In this paper we proposed a BPM driven rewriting ap-
proach which consists of the mapping of legacy sys-
tems to a business processes. The overall goal of
our rewriting method is to ease the upgrade of the
legacy system. The use of BPM for migrating legacy
systems facilitates the monitoring and continuous im-
provement of the information systems existing in the
organization. In addition, the business process being
executed in the organization is documented. This,
in turn allows for dissemination of the knowledge,
which was previously only by the developers of the
legacy system.
Another significant advantage of our rewriting
method concerns in the head of the reuse of the source
code of the legacy system. Thus, the business process
can be implemented without the legacy system be-
ing interrupted or its maintenance being blocked. Af-
ter the process be running, the organization can start
the rebuilding of legacy code and the business pro-
cess will not be interrupted. Furthermore, we have
already started to use our method to the rewriting of
real legacy system from the logistic domain.
As future work we intend to develop data struc-
tures, which shall store and integrate all the concepts
discussed during the application of our method. For
instance, the construction of an ontology, which re-
lates to business rules, processes activities and appli-
cation domain. These structures are fundamental for
building algorithms.
The authors would like to acknowledge the Coordi-
nation for the Improvement of Graduated Students
(CAPES), the Institute of Databases and Information
Systems of the University of Ulm (Germany), and
the Informatics Institute of Federal University of Rio
Grande do Sul (Brazil).
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ICEIS 2009 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems