For this reason, there is a niche in current maintainability studies of AOP to use cou-
pling metrics that: (i) take specific language constructs into account, (ii) distinguish be-
tween the various dimensions of coupling, and (iii) can be applied unambiguously to a
variety of AOP languages. We have also noticed that the maintainability studies of AOP
overly concentrate on static coupling metrics. Dynamic coupling metrics [1] for AOP
have not been applied in all the analysed studies. This came as a surprise as many AO
composition mechanisms rely on the behavioural program semantics. Also, key main-
tainability attributes, such as error proneness (Section 4.1), are never explicitly assessed.
Validating new metrics is a non-trivial matter. Kitchenham raised the problem that vali-
dating metrics solely with predictive models can be problematic [29]. Without theoreti-
cal validation, metrics might not be suitable indirect measures of maintainability. There-
fore, even AO metrics adapted from empirically-validated OO metrics, can fail to be
theoretically sound predictors of maintainability. In fact, our systematic review found
that some AO metrics do not obey the representation condition and other criteria.
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