Design and Architecture
Andrej Dolmac, Stephan Haslinger
tisco GmbH, Tigergasse 21/13, 1080 Wien, Austria
Schahram Dustdar
Distributed Systems Group, Institute of Information Systems, Vienna University of Technology
Argentinierstrasse 8, 1040 Vienna, Austria
Mobile device location information, Location information based services, Location information acquisition.
Mobile device location information based services are one of the key drivers in Telecommunication market
today. The current development of mobile device location based service solutions is focusing on a development
of a particular services, but there is nearly no effort to build a framework that does not focus on a particular
location information based service, but instead, provides developers with a set of tools that would enable
them easier and faster development of new services based on mobile device location information. Within
the EUREKA project MyMobileWeb, framework was implement for acquisition of location information from
mobile devices. Framework architecture enables obtaining location information from various mobile devices
and is not bound to any special device type or capability. Furthermore the architecture can be used not only to
obtain location information, but also to obtain any other information from mobile device, such as e.g. battery
Mobile device location information based services are
one of the key drivers in Telecommunication market
today. New solutions, that would extend the usage
of mobile device location information for providing
value added services, are required.
The current development of mobile device loca-
tion based service solutions is constrained within sev-
eral independent projects. The main focus in those
projects is put on a development of a particular ser-
vice. Usually output of such projects is a standalone
software, that can not be reused for other different
purposes. More effort should be invested in building a
platform or a framework that does not focus on a par-
ticular location based solution, but instead, provides
service developers with a set of tools and libraries that
would enable them easier and faster development of
new services based on mobile device location infor-
One of the major problems and most time consum-
ing steps in development of location based services
is implementation of software that acquires the loca-
tion information from the device itself. Since there is
a broad spectrum of different mobile devices on the
market, the code for acquisition of location informa-
tion from the device and its delivery to the server side
must often be rewritten many times in order to cover
more than one device type. So current mobile device
location information solutions usually target only lim-
ited set of devices.
This paper presents design and architecture of a
framework whose main purpose is acquisition of lo-
cation information from different types of mobile de-
vices. Framework as such is not focusing on a im-
plementation of a particular service based on a spe-
cific device and location information type. Instead,
idea of this framework is to provide service develop-
ers with a set of tools for acquiring different location
information types from various devices without spec-
ifying how and for what purpose this information will
be used for. Further on, main focus of the framework
Dolmac A., Haslinger S. and Dustdar S. (2009).
TIONS - Design and Architecture.
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - Software Agents and Internet Computing, pages 74-81
DOI: 10.5220/0001952200740081
is development of Web based solutions. Since at the
moment one of the most mature frameworks targeting
development of Web based solutions for mobile de-
vices is MyMobileWeb project (MyMobileWebPro-
ject, 2008), described architecture is integrated within
already existing MyMobileWeb framework in order
to provide single uniform solution for development of
Web based location information services for mobile
One of the main steps in development of location
based services is acquisition of location information
from mobile device. This step involves develop-
ment of device specific code targeting particular de-
vice. The resulting code is usually not portable to
other devices since it is dependent on underlaying de-
vice hardware, operating system and device driver li-
braries provided by device vendor. Resulting solu-
tions are usually targeting only restricted and small
set of devices available on the market. In order to
extend the set of devices that support such service,
same functionality must be rewritten multiple times
for different devices from different device vendors.
This makes development of location based solutions
time consuming process which slows down devel-
opment of new services. So first problem that has
to be addressed by the framework design and ar-
chitecture is covering as many mobile device types
with as much reusable code as possible. Second,
since described framework is targeting development
of Web based services and it is intended as extension
to MyMobileWeb solution, communication channel
between location information acquisition code run-
ning on the device and back end server must be es-
tablished. Through this communication channel back
end server side must be able to trigger acquisition of
location information on the mobile device. Through
the same communication channel code running on the
device must deliver the location information back to
the server side.
On one side, MyMobileWeb is based on Web tech-
nology for which the client side software is the Web
browser installed on the user mobile device. On the
other hand, in order to acquire location information
from a mobile device, a dedicated software must be
run on the device itself. The requirements imposed
by this on the overall framework architecture are:
Server side triggering of location information re-
trieval from the mobile device must be done
through a Web browser as a client side software.
Communication channel must be established be-
tween the server side and the location information
acquisition framework running on the mobile de-
vice for delivery of location information.
Additionally, there are different sorts of location
information types (like GPS position, Cell ID, NFC
ID, etc.). Therefore the server side must have a pos-
sibility to specify which location information type is
required for a particular service. Since there are many
different mobile device types on the market with dif-
ferent capabilities for acquisition of location infor-
mation, there also must be a possibility of detecting
which types of location information can be acquired
on a particular mobile device. This information must
be delivered to the server side application prior to ac-
tual acquisition of location information. So the fol-
lowing requirements must be satisfied by the archi-
tecture as well:
Detection of device capabilities regarding loca-
tion information types.
Notifying server side about device capabilities.
Possibility of specifying required location infor-
mation type by the server side.
Further on, there are many different types of lo-
cation information and different ways of collecting it
from different devices. It is not possible to cover all
of it with one monolithic application so architecture
must be designed in a way that makes it easily ex-
tendible with additional modules. Intention of addi-
tional modules is to easily add support for additional
location information types and additional location in-
formation acquisition methods, as well as providing
the possibility to reimplement already existing mod-
ules for different device types. This means that an
additional architectural requirement is:
Modular design that is easily extendible.
Finally, it can be useful to acquire location infor-
mation without this action being triggered from server
side and then use it (deliver it to the server side) later
on. The final requirement is:
Possibility to trigger location information acquisi-
tion not only by the server side but by the user as
3.1 Triggering Location Information
Acquisition from the Server Side
If the user is browsing Web pages that are not of-
fering any location information services it does not
make any sense that the acquisition framework is run-
ning all the time on his mobile device and blocking
its resources. The acquisition framework should be
started only when the user browses a Web page that
really offers some location based services. The lo-
cation information should be acquired exactly at the
moment when the server side is ready to process the
received information. Mechanism that enables the
server side to trigger location information acquisi-
tion on the user’s mobile phone must be designed.
Since the client software on the mobile device is a
Web browser, the triggering mechanism must be im-
plemented through means provided by the browser it-
3.2 Channel for Delivery of Location
Information to the Server Side
Once the location information acquisition has been
triggered and location information has been gathered
on the mobile device, a communication channel be-
tween the acquisition framework on the mobile de-
vice and the server side application must be estab-
lished in order to deliver acquired data. This can
be implemented through the means provided by the
Web browser on the users device, or by establishing a
direct connection between the acquisition framework
and the server side.
3.3 Detection of Device Capabilities
Detection of device capabilities does not only consist
of finding out what sort of device it is and deciding
which location information can be retrieved from it.
It also involves detection of the version of the acqui-
sition framework installed on the device. Based on
this information the server side can trigger the desired
location information acquisition method or it can in-
form the user that for the particular service he must
install additional software (or simply informing him
that the service can not be used).
3.4 Specification of Desired Location
Information by the Server
Once information about the device capabilities has
been delivered to the server side, the server must in-
form the acquisition framework about the type of lo-
cation information it would like to receive (Cell ID,
GPS position, NFC ID, etc.) and the acquisition
framework must be able to gather the desired location
information accordingly.
3.5 Modular Design
There are some common tasks that must be performed
by the acquisition framework regardless of the loca-
tion information type that is used. Those are:
Detection of device capabilities.
Communication with the server (reporting device
capabilities and delivering acquired data).
Those functions can be grouped together in one
common module. On the other hand the actual imple-
mentation of the location information acquisition is
not only dependent on the location information type,
but also on the device type, the underlying operating
system and hardware. Therefore the implementation
of this functionality should be separated into differ-
ent modules for each location information type and,
in some cases, even for different device types.
3.6 Triggering Location Information
Acquisition by the User
It can be useful to give the user the possibility to ac-
quire the location information on his own, when not
connected to the server side (offline mode). It should
also be possible to deliver the acquired data to the
server side later on. For this acquisition framework
should provide user interface through which the user
can see what type of location information he can get
from his mobile device, select the desired type and
trigger the acquisition. The collected data must be
stored locally on the device until the user visits the
Web site that can use stored information.
ICEIS 2009 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
During design phase two main implementation pos-
sibilities were considered and both of them, together
with their advantages and disadvantages will be pre-
sented in the following sections. Also, a third possi-
bility, which is a hybrid combination of the first two,
will be shown.
4.1 Web Browser Extensions based
This architecture is based on extending the mobile
Web browser with a set of plug-ins, through which lo-
cation information would be acquired from the mobile
device and delivered to the server side. The concept
of this architecture is presented in Figure 1.
Figure 1: Web Browser Extensions Based Architecture.
Web browser on the mobile device is extended
with an additional plug-in that is capable of communi-
cating directly with the device drivers through native
APIs in order to fetch location information and send
it back to the servers side.
Advantages of this architecture:
Since MyMobileWeb is a Web based technology,
this architecture simplifies integration of location
based services into the rest of the MyMobileWeb
framework. The easiest way to deliver location
information from a mobile device to the server
side is to extend the browser capabilities in a
way that it is able to acquire location informa-
tion from the mobile device. Doing this through
a plug-in mechanism (provided by most mobile
Web browsers on the market) is an obvious and
straightforward way.
This architecture reduces problems with synchro-
nization of the browser and the back end server,
since the browser itself is responsible for location
information acquisition (synchronisation prob-
lems between Web browser and the acquisition
framework are more noticeable in the Java2ME
Based Architecture, which will be explained in
detail in the following chapter).
MyMobileWeb incorporates AJAX capabilities
through usage of JavaScript and this architec-
tural approach makes it easier to implement a
JavaScript event mechanism (creating additional
events when location information is acquired and
available for usage on the server side). This ap-
proach eases the usage of location information
during the Web site development phase for devel-
opers that use the MyMobileWeb framework.
There are some disadvantages of this approach:
The first big disadvantage is the fact that de-
veloped source code is Web browser dependent.
There are a couple of different mobile Web
browsers on the market today and different exten-
sions would be required for each of them. When-
ever a new Web browser appears on the market
a completely new implementation from scratch
would be needed.
Most of the Web browsers are implemented as de-
vice native applications (OperaMini is one excep-
tion) so plug-in development is dependent upon
the underlying operating system.
Reasons mentioned above imply that this archi-
tecture is not time resilient. Whenever some Web
browser or operating system disappears from the
market the source code for this browser or system
becomes obsolete.
4.2 Java2ME based Architecture
This architecture is relying on Java2ME technology.
In this solution a standalone program is installed on
a mobile device and runs as a server that provides
location information whenever it receives requests
through a standard localhost socket connection. Fig-
ure 2 presents this concept.
In this case the Web browser does not need to be
extended and does not have the capability to acquire
the location information from a mobile device on its
own. Instead, there is a separate, standalone soft-
ware (Java2ME Server Midlet) installed on the device
that is in charge for location information acquisition.
Whenever the server side requests location informa-
tion, browser forwards the request to the Server Mi-
dlet, which in turn collects the location information
and sends it back to the server.
Figure 2: Java2ME Based Architecture.
The differences from the architecture presented in
the previous section are:
The implementation is completely independent of
the Web browser used on the mobile device. The
only interaction between the Web browser and the
standalone Server Midlet is done through classi-
cal TCP/IP socket connection through the usage
of HTTP protocol. This removes necessity to sup-
port different Web browsers individually.
Java2ME technology ensures operating system in-
dependence and source code that is interoperable
between different devices.
This approach is more time resilient than the first
one since it’s not dependent on the currently ex-
isting Web browsers. It will integrate seamlessly
with every new Web browser that could appear on
the market.
An additional advantage when using a standalone
concept is that the architecture can be extended
easily for a off-line mode of work, when fetch-
ing of location information is not triggered by the
server side but by the user instead. The off-line
mode can be supported by adding GUI that is pre-
sented to the user in the case that the Server Midlet
is started manually (not triggered by the server
side). This provides the possibility of collecting
location information at any time. Collected infor-
mation can then be used with any Web site pro-
viding location information services.
Although this architecture has some obvious ad-
vantages over the previous one, it also introduces
some disadvantages and problems that are not present
in the first approach:
This approach complicates data exchange with the
back end server. Since the acquisition framework
runs as a standalone application on the mobile
device, there must be some mechanism imple-
mented to establish a communication channel be-
tween the server side and the acquisition frame-
work through a Web browser (this communica-
tion channel will be used for triggering a location
acquisition from the server side and for delivery
of the location information back to the MyMo-
bileweb server).
In order to request and receive location informa-
tion the Web browser must connect to the acqui-
sition framework running on the device through
a standard TCP/IP socket connection with usage
of HTTP protocol for data exchange. This im-
poses possible time out problems, since in some
cases location acquisition can be a time consum-
ing process. If the communication between the
Web browser and acquisition framework is syn-
chronous it can happen in certain cases that the
session times out if location acquisition process
takes too long.
If the communication between the Web browser
and the acquisition framework on the device is
asynchronous, which means that the Web browser
sends a request to the acquisition framework on
the device and gets redirected back to the server
side Web page before the location information
has been acquired, there is a problem of how and
when to deliver the location information to the
server side.
In case of an asynchronous communication, archi-
tecture should be designed in a way that it enables
the implementation of some sort of event based
mechanisms on the server side in order to make
usage of location information easier during the
Web site development process.
This architectural approach, although providing
big overall benefits, introduces some additional
problems. Although none of those problems is
technically unsolvable, and none of them repre-
sents major drawbacks they should be considered
during implementation phase and solved accord-
4.3 Hybrid Java2ME and Web Browser
Extensions Architecture
This architectural solution is a combination of the ar-
chitectures described previously. The idea is to com-
bine advantages of both approaches into a single so-
lution in order to minimize problems that both archi-
tectures inherently have. The high level idea of this
approach is presented on Figure 3.
ICEIS 2009 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 3: Hybrid Architecture.
This architecture is just a hybrid composition of
the previous two. The idea is to try to take the best
from both and combine it into a single solution.
This approach has the following advantages:
Easier implementation of data exchange and
synchronization between server and client side
through Web browser extensions.
Easier implementation of Event Based Develop-
ment mechanisms through Web browser exten-
Retaining most of the Web browser and underly-
ing operating system independence through im-
plementing most of the functionality in Java2ME
technology and keeping only a small functional
parts as a Web browser extensions (implementing
’thin’ Web browser extensions with a small code
base and using them only as a ’glue’ between My-
MobileWeb server side and the acquisition frame-
work implemented in Java2ME technology).
Retaining the off-line mode of work through the
Server Midlet.
Disadvantages that still remain in this approach:
Although ’thin’, Web browser extensions are still
used. This implies a certain amount of depen-
dency to both, the Web browser and the under-
lying operating system.
Heavy prototypes. A lot of time and effort is
needed in order to develop a prototype, since it re-
quires the implementation of the whole Java2ME
Based Architecture in addition to the ’thin’ Web
browser extensions for a couple of browsers. Of
all considered architectures, this one is the most
effort consuming.
As a result of different architectural considerations,
conclusion was made that Java2ME Based Architec-
ture is the most appropriate one for mobile device lo-
cation acquisition framework implementation. This
decision was made based on following:
Although introducing some additional problems,
the Java2ME Based Architecture has big advan-
tages over the Web Browser Extensions based Ar-
chitecture in terms of independence. It does not
rely on specific browser or underlaying operating
system features.
The implementation of Hybrid Java2ME and Web
Browser Extensions Architecture although having
certain advantages, is too time and effort consum-
ing for initial framework implementation.
After Java2ME Based Architecture implementa-
tion is finished, it can be upgraded to the Hybrid
version. During the implementation phase special
attention should be made in order to make this up-
grade as easy as possible. Upgrading the architec-
ture should be possible only by adding implemen-
tations of ’thin’ Web Browser Extensions on top
of the already existing implementation.
At the moment there is W3C initiative to specify high
level API for acquisition of location information from
mobile devices (Popescu, 2008) within the Geoloca-
tion API Specification. The Geolocation API Speci-
fication defines a high-level interface to the location
information associated with the hosting device, such
as latitude and longitude. The API itself is agnostic
of the underlying location information sources. Com-
mon sources of location information include Global
Positioning System (GPS) and location inferred from
network signals such as IP address, RFID, WiFi and
Bluetooth MAC addresses, and GSM/CDMA cell IDs
(Popescu, 2008). But this specification is focusing
only on the standardization of the high level script-
ing language APIs for accessing mobile device lo-
cation, without concerning about low level location
acquisition mechanisms. Though, this W3C speci-
fication can be used later on, when upgrading from
Java2ME Architecture to Hybrid Architecture. In this
scenario Java2ME acquisition framework will be used
as underlaying layer for low device level location in-
formation acquisition, and ’thin’ Web browser exten-
sions will on one side communicate with the Java2ME
Server Midlet, and on another side provide high level
scripting language APIs specified by Geolocation API
There is a project by Google, called Google Gears
(Google, 2008), that is dealing with development of
a framework for the mobile device location informa-
tion acquisition. Within this project Google imple-
mented a framework that complies with W3C Ge-
olocation API Specification. As a result, Google re-
leased a set of Web browser plug-ins that provide high
level JavaScript API compliant with W3C Geoloca-
tion API. The problem is that at this time Google did
not provide any means of extending the functionality
implemented by them with additional location infor-
mation acquisition modules developed by third par-
ties. Only location information types and only de-
vices supported by Google can be used for location
based service development. At the moment Google
supports Cell ID, WiFi and GPS location information
acquisition from mobile devices and only on a limited
device set. Additional problem is that Google imple-
mentation is Web browser dependent (there is a dif-
ferent set of plug-ins for different Web browsers) so
this solution can only be used with Web browsers sup-
ported by Google. At the moment this project is being
developed and maintained entirely by Google and it’s
not publicly opened. Extending the existing function-
ality with support for new location information types
and/or support for different device types must be done
through cooperation with Google and can not be done
by third parties on their own.
Another similar project from Mozilla exists.
Project name is Geode (MozillaLabs, 2008) and its
main focus is extending the Mozilla Firefox Web
browser with location information acquisition abili-
ties. Similar to Google, Mozilla is focusing on de-
velopment of a browser plug-in that would provide
high level Java Script API compliant with W3C Ge-
olocation API Specification. Since the project is in
a early phase, there is only one Firefox plug-in de-
veloped, that support location information acquisition
based on Skyhooks Loki technology (SkyhookWire-
less, 2008) which uses WiFi to determine location.
Similar to Goolge Gears, this project is developed in-
ternally by Mozilla, and the current implementation
supports only Firefox Web browser and a limited set
of devices.
There is one additional project which main fo-
cus are not location based services but is worth while
mentioning here. This is WebVM project by Aplix
Corporation (AplixCorporation, 2008). The scope of
this project is to develop a set of Web browser plug-
ins that would provide a connection between the Web
application environment (Web browser) and the Java
runtime that is present on mobile device. Idea is to al-
low the Web developers to deploy a Java library along
with the Web application so the code in the Web appli-
cation can make calls to the Java library. The reason
this project is mentioned here is because its outcome
can be used for upgrading the location information ac-
quisition framework from Java2Me architecture into
full Hybrid architecture.
As it can be seen, there are couple of project
dealing with development of frameworks for location
based service development. But, more or less, all
of them focus only on providing high level scripting
APIs for location information acquisition. None of
those projects is targeting development of a low de-
vice level framework for location information acqui-
sition that could be easily extended by third parties.
All of the mentioned projects are based on extending
the Web browser capabilities and are Web browser de-
pendent where one of the main ideas of framework
described here is to avoid any dependencies on a par-
ticular browser. Besides this, one important aspect
of described framework design is to make it mod-
ular, make specifications and reference implementa-
tions for module development and give them public
in order to enable third parties to develop modules for
location information acquisition on their own.
In order to evaluate design and implementation qual-
ity, couple of measurements were considered.
Since one major requirement imposed on the
framework design and implementation is coverage
of different devices, the main measurement for the
quality of implemented solution is portability of pro-
duced libraries to different devices without necessity
for code recompilation. Final framework implemen-
tation, once compiled for a particular mobile device
vendor Java runtime environment, should work on all
phones running this Java runtime environment imple-
mentation (of course, modules dedicated for acqui-
sition of particular location information type should
work only on devices that support it on a hardware
Second, since JavaMobile runtime environments
differ from one device vendor to another, some times
developed code must be recompiled in order to work
on a device provided by different vendor. Usually
ICEIS 2009 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
only code recompilation is required in order for the
library to work on a different device and no code
changes are necessary. Another measure for imple-
mentation quality is amount of devices covered by
only recompiling the developed code. Developed
code should work on all devices supporting JavaMe
runtime environment (starting from MIDP 2.0 version
of JavaME standard and above).
Third, one idea of this concept is to be inde-
pendent of particular Web browser implementations,
meaning that it should work the same way (without
extending the Web browser through plug-ins) regard-
less of the browser available on the mobile device.
At the moment there are not many standard tools
that would ease development of location information
based services when location information acquisition
from mobile device is concerned. There are server
side solutions that are focusing on development Web
pages targeted for mobile devices, but none of this
solutions is addressing problems when development
of code that needs to acquire some information from
mobile device is concerned.
Within this paper problems encountered while de-
veloping mobile device location information based
services were shown. Requirements imposed on a
framework for location information acquisition that
would run on a mobile device side were discussed and
possible architectural solutions were presented. Each
architectural solution was discussed together with its
advantages and disadvantages.
Amongst considered architectures Java2ME
Based Architecture was chosen as the most suitable
one for the framework implementation and the
reasons for this decision were presented.
Although the initial purpose of Java2ME Based
Architecture is to be used for the acquisition of loca-
tion based information from mobile devices, it must
be noted here that this is a general purpose solution
that can be easily extended. Any other sort of infor-
mation that can be collected from the mobile phone
can easily be acquired through the same architecture.
This is an important notice in respect to the idea of re-
trieving contextual information from a mobile phone
within the MyMobileWeb project. With this architec-
ture it would be e.g. possible even to fetch the bat-
tery level of a phone when needed. Just a plug-in for
fetching such information would have to be deployed
on the phone.
For the time being only prototypes that prove the
concept of the Java2ME architecture have been de-
veloped. But within the scope of MyMobileWeb
project full featured mobile device location acquisi-
tion framework will be implemented and integrated
within the rest of MyMobileWeb infrastructure.
This work is supported in part by the European So-
cial Fund and Madrid’s Regional Government under
their Research Personnel Training programs. Further-
more this work is supported by the Austrian Funding
Authorities under their Basic Founding Program.
AplixCorporation (2008). Webvm whitepa-
per. Technical report. Available at
Google (2008). Google gears. Technical report. Available
MozillaLabs (2008). Introducing geode. Technical re-
port. Available at
MyMobileWebProject (2008). Mymobileweb. Techni-
cal report. Available at http://mymobileweb.morfeo- mymobileweb.
Popescu, A. (2008). Geolocation api specifi-
cation. Technical report. Available at
SkyhookWireless (2008). Getting started with the
javascript api. Technical report. Available at