were the considered shell language subsets. Given these premises, we are skeptical that
static analysis can fully solve the problems illustrated in this work.
6 Conclusions and Future Works
In this paper we presented a model-driven approach to manage the upgrade of FOSS
distributions. This approach represents an important advance with respect to the state
of the art in the following directions: it provides the base on which developing features
to(i) support the roll-back of failed or unwanted upgrades, and (ii) simulate the execu-
tion of upgrade runs (including maintainer script behaviors) that we described in terms
of models. A running example showed how the proposed models allow a reasonable
description of the state of the system and representation of its evolution over time.
As future work we plan to implement these results and to develop a transactional
update engine in the real context of Debian and Mandriva distributions. Moreover, the
metamodels proposed in this paper will be the foundation to define a new Domain Spe-
cific Language (DSL) for maintainer script specifications.
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