from commercial software vendors and service
providers have to be integrated into the Swiss
Campus architecture. Therefore we will define
standard objects that will be exchanged through the
Swiss Campus bus. These standard objects are
composed of different parts containing information
about the Swiss Campus bus and specific application
scenarios in the Swiss Campus as well as the
message payload.
Adapters. In order to ensure connectivity and
interoperability of heterogeneous software systems
with the Swiss Campus bus adapter components will
be built. These adapters transform messages or
events from the external application’s proprietary
format into the commonly defined Swiss Campus
format and vice versa. Furthermore adapters allow
for the distributed implementation of services
enabling the communication via the Swiss Campus
bus. In this case adapters provide functionalities for
data transformation.
The Swiss Campus architecture targets among others
the integration of existing applications in Swiss
universities and the establishment of a new market
for university-specific applications. In order to
support universities and external organisations in
connecting to the Swiss Campus architecture a
holistic methodology is developed comprising both
organisational and technical challenges. On an
organisational layer this methodology describes the
proceeding in how to define web services from
existing applications, how to model tasks and
processes, and how to define information objects
that are exchanged. From a technical perspective the
methodology will describe how to integrate end
systems and what functionalities adapters have to
In the following a small section of our
methodology will be presented in more detail. To
coherently derive IT services out of business logic is
a big challenge both within organisations and across
organisations. Different approaches exist, e.g. as
described in (Levi, 2002) or (Parnas, 1972).
Table 2 roughly describes how to proceed in
order to define appropriate services.
Table 2: Proceeding for the integration of web services.
Integration of Web Services
Step Required activity Proceeding in SCWS
definition for Services
Capture business logic (tasks and
rocesses) of Swiss universities
Identification of
existing and missing
Analysis of IT systems of
Modelling of missing
Methodology for the transformation
of applications into services
according to the business model
Derive exact service
definition out of
service model
Adjust service model to
technological requirements, define
communication and behavioural
Describe and publish
Description according to the Swiss
Campus guidelines, publishing in
central Swiss Campus repository
Now we will present an application scenario that
provides an example of how the new architecture of
the Swiss Campus can be used and what benefit we
can expect from it. The goal of the application
scenario is the modelling and the implementation of
a service-oriented publication platform for scientific
results. This publication platform is based on an
existing publication platform solution in the area of
universities that is limited to university internal
usage. Furthermore the goal is to implement
personalized services and meta-services as value-
added services. An example of such a service is the
composition of the information system services with
services provided in the web. You can easily link the
publication authors with their profiles in Xing or
LinkedIn. Furthermore it will be easy to provide
services analysing the relations between authors or
citation data.
University C
Provide Service
Service User
Service Provider
Central Infrastructure Services
University A
Request Service
University B
Provide Service
Swiss Campus Bus
University C
Provide Service
Service UserService User
Service Provider
Central Infrastructure Services
University A
Request Service
University B
Provide Service
Swiss Campus Bus
Figure 3: Messages sent via the SCWS architecture.
Figure 3 above depicts an example of how the
ESB works in the context of the Swiss Campus. An
employee of University A plans to query a specific
document provided by another university. The query
message is sent from the IT system of University A
to the Swiss Campus bus (1). The message in the
source format is then transformed into the publicly
defined Swiss Campus format and forwarded to the
Swiss Campus bus (2). The transformation from the
application-specific format into the standard format
is done by an adapter. After receiving the message
the bus duplicates the query message and transfers it
to the two target universities B and C (3). Since
these two universities have their own message
format the Swiss Campus standard query message
has to be transformed again into the required target
format and finally forwarded to the university
systems (4). As before the transformation and
forwarding is done by an adapter.
This paper outlined an envisaged service-oriented
architecture for Swiss universities. We proposed an
architecture that addresses typical challenges of a
cross-organisational setting both on organisational
and on technical level. We believe a central hub to
be the right architectural design approach since the
operation of this hub is guaranteed by the Swiss
organisation providing network services for
universities. In a peer-to-peer manner there would be
more effort needed in order to guarantee availability
of and secure communication through the common
Benefits of the SCWS initiative are manifold.
The concept of service-oriented architectures (SOA)
is evaluated and an architectural model for intra-
organisational communication is developed in the
area of Swiss universities. Theoretical results are
validated by concrete case studies. Furthermore
possible business models for SOA providers,
software vendors, and universities will be explored.
The SCWS development and application
partners gather beneficial experiences in the new
SOA environment. As service users they will be able
to benefit from resulting economies of scale, leading
to lesser costs for implementation, purchase, and
operation of software.
The choice of software products and its quality
augment. The collaboration between universities
will be simplified. In addition universities will be
able to act as a service provider themselves.
The use of the Swiss Campus architecture allows
universities to be part of the common architecture
while still keeping their autonomy. Nonetheless the
success of the initiative is dependent on personal and
organisational commitment. The needs for change
are present, but awareness has to be created in all
Another challenge concerns data protection.
Currently universities prefer to store and maintain
data in local databases for security issues. We have
to provide a convincing security concept in order to
bring universities to accept data storage and
maintenance on external systems.
A comparison to architectural approaches for
universities in other countries would be helpful. We
envision to discuss our approach in scientific
ICEIS 2009 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
communities as well in order to evaluate and further
improve the Swiss Campus architecture.
The research presented in this paper results from the
project Swiss Campus Web Services. The project is
funded by the CTI under the project number: 9545.1;
2 PFES-ES. The project duration is 05/2008 to
10/2009. The following industry and university
partners are involved in the project: Fachhochschule
St.Gallen, HTW Chur, Universität St.Gallen,
Abraxas AG, Crealogix AG, SWITCH, Ecademy,
Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz, Haute école de
gestion de Genève. More information on the project
can be found at:
Arsanjani, A. (2004) Service-oriented modeling and
architecture - How to identify, specify, and realize
services for your SOA, Series, IBM, http://www-
Bund, I. (2006) Event Bus Schweiz, Konzept und
Architektur, ISB.
Bundesverwaltung (2008) Elektronische Projekte, Series,
Bundesverwaltung Schweiz
Chandy, K. M. (2006) Event-Driven Applications: Costs,
Benefits and Design Approaches, Series, California
Institute of Technology
CRUS (2008) Studieren in der Schwei, Series, CRUS,
Keen, M., Acharya, A., Bishop, S., Hopkins, A., Milinski,
S., Nott, C., Robinson, R., Adams, J. and Verschueren,
P. (2004) Patterns: Implementing an SOA Using an
Enterprise Service Bus, IBM.
Levi, K. and Arsanjani, A. (2002) A Goal-Driven
Approach to Enterprise Component Identification And
Specification, Communications of the ACM, 45, 45-52.
Maurizio, A., Sager, J., Corbitt, G. and Girolami, L.
(2008) Service Oriented Architecture: Challenges for
Business and Academia, Hawaii International
Conference on System Sciences, Waikoloa.
Papazoglou, M. P. and van den Heuvel, W.-J. (2007)
Service oriented architectures: approaches,
technologies and research issues, The VLDB Journal,
16, 389-415.
Parnas, D. L. (1972) On the criteria to be used in
decomposing systems into modules, Communications
of the ACM, 15, 1053-1058
Schmidt, M.-T., Hutchison, B., Lambros, P. and Phippen,
R. (2005 ) The enterprise service bus: making service-
oriented architecture real IBM Syst. J. , 44 781-797.
Schulte, R. W. (2008a) SOA Applications Should Mix
Client/Server, EDA, And Conversational Patterns,
Schulte, R. W. (2008b) Using SOA to achieve four key
design goals, Gartner.
SEDEX (2008) Sedex - Secure Data Exchange, Series,
Bundesamt für Statistik,
van der Wende, M. C. (2000) The Bologna Declaration:
Enhancing the Transparency and Competitiveness of
European Higher Education, Higher Education in
Europe, 25, 305 - 310