Design Notes
el Ates, Jacques Fayolle, Christophe Gravier, Jeremy Lardon
e de Lyon, SATIn Team, DIOM Laboratory, Telecoms Saint-Etienne
Jean Monnet University of Saint-Etienne, France
Rahul Garg
LNM Institute of Information Technology, Jaipur-302012, India
RFID, Privacy, Modelling.
The concern of this paper is RFID systems coupled with distributed applications. We do not treat known RFID
attacks, we rather focus on the best way to protect the identity mapping, i.e. the association of a tag identifier,
which can be obtained or deduced from the tags or communications including the tags, and the real identity of
its carrier. We rely on a common use case of a distributed application and a modelling approach.
A Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) system is
interesting for many existing applications, and would
be considered for new ones, since it is wanted to
trigger automated operations encompassing users or
items. As a matter of fact, user tracking systems are
useful to avoid redundant administrative tasks, and to
make human interactions smoother, in multiple iden-
tity checking environments. For instance, to man-
age flows of passengers in airports, patients in hos-
pitals, or employees in access-controlled buildings.
Moreover, most of the services based on the diffu-
sion of personalized information depend on the me-
dia employed and the accuracy of information. Both
depends on the mean for updating the information,
spreading information updates, and making accesses
to this information as simple as possible. RFID sys-
tems contribute to enhance those purposes.
A RFID system(Finkenzeller, 2003)(Glover and
Bhatt, 2006) is based on transponders, also known as
tags, readers and identity backends. Readers broad-
cast radio frequency signals to query tags which
respond with identifying information. Many peo-
ple fears of RFID technologies. It often results
from misunderstanding and over-considering threats
as clandestine scanning, eavesdropping or data leak-
age. RFID deployments must obviously rely on an ar-
chitectural design preventing privacy threats (Westin,
1967), but also, on an advertising plan explaining the
stakes. However, this fear is also often justified. The
privacy of tag’s carrier can be very threaten by covert
tracking, also known as skimming. More generally,
with RFID systems, private information can be seam-
lessly leaked and multiple readers can collude to track
the movements of a person.
The concern of this paper is RFID systems cou-
pled with distributed application dedicated to user ser-
vices. We do not treat known RFID attacks, as iden-
tity theft by cloning or faking, or as denial of service
by tag disruption. We rather focus on protecting the
identity mapping, i.e. the association of a tag identi-
fier, which can be obtained or deduced from the tags
or communications including the tags, and the real
identity of its carrier. We depict through the paper
a common use case of a distributed application to en-
dorse our proposition.
2.1 Overall RFID Privacy Concerns
The benefits of RFID systems are also often synonym
of privacy threats (Langheinrich, 2007):
Automation i.e. no user intervention is required to
read a RFID tag.
Identification of a tag carrier.
Ates M., Fayolle J., Gravier C., Lardon J. and Garg R. (2009).
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - Information Systems Analysis and Specification, pages
DOI: 10.5220/0001862003240328
Integration i.e. it can be difficult to visually ascer-
tain the presence of a tag.
Retrieve information, other than identification,
carried by, or linked to, RFID tags.
It is always a better choice to not keep sensitive in-
formation on devices as tags if it possible to do dif-
ferently. But even if there is no other sensitive infor-
mation than an identifier on the tag, this is enough
to be a real concern. Covert tracking for tags carried
by human people threaten their privacy enabling their
localization and the tracking of their activities. More-
over, a tag may reveal the users’ membership to their
organization which delivered their tags. A set of tags
may represent multiple memberships and constitute a
personal profile, e.g. identifying a person as being
customer of some transport companies, of media and
clothes stores, etc.
2.2 Our Privacy Concerns
We are concerned with an RFID system which can
operate with many parts of the information system,
as opposed to closed applications like access building
software which could be, for most of them, isolated
from the rest of the information system. The obvi-
ous primary question is ‘who represent the threat?’.
Attack from the outside would mean that somebody
want to track one of our member, or maybe, if it
knows his real identity, link it with a tag identifier.
So he wants to make one of our tag to leak its iden-
tifier. This means two requirements, our tags should
not respond to readers other than ours, and, to pre-
vent eavesdropping, the tag identifier should not be
revealed in clear. Readers authentication by tags and
anonymous communication, hidding the tag identi-
fier, between tags and readers is the ideal. But for
know it is not the common case. We thus make here a
study when tags have no such capabilities. Hence we
have to take in account the leakings of the commu-
nications between tags and readers. We have also to
take care of attacks against RFID information in the
rest of the information system. This means to monitor
carefully the RFID backend mapping tag identifiers
and user identifiers. And also, the communications
and applications logging records which could allow
to link the real identity with a tag identifier as well.
2.3 RFID Cryptographic Protocols
We should be able to encrypt and authenticate the
communication between the tags and the readers with
cryptographic protocols (Lee et al., 2006; Song and
Mitchell, 2008). A public key infrastructure with an
authority certificate embedded in tags, and readers
broadcasting their certificate seems relevant. How-
ever, most of the RFID tags have limited computation
capabilities which, for now, prevent from spreading
asymmetric cryptography in the RFID domain. More-
over, it requires to implement mechanisms which au-
thenticate without compromising anonymity, i.e re-
vealing the tag identifier, which, with symmetric
cryptography, could be resume to the key search is-
sue(Juels, 2006). Finally, the tag identifier should not
be a single static data string. In cryptographic scheme
as the Song’s one (Song and Mitchell, 2008), the tag
identifier changes at each authentication.
We here rely on a use case which is the deployment
of a trivial application of agenda consultation. This
application consists in a fast and easy way to inform
people of their agendas and updates, thus making the
people inner-organization life easier and lightening
some of the administrative tasks of the bureau. Users
are provided with RFID tags allowing them to trig-
ger the display of their agendas with the help of a
RFID reader standing close to a large screen. We have
chosen a simple application to focus on the privacy
concerns implied by the RFID system, and not on ac-
cess control questions. Our members and their mul-
tiple group memberships (section, language, options,
etc...) are all registered in a central identity registry
(henceforth idregistry). Their agendas are registered
in a database (henceforth agendadb), and only depend
on group memberships, not on their own identity, per-
sonal agenda are not concerned by this application.
Moreover, the agendas are already publicly available
for insiders. Hence, we consider that the service of
displaying agenda is not a privacy threat by itself.
3.1 Overview of the Use Case
As a matter of fact, the main privacy threat comes
from the identity mapping, i.e. the association of a
RFID tag and a person. As a consequence, we have to
take care of:
User identifiable information written on tags;
Records in the information system linking tags
identifiers with users identifiers;
Communications linking tag’s tid with user’s id.
We can however deduce from the agenda depending
only to group memberships, that a tag identifier has
only to be linked to a set of groups, not to a user. The
user anonymity should thus be implicitly preserved.
We consider the anonymity as the state of being not
identifiable within a set of subjects, the anonymity set
(Pfitmann and Kohntopp, 2001). Hence, the set of
group memberships is an anonymity set which does
not allow user identification, i.e. it does not exist
in our information system a unique combination of
group memberships identifying a particular user. We
could thus only associate tags with a list of group
membership, and provide users with a tag correspond-
ing to its agenda. As a consequence, it means that, for
a tag, we would not be able to determine which is its
carrier. It is obviously a wise privacy choice. But it is
totally inefficient if we want to update user informa-
tion linked to tags, especially if only a subset of users
are concerned. It would be necessary to update and
redistribute all tags. For this reason, it is necessary to
record the mapping between a tag identifier (hence-
forth tid) and a user identifier (henceforth userid) in
the information system. These recordings are also
synonym with communication containing these map-
pings. And these mappings will be explicitly per-
formed during the administration of the RFID sys-
tem. Considering tags as the most sensitive part of the
system, and also as one of the less controllable, we
do not record on them this association, or any other
identifying information. This mapping information is
recorded in a dedicated database, the RFID database
(henceforth RFIDdb).
3.2 Elements For Modelling
The goal is to represent easily where information
about identity is issued and registered in a distributed
application, and thus, to highlight where it is neces-
sary to use encryption. This representation must en-
compass events to allow their correlation with records
to map identifiers. We have choose to not represent
the time to keep this informal model as simple as pos-
sible. However, the notion of event is intuitive. If
someone is currently scanned by a reader, events are
triggered in the distributed application, hence, either
the intruder can capture communications, or look at
the records written at this time. If all the communica-
tions are encrypted and the logs are not time stamped
or encrypted, the problem is solved. So the goal of
this approach is to highlight these communications
and log records, ant then, to design a safe common ar-
chitecture for RFID-enabled distributed applications.
We transcribe any communication and recording
with respectively the primitives com() and rec(). The
real user identity can be deduced from the physical
presence of a human near a reader. We transcribe this
as hum(userid). We represent by map() the informa-
tion of identity mapping. We note linkid an identifier
of a network segment of the distributed application.
We note locid an identifier of a record location.
A mapping can be either directly accessible, and
will then be noted taking userid and tid as pa-
rameters map(userid,tid), or deduced from the
correlation of two events, and represented by
map(linkid,locid) when, respectively, a segment
and a location are identifiers of the events which
may be correlated.
We note as follow the events which reveal the userid:
a user interact with the RFID system and she is
humanly identifiable (hum(userid));
a communication containing a userid
a record containing a userid (rec(userid,locid)).
We note as follows the events which reveal the tid:
a communication containing a tid
a record containing a tid (rec(tid,locid)).
Two of each kind of these events may be correlated
to reveal a map(userid,tid). For instance, the cor-
relation can be done by deduction from the time the
events happened. Mappings issued from the correla-
tion of distinct events are as follows
map(linkid,linkid) com(tid,linkid)
map(linkid,locid) com(tid,linkid)
map(linkid,hum(userid)) com(tid,linkid)
map(locid,linkid) rec(tid,locid)
map(locid,locid) rec(tid,locid)
map(locid,hum(userid)) rec(tid,locid)
Two elements, one picked from the set TIDS of events
containing tids and one picked from the set USERIDS
of events containing userids.
Although we have use logic symbols, there is here no
more than what have been said, i.e the correlation of two
events to deduce a mapping. In other words, no one should
expect establish a proof with this formalism.
ICEIS 2009 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
3.3 Architecture Design
3.3.1 Administration Application
The RFIDdb, which contains all the past and cur-
rent carriers of each tag, is managed by a dedi-
cated administration application (henceforth admi-
nApp). adminApp is used by administrators to entry
the map(tid,userid) in the RFIDdb. These recordings,
and the events triggered, must be secured. An other
functionality of adminApp is to review the historic of
tag carrying. Both require the following steps:
userids are obtained from the idregistry.
tids are obtained from the tags by RFID readers.
maps are recorded in, or read from, the RFIDdb.
The Figure 1 depicts these events, concern-
ing tids, userids and mappings, triggered by ad-
minApp. We can identify the mappings di-
rectly reachable in single events, and the map-
pings issued from the correlation of two dis-
tinct events. There are four mappings directly
reachable in single events(rec(map(userid,tid),db1),
rec(map(userid,tid),log1), rec(map(userid,tid),log4)
and com(map(userid,tid),eth3)). There are nine map-
pings issued from the correlation of two distinct
events. For instance, for the link rf1:
map(rf1,eth2) com(tid,rf1) com(userid,eth2)
map(rf1,hum(userid)) com(tid,rf1)
map(rf1,log3) com(tid,rf1) rec(userid,log3)
3.3.2 RFID-Enabled Distributed Applications
The RFID-enabled distributed applications offering
user services must access to RFIDdb to obtain the
userid from the tid, for next retrieving information
about the tags’ carriers from the information system.
In the agenda application (henceforth agendaApp)
users present their tag in the reader near-field region
to display their agendas, which requires the following
tids are obtained from tags by RFID readers.
userids are obtained from RFIDdb thanks to the
recordings containing the tids.
group memberships are obtained thanks to the
userids from idregistry.
agendas are obtained thanks to the group mem-
berships from agendadb.
The privacy threats are thus exactly the same as the
one described in Section 3.3.1. The only difference
rec(userid, log3)
rec(map(userid,tid), db1)
rec(map(userid,tid), log4)
RFID Reader
rec(tid, log1)
rec(map(userid,tid), log2)
RFID Tag: tid
User: userid
Figure 1: Events triggered by the adminApp.
is that with adminApp, a uni-directional communi-
cation from adminApp to RFIDdb contain the event
com(map(userid,tid),eth3). Whereas, for agendaApp,
the mapping requires a bi-directional communica-
tion, com(tid,eth3) from agendaApp to RFIDdb, and
com(userid,eth3) from RFIDdb to agendaApp. Then,
for any application based on this distributed applica-
tive scheme, the threats are the same. It should be
taken into account architectures with multiple RFID
readers which only add events com(tid,[rfx]) between
tags and readers. [rfx] is the notation for the set of
identifiers of these links. Furthermore, we can gener-
alize the architecture to any RFID-enabled distributed
applications if we consider that, in the part of the dis-
tributed application not being directly in charge of
RFID processes, no event containing tids should hap-
pen. We can thus split the RFID-enabled distributed
application in two parts. The part with RFID can be
made of multiple distinct agents in charge of read-
ers. We assume that there is only one RFIDdb per
RFID-enabled distributed application. Hence, the Ad-
minApp should only reside in the RFID side and its
communications only authorized to the RFIDdb. For
RFID-enabled distributed applications, it means to
identify communications required to satisfy the RFID
concerns. Then, communications containing RFID
information between those two parts should only be
authorized from the host performing the requests of
mapping and only to the RFIDdb.
3.3.3 Security Mechanisms
According to the mappings identified in Section 3.3.1,
the sensitive events are known. All the communi-
cations and time stamped log records should be en-
crypted, transcribed with enc().
We consider that it is unfeasible to act on the event
The access control, transcribed with authz(), relies on
only two roles granted for accessing the RFIDdb: the
former with read/write rights for the adminApp role,
and the latter with only read rights for the application
role. A safe implementation should rely on a single
agent allowing to assume the adminApp role. Any
other authorized distinct agent should assume the ap-
plication role with its own identity. enc(authz(com()))
means that the communication is encrypted and that
the requestor must authenticate and be authorized.
The resulting architecture for agendaApp is de-
picted in Figure 2.
enc(rec(map(userid,tid), db1))
enc(rec(map(userid,tid), log1))
RFID Readers
enc(rec(tid, [logx]))
enc(rec(map(userid,tid), [logy]))
RFID Tag: tid
User: userid
enc(rec(userid, [logz]))
Figure 2: Implementing privacy for any RFID-enabled dis-
tributed application.
We have depicted a RFID system coupled with a
distributed application through a simple use case,
enough to highlight privacy concerns. We have
mainly taken care to the mapping between a tag’s car-
rier and its real identity. We have then proposed an
informal method, and its associated model, for this
privacy threat analysis in a distributed environment.
In a first time, to specify the functionalities of the
expected application revealing each event containing
identifiers. Then, to model the application thanks to
the elements of modelling highlighting possible cor-
relations leaking the identity mappings. Once the
threats are known, it is a trivial implementation con-
cern to identify where it is required to secure the ap-
plication. And, splitting the distributed application in
two parts, one with RFID, and one without, highlights
the sensitive information flows which should be mon-
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ICEIS 2009 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems