Swedish Engineering Students Conceptions of Engineering in 2007
Mattias Wiggberg
Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden
Peter Dalenius
Department of Computer and Information Science, Linköping University, Linköping, Sweden
Swedish engineering students’ conceptions of engineering is investigated by a large nation-wide study in ten
Swedish higher education institutions. Based on data from surveys and interviews, categories and top-lists, a
picture of students conceptions of engineering is presented.
Students’ conceptions of engineering, are somewhat divergent, but dealing with problems and their solutions
and creativity are identified as core concepts. The survey data is in general more varied and deals with some-
what different kinds of terms. When explicitly asking for five engineering terms, as in the survey, a broader
picture arises including terms, or concepts, denoting how students think of engineering and work in a more
personal way. For example, words like hard work, stressful, challenging, interesting, and fun are used. On
the other hand, it seems like the interviewed students tried to give more general answers that were not always
connected to their personal experiences.
Knowledge on students’ conceptions of engineering is essential for practitioners in engineering education. By
information on students’ conceptions, the teaching can approach students at their particular mindset of the en-
gineering field. Program managers with responsibility for design of engineering programs would also benefit
using information on students’ conceptions of engineering. Courses could be motivated and contextualized in
order to connect with the students. Recruitment ofcers would also have an easier time marketing why people
should chose the engineering track.
Engineering education in Sweden faces several chal-
lenges today. New groups of students are entering
higher education (Furusten and Lundh, 2007) which
challenges both the design of education and the ped-
agogical methods. In addition, the number of ap-
plicants to engineering programs has decreased dur-
ing recent years (Inkinen et al., 2007). At the same
time, several stakeholders see an increasing need for
engineers (Maury, 2004; Kungl. Ingenjörsvetenskap-
sakademien, 2003).
The gap between the growing need for engineers
and the shrinking group of applicants raises several
questions. What do students think of engineering ed-
ucation, why do they choose to enter an academic en-
gineering program and what makes them finish their
studies? To explore questions regarding why students
enter engineering programs, it is interesting to know
what conceptionsofengineering Swedishengineering
students have. Thus, the aim of this study is to nd
and describe what conceptions of engineering educa-
tion Swedish engineering students have in 2007.
Finding out what conceptions of engineering the
students have requires a huge investment in data col-
lection. Our empirical data comes from the na-
tionwide Stepping Stones project, organized by CE-
. The Stepping Stones project was a unique
data collection experience where researchers from ten
Swedish higher education institutions were collabo-
rating and gathered data from more than 500 students.
The the article is organized as follows. An intro-
duction to the area is given through a literature review
presenting material relevant to the current study. The
data collection framework Stepping Stones is pre-
Wiggberg M. and Dalenius P. (2009).
BRIDGES AND PROBLEM SOLVING - Swedish Engineering Students Conceptions of Engineering in 2007.
In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Computer Supported Education, pages 5-12
DOI: 10.5220/0001862500050012
sented followed by a section presenting and explain-
ing the method used. Some key results from the anal-
ysis are then given and discussed. Finally, conclu-
sions are drawn and directions and further work are
There is a growing body of literature on college stu-
dents’ understanding of engineering and engineering
practice. The conception of engineering among stu-
dent populations promises to be an important aspect,
since it is likely that it contributes to knowledge on
motivation among engineering students and perhaps
the reluctance to undertake an engineering education.
(Mosborg et al., 2005) studied what advanced
practicing engineers ranked as key concepts of de-
sign activities in engineering. Among other results,
problem formulationand communicationwere ranked
highest, while building was ranked among the least
important activities. Creativity was ranked as neither
important nor unimportant.
The (Extraordinary Women Engineers Coalition,
2005) reports from the Extraordinary Women Engi-
neers project, a national US initiative that targets the
question ’Why are academically prepared girls not
considering or enrolling in engineering degree pro-
grams?’. Using online focus groups, in-person fo-
cus groups and online surveys they primarily targeted
high school girls to learn about what they think about
engineering, their career motivators and influences,
and received and desired information about engineer-
ing. Findings from the study show that engineering
is perceived to be a male field. The high school girls
would like their jobs to be fun and at the same time
they would like to make a difference. High salary and
flexibility are also important. Finally, they want to get
information on how identified important career moti-
vators can be met by choosing the engineering track.
This is not recognized to be the case at the moment
(Extraordinary Women Engineers Coalition, 2005).
Conceptions of engineering of engineering stu-
dents at the senior level have been investigated at the
Center for Engineering Learning and Teaching at the
University of Washington. In a word-association task
technical knowledge was more recognized than issues
such as communication, multidisciplinary teams, and
global and societal context issues (Turns et al., 2000).
(Goel and Sharda, 2004) had both engineering stu-
dents and professional engineers rank a list of activity
verbs. Students were asked to sort the words accord-
ing to how well they thought the activities increased
their learning, engineers according to the activities’
perceived importance for students. Words expressing
activities that require higher order cognition (e.g. an-
alyze, design) were ranked high in both groups. An-
other group of students rated the same words accord-
ing to their frequency of use in teaching. Among the
top words in this ranking, most concerned simpler
activities (e.g. calculate, explain). Goel and Sharda
draws the conclusion that while students and profes-
sional engineers agree on which activities an engi-
neering education should focus upon, in reality the
educational programs do not foster creativity, innova-
tion and critical thinking enough.
(Loui, 2005) reports from a study where stu-
dents in a course in Engineering Ethics were asked
for the characteristics of an ideal professional engi-
neer. Their answers fell into four categories: techni-
cal competence, interpersonal skills, work ethic and
moral standards. Typical responses in the first cate-
gory included creativity, innovation, solve problems
and scientific knowledge.
We believe that the body of literature in this
could become more complete by adding studies aimed
at identifying students’ conceptions of engineering.
This is especially true for Sweden and Europe, and
this is where our study fits in.
The Stepping Stones project is an extensive multi-
researcher, multi-institutional study which aims to
contribute in the area of engineering education re-
search. The Stepping Stones project investigates how
students and academic staff perceive engineering in
Sweden and in Swedish education. The Stepping
Stones study is situated uniquely in Swedish edu-
cation and allows for exploration of a Swedish per-
spective on conceptions of engineering. The Step-
ping Stones project was based on a model of research
capacity-building previously utilized in the USA and
Australia (Fincher and Tenenberg, 2006).
The Stepping Stones data collection consisted of
four tasks, two of which are used by this study. A web
based survey, a critical incident interview, a photo
elicitation interview, and a concept map task (Novak,
1998) were carried out using the explanogram tech-
nique (Pears et al., 2003). One aim with these dif-
ferent data collection approaches was to produce both
quantitativeand qualitative data with the intent to pro-
vide a basis for triangulation of data as a means to
improve the quality of the results. Another impor-
tant aspect was that by using different data collection
methods we could get a richer data set. In the study
CSEDU 2009 - International Conference on Computer Supported Education
reported in this article, where we want to acquire in-
formation about students’ conceptions of engineering,
we used two parts of the Stepping Stones data: inter-
views and survey responses.
4.1 Data Collection
During 2006 and 2007, data was gathered by a
web-based survey and through interviews from ten
Swedish institutions. Students from different engi-
neering programs where asked to fill out the survey
and to participate in an interview session. Some stu-
dents participated in both an interview and a survey,
while others participated in only one of them.
The web based survey was adapted from the Aca-
demic Pathway Study(APS) survey(Eris et al., 2005).
The survey consists of questions about factors that
may be of importance in engineering. Examples of
such factors include skills, identity, and education.
The survey has been used in many institutional
contexts in the U.S. and has been analyzed for its va-
lidity (Eris et al., 2005). The survey was adapted to
a Swedish context. Words were changed to Swedish
equivalents, background questions not making sense
in a Swedish context were removed and some new
questions added. A pilot run of the modified sur-
vey was trialled prior to the full scale survey (Adams
et al., 2007).
Nationwide, 521 students filled out the survey and
94 students participated in the interview session. The
student cohort represented both freshmen and more
senior students. The sample investigated corresponds
to approximately 1.5 % and 0.3 % respectively of the
total number of students in Swedish engineering pro-
grams autumn 2006 (SCB, 2006).
The participating students were widespread
among different engineering disciplines, and in total
21 different engineering disciplines
were involved
in the study.
For this study, we used only a small part of the em-
pirical data from the Stepping Stones project, namely
Aerospace eng., bio-inspired and agricultural eng.,
biomedical engineering, chemical eng. (and chemistry),
civil eng., computer eng., computer science, electrical eng.
(and micro-electronics), geological eng., information tech-
nology, materials science and eng., mathematics, mechan-
ical eng., interaction design, software eng., physics (and
technical physics), systems in technology and society, en-
ergy eng., industrial economics, construction eng., other
(less than 5 respondents in total, for example cognitive sci-
ence and transport and logistics).
answers to 2 interview questions and answers to 1 sur-
vey questions, and the analysis was divided into two
different threads. The first thread concerneddata from
the interviews. Here the interviewee’s own words and
conceptions about “real” engineering were analyzed.
The second thread of analysis concerned the concep-
tions of engineering displayed in the surveys. Word
frequencies and categories, or sets with similar con-
cepts, are identified and reported.
4.2 Analysis of Answers from
Qualitative data used in this analysis was collected ex-
clusively from the critical incident interviews. The
critical incident interview starts with questions re-
calling a specific experience from the interviewee’s
past. A number of questions are then posed, aimed
at revealing more information about the experience as
well as its meaning for the interviewee. Critical inci-
dent interviews have previously been used by (Flana-
gan, 1954), (Klein et al., 1989), and (Klein, 1999).
A semi structured interview approach was used to
elaborate on the answers given. Thus the interview
began with a set of specific questions followed by op-
portunities for the researcher to probe or follow-up on
responses from the participants (Kvale, 1997, p. 117).
The Stepping Stones interview script contained,
among others, two different questions regarding con-
ceptions of engineering at different points in the inter-
1. In a few words, what would you say real engineer-
ing is?
2. After everything we have talked about, what
would you say engineering is for you?
In order to get as broad answers as possible to
the question of conceptions of engineering, we have
taken answers to questions 1 and 2 together as one
data source, except in one particular case where we
focus on the impact of the interview. As these ques-
tions appeared at the start and towards the end of the
interview, conceptions of engineering recalled during
the interviews are collected.
The answers to the two questions analyzed were
extracted from the transcripts and a simple categoriza-
tion of the transcripts followed. The method was in-
spired by qualitative text analysis, which is a standard
method for analyzing text systematically, although
the concept is used to describe a wide set of meth-
ods (Hsieh and Shannon, 2005). The general aim
with qualitative content analysis is to “provide know-
ledge and understanding of the phenomenon under
study” (Downe-Wamboldt, 1992). Qualitative con-
BRIDGES AND PROBLEM SOLVING - Swedish Engineering Students Conceptions of Engineering in 2007
tent analysis is therefore more involved than merely
counting word frequencies in a text (Weber, 1990).
Qualitative content analysis has earlier been used in
similar projects, for instance (Dolde and Götz, 1995)
and (Eckerdal, 2006). Among many others (Mayring,
2000) has described qualitative content analysis and
especially inductive category development, which is
the method of finding categories that we have used in
this study.
By analyzing the transcripts in a systematic man-
ner, forming tentative categories centred on the re-
search question of conceptions of engineering and re-
vising them within a feedback loop, we deducted a set
of well defined categories describing experiences of
the phenomenon. No quantitative aspects where con-
sidered. Revision of categories in the feedback loop
included testing the validity of categories and defini-
tions by applying the tentative categories to the data.
Categories were also merged and divided up during
the analysis. Another researcher then verified the cat-
egories by the same procedure. The same categoriz-
ing process was used for question 2 and after some
discussion, we found that the same categories as in
question 1 also held for responses to question 2.
4.3 Analysis of Survey Answers
For this study, we have chosen to focus on one par-
ticular survey question dealing more explicitly with
conceptions of engineering:
1. In the space provided, list 5 terms you would use
to describe “engineering”.
Based on the responses provided, we cleaned the data
and translated answers given in Swedish to English.
Following this, the approximately 1400 answers were
clustered in order to make the grouping easier. Terms
with close semantically meaning were first put to-
gether. For example ’solving problems’ was grouped
with ’problem solving’, ’creativeness’ with ’creativ-
ity’ etc.
This process of clustering and grouping the terms
was performed by one of the authors and verified by
the other.
In this section, we present empirical results from the
survey and the interviews.
5.1 Engineering Terms from the Survey
The most frequently stated engineering terms from
the survey are presented in table 1. Since the survey
question did not offer any fixed terms to chose be-
tween, the number of different terms is huge. Hence,
only terms with an occurrence of 1 percent or more,
i.e. there being at least 14 listings of the term, are in-
cluded in the table.
The terms stated by the participant in the sur-
vey, describe many different aspects of engineering.
Personal aspects, open minded, stubbornness and re-
spected, descriptions of the everyday life of an engi-
neer, frustrating, individual work and time consum-
ing are present side by side with terms describing the
aim with engineering, for instance constructing, in-
ventions and developing.
Problem Solving is by far the most common term
used to describe engineering with more than twice as
many occurrences as the runner up creativity. Among
the top words, most are abstract descriptions general
aspects of engineering. There are also a number of
words describing the everyday work from a more per-
sonal perspective: interesting, hard work, fun, high
salary and challenging.
Mathematics is ranked as third, but accounts for
only 4.8% of the whole set. Apart from that, there are
few occurrences of academic subjects, physics with
1.1% being the second most common word of that
category. Words describing engineering processes
include developing (4.1%), analysis (1.9%) and de-
signing (1.1%). Aspects of engineering work include
team work (2.5%), project work (1.3%) and leader-
ship (1.4%).
5.2 Answers from Interviews
The categorization of answers to the interview ques-
tions is presented in table 2. The percentages indicate
how many of the participants’ answers matched each
category. The differences between the top three cate-
gories are small, but the span between the top and the
bottom is large enough to justify comparisons.
Problem solving (cateogory A) is the most com-
mon concept and it is discussed by more than one
third of all participants. It is closely followed by cate-
gory B that includes concepts related to construction,
e.g. building physical objects, and category C includ-
ing development and improvement.
The impact of engineering on society is also im-
portant and this aspect is discussed by 31% of the par-
ticipants. Related to this is the answer in category
E stating that engineering is about being innovative,
thinking for the future and contributing with some-
thing never done before.
22% of the participants use different academic
subjects to describe engineering (e.g. maths, physics)
and 13% talk about the intellectual activities con-
CSEDU 2009 - International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Table 1: The most frequently stated engineering terms in
the survey. Presented as percentages of all stated terms in
the current set.
Engineering term Mentioned (%)
problem solving 12.5
creativity 5.5
math 4.8
developing 4.1
inventions 3.1
technical 2.8
team work 2.5
research 2.3
hard work 2.2
interesting 2.0
fun 2.0
analysis 1.9
calculation 1.9
constructing 1.6
important 1.5
leadership 1.4
project work 1.3
science 1.3
computers 1.2
thinking 1.1
physics 1.1
designing 1.1
high salary 1.0
challenging 1.0
(other) 38.8
nected to engineering. Teamwork is the least frequent
category. Only 9% of the participants discuss team-
work in connection with engineering.
The results from the survey and the interviews gives
us two ways of pinpointing students’ conceptions of
engineering, and these two angles both support and
complement each other.
To some extent, the words from the survey and the
answers from the interviews paint the same picture.
Problem solving stands out as the most important as-
pect of engineering, being at the top of both lists. It is
also possible to find terms from the survey that match
each of the other categories from the interview. Cat-
egories B and C relate to construction and develop-
ment. Both of these terms are found in the survey, but
not as frequently as in the interviews. On the other
hand, innovation and creativity (category E and F) are
the second and fifth terms in the survey list, which is
much higher than in the interviews. Overall, all of the
aspects of engineering covered by the interviews are
also present in the survey, even if the relative impor-
tance is different.
A categorization, like the one performed on the
interview transcripts, of the terms from the survey
would be difficult to perform since the survey terms
have no context. While the categories from the inter-
views give us a richer, more cohesive view, the terms
from the survey complement this view.
The terms from the survey (table 1) differ in level
of detail compared to the categories from the inter-
views (table 2). The survey data is in general more
varied and deals with somewhat different kinds of
terms. When explicitly asking for five engineering
terms, as in the survey, a broader picture arises includ-
ing terms, or concepts, denoting how students think of
engineering and work in a more personal way. For ex-
ample, words like hard work, stressful, challenging,
interesting, and fun are used. On the other hand, it
seems like the interviewed students tried to give more
general answers that were not always connected to
their personal experiences.
Another interesting observation is that academic
subjects, like mathematics and physics, do not appear
in any of the top positions. Even though mathematics
is third in the list of terms from the survey, it repre-
sents only five percent of the terms, and the second
highest ranked subject, physics, represents only one
percent. In the interviews, the category including aca-
demic courses is the seventh most frequent category
of a total of ten. We believe that this tells us some-
thing about the contrast between the subjects that con-
stitute an engineering education and the application of
these to engineering problems. According to our re-
sults, students value the latter aspect higher.
The results from (Mosborg et al., 2005) on key
concepts recognized by advanced engineers, partially
supports our findings. Problem formulation, in our
study problem solving, is ranked high in our study
as well as in (Mosborg et al., 2005). Creativity is
ranked as neither important nor unimportant in (Mos-
borg et al., 2005), but in our findings the picture
looks somewhat different. Our participants rank cre-
ativity rather high, both in the survey and the inter-
views, which seems to indicate that engineering stu-
dents connect engineering with creativity to a larger
degree than professional engineers.
In (Turns et al., 2000) technical knowledge was
ranked higher than concepts like communication,
multidisciplinary teams, and global and social issues.
Our findings, especially from the interviews, show
the same pattern for teamwork (category J). This is
the lowest ranked category in the interviews and, al-
though in the top twenty list of terms from the survey,
it represents only 2.5% of the terms. At the same time
BRIDGES AND PROBLEM SOLVING - Swedish Engineering Students Conceptions of Engineering in 2007
Table 2: Categorization of answers to interview question 1 and 2, and frequencies of answers.
Category Description Typical words used Percentage
A solve problems solve problems 36
B realizing concrete products construct, implement, building, realizing,
physical things, hands-on
C improving something that already exists develop, improve, optimize 34
D social impact of engineering activities changing society, ease everyday life, impact
on human beings
E contributing with something qualitatively
innovation, new ideas, thinking for the fu-
ture, something not built before
F being creative and explorative create, design, discover, explore, put things
G static knowledge connected to engineering knowledge, mathematics, technology, natural
science, physics
H intellectual activities thinking, curious, understanding, challenges 13
I engineering can be a lot of things complexity, many things 11
J teamwork teamwork, working together, collaborate 9
our results for category D, social impact of engineer-
ing, show a contrast to (Turns et al., 2000), where in
our findings technical knowledge does not stand out
as being among the most important aspects. Some of
these differences might be attributed to the different
educational systems.
The career motivators that (Extraordinary Women
Engineers Coalition, 2005) found among high school
girls matches several of the most frequent terms from
the survey, e.g. fun, important, and high salary. Even
though these words are generic, this indicates a great
potential for broadening the recruitment to engineer-
ing programs. As stated by (Extraordinary Women
Engineers Coalition, 2005), one of the problems is
that it is hard for high school girls to see that their
motivators can be met by choosing engineering.
Swedish engineering students see themselves as cre-
ative problem solvers. This factis important. Cur-
riculum designers should consider to use the concept
of problem solving more when designing curricula.
They feel that engineering has both a general and ab-
stract side, as well as a real, physical manifestation.
We believe that we have a good picture of stu-
dents’ conceptions of engineering, but it would be
even more interesting to compare this with the views
of professional engineers. (Goel and Sharda, 2004)
indicates that students and engineers use the same
words to describe how to study engineering, but what
about the engineering profession? Will the students’
views change when they graduate and start working
as engineers? With answers to these questions, engi-
neering programs could be adapted to better prepare
students for the engineering profession.
(Loui, 2005) concludes that students get their
views of engineering professionalism from relatives
and friends. It would be interesting to investigate
where Swedish students get their conceptions. The
Stepping Stones survey data is a rich source that can
be analyzed as a step towards an understanding of
where Swedish students receive their conceptions. It
would also be valuable to see how students are af-
fected by education and to what extent engineering in
general is actually discussed in engineering programs.
How do the teachers and educational institutions ad-
dress engineering? Is there a premeditated way of
communicating what engineering is, and if so - what
does it look like?
The reported results are presented with a low level
of detail regarding different engineering disciplines.
An interesting thread to follow up is what the concep-
tions look like in different engineering disciplines. Is
there, for instance, a difference between engineering
physics and information technology? If so, what does
that difference mean in terms of recruitment?
No studies on conceptions of engineering among
active engineers have been performed recently in
Sweden, and producing one would be a valid contri-
bution to the field. A comparison between the stu-
dents’ engineering conceptions and active engineers’
would be useful in order to determine if there is a dif-
Knowledge on students’ conceptions of engineer-
ing is essential for practitioners in engineering ed-
ucation. By information on students’ conceptions,
the teaching can approach students at their particu-
lar mindset of the engineering field. Program man-
agers with responsibility for design of engineering
programswould also benefit using information on stu-
CSEDU 2009 - International Conference on Computer Supported Education
dents’ conceptions of engineering. Courses could be
motivated and contextualized in order to connect with
the students. Recruitment officers would also have an
easier time marketing why people should chose the
engineering track.
Another question, regarding the implication of the
conceptions, is if there exists a right, or more efficient,
way to view engineering in the education? If there is
one, how could we adjust educational planning in or-
der to achieve this more efficient view?
The Stepping Stones project was funded by Rådet för
högre utbildning (the Swedish Council for Renewal of
Higher Education) and by Myndigheten för nätverk
och samarbete inom gre utbildning (the Swedish
Agency for Networks and Cooperation in Higher Ed-
ucation). It was run within the context of the Na-
tionellt ämnesdidaktiskt Centrum för Teknikutbild-
ning i Studenternas Sammanhang project (CeTUSS),
a national centre for pedagogicaldevelopment intech-
nology education in a societal and student oriented
context. Any opinions, findings and conclusions or
recommendations expressed in this material are those
of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views
of any of these supporting bodies.
We thank the Stepping Stones participants for
their contributions to this project. In addition to
the authors, those are Robin Adams, Jürgen Börstler,
Jonas Boustedt, Gunilla Eken, Sally Fincher, Tim
Heyer, Andreas Jacobsson, Vanja Lindberg, Bengt
Molin, Jan-Erik Moström, and Arnold Pears.
Adams, R., Fincher, S., Pears, A., Börstler, J., Boustedt,
J., Dalenius, P., Eken, G., Heyer, T., Jacobsson, A.,
Lindberg, V., Molin, B., Moström, J.-E., and Wigg-
berg, M. (2007). What is the Word for Engineering.
in Swedish: Swedish Students Conceptions of their
Discipline. Technical Report 2007-018, Department
of Information Technology, Uppsala University, Box
337, SE-751 05 Uppsala, Sweden.
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