Ricardo P. del Castillo, Ismael Caballero, Ignacio Garc´ıa-Rodr´ıguez, Macario Polo, Mario Piattini
Alarcos Research Group, UCLM-Indra Research & Development Institute, University of Castilla-La Mancha
de la Universidad n. 4 13071, Ciudad Real, Spain
Eugenio Verbo
Indra Software Labs, Ronda de Toledo s/n 13003, Ciudad Real, Spain
Trust Network, Data Quality, Data Network, Data Provenance.
Nowadays, organizations may have Web portals tailoring several websites where a wide variety of information
is integrated. These portals are typically composed of a set of Web applications and services that interchange
data among them. In this setting, there is no way to find out how the quality of the interchanged data is going
to evolve successively. A framework is proposed for establishing trust networks based on the Data Quality
(DQ) levels of the interchanged data. We shall consider two kinds of DQ: inherent DQ and pragmatic DQ.
Making a decision about the selection of the most suitable data supplier will be based on the estimation of the
best expected pragmatic DQ levels. In addition, an example is presented to ilustrate framework operation.
Currently, companies usually have several interre-
lated Web portals. These Web portals integrate differ-
ent Web applications. Indeed, there may be external
links to Websites of other organizations. Used infor-
mation may not be stored in a centralized manner in
order to be shared by all applications, but each ap-
plication typically manages its own data (Yin et al.,
2007). There is a data flow among these Web appli-
cations. Each application, site or service in the Web
portal (named node in this paper) can act as a supplier
or consumer of data in any given moment. The set of
participating nodes is called data networks in (Cai and
Shankaranarayanan, 2007). In these networks, a busi-
ness process in a node may have defined several data
source nodes that are not mutually exclusive. Thus,
a certain node for a certain business process is enti-
tled to collect data from its supplier nodes. However,
the node only collects required data from one of the
nodes at any given moment.
A problem of Data Quality (DQ) can appear in the
scenario described above: If a node of the network
needs to acquire pieces of data from another node,
it might not meet the quality of incoming data (Cai
and Shankaranarayanan, 2007) and thus, it may use
data with inadequate levels of DQ. In other words, a
Web application can only understand the quality of in-
coming data; the so-called ‘inherent DQ’. This DQ is
the degree to which data accurately reflects the real-
world object that the data represents (English, 1999).
In spite of the node knows its ‘inherent DQ’, it does
not understand how much quality the incoming data
has until it is interchanged and used; this DQ is called
‘pragmatic DQ’. This DQ is the degree of node cus-
tomer satisfaction derived by the use that it is made of
pieces of data (English, 1999). Impossibility to meet
the pragmatic DQ in this scenario is due to two main
reasons. (1) Even in an hypothetical case of a node
knowingthe inherent DQ of the provided data, the DQ
could be different after the acquisition, since prag-
matic DQ is dependent on the context (Strong et al.,
1997). (2) In the case of having different suppliers for
the same information need (Wu and Marian, 2007),
they are expected to provide data with different ex-
pected pragmatic DQ levels.
Low levels of DQ affect the overall efficiency of
the organization (Caballero et al., 2004). According
to (Eppler and Helfert, 2004), the cost of preventing
DQ problems is lower than the cost of detecting and
repairing them. So in this scenario of Web portals in-
terchanging data, it would be reasonable to prevent
DQ problems before they appear. One way to achieve
this prevention, or at least minimize its effect, can
P. del Castillo R., Caballero I., García-Rodríguez I., Polo M., Piattini M. and Verbo E. (2009).
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - Databases and Information Systems Integration, pages 37-42
DOI: 10.5220/0001862300370042
consist of selecting the best data supplier for a task.
This paper proposes a framework based on trust
networks, which can be used by a node of the network
to estimate the expected pragmatic DQ. These Trust
Networks allow taking into account the data prove-
nance (Prat and Madnick, 2008), i.e. all processing
history of data from its source. The goal is to se-
lect, in a heuristic manner, among all available nodes
which is the one offering higher DQ levels. In each
network, expected pragmatic DQ will be estimated
between each pair of nodes creating different supply
chains (Nicolaou and McKnight, 2006). Each of these
supply chains will provide, in the end, a DQ prag-
matic value that represents the data provenance of the
chain. This will allow choosing the most suitable data
supplier. The remainder of this paper is structured as
follows: the second section reviews related work. The
third section presents the proposed framework and il-
lustrates its usage by means of an example. The final
section presents the conclusions and future work.
Many authors agree that data has quality if it fits the
intended use for which it was created (Batini and
Scannapieco, 2006; Strong et al., 1997). Inadequate
levels of DQ in an organizational Information System
will have a negative impact on the business perfor-
mance (Caballero et al., 2004). Therefore, organiza-
tions should take into account DQ issues in order to
improve their performance (Al-Hakim, 2007). Due
to the existence of data networks (Cai and Shankara-
narayanan, 2007), assessing the DQ of each Web node
in the data network is not enough (Caro et al., 2008;
Eppler et al., 2003). One of the most interesting
strategies for tackling the study of DQ for data net-
work context, is to break it down into ‘minor quali-
ties’ known as DQ dimensions.
According to English (English, 1999), assessment
of the inherent DQ, the DQ dimensions belonging to
the intrinsic category given by (Strong et al., 1997),
(Accuracy, objectivity, believability and reputation),
may be used. On the other hand, the pragmatic DQ
can be assessed through DQ dimensions of the con-
textual category (relevancy, added value, timeliness,
completeness, amount of data) given by (Strong et al.,
1997). For our proposal, we will be interested in mea-
suring not only the inherent DQ of the pieces of data
that it are interchanged between each pair of nodes,
but we also hope to estimate how usable they will
be for an application (Even and Shankaranarayanan,
2007). In order to estimate the Pragmatic DQ, the
objective is to assist in the selection of the optimal
data supplier, using DQ as a discriminator (Al-Hakim,
Moreover, the research in the DQ field suggests
moving the focus from Information Systems to Infor-
mation Products (IP) (Wang et al., 1998). This ap-
proach proposes considering pieces of information as
products because standard techniques for managing
DQ, like Total Data Quality Management (TDQM)
(Wang, 1998), can be applied. IP-MAP graphical
notation has emerged for depicting IPs (Shankara-
narayanan et al., 2000). IP-MAP indicates how an IP
is created during the manufacturing process. More-
over, an IP-XML file is used for representing IP-MAP
meaning through metadata that can be interchanged
(Cai and Shankaranarayanan, 2007).
In order to efficiently assess the quality of data,
knowledge of where pieces of data have been pro-
vided from is necessary. Moreover, in this assess-
ment, it is essential to know the historical transport
of pieces of data. According to (Simmhan et al.,
2005) data provenance is “information that helps to
determine the derivation history of a data product,
starting from its original sources”. This approach
has been used in data sharing and data integration.
For instance, provenance information is used to deter-
mine data updates, to explain relationships between
source and target nodes that interchange data, and so
on (Buneman and Tan, 2007).
Finally, the trust networks consist of a set of tran-
sitive relations of trust between people, organizations
and information systems connected in a intercommu-
nicated environment (Yin et al., 2007). In a specific
semantic context, trust is transitive and may be de-
rived from the network (Josang et al., 2007). Use-
fulness of these networks is in the ability to make
trust-based decisions: these networks can infer trust
in nodes that are not communicated directly (Josang
et al., 2007). This is a key advantage of these net-
works, because an application or service on a Web
site can choose the provider with a greater degree of
trust. In this selection, the application or site will not
be aware of all providers in the supply chain that are
behind it (Josang et al., 2007). The Application or site
knows only the nodes directly related to it.
The selection of a data supplier could be made, tak-
ing as a basis, the observation of inherent DQ in each
node acting as data supplier. However, the framework
proposes to estimate the expected pragmatic DQ of
the pieces of data supplied by each node in the data
network (Tinglong and Xiangtong, 2007) as a crite-
ICEIS 2009 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
rion for selecting the best supplier node. Therefore,
finding an approximate value that synthesizes the ex-
pected pragmatic DQ (English, 1999) along a supply
route in the network is proposed.
The structure of the proposed framework is the
following: the entire process for creating a trust net-
work will be governed by a ‘trust network creation
algorithm which uses three components that are also
defined in the framework. (1) Matching method’ se-
lects a subset of nodes involved in the data network
which can be candidates belonging to the trust net-
work of a given node. (2) ‘Estimation of Expected
Pragmatic DQ’ method which is responsible for esti-
mating an approximated value of the expected prag-
matic DQ along the supply chains in the trust net-
work. (3) ‘Function of data supplier selection’ allows
selecting the most appropriate data supplier in terms
of expected pragmatic DQ. The following paragraphs
explain the details of each component.
3.1 Trust Network Creation Algorithm
To define the scope of a trust network our framework
incorporates an algorithm that will define the limits of
network on which pragmaticDQ is estimated. It starts
from the node that requires pieces of data. The algo-
rithm establishes the nodes within the trust network
that it attempts to develop. The trust network is going
to be built through transitive relations. These relation-
ships are identified by a matching process. Through
the algorithm (see Algorithm 1), the network is built
starting from the ‘node’ which tries to select the best
data supplier for an Information Product (IP) man-
ufacturing process (Wang, 1998). An XML-Based
description of the IP-MAP diagram corresponding to
the manufacturing process can be made by IP-XML
(Cai and Shankaranarayanan, 2007). The IP-XML
file, containing information about the data network,
will be one of the arguments of the matching func-
tion. Each node will recursively ask its successive
suppliers through the matching function ‘getDirect-
Suppliers’. The algorithm also accepts the argument
‘threshold as a way to stop recursion (Josang et al.,
2007). This limitation tries to minimize derived prob-
lems of cycles on the network. The threshold indi-
cates the depth achieved by the algorithm during the
node search (Tinglong and Xiangtong, 2007). Once
the algorithm arrives at the deepest point of the dif-
ferent supply routes, the estimated values of expected
pragmatic DQ (estimated trust) go backward within
argument ‘measures’. When the algorithm reaches
back to the consumer node, the node will be in dis-
position to select the most suitable data supplier by
means of the function ‘selectOptimal’.
Algorithm 1: SelectSuplier.
input :
node: It is the consumer node where trust network will be built
ipxml: It represents IP-MAP info associated whith node
threshold: It is the maximum number of data interexchanges
output :
supplierNode: it is the optimal node to provide data to the node
if threshold = 0 then2
supplierNode node.
measures {}
suppliers {} node.
foreach sup suppliers do8
measures measures
sup.ipxml, threshold-1)
return supplierNode12
3.2 Matching Method
The matching method can determine the transitivity
of trust in the network (Josang et al., 2007), i.e. the
transitivity of pragmatic DQ. This method analyzes
the IP-MAP diagram of each node and contrasts each
IP-MAP in trying to find an overlapping point where
offering fits demand (Cai and Shankaranarayanan,
2007). These overlapping points are determined
through the comparison between process blocks in
different IP-MAP diagrams. IP-MAP is a graphical
notation to represent the elaboration process of In-
formation Products (IP) (Shankaranarayanan et al.,
2000; Wang, 1998). IP-MAP includes a set of con-
struct blocks to depict the raw input/output data, pro-
cessing, data storage, decisions and so on. For each
process, the correspondence between the raw input
data blocks and raw output data block in both IP-
MAP diagrams is examined. This activity requires a
mechanism that indicates the semantics of involved
process in the data networks. Due to this seman-
tics, the matching method will identify the overlap-
ping points. In this paper, we propose to use IP-MAP
(Cai and Shankaranarayanan, 2007). However, others
mechanisms could be used for this task as Business
Process Modeling Notation (BPMN) or activities di-
agrams. The algorithm (see Algorithm 1), through
the matching method, determines the subset of trust
network nodes among all data network nodes. At this
moment, the algorithm is at the deepest point of recur-
sion (see Algorithm 1), and has established the entire
network of nodes involved in the assessment of trust
(pragmatic DQ) through the matching method.
3.3 Estimating Expected Pragmatic DQ
At this stage, the framework should estimate the
expected pragmatic DQ in each set of suppliers.
The pragmatic DQ will be spread backward until it
reaches the basis node consumer, allowing it to select
the best supplier (Eppler et al., 2003). This pragmatic
DQ has to synthesize, somehow, the value of historic
pragmatic and inherent DQ that there is behind each
supplier in its supply chain (Al-Hakim, 2007). These
supply chains represent the data provenance of each
network node. Therefore, each node on the network
has an associated inherent DQ value based on the DQ
of supplied data for certain processes, and another es-
timated pragmatic DQ value. The inherent DQ value
will be measured under the following assumptions.
(1) DQ dimensions must be established previously
for measuring the inherent DQ (Eppler et al., 2003).
These DQ dimensions are the same for each set of
supplied data, and must be compatible with all net-
work nodes. (2) It will use a synthesizing numerical
value of inherent DQ for each node in the network.
This value represents the degree of trust exhibited in
the network (Yin et al., 2007). To obtain this unique
value, a process of grouping values of the different di-
mensions has to be executed. It involves the following
actions. (2a) Summarizing and grouping functions
like averages, totals, maximums, and so on. (2b) For
non-numerical dimensions, a set of linguistic labels
and soft-computing techniques to obtain a numerical
value. (2c) To normalize all DQ dimensions the same
scale ‘S’ is used which is defined by a minimum and
maximum value.
scale(S) = S
Each node of the trust network offers data with an
expected pragmatic DQ level (Q
). The estimation of
this Q
value is carried out by means of the following
heuristics. These are based on other similar studies
as (Yin et al., 2007).
Heuristic 1. Pragmatic DQ of a certain node
depends on both Inherent DQ of this node and
Pragmatic DQ of all nodes which interchange pieces
of data whith the node.
Heuristic 2. The weighting of each Pragmatic DQ
value, in each node that affect source node, is related
to difference between Inherent DQ and Pragmatic
DQ for each node.
Therefore, Q
value depends on its inherent DQ
) and on estimated pragmatic DQ of its set of sup-
pliers. Both terms are given a node-dependent weight
α and β (see (5) and (6)). For taking into account the
pragmatic DQ values of the suppliers, it will make
an average on every Q
belong to set of suppliers
({suppliers}). The heuristic 2 is used to obtain W
the weight associated with each term k belonging to
{suppliers} (W
) will be proportional to how Q
differ in each node.
= 1
In (3) (using formula (2)), the suppliers’ Q
is sum-
marized. This term is identified as σ
which is
based on provenance-based believability assessment
presented in (Prat and Madnick, 2008):
· Q
Taking into account (2), (3) and also the inherent DQ,
the estimated value of Q
in the node k+ 1 is as :
= α· Q
+ β · σ
This formula is a recurrent function which allows
to propagating back Q
values towards initial node.
Moreover the framework establishes α and β weights
in (5) and (6). For a specific node, if suppliers’ Q
varies greatly, it will give more weight to the Q
of that node. In addition, there are two exceptional
cases: on one hand, if the algorithm is at the network
limits, and hence suppliers do not exist, it only con-
siders Q
, so α = 1. And on the other hand, if there
is only one supplier, and therefore cannot check the
disparity of Q
, then α =
for Q
and σ
have the
same weight.
M = max({Q
|n {suppliers}})
m = min({Q
|n {suppliers}})
α =
1 if |{suppliers}| = 0
if |{suppliers}| = 1
if |{suppliers}| > 1
β = 1 α (6)
3.4 Function of Data Supplier Selection
At this stage, the proposed algorithm has returned
all pragmatic DQ values for each origin node’s sup-
pliers. At this point, the node will select the most
suitable supplier according to the expected pragmatic
DQ through a selection function (Al-Hakim, 2007;
Tinglong and Xiangtong, 2007). The selection func-
tion must take into account the acquired knowledge
of data provenance. This function aims to select the
network node which will provide data. The selection
function can implement criteria as simple as choosing
the greatest Q
value among all their supply nodes.
However, the selection function could be more so-
phisticated, and consider for example: the Q
lution over time, combining several estimated mea-
sures, taking into account the quality/cost relationship
and so on.
ICEIS 2009 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
In this section, we present an example to illustrate the
use of framework. The Figure 1 depicts the data net-
work of an organization. The algorithm creates a trust
network for a certain task in a certain node. In our ex-
ample, the certain task is ‘stock updating’ and the cer-
tain node is sales Web application (see Figure 1). The
algorithm uses the IP-MAP diagrams during the pro-
cess of matching. The sales application node obtains
the IP-XML of those nodes with which it is logically
interconnected (production, intranet and corporative
website (see Figure 1)). The matching method has
verified that two of the three, both the intranet and
production nodes, can act as data suppliers for the
IP in the consumer node. In this case, the matching
method has contrasted that some data destinations in
the IP-MAP of these nodes contain data sources in IP-
MAP of the sales Web application node. The match-
ing method is executed successively until all supply
routes are established. The trust network based on
DQ will be applied on the recently created network
(see Figure 2).
Figure 1: Network of an organization.
Figure 2: Created Trust Network.
For the sake of estimating the pragmatic DQ, each
node of the trust network established previously for
the case of stock updating in sales Web application
should be borne in mind. In this stage, the algorithm
will start estimations of expected pragmatic DQ in
different network nodes. The network (see Figure 3)
details inherent DQ values, offered initially by each
network node. The scale of DQ values is between 1
and 10. In addition, the Figure 3 illustrates the first Q
values (Warehouse and Assembly Line nodes). These
are propagated within the network towards the origin
node (sales Web application). In this case, the ab-
sence of suppliers makes α = 1 which implies that
= Q
. Then, expected pragmatic DQ of the pro-
duction node is calculated based on Warehouse and
Assembly Line nodes (see Figure 4). The weights
are α = 0.1 and β = 0.9 because Q
= 5
and Q
= 4, whose difference is 1. Therefore
= 0.1 · 6+ 0.9·
= 4.65.
The estimated Q
value is offered to intranet
and sales application nodes. Nevertheless, sales Web
application node disposes of this value only, hence
must be also estimated (see Figure 4). Fi-
nally, expected pragmatic DQ of the intranet node is
estimated (see Figure 5). The weights are α = 0.5 and
β = 0.5 because intranet node has a single supplier
node; hence Q
= 0.5·7+0.5·
5.51. After all pragmatic DQ values have been esti-
mated in the trust network, the optimal supply node
can be selected. We must remember that in this case
the selection function is as simple as selecting the
greatest Q
value. In the example (see Figure 5), the
sales Web application will take data for updating the
stock from the intranet, because the trust (Q
) of this
node with 5.51 is greater than the one of the produc-
tion node whose value is 4.65
Figure 3: Trust calculations in the network (Step I).
Figure 4: Trust calculations in the network (Step II).
Figure 5: Trust calculations in the network (Step III).
This paper has proposed a framework based on trust
networks applied to data networks. The framework
estimates an expected value at each node in the sup-
ply chain, taking into account the remaining nodes
that supply data to it. The presented framework is
able to determine which data supplier offers the most
suitable expected pragmatic DQ in each provenance
scenario. The proposed framework uses, undoubt-
edly, an approximated measurement, therefore there
is no guarantee of finding the optimal provider in all
situations. In the future, we will work on two key as-
pects. (1) It will be validate in empirical manner as
well as by means of simulation or analytical evalua-
tion. (2) We will provide several selection functions
which take into account other factors as quality/cost
relationship or historical data in order to increase sup-
port to decision-making in these networks.
This research is part of the projects ESFINGE
(TIN2006-15175-C05-05/), DQNet (TIN2008-
04951-E) and HERMES (TSI-020100-2008-155)
supported by the Spanish Ministerio of Educaci
on y
Ciencia; and project IVISCUS (PAC08-0024-5991)
supported by the Consejer
ıa de Educaci
on y Ciencia
of Junta de Comunidades de Castilla - La Mancha.
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