In our project, we are interested in applying this concept of variability at goal-
based requirement level [17]. The approaches as Foda or SPL do not deal with varia-
bility at goal-oriented requirement level. However, some approaches have studied
variability at an early requirement engineering stage [10], [11].
We use the KAOS alternative link (OR-decomposition) that states that the sub-
goals represent alternative ways to achieve the parent goal. Nevertheless, we think
that it is not sufficient to acquire the variability effectiveness with only the OR-
reduction Link and we propose the couple <facet-variant> concepts. The concept of
facet represents a viewpoint or dimension of domain; it allows classifying and orga-
nizing domain knowledge. The notion of facet has been pointed out in library science
to classify library domain [14]. In our work, it makes it easier to understand and or-
ganize domain knowledge. Finally, the couple <facet-variant> enables first to
represent a richer variability while reducing combinatory explosion, and second be-
comes an effective support to designers in building a domain application.
6 Conclusions
In this paper, we have proposed a process whose objective is to offer a means to spe-
cify a Cycab requirements model. This process is based on two models: generic mod-
el describing possible needs of the Cycab domain and variant model expressing the
features of the same domain. The latter is useful to define situations to meet
The benefit of such approach is to be able to specify a Cycab model in a flexible
way and to adapt it according to the constant requirements' change.
We are currently validating the approach through a software prototype [5]. This
work is still at an early stage. Many further investigations have to be done. The first
one will concern the completeness of the variant model. The second one will be to
formally express requirement model which will help the mapping from requirements
model to software design.
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