Stephan Lukosch
Faculty of Technology, Policy, and Management, Delft University of Technology
PO box 5015, 2600 GA Delft, The Netherlands
Dirk Veiel, J¨org M. Haake
Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, FernUniversit¨at in Hagen, 58084 Hagen, Germany
Shared workspaces, Adaptation, Group context.
Knowledge workers solve complex problems. Their work seems not to be routinisable because of the unique
results and constellation of actors involved. For distributed collaboration knowledge workers need many
different tools, which leads to knowledge dispersed over different locations, artifacts, and systems. Context-
based adaptation can be used to support teams by shared workspace environments best meeting their needs. We
propose an ontology representing context in a shared workspace environment, and a conceptual architecture
for context sensing, reasoning, and adaptation. We report on first experiences demonstrating the applicability
of our approach and give an outlook on directions of future work.
The design, development and production of new and
innovative products often requires knowledge which
is distributed over a whole company. The design team
knows about the preferences of the customers regard-
ing the look and feel of the product. The develop-
ment department knows about the restrictions (e.g.,
weight, size, budget) and capabilities (e.g., function-
ality, savings, improvements). Finally, the production
department knows how to build and ensure the qual-
ity of the product. All steps, from the design to the
production of a product, depend on the previously ac-
quired knowledge of all participants and are regarded
as knowledge work (Drucker, 1999; Drucker, 1993).
Knowledge workers solve complex problem. Ac-
cording to Sari et al. (Sari et al., 2007) knowledge
work seems to be not routinisable because of the
uniqueness of the results and the unique constellation
of actors involved. When knowledge workers col-
laborate in distributed teams, they need many differ-
ent tools (IT systems; e.g., CAD/CAM environments,
ERP systems, IDEs). This leads to knowledge and in-
formation dispersed over different team members, ar-
tifacts and systems. Teamwork also requires commu-
nication over different systems and artifacts, and leads
to difficult communication and coordination. These
problems make distributed collaboration difficult.
Current approaches to support distributed col-
laboration include multimedia communication sys-
tems, repositories for shared documents and shared
workspaces systems, notification systems, shared ed-
itors, shared calendars, and workflow systems. These
systems either leave the organization of collaborative
work to the users or ignore the changing needs of
users to include different tools and artifacts. While
shared workspace systems try to combine reposito-
ries with coordination and communication support,
they still require team members to manually main-
tain the organization of social processes, artifacts, and
tools. This includes the integration of the tools. As
a consequence, teams may fail to adapt their shared
workspace to best meet their current needs.
Our idea is to address these problems by enabling
context-adaptive collaboration in an integrated shared
work environment that integrates the different tools
of the team members and adapts the behavior of the
shared work environment according to the group con-
text. Though not routinisable, knowledge work shows
high similarity across very divergent situations (Sari
et al., 2007). We want to identify such recurring situ-
ations and possibilities to improvethe current interac-
tion by analyzing the context and adapting the behav-
Lukosch S., Veiel D. and M. Haake J. (2009).
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - Human-Computer Interaction, pages 34-41
DOI: 10.5220/0001865200340041
ior of the shared work environment to best meet the
current situation. We suggest that the overhead for
manual adaptation may be decreased by computer-
supported adaptation of shared workspace features.
We assume that such adaptation may positively im-
pact team performance (e.g., by changing affordances
in a way that improvesinteraction, process and/or out-
put quality).
We propose that such adaptation can be based on
context information (i.e. information captured by the
system about individual as well as group use and pref-
erences) and on adaptation rules defining the kind
of adaptation. Adaptation includes modification of
the set of applications/services for each user, chang-
ing their respective UI, and changing their content.
The actual adaptation rules need to evolve over time,
thus requiring means for users to understand ongoing
adaptations and how they can change them. In this
way, we see the (evolving) rules as another part of the
context information.
Considering the above, it is essential to provide a
context model that allows the system to recognize col-
laboration situations which are suitable for adaptation
and which can easily be extended to include further
context factors. Furthermore, it is necessary to pro-
vide a system architecture that can use this context
model and the included adaptation rules to adapt its
runtime behavior in a way that the interaction among
the knowledge workers is improved.
This paper is structured as follows. First, we re-
view existing shared work environments and context-
adaptive systems. Then, we identify the basic ele-
ments of our context model along an example of two
collaborating knowledge workers. In a second step,
we introduce a conceptual architecture that uses our
context model to enable context-adaptive collabora-
tion. In a third step, we validate our context model by
presenting an example for a possible adaptation and
adaptation rule. This example shows how our con-
text model and conceptual architecture can be used
to recognize situations in which adaptation can im-
prove the team interaction and how adaptation rules
can be triggered and executed to actually improve the
interaction within the team. Finally, we report on first
experiences before concluding the paper and raising
questions for future work.
In the following, we first review relevant shared work
environments and discuss how these systems deal
with possible adaptations. Then, we take a look
at context-adaptive systems in general. We review
whether the taken approaches are suitable to support
context-adaptive collaboration in knowledge-intense
processes. We discuss the used context models and
whether these models are suitable to model collabo-
ration situations.
BSCW (Appelt and Mambrey, 1999) and CURE
(Haake et al., 2004b; Haake et al., 2004a) are web-
based shared work environments offering a variety
of collaboration services, e.g. document sharing and
communication. CHIPS (Wang and Haake, 2000) is a
cooperative hypermedia system with integrated pro-
cess support. TeamSpace (Geyer et al., 2001) of-
fers support for virtual meetings and integrates syn-
chronous and asynchronous team interaction into a
task-oriented collaboration space. BRIDGE (Farooq
et al., 2005) is a collaboratory that focuses on sup-
porting creative processes and as such integrates a va-
riety of collaboration services. All of the above exam-
ples focus on a specific application domain. Though
they all offer a variety of services, the systems are
independent of each other and do not allow to inte-
grate additional services. Some of them, e.g. CHIPS
or CURE are highly tailorable, but they do not adapt
their offered functionality to improve the collabora-
tion within a team.
The most prominent examples for context-based
adaptation focus on single users and consider loca-
tion as most relevant context information (e.g. (Schilit
et al., 1994; Abowd et al., 1997; Kindberg et al.,
2002) or focus on learner profiles (cf. ITS). Com-
pared to single-user ITS, COLER (de los Angeles
Constantino-Gonz´alez and Suthers, 2003) provides a
software coach for improving collaboration. CoBrA
(Chen et al., 2003; Chen et al., 2004) is an agent-
based architecture that uses shared context knowledge
represented as an ontology to adapt service agents ac-
cording to a users context. Gross and Prinz (Gross and
Prinz, 2004) introduce a context model and a collab-
orative system that supports context-adaptive aware-
ness. The context model consists of events, artifacts,
locations, etc. The main restrictions of their approach
are that the context representation is only used to
update and visualize awareness information and that
only one cooperative application can be used. Ed-
wards (Edwards, 2005) explores the space between
two different context understandings: in CSCW re-
search, people are assumed to be the consumer of
context information; the ubiquitous computing com-
munity has the opinion that systems are the con-
sumers of context information. Intermezzo (Edwards,
2005) tries to fill this gap through the creation of
new higher-level services, but in the end collabora-
tive applications are missing. Rittenbruch describes
an approach to the representation of context of aware-
ness information but real world examples are miss-
ing (Rittenbruch, 1999). Fuchs (Fuchs, 1999) de-
scribes an integrated synchronous and asynchronous
notification service for awareness information called
AREA, but again AREA uses the context representa-
tion only for awareness information. Ahn et al. (Ahn
et al., 2005) introduce a knowledge context model.
Based on this context model they implement the vir-
tual workgroup support system (VWSS). One draw-
back of their solution is that their knowledge context
model has to be extended for other application do-
mains. The Semantic Workspace Organizer (SWO)
(Prinz and Zaman, 2005) is an extension of BSCW. It
analyzes user activities and textual documents inside
the shared workspace to suggest appropriate locations
for new document upload and for document search.
The ECOSPACE project aims at providing an inte-
grated collaborative work environment (Prinz et al.,
2006; Martnez-Carreras et al., 2007). For that pur-
pose, ECOSPACE uses a service-oriented architecture
and provides a series of collaboration services for or-
chestration and choreography. The orchestration and
choreography is based on a ontology which still has
to be described (Martnez-Carreras et al., 2007; Von-
rueden and Prinz, 2007).
The above approaches focus on context represen-
tations and adaptations which are used in specific do-
mains, e.g., single-user systems or ITS, or on sub-
domains in the field of CSCW, e.g. awareness or
knowledge management. Adaptation based on group
context and for multiple users of a cooperative sys-
tem is intended only by ECOSPACE, but the required
context model is still an open issue. Similarly, only
ECOSPACE supports the integration of different col-
laboration services within the same shared work envi-
ronment. In summary, current approaches do not suf-
ficiently support a context-based adaptation of shared
work environments.
Dey et al. define context as any information used to
characterize a situation of an entity where entities
may be any object, person or place providing infor-
mation about the interaction between a user and an
application (Dey et al., 2001). With this definition,
any information may help characterizing the situation
of the interactions participants because it is part of
the context itself. For our purposes, we can narrow
this definition so that context includes all information
which is necessary or helpful to adapt a cooperative
workspace to better fit the needs of a collaborating
team. This implies that the context contains informa-
tion about the team as well as about the current col-
laborative situation.
There exist different approaches to model con-
text. These approaches range from simple key-value
models over graphical models up to sophisticated on-
tology based models, which support validation and
reasoning (Strang and Linnhoff-Popien, 2004). Nel-
son et al. as well as Levitt et al. hypothesized that
routines are key determents of organizational perfor-
mance (Nelson and Winter, 1982; Levitt and March,
1988). To discover such routines, to identify adapta-
tions, and to ensure a consistent context model, we
need reasoning mechanisms and model our context as
an ontology using OWL
In the following, we describe and explore the ba-
sic concepts and relations within a global collabo-
ration space using an example of two collaborating
knowledge workers. We use the following conven-
tion for the names of concepts: <name of the con-
cept>:<name of the instance> (e.g. Actor :alice). In
some cases we use an index to describe the relation-
ship of one instance to another more precisely (e.g.
Role : Author
Figure 1: Basic interactions within a sample global collab-
oration space.
Figure 1 illustrates the basic interactions within a
sample global collaboration space. A global collabo-
ration space contains all actors, user workspaces, col-
laborative applications, services and artifacts needed
to carry out a collaborative project between the in-
volved actors. In our sample environment Actor:alice
and Actor:bob are members of a team represented as
(cf. Figure 1) that uses several collabo-
rative applications to design and describe a new prod-
uct. The concept Role defines a set of possible actions
that actors can execute within a collaborative appli-
cation. Each collaborative application defines a set
of supported actions. A subset or the whole set of
these possible action is assigned to a role. Thereby,
different roles with different access rights can be de-
ICEIS 2009 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
fined. Each actor can have multiple roles. The role
for a collaborative application is assigned to a user
by the user’s workspace. As Figure 1 shows, Ac-
tor:alice has the role Role:Designer
while using
Collaborative Application:Image Editor
, and the
role Role:Editor
while using Collaborative Appli-
cation:Text Editor
. We distinguish between these
two roles to illustrate that each role usually implies
different activities and uses specific (i.e. domain spe-
cific) applications to operate on artifacts. Actor:bob
uses the Collaborative Application:Text Editor
has the role Role:Reviewer
. This role implies a re-
stricted action set that is available to operate on ar-
tifacts. Usually, reviewers add comments to the text
but are not allowed to edit or delete the text. While
using the Collaborative Application:Rich Text Edi-
, Actor:bob has the role Role:Author
Figure 2: Basic interactions between user workspaces and
shared model.
Figure 3: Decomposition of collaborative applications us-
ing the model-view-controller pattern.
Figure 2 illustrates that each actor has its own user
workspace (User Workspace:UW
and User
). As each user’s workspace
can be configured differently, a user workspace
defines a set of available applications. This set of
applications is an attribute of each user workspace.
Each of the two actors (Actor:alice and Actor:bob)
interacts with two collaborative applications that
reside in the corresponding user workspace. Actions,
e.g. AddShape:alice or OpenText:bob, are used
to describe an interaction between actors and the
collaborative applications. When interacting with
a collaborative application, actors perform actions
which the applications are capable of and are allowed
by their role.
A collaborative application uses services, e.g.
Service:LineTo or Service:SetContent, to operate
on artifacts, e.g. Artifact:Image or Artifact:Text
Document. Artifacts may be extended with data and
services for coordination of collaborative work, e.g.
locking information). All actors and artifacts are
potentially located in space and time.
A collaborative application implements the
model-view-controller (MVC) paradigm (Krasner
and Pope, 1988) (cf. Figure 3). Actors interact with
the collaboration application by performing actions
allowed by their roles. These actions are received
by the corresponding controller components of the
application. In Figure 3, Actor:alice performs an
EditText:alice. This action is received by the Con-
troller:Text Document
. The controller then uses
the Service:setContent to modify the Artifact:Text
Document. As in MVC, the shared model then
uses the Service:Notifier to notify registered view
components, e.g. View:Text Document
, about
modification in the model. By receiving such a notifi-
cation the registered view component can update the
displayed information.
Figure 4: Basic ontology concepts and relations.
Figure 4 summarizes the above model of a global col-
laboration space and shows the basic ontology con-
cepts and their relations. We modeled this ontol-
ogy using OWL. In addition to the above, we in-
troduced additional concepts, like Communication,
Shared Editing, or Awareness, to classify the func-
tionality a Collaborative Application offers. For
overview reasons, we only show here three high-level
concepts, but we distinguish further high-levelas well
as additional sub-level concepts.
Due to the openness of the real world, we may either
have to deal with evolving context dimensions or live
with a closed set of context dimensions. In both cases
new questions arise. How would users be able to deal
with evolving context dimensions? How can we en-
able users to build social solutions around a system
with fixed context dimensions? Though our current
prototype uses a closed set of context dimensions, our
conceptual architecture allows integrating services for
extending context dimensions.
Figure 5: Conceptual architecture.
Our conceptual architecture consists of four layers:
Application User Interfaces (UIs), Adaptation Server,
Collaboration Services, and Shared Model (cf. Figure
A flexible adaptive system executes a cycle of
1. User interaction
2. Sensing user activities
3. Adapting system behavior
4. Modifying adaptation knowledge (e.g., if users
want to change adaptation rules)
We use the sensing functionality to illustrate the in-
teractions between the different components of our
architecture. The UI-part of a collaborative applica-
tion (Application UIs) is used to collect relevant in-
formation about the interaction between the user and
the application. This information (including the ser-
vice calls) is forwarded to the Service Call & Inter-
action Sensing component of the Adaptation Server,
which extracts relevant information and updates Con-
text Knowledge via the Context Knowledge Service
Provider. This information is passed to the Collab-
orative Application Manager (CAM), which triggers
the services of the corresponding Collaborative Ap-
plication. Applications can use several basic services
from different Service Providers to implement the ap-
plication logic. Thereby, we can integrate different
services into an application and adapt application be-
havior across different service providers.
Next, we describe the adaptation functionality.
Based on the event log, the Service Call & Interaction
Sensing component prioritizes the events and adds all
information to a queue. If a high priority event is
present, the number of events exceeds a predefined
threshold value, or a timeout occurs (i.e., no further
events came in for a certain time) the Reasoner is trig-
gered. The Reasoner uses the current Context Knowl-
edge, which is represented by instances of our on-
tology concepts and relations between those, via the
Context Knowledge Service Provider and the current
Adaptation Knowledge, which e.g. includes adapta-
tion rules or axioms, via the Adaptation Knowledge
Service Provider to find relevant adaptation rules. Ex-
ecuting these adaptation rules will potentially modify
the set of applications/services for each user, change
their respective UI, and/or change their content in or-
der to improve team interaction. The information
about the modifications/changes is passed to the CAM
to update the current service configuration. The Noti-
fier sends the adaptation information to the subscribed
UI-parts of a Collaborative Application. The UI-parts
then refresh their view according to the current ser-
vice configuration in the CAM and/or use some Adap-
tation Functions through the Adaptation Functional-
ity Service Provider to modify the content of the UI.
Adaptation rules are initially defined by users
or developers using the Collaborative Adaptation
Knowledge Editor (CAKE). Rules need to match the
needs of the team, thus requiring means for users to
understand ongoing adaptations (traceability, reflec-
tion, understandability of changes) and how they can
change them.
The CAKE is used to support the modification
of adaptation knowledge. It allows users to access,
review, edit, and create new user-defined adaptation
rules. CAKE is a collaborative application using our
architecture meaning that it can be adapted as well.
CAKE uses the Adaptation and Context Knowledge
Service Providers to access and modify the corre-
sponding adaptation information.
ICEIS 2009 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
As a scenario consider that a team consisting of Alice
and Bob synchronously collaborates on a shared text
document. We assume, that Alice and Bob created lo-
cal workspaces. Alice then created a shared text doc-
ument and opened a shared text editor to work on a
design document. Bob later opened the same shared
text document to review the current state of the de-
sign. The team members have different roles high-
lighting their task within the team.
This is expressed in Figure 6 by Role concepts
(e.g., Author) connected to possible actions (e.g.,
OpenText, EditText, Annotate) related to an applica-
tion concept (e.g., TextEditor). We assume that the
assignment of roles (instances of Role concepts) to
concrete Actors (e.g. Bob, Alice) was done initially
when creating application instances (i.e., when open-
ing a shared text editor instance on a concrete docu-
ment). Team members can now synchronously access
and edit document parts, which can lead to conflicts
or potential collaboration situations. To improve the
interaction within team, each user’s workspace could
be adapted by providing additional awareness infor-
mation or establishing a communication possibility.
Figure 6: Context graph.
In Figure 6 two actors access the same Artifact:Text
Document. These actors have different roles which
allow the actors to perform different actions. This is
expressed by the relation of roles to actions, which
are supported by the collaborative applications within
the user’s workspace. As an example, consider Ac-
tor:alice in the Role:Author. The Role:Author is re-
lated to all actions supported by the application TextE-
Please note, concepts are shown as ovals whereas in-
stances of ontology concepts are shown as rectangles.
Though Actor:alice has the Role:Author and Ac-
tor:bob has the Role:Reviewer, there can be a chance
for collaboration. Both actors access the Artifact:Text
Document and thus are part of the context of the arti-
fact as well as of each other. Actor:bob, in the role of a
reviewer, might want to ask questions for clarification
for which he has to directly contact an author of the
document. A corresponding adaptation rule checks
whether both actors have the possibility to commu-
nicate with each other. For this purpose, the adapta-
tion rule checks the available applications within each
user’s workspace and whether the current roles allow
the actors to communicate with each other.
In order to represent the tools available to all users
of the team, the respective information must be in-
cluded in the context graph as shown in Figure 6.
Here, the concept Role:Participant connected to the
Chat concept specifies that an instance of a chat ap-
plication supports the OpenChat and SendMsg ac-
tions. The isCapableOf relationship from both user
workspaces to the concept Chat and from the Chat
concept to the set of possible actions expresses that
both actors may actually use a chat application. Thus,
in the current state, Actor:alice and Actor:bob can
both use a Chat as the corresponding concept is re-
lated to their user workspace.
In the above scenario the Service Call & Inter-
action Sensing component receives the EditText:alice
action. Based on this event, the Service Call & Inter-
action Sensing component evaluates the condition of
all adaptation rules. Since the condition of the follow-
ing rule is fulfilled, the rule will be executed:
teams := getActiveTeams("Actor:alice");
FOREACH (team : teams) DO {
availableCommAppl := availableAppl(team,
// There exists at least one
// communication application available
// to all team members AND there is a
// common shared artifact.
IF (isNotEmpty(availableCommAppl) AND
// Select a communication tool and
// open it for all members.
selectedApplication :=
openForAll(selectedApplication, team);
In this adaptation rule,
returns a set
of Collaborative Applications which support Commu-
nication and are connected to all members of the team
in their current context (cf. Figure 4 for correspond-
ing concepts and relations).
a set of artifacts for which the whole team belongs to
the context of each artifact and
lects from a set of context elements the one which has
been used most by the collaborating team members.
The corresponding information is stored as activation
value within the context graph. The activation value
is calculated for each concept in the graph and is up-
dated by a special learning algorithm. Here a Chat ap-
plication will be opened for Alice and Bob and a chat
session will be established between them, as a Chat
application the only application available for Commu-
nication within both users’ workspaces.
The current prototype manages our context model us-
ing the semantic web framework Jena
. The Adap-
tation Server is based on Equinox
and realizes all
components as so-called bundles in OSGi
. In the
prototype, we integrated two Collaborative Appli-
cations. Firstly, we extended CURE (Haake et al.,
2004b; Haake et al., 2004a) to provide service classes
for access right, document, user, and workspace man-
agement as well as asynchronous awareness and com-
munication. Secondly, we use ActiveMQ
to develop
and integrate support for the synchronous awareness
and communication. The UI-parts for these service
classes are implemented as plug-ins for Eclipse
We split up the evaluation in three phases. In the
first phase, we tested our approach by implementing
the conceptual architecture, integrating two collabo-
rative applications, and conducting functional tests.
Currently, we are integrating further applications, like
Microsoft Exchange or the Java Content Repository,
to extend the number of available application types in
our context model.
In the second phase, we have setup a test environ-
ment and conducted expert walkthroughs in different
work scenarios, e.g. collaborative planning or writ-
ing. Feedback from these experts indicates both that
adaptation is in general accepted as useful but often
users also want to understand why a specific adapta-
tion was performed. Some users also reported that
they dislike automatic adaptation in general, as they
want to stay in complete control of their workspace.
However, even these users would appreciate sugges-
tions for adaptation, i.e. semi-automatic adaptations.
In the third phase, we will evaluate our architecture
with the integrated collaborative applications in real-
world settings that are based on knowledge-intense
processes as they can be found in collaborative mod-
eling or design. We will also collect more feedback on
the existing adaptation rules and identify best prac-
tices for collaboration leading to further adaptation
In this paper, we introduced an explicit representation
of context and a conceptual architecture for context
sensing, reasoning, and adaptation in an integrated
shared work environment. We integrated first collab-
orative applications to show the feasibility of our ap-
Our approach exceeds current approaches by
defining an ontology-based context model for shared
workspaces and an architecture which allows integrat-
ing a varietyof services to adapt the shared workspace
to best meet the current needs of collaborating users.
First experiences show the usefulness as well as prob-
lems caused by the adaptation.
The first experiences especially highlight the im-
portance of traceability support for the users. Such a
support has to allow users understand why an adap-
tation was performed. For that purpose, we will as a
first step include an ACTIVITY LOG as well as AC-
TIVITY INDICATOR (Sch¨ummer and Lukosch, 2007).
But as in addition some users reported that they want
to keep the full control of their workspace, we will
also focus on enabling users to define their own adap-
tation rules as well as supporting a process to negoti-
ate adaptations and adaptation rules.
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