10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Number of Testing Images
Recognition Rat
Figure 4: Recognition trends of different methods.
in C++ language under Borland C++ Builder 6.0
An experiment was conducted to demonstrate the
effect for the proposed two classifiers when the
number of the testing objects increased from 10 to
100 to reveal the effect of number of objects.
Combining synthetic and real object images, the
study had 1000 testing images for validation. The
experimental results is shown in Figure 4.
Accordingly, the GRA-based method outperformed
minimum distance method (MD), even though the
MD method still owned 95% of recognition rate
when the number of patterns reaches 100.
Deriving invariant features is a crucial task in the
area of pattern recognition. This study proposes a
new translation, rotation, and scaling-free 2D object
recognition method, which adopts K-curvature
boundary representation to derive position-invariant
property, re-sampling to achieve scaling-invariant
property, and autocorrelation transform to obtain
orientation-invariant property. In addition, the
proposed method incorporated with Grey Relational
Analysis method to recognize the 2D digital objects
with a high recognition rate. A set of fifty synthetic
images, each of them was acquiring with ten
different positions, orientations and scales, were
used for validation, and another fifty real objects
were obtained for validation. Experimental results
also reveal that the proposed method with either
GRA or MD methods is effective and reliable for
part recognition. Conclusively, the proposed KRA
feature extractor incorporated with GRA classifier,
not only successfully obtained position, orientation,
and scaling- invariant features, but also classified the
features in an excellent performance. It is also
expected that the proposed method may be applied
to various applications such as part sorting,
automated visual inspection, robot positioning,
control and monitoring system.
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