The experience of the University of Genova
Marina Ribaudo and Marina Rui
Computer Science Department, Chemistry Department
University of Genova, Italy
Blended learning, Moodle, Open Source, Instructional Design, Web 2.0.
Starting from the academic year 2005/2006, the University of Genova has foster the use of AulaWeb, a virtual
environment based on the open source software Moodle, to promote the introduction of web-based technolo-
gies in the traditional educational process. We describe the experience of the past four years presenting the
approach we have followed to encourage the use of AulaWeb among faculties, the numbers of users we have
reached, an Instructional Design course we have organised to promote educational technology.
“Networked collaborative learning is a social
oriented e-learning strategy in which collab-
oration plays the major role. Promoting the
social dimension of e-learning means consid-
ering the network not only as a mere tool for
content distribution but rather as a facilitator
for the interaction among all the participants
involved in the educational process.
This statement, taken from (Trentin, 2008), highlights
that e-learning strategies have radically changed in the
last years, considering collaboration as a central point
of the overall learning process. Although we com-
pletely agree with this idea, we think that a lot of work
still has to be done to implement networked collabo-
rative learning in practice.
This paper describes the experience at the Univer-
sity of Genova, where a web-based portal is offered to
the academic staff and the students to support the edu-
cational process. AulaWeb
is the name of the portal;
it is based on the popular open source software Moo-
dle (Cole and Foster, 2007) and started its activity in
the academic year 2005/2006.
Since the early stages of its development,
AulaWeb has been thought following a user-centered
approach (Norman, 1998). Users students, facul-
ties, staff – have been taken into account in the design
phase of the project, by introducing different user pro-
files. For each profile different communication strate-
gies have been identified to stimulate users’ partici-
pation and to make them feeling as a part of a larger
community collaborating in the realisation of such a
web-based learning experience.
Despite media insist we live nowadays in the
“Web 2.0 era” (O’Reilly, 2005), in our experience this
is true only in part. When dealing with large num-
bers of etherogenous users like ours, coming from dif-
ferent backgrounds, the situations is indeed different.
We have in fact encountered (and we still encounter)
some resistance when promoting the introduction of
web-based technologies in the educational process as
we will discuss in one of the next section.
Although only a small part of our users is aware
of Web 2.0 techonologies such as social-networking
sites, video sharing sites, wikis, blogs, . . . we claim
that the approach we have followed to create the user
community around AulaWeb is somehow in the spirit
of Web 2.0. The concept of “Web-as-participation-
platform” has been applied at least in the strategy
we adopted for attracting participants which has been
based exclusively on voluntary adhesion. Public
“calls for volunteers” have been launched to propose
meetings with faculties, to offer technical courses on
the use of the software and, more recently, to pro-
mote an Instructional Design (Trentin, 2007; Dick
and Carey, 1996) course to educate the educators. The
“word of mouth” and the the “push from the bottom”
i.e. students asking for more online courses have
done the rest thus promoting the increase and the ac-
ceptance of AulaWeb.
The balance of this paper is as follows. Sec-
tion 2 briefly introduces AulaWeb showing some of
the numbers we have reached. Section 3 describes the
Ribaudo M. and Rui M. (2009).
AULAWEB, WEB-BASED LEARNING AS A COMMODITY - The experience of the University of Genova.
In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Computer Supported Education, pages 41-46
DOI: 10.5220/0001955900410046
different types of users we deal with and discusses
some of the support we can provide them. Section 4
presents a project-based formative model on Instruc-
tional Design methodologies we have offered to a
sample of fifty teachers. Finally, Section 5 provoca-
tively concludes this work, motivating the title of the
paper, discussing some of the difficulties we have en-
countered and some open problems.
The University of Genova is a medium-size tradi-
tional university offering face-to-face courses. How-
ever, in the late nineties individual e-learning and
blended learning experiences have been carried out,
generally involving two types of users:
1. Early adopters, i.e. mainly experts in educational
processes, teachers and students interested into
new educational models also for their research ac-
2. Technology addicted, i.e. mainly faculties and stu-
dents in computer science or engineering fields,
who are interested in building software platforms
and rarely suffer from the well known digital di-
vide problem.
Although the University of Genova, in its policy, still
does not consider the investments on e-learning as a
priority, starting from the beginning of 2005, an offi-
cial Committee has been formed to introduce faculty
members to the potential of the use of ICT in the edu-
cational process. At that time, a crucial task was con-
sidered the selection of a Learning Managmente Sys-
tem to be offered as a centralised service at the univer-
sity level. After taking into account both proprietary
and open source softwares, the Committee selected
Moodle (Cole and Foster, 2007), an open source solu-
tion. The reasons for this choice were manifold, some
of them are listed below:
Financial. We decided to invest (the small amount
of) financial resources on the service, not on the
cost of software licences, and therefore we opted
for an open source solution
Functionalities. Moodle provides a rich array of
tools to support online teaching and learning.
Size of the Community. Among the available soft-
wares, Moodle seemed the best candidate since it
had (and still has) the widest community of users
and the more active community of developers.
Moodle is free software under the terms of the GNU
General Public License.
Skills. Moodle is based on the Linux / Apache
/ MySQL / PHP suite, a technology already well
known among some members of the Committee.
As a consequence, after a few man-months, the
first prototype was ready and launched as a cen-
tralised service for the whole university.
2.1 The Architecture of Aulaweb
AulaWeb is organised into many different Moodle in-
stances, one for each program degree participating to
the project.
Technically, each instance runs on a separate vir-
tual host and authentication is obtained using the
university service. Students, faculties, and
staff can access to AulaWeb using the same creden-
tials they already use for other central services the
university provides (e.g. e-mail, library catalogue, in-
tranet functions).
All the eleven Faculties of the university are
present on the portal, although with different numbers
of online courses and active users.
The only constraint we put for opening a new in-
stance was that of having a “contact person” officially
designated as the responsible for it. She is the person
that acts as the administrator of the instance and she
is also the intermediary between the technical staff of
AulaWeb and the users of the instance. When pos-
sible, she also acts as a first help to solve (simple)
technical problems posed by “her” users. The deci-
sion of requiring a responsibile for each new instance
was the only possibility for the Committe to manage
the etherogenity of the users (coming from very dif-
ferent fields, each one with its own peculiarities) and
the large population we have reached with a numeri-
cally limited technical staff.
Nowadays (February 2009) AulaWeb hosts 119
sites of program degrees, for 2242 different subjects,
with 1058 teachers, considering faculties and also
some administrative/technical staff and some external
teachers. 27641 students are enrolled and we expe-
rience more than 3000 unique users connecting ev-
ery day during the week, becoming around 2000 at
the weekend
. Since the University of Genova counts
41000 students, these numbers say that slightly less
than 2/3 of the students are currently registered.
It is worth noticing that the adhesion to the project
has been exclusively on voluntary base, in a pure
bottom-up approach: no one has been forced to open
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According to Moodle online statistics AulaWeb
is in the group of the largest Moodle installations
CSEDU 2009 - International Conference on Computer Supported Education
her subject online, the ultimate decision has always
been left to teachers. In this sense we claim we have
followed Web 2.0 suggestions by promoting the idea
of “(Aula)Web-as-participation-platform.
It must be recognised, however, that the univer-
sity, for the simple fact of identifying AulaWeb as the
centralised platform in support to teaching activities,
has strongly facilitated the growth of the service.
Following a user-centered approach we have identi-
fied from the early stages of the design four different
users’ profiles: students, teachers, the responsible of
each Moodle instance (also called the referent), and
the technical staff. For each profile, different activi-
ties have been carried out.
Technical staff. Responsible of the overall software
system, the technical staff keeps the contacts with the
Moodle developers community.
The technical staff periodically organises specific
Moodle technical seminars for faculty members and
for referents. The technical staff, together with the
Committee, form the (small) group of persons offer-
ing the service.
Referent. “Customer” of the service, each referent is
responsible of a Moodle instance. She can contact
the technical staff for any problem and she is also the
intermediary between the staff and the users of the
program degree she represents.
Teacher. “Customer” of the service, the teacher indi-
vidually decides if she is willing to couple her tradi-
tional lectures with online support. She can contact
the referent or the staff in case of need.
More recently, a methodological course on the use
of ICT technologies for university teachers has been
launched, as we will discuss in Section 4.
Student. The major “customer” of the service, the stu-
dent can access his Moodle instance using the uni-
versity credential and he can also call the HekpDesk
service to solve first access problems. Students can
contact their teachers and the referent for any ques-
tions concerning Moodle and especially for questions
concerning educational problems the technical staff
cannot solve. At the beginning of the project, basic
courses on the use of Moodle have been offered to
groups of students from each Faculty.
In June 2006 and July 2007 anonymous question-
naires have been distributed (via AulaWeb) to have
some feedbacks. Some results will be briefly dis-
cussed in Section 3.1.
The reader will note that an important role of e-
learning, the online tutor, is missing in our organisa-
tion. Indeed, the service cannot offer online tutoring
to academic staff and students. The choice of having
online tutors is demanded to the internal organisation
of each course degree and not to the central staff that
can provide technical support “only”. Of course, in
case of large numbers like ours, this is anyhow a hard
3.1 Students’ Feedbacks
Anonymous questionnaires have been distributed to
all the students enrolled in AulaWeb proposing gen-
eral questions such as (a) “How far do you live from
the University?”, and other questions related to the
use of Moodle, for example (b) “Which is your preva-
lent activity on AulaWeb?”, (c) “How was your in-
teraction with the teacher/tutor/etc. through Moodle
tools?” We also asked for general comments and sug-
A: Download of material B: Online assignments
C: Ask questions via forums D: Other
Figure 1: Prevalent activity on AulaWeb.
Figure 1 shows the answers to question (b). As it can
be observed, the download of material (slides, papers,
lecture notes) is the prevalent activity (91.5%), fol-
lowed by the online assignment activity (5%). This
was not unexpected since we are a traditional univer-
sity trying to promote web-based technologies in the
educational process, until now mostly based on lec-
turing and information giving.
Figure 2 shows the answers to question (c). Only
38.78% of the students said that online interaction
was frequent and without any problem, while the
other cases show that the interaction was scarce
(24.05%) or nonexistent (26.17%) thus pointing out
a lack of online communication for half of the inter-
Particularly interesting have been some comments
we received. Among them, we recall the suggestion
of unifying AulaWeb with the various web sites of the
different program degrees and departments in order to
facilitate the retrieval of all the didactic information,
the request of learning material open and accessible
to everyone, the request of video lessons for those
AULAWEB, WEB-BASED LEARNING AS A COMMODITY - The experience of the University of Genova
A: Nonexistent B: Scarce
C: Technical problems D: Frequent but with problems
E: Frequent without any problem
Figure 2: Quality of the interaction on AulaWeb.
students that cannot attend in-presence classes. We
end this brief discussion of the results with one of the
provocative comments we received: “Please tell our
teachers that Internet is not the future, Internet is to-
(Yueh and Hsu, 2008) presents the results of a
questionnaire distributed to the “other side of the
users”, the professors, obtaining similar results. They
observe that “one of the barriers limiting LMS use at
the universities is the fear of technology. Thanks to
the introduction of a team of instructional specialists
supporting faculty members, “many professors indi-
cated their instructional strategies and teaching styles
had changed.This will be the subject of next section.
The number of users enrolled to AulaWeb has been
encouraging, thus showing the interest of our commu-
nity in the use of educational technology to improve
the teaching/learning process. However, in the first
years of activity, most of the work has been mainly
technical, being related to the setting up of Moodle
intances and to the training on the use of the differ-
ent features offered by the Moodle platform. Fortu-
nately, a part of the European Social Fund 2007/2008
has been invested into a new project, whose aim was
that of increasing the offer of courses with online sup-
port, not only from a numerical point of view but also
from a “qualitative” point of view.
Following the usual approach already experienced
in the past, we launched a new public “call for vol-
unteers” willing to become students of an Instruc-
tional Design course and to acquire new skills in
the methodological aspects of online education, thus
starting to fill a gap we were aware of. Univer-
sity teachers in fact rarely come into contact with
Instructional Design. Up to now each one refines
a personal style in the design and the management
of the teaching/learning process mainly based on in-
presence lessons. However, such spontaneousness
could work in classroom teaching but is not advis-
able in technology enhanced learning which depends
on instructional design no matter which is the chosen
learning approach content driven learning, collabo-
rative learning, blended learning.
Of course this does not mean that teachers should
become instructional designers – they should play the
main role of subject matter experts and educators.
Nevertheless, the more they are involved in the de-
sign, development and management of online activ-
ities the higher the quality of the teaching/learning
process will be.
Having in mind the previous considerations, the
action called Web Enhanced Learning (WEL) has
been launched, with the specific objectives of devis-
ing and experimenting a model for the transfer of in-
structional design knowledge and skills to subject-
oriented university teachers.
4.1 Organisation of Wel
The WEL course
, delivered by ITD (the Institute for
Didactic Technologies of CNR) experts, has been or-
ganised into three distinct moments.
1. In the first phase (May 2008) two plenary lec-
tures have been organised to present university
teachers (1) an overview on the use of ICT tech-
nologies for educational methods at the university
level and (2) the Instructional Design methodol-
ogy (Trentin, 2001) they were going to follow to
redesign their teaching strategies.
At the end of the second plenary lecture all those
teachers willing to continue the project have been
asked to committ themselves to actively partici-
pate in the next phases.
2. In the second phase (May-June 2008) two in-
dividual face-to-face meetings with CNR co-
designers have been organised. Each participant
has been asked to think her course in terms of
macro-design (i.e. goals and objectives defini-
tion, evaluation criteria, types of activities, first
version of the course guide) and micro-design
(i.e. providing a detailed storyboard of the course
with a description of the organisation of the mod-
ules, planned activities, initial messages for the
virtual class, activities scheduling). In parallel, on
demand technical courses have also been organ-
ised for small groups of participants. Several soft-
wares have been presented, including softwares
for content production, graphic and video editors.
Moodle modules have been introduced as well.
CSEDU 2009 - International Conference on Computer Supported Education
3. The third and last phase started in September 2008
with the last face-to-face meeting with CNR co-
designers: A sort of auditing to check the work
done. The third step ended with the launch of
first semester courses, revisited.
A final plenary meeting has been scheduled for
February 2009, before the beginning of the second
semester, to discuss the experiences of those col-
leagues who have been online with first semester sub-
4.2 Users’ Participation
Around 100 employees of the university (faculties and
staff) attended the two plenary sessions and, among
them, 46 accepted on a voluntary base to ac-
tively continue the project for a total of 30 differ-
ent projects (14 for the first semester). There is a
high variety of subjects, since disciplines in umanis-
tic and scientific fields have been proposed. The ma-
jority of the projects (still) use a blended approach
(online/onsite), 13 will add collaborative strategies to
traditional teaching, 12 will use AulaWeb for content
driven learning, 5 will use both strategies.
This project is still underway and therefore de-
tailed results will be available only at the end of this
academic year. However, we have collected some pre-
liminary feedbacks from the educators that witness
their level of satisfaction. Due to the lack of space we
mention only two of the responses we had. The sec-
ond, in particular, highlights that WEL has been the
occasion to rethink the traditional teaching as well.
1. “I admit I have attended the WEL course with
enthusiasm, trying to do my best to develop an
innovative didactic module to be offered entirely
online in the Faculty of Pharmacy in the second
semester. I know several students have already
chosen the module, including some students com-
ing from another Faculty and two students that
will spend the whole year abroad with the Eras-
mus mobility project. This gives me a strong sense
of gratification and further stimulates my engag-
ment in this experimentation.
2. “The model proposed during WEL pointed out
that I was wrong in my na
ıve teaching approach. I
have always been working starting from the obvi-
ous/natural/interesting topics and then trying to
compact them to fit in the time schedule of the
course. Now I have understood that I should
start from the competences students should ac-
quire during the course and then making the right
plan to guarantee the final result.Posed in this
terms, the design of a course seems very similar
to the development of a software system (or to any
other type of system, I suppose) since we can iden-
tify several steps:
(a) Requirements analysis (also in WEL)
(b) Design (micro and macro-design in WEL)
(c) Coding (content production in WEL)
(d) Testing (students’ evaluation
(e) Delivery (the course passes to teachers)
(f) Operation (the course in online)”
One of the author of this paper is currently online
with an advanced course offered in last year of the
Computer Science curriculum. The course mixes in-
presence lectures with online activities. Students,
split into small groups, are asked to collaboratively
write a cookbook of software examples using a wiki.
All the decisions are taken by sending posts to a
technical forum associated with the wiki or by com-
municating via Skype. This example constitutes a
privileged point of view: the course is on Network
Technologies, it has only 13 participants, students
and theachers are expert in the use of software tools.
Moreover, the subject is somehow auto-referential:
teaching network technologies with the help of net-
work technologies seems straightforward. We think
these are crucial points for the success of the virtual
class as we will discuss in the next section.
We have presented the project AulaWeb, discussing
its evolution during the last four years. Many impor-
tant details have been necessarily omitted since the
set up of AulaWeb has been a long process and we
cannot include everything here. But we cannot claim
we are experimenting e-learning. AulaWeb, in fact, is
mostly used as (1) a repository for learning material
(mostly PDF or PowerPoint files); (2) a communica-
tion tool (mainly through forums); (3) an assessment
tool (mainly through quizzes and assignments).
However, according to Martin Dougiamas
talk in
Rome in October 2008, we are part of a large com-
munity since these are the features used by 80% of
the users of Moodle, although the software platform
offers many other functionalities. This fact makes us
sharing the same “problem” that we can state as fol-
lows: “Why our users cannot exploit all the available
Moodle functionalities?”
There is an important difference here since software
testing is usually done before delivering while students eval-
uation is done in the last phase of WEL.
M. Dougiamas is the principal developer of Moodle.
AULAWEB, WEB-BASED LEARNING AS A COMMODITY - The experience of the University of Genova
Personally, we think that the technology is extremely
in advance with respect to the competences of the av-
erage user, specially when thinking to educators at
the university or at any school level. Indeed, sophis-
ticated e-learning experiences do exist but these are
mostly provided by early adopters, technology ad-
dicted, online universities, or by companies that have
professional training in their core business.
In our case, for example, the Faculty of Foreign
Languages plays the role of an early adopter since
it already delivers two online Masters but, on the
large scale, AulaWeb is a service offered to an ethero-
geneous population with different backgrounds, dif-
ferent ages, different attidutes (or fear) towards ICT
technologies. Therefore we thought it was not rea-
sonable to introduce from the beginning Web 2.0
technologies to users that hardly produce PDF files,
send empty e-mails with Word attachments or are not
aware of the fact that, since bandwidth is large but fi-
nite, collections of images should be resized before
being uploaded on a server, to make a few examples.
We decided to start with a low profile approach,
gradually introducing the software platform and its
basic functionalities without imposing any advanced
solution or asking any extreme effort. The original
idea was that of proposing AulaWeb as a software tool
available on demand and we think we have reached
our goal. Nowadays AulaWeb starts to be considered
a commodity, like the file system or the e-mail service,
something we can trust on since it is available by de-
fault. Time is now mature to offer advanced experi-
mentations, like the WEL action, to those colleagues
willing to improve their skills, but several problems
still remain open.
1. Online activities strongly depend on the availabil-
ity of online tutors, specially when dealing with
courses with large numbers of students. A single
teacher, in fact, can deal with small virtual classes
while the amount of work becomes unmanageable
with large ones.
2. Universities should define shared rules to ac-
knowledge online activities. Up to now, we are
not ready to account the time spent by the teach-
ers for the preparation of digital material and the
time spent online. The same situation holds for
students and we need to define a policy to evalu-
ate their online activities. At the moment, the type
of evaluation is not shared but it is a choice left to
the individual teacher.
3. Teaching models for subjects rather than On-
line Communication Strategies, Computer Sci-
ence subjects, E-learning subjects, Foreign Lan-
guages, . . . should be refined. Consider the case of
subjects like Termodynamics, Ancient History or
Urban Sociology. Are there any available records
of best practices in these cases?
4. Educating the educators is fundamental. Proba-
bly nowadays many of them do not have any dif-
ficulties in using web-based technologies but the
majority is not aware of Web 2.0 opportunities.
5. Last but not least, technical staff should be prop-
erly trained since the technology evolves too fast.
We end this work by observing that many definitions
exist to indicate the process of learning coupled with
ICT: blended learning, e-learning, web-based learn-
ing, technology enhanced learning, networked col-
laborative learning, i-learning (where ”i” stands for
Internet), I-learning (where ”I” denotes collaborative
learning in the Web 2.0 spirit). We think that educa-
tional techonologies cannot be considered any longer
as new technologies and when they will truly be-
come a commodity, then the term Learning should be
Cole, J. and Foster, H. (2007). Using Moodle. Teaching
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Dick, W. and Carey, W. (1996). The Systematic Design of
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Norman, D. (1998). The Design of Everyday Things. MIT
Press. Reprint edition.
O’Reilly, T. (2005). What Is Web 2.0. Design Patterns and
Business Models for the Next Generation of Software.
Trentin, G. (2001). Designing Online Courses. In Maddux,
C. and Johnson, D. L., editors, The Web in Higher Ed-
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tential. The Haworth Press.
Trentin, G. (2007). Pedagogical Sustainability of Network-
Based Distance Education in University Teaching. In
Bailey, E., editor, Focus on Distance Education De-
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a didattico-formatica
dell’e-learning. Social networking e apprendimento
attivo. FrancoAngeli. in Italian.
Yueh, H.-P. and Hsu, S. (2008). Designing a Learning Man-
agement System to Support Instruction. Communica-
tions of the ACM, 51(4).
CSEDU 2009 - International Conference on Computer Supported Education