This paper has proposed a framework based on trust
networks applied to data networks. The framework
estimates an expected value at each node in the sup-
ply chain, taking into account the remaining nodes
that supply data to it. The presented framework is
able to determine which data supplier offers the most
suitable expected pragmatic DQ in each provenance
scenario. The proposed framework uses, undoubt-
edly, an approximated measurement, therefore there
is no guarantee of finding the optimal provider in all
situations. In the future, we will work on two key as-
pects. (1) It will be validate in empirical manner as
well as by means of simulation or analytical evalua-
tion. (2) We will provide several selection functions
which take into account other factors as quality/cost
relationship or historical data in order to increase sup-
port to decision-making in these networks.
This research is part of the projects ESFINGE
(TIN2006-15175-C05-05/), DQNet (TIN2008-
04951-E) and HERMES (TSI-020100-2008-155)
supported by the Spanish Ministerio of Educaci
on y
Ciencia; and project IVISCUS (PAC08-0024-5991)
supported by the Consejer
ıa de Educaci
on y Ciencia
of Junta de Comunidades de Castilla - La Mancha.
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ICEIS 2009 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems