logue, if the reader has the reader’s card, R, In>, <8, Completion of the book request
form, if the reader has found the book he or she needs, R, In>, <9, Submission of the
book request form, Ø, R, In>, <10, Count of books borrowed by the reader, Ø, L, In>,
<11, Checking of the book availability in the book repository, if the number of books
borrowed by the reader does not exceed the maximum allowed, L, In>, <12, Taking
the book from the book repository, if the book is available in the book repository, L,
In>, <13, Handing out the book to the reader, Ø, L, In>, <14, Borrowing the book, Ø,
R, In>, <15, Book return, Ø, R, Ex>, <16, Checking of the book condition, Ø, L, In>,
<17, Fine calculation, if the book is damaged, L, In>, <18, Handing out the fine tick-
et, Ø, L, Ex>, <19, Fine payment, Ø, R, Ex>, <20, Book return/placement into book
repository, Ø, L, In>, <21, Book withdrawal, if the book is extremely damaged (can-
not be used anymore), L, Ex>, <22, Book removal from the catalogue, in case of the
last copy of the book, L, In>, <23, New book purchase, Ø, Library, Ex>, <24, Books
data entry into catalogue, if the library does not have a copy of this book, Rec, In>,
<25, Book identification number assignment, Ø, Rec, In>, <26, Book utilization, If
the book is extremely damaged, Utilizer, Ex>, <27, Book repository maintenance, Ø,
L, In>, <28 Completion of the book utilization request form, Ø, L, In>, and <29, The
fine deletion, if the reader has paid the fine, L, In>.
Step 2: Introduction of topology
, which means establishing cause and effect re-
lations between functional features. Cause-and-effect relations are represented as arcs
of a directed graph that are oriented from a cause vertex to an effect vertex.
Fig 3. Topological space of the library functioning.
The identified cause-and-effect relations between the functional features are illu-
strated by the means of the topological space (see Fig. 3). In the Fig. 3 is clearly visi-
ble that cause-and-effect relations form functioning cycles. All cycles and sub-cycles
should be carefully analyzed in order to completely identify existing functionality of
the system. The main cycle (cycles) of system functioning (i.e., functionality that is
vital for the system’s life) must be found and analyzed before starting further analy-
sis. In the case of studying a complex system, a TFM can be divided into a series of
subsystems according to the identified cycles.
Step 3: Separation of the topological functioning model, which is performed by
applying the closure operation over a set of system’s inner functional features [6]: A
topological space is a system represented by Equation (2),