Table 3: Test of the Set of Rules.
Rule Support Confidence TP FP
R1 1.0% 23.5% 24 78
R1∪R2 2.1% 17.3% 38 181
support and confidence data.
The model evaluation is performed using ten-fold
cross validation (Witthen and Frank, 2000). This
kind of evaluation was selected to train the algorithms
using the entire data set and obtain a more precise
model. This will increase the computational effort but
improves the model’s capacity for generating differ-
ent data sets. The evaluation is performed by splitting
the initial sample in 10 sub-samples in order to fill
consumption range. The model is trained using 9/10
of the data set and tested with the 1/10 left. This is
performed 10 times on different training sets and fi-
nally the ten estimated errors are averaged to yield an
overall error estimate. The overall accuracy obtained
is around 80%.
This classification results can be interpreted in a prac-
tical way. This classification can be used to assign
new customers to existing classes and/or to inspect
customers that had not been previously inspected but
that belong to a class with a high rate of historical
NTL. In this last sense, Endesa staff action is required.
The Endesa staff, due to the extremely high cost
of the in-situ inspection for this class of customers,
usually only revises and inspects small samples (a
hundred or so medium-high consumption customers).
The quality of this framework is illustrated by a case
study that uses a real database. Only 188 of 10279
customers (less than 2%) of the selected registers
for mining present results of NTLs inspect. Regar-
less of the difficulty to study real data instead of
simulated data, rate of correct fraud identification
(about 20%) significatively improved previous com-
pany detection campaigns, refering to medium-high
consumption customers.
The authors would like to thank the Endesa Company
for providing the funds for this project (since 2005).
The authors are also indebted to the following col-
leagues for their valuable assistance in the project:
Gema Tejedor, Miguel Angel L
opez and Francisco
Godoy. Special thanks to Juan Ignacio Cuesta, Tom
Blazquez and Jes
us Ochoa for their help and cooper-
ation to extract the data from Endesa.
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