S.W. Cheung and Jade Wong
Department of Electrical & Electronic Engineering
The University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam, Hong Kong
Keywords: Interactive m-learning tool, m-learning System, Large class-room teaching, Large class-room assessment,
Wireless applications.
Abstract: This paper presents a simple interactive m-learning tool for large class-room teaching and assessment. The
problems occur in teaching a large class are discussed and using the m-learning tool presented is proposed
as a solution. In teaching large classes, the teachers very often find it very difficult to know how much the
students have learnt and their levels of understanding in the class. With the use of the m-learning tool,
teachers can monitor the progress of students during class and know what the students need, hence adjust
their teaching pace to adapt the students’ learning ability. To access some of the effects, the m-learning tool
has been modified to be used in a mobile quiz contest with participation of 17 secondary and primary
schools. Feedbacks in the events are very encouraging.
Over the past years, e-learning has adapted different
advanced technologies such as using different
learning platforms as learning tools or virtual class-
rooms to provide students with different ways of
learning. Some technologies have been used for
interactive mobile learning (m-learning) (Zurita,
2008. Chang, 2008. Tao, 2008. Qi. 2008), but very
few are dealing with the outcome and monitoring of
students’ learning progress during large class
teaching. The Electronic Student Response Devices
(Clickers) is an excellent tool for these (Goff, 2008).
Mobile phone is becoming a necessity for people
in many places of the world. Many people carry their
mobile phones all time and spend a lot of time on
talking to someone using their mobile phones.
Currently, the penetration of mobile subscribers in
Hong Kong is over 150% which means that there are
more mobile subscribers than the whole population.
In view of these, few years ago, Cheung
conceptualized the idea to design an interactive
mobile learning tool so that mobile subscribers could
use their mobile phones very conveniently to
improve their learning in various subject areas such
as Mathematics, Chinese or English, etc. anywhere
and at anytime. The mobile learning tool must be
interesting to students and could be used very
conveniently by mobile subscribers who may be
school or university students to improve their
learning. As a result, a project was proposed to
design and implement a simple wireless interactive
tool or “game” for use in mobile devices. Since
students normally find it boring in the learning
process, one of the important objectives of the
project was to help students learn through playing
games. Then a project called Wisdom was
successfully developed by an undergraduate
supervised by Cheung (Ko, 2007). The technology
used was simple and just a web-based system based
on using the 2G/2.5G/3G networks
With the introduction of eduroam (EDUcation
ROAMing) (EDUROM website, 2008) researchers,
teachers, students, staff from different institutions
over the world can easily and securely access the
Internet from any eduroam-enabled institution. Then
in Hong Kong, the Government has proposed a WiFi
Programme to implement hundreds of hotspots for
free and convenient WiFi access to the public,
making headways toward becoming a ubiquitous
society. Currently, hundreds of hotspots have been
set up all over the Hong Kong for the programme.
Y5ZONE is a company providing Broadband
Wireless (WiFi) connectivity in Hong Kong
(Y5ZONE website, 2008). It has over 2000 hotspots
serving wide range of users, including mobile
Cheung S. and Wong J. (2009).
In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Computer Supported Education, pages 47-53
DOI: 10.5220/0001959400470053
workers, students, professionals and roam-in
business travellers. WiFi users can stay connected in
popular shopping malls, restaurant outlets or fast
food chains. In collaboration with The University of
Hong Kong, Y5ZONE has agreed to provide free
WiFi service to the university staff and students at
their WiFi hotspots throughout Hong Kong. So
university students and staff can have free WiFi
service with any WiFi enabled devices at Y5ZONE
WiFi hotspots. In return, Y5ZONE WiFi customers
will have free WiFi service at the University of
Hong Kong. PCCW is also a WiFi access provider in
Hong Kong and has built more than 3,000 WiFi
hotspots throughout Hong Kong, including
entertainment and leisure stores, coffee shops, fast
food chains, the airport, restaurants, shopping malls
and MTR stations (PCCW website, 2008). In
collaboration with The University of Hong Kong,
PCCW has also agreed to provide WiFi access to the
university staff and students at their WiFi hotspots.
All these are providing a very good background for
wireless applications. With all these WiFi
infrastructures being made in placed, students in
Hong Kong basically will have free access to the
internet anywhere via WiFi hotspots using their
WiFi-enabled devices. As a result, following the
concept and design of the interactive m-learning
game “wisdom”, an “Interactive Wireless Mobile
Learning System” is developed to facilitate large
class-room teaching and assessment.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows.
The problems of large class-room teaching and
advantages of using m-learning in large class-room
teaching are discussed in section 2. The challenges
of designing m-learning tools for handsets are
described in section 3. The system descriptions and
architectures of the interactive m-learning game,
Wisdom, are described in section 4. The system
descriptions and architectures, together with the
useful features for large class-room teaching, of the
interactive m-learning tool, are given in section 5.
Section 6 is Conclusions.
In the old days, lectures and tutorials were given to
only small classes of students and there was strong
interaction between teachers and students.
Nowadays, we have large lecture theatres which can
accommodate hundreds of students. In teaching or
lecturing such large classes, there is always a lack of
student exchange, interaction and feedback. Studies
have shown that the failures of the first year students
in Electrical Engineering were linked to an almost
complete absence of feedback on progress during the
first term of study (Entwistle, 1989). However, it is
not easy for teachers to know how much the students
have learned and what the students’ level of
understanding are during large-class teaching. Is the
teaching pace too slow or too fast? Are the materials
too difficult for the students to understand? How
much of the materials that the students have
understood? Do the students feel easy about the
lectures, etc? To find out the answers for all these
questions, the teachers will have to ask students
some quiz questions related to the materials taught in
the class and analyse the answers from the students.
In Hong Kong (probably in some other countries as
well), students somehow tend to be a little bit shy
and are afraid of being looked stupid or ignorant.
They are reluctant to answer questions to the
teachers directly in a large class. Thus asking
students quiz questions in a class may not always
work. Another possible method to assess the students
learning performance during large class teaching is
to spend some of the teaching time to perform a
written test/quiz. The problem with this method is
that it will unavoidably distract the teachers’
concentration and students’ attention. Moreover,
after the written test/quiz, the teachers will have to
devote a lot of time to mark and analyse the answers.
In a large class, this will create much more workload
for the already extremely busy teachers. The results
obtained are not interactive. The teachers know the
results after marking the test/quiz and analysing the
results, so they can only take appropriate actions
such as repeating the chapters or topics in the next
class which may be a week, a month or even longer
later. When repeating, the teachers will also have to
spend some time to refresh the students’ minds on
these chapters and topics, significantly slowing
down the teaching progress.
The m-learning tool proposed here can help
teachers to perform simple tests/quizzes during large
class-room teaching and assess the students’
performances immediately after the tests/quizzes in a
convenient way. Thus teachers can use the tool to
closely monitor the learning progress of the students
in the class, indentify any possible problems
encountered if occur, and take appropriate actions
needed. For example, if it is found that some topics
or concepts, etc, which are misunderstood by many
students in the class, the teacher can give further
detailed explanations on them immediately to make
CSEDU 2009 - International Conference on Computer Supported Education
sure that the students understand them thoroughly.
The standards of admitted students in different
departments of universities vary from year to year,
e.g. the standards of students admitted to do
engineering in universities nowadays are not as good
as those ten years ago. Teachers need to know their
standards as soon as possible in order to adjust their
teaching pace to adapt to the students’ standards.
The proposed m-learning tool will be very useful for
Mobile handsets are usually small in sizes. For the
reason of easy carrying, they are getting even
smaller. As a result, small screen sizes are always
the major challenge in designing applications for
mobile handsets. How can we fit all the materials
onto the small screens of the mobile handsets? The
resolution of the mobile handset screens has no
standard. How can we display the same image file on
screens with different resolutions without getting
distortion of the image? The keypad of a mobile
handset has very limited number of keys, so
inputting text is not an easy task. How can we
simplify this process? It is nice to have visual
richness, colours, animation and sound effects etc. to
arise interests of the learners, but all these requires
powerful CPU to run. Moreover, the large file sizes
for these features take up too much bandwidth and
too long to send to the mobile devices. How can we
reduce the file sizes? Having considered these
questions in details, we found that the answer to all
these questions was to use questions in text and in
the form of simple multiple choices.
To design the m-learning game “wisdom”, we
had considered using the following technologies:
Multimedia Messaging System (MMS), Short
Messaging System (SMS). Extensible HyperText
Markup Languague (XHTML), Wireless Application
Protocol (WAP), Java 2 Platfotm, Mobile Edition
(J2ME), JavaScript and Flash. Finally, we decided to
use J2ME to design the software for the mobile
devices because it is the most common language
currently used in mobile phones and also there are
many free simulation tools available for developing
applications using J2ME. Unfortunately, although
J2ME is a standard, it is well known that the
software developed using J2ME does not guarantee
it can be operated in all devices supporting J2ME. In
fact, with our experience, we can say that it is highly
probable that it will not.
4.1 System Description
Wisdom is an interactive m-learning game which
can accommodate a large number of interactive
students via the 2G/2.5G/3G mobile networks. In
wisdom, learning is performed in a form of game so
that student will find it more interesting to learn. To
play the game, students are required to pre-register
with the game and have their mobile devices such as
mobile phones or PDAs, etc. loaded with a client
interface program written in J2ME. Students use
their mobile devices to login the game, as shown in
Fig. 1a, via the 2G/2.5G/3G mobile network in order
to enter and play the game. A number of quiz
questions in the form of multiple choices in different
subjects such as Mathematics, English, etc., are
prepared for the game and stored in a database of the
server. In playing the game, all students will receive
a set of about 30 questions, as shown in Fig. 1b, in
text one after the other, each having 4 possible
answers as multiple choices. Students have to select
the correct answers from these choices within a
limited period of time, say, 30 secs. If they select the
correct answer, they stay on; otherwise they lose and
are gone. The one who correctly and continuously
answer the most quizzes is the winner. Since
students can access the game via the internet in
anywhere and at anytime, it is possible that they can
be competing against tens or hundreds of students
simultaneously over the world. This makes the game
much more interesting and exciting than the
traditional mobile quiz games.
Figure 1: a) login screen b) question screen.
To make the game even more interesting, before
answering each question, each student is given 3
options to choose: Option 1) “Skipping”, i.e. if the
student is not sure about all the answers, he/she can
select this option to skip the question; Option 2)
“50:50”, i.e. if the student is not sure about the some
of answers given, by selection this option, two
incorrect answers (50%) out of the 4 given are
removed so the student has a better chance to answer
the quiz correctly; and Option 3) “Prolonging the
Time Limit” which doubles the time limit to 60 sec.
so that the student can have more time to answer the
current question. All students will only have a
limited number, say 5 times out of 30 questions, of
having this option. At the end of each question, the
correct answer will be displayed on their mobile
devices, thus they can learn from this.
4.2 System Architecture
The wisdom system consists of the following
a) a game web server;
b) a number of mobile phones installed with a
J2ME client interface program; and
c) an administration console.
The system architecture of wisdom is shown Fig. 2.
Students use their mobile handsets installed with a
client interface program to access the game server
via a 2G/2.5G/3G mobile network.
Figure 2: System architecture of Wisdom.
At the beginning of the game, the server waits until
all clients have logged and then prompts all the
clients with a question in the form of multiple
choices. When the answers from all students are
received, the server checks the returned answers
against the correct ones stored in the data and sends
the correct answer to the clients. The students with
wrong answers will be stopped from playing the
game further. When there is only one left in the
game, it is the winner.
5.1 System Description
To facilitate interactive large class-room learning
and assessment, the interactive m-learning game,
wisdom, was modified to an interactive m-learning
tool. The design of Wisdom was based on the
2G/2.5G/3G mobile networks which cost money to
use. This will deter students from using it. Thus the
interactive m-learning tool for large class-room
teaching is designed for use in different wireless
networks. Students still can login the system using
their 2G/2.5G/3G mobile phones via the mobile
networks. In addition, students can also login the
system using WiFi-devices such as WiFi-enabled
mobile phones, laptops, PSP or PDAs etc. via any
access points inside and outside the campus.
5.2 Useful Features for Large
Class-room Teaching
5.2.1 Pre-registration
To use the m-learning tool for large class-room
teaching, the students enrolled for the course are
required to pre-register with the m-learning system.
The name lists with passwords of the pre-registered
students are stored in an excel file and then stored in
the database of the system. The students are given
the usernames and passwords in order to login the
system. This prevents un-registered students to enter
the system.
5.2.2 Monitoring Attendance
In many universities such as the University of Hong
Kong, students’ attendance to classes is not
compulsory. However, our experiences have shown
that students with more than 75% attendance to
classes normally perform much better than those
with less than 25% attendance in the examinations.
In small classes, it is easy for teachers to know who
are absent from the classes, so students tend to make
efforts to attend the classes. However, in large
classes, it is very difficult for teachers to know who
are present in or absent from the classes without
taking attendances. As a result, some students tend to
escape from large classes. Of course, teachers can
always encourage students to attend classes by
taking attendance in each class, but for large classes,
taking attendance will take up some of the teaching
time and also distract the teachers’ concentration and
2G/2.5G/3G mobile network
(Java Program)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone
CSEDU 2009 - International Conference on Computer Supported Education
students’ attention. When using this m-learning tool,
students have to register with the system at the
beginning of the class, so attendance with time-
stamp is taken by the system automatically.
5.2.3 Easy Input of Prepared Questions and
Teachers can prepare the test/quiz questions in the
form of multiple choices beforehand and store them
with the corresponding answers in different columns
of an excel file which is used as the input file to the
m-learning system. Different sets of test/quiz
questions can easily be inputted to the corresponding
excel files and stored in the database server
implemented using an Apple Computer.
5.2.4 Automatic Marking
Since the system stores the answers as well as the
questions in the database, during the test, after
receiving the answers from students, it can check the
answers and hence marks them. If a written test/quiz
were used in large classes, the teachers would have
needed to spend a lot of time to mark them.
However, the proposed m-learning tool can provide
the marks of individual students immediately after
each question or test. In addition, it can also compute
the distributions of answers for each question and
display them on the computer screen for the teachers
to analyse.
5.2.5 Monitoring Students’ Progress in
Large Classes
The forms of tests and quizzes can also be set in
different forms and levels to serve different
purposes. For example, teachers can prepare a whole
set of questions and use it as a formal test. A time
limit can be set to allow the students to complete the
test. For tests/quizzes given to large classes and held
in lecture halls, it is very difficult to prevent students
from copying answers from their neighbors. The m-
learning tool can be used to send the same set of
questions to students in a random manner, stopping
them from copying answers from neighbors. At the
end of the test, the teacher can assess the students’
learning performances through the scores obtained
for individual students immediately.
Teachers can use regular tests/quizzes to monitor
the students’ performances through out the year and
decide if the teaching pace is too slow or too fast.
5.2.6 Closely Monitoring of Students in
Large Classes
Feedback on students’ progress is an important
factor for quality teaching (Entwistle. 1989). Small-
class students tend to be satisfied with the feedback
they received (Søndergaard. 2004). For large classes,
students' satisfaction tends to fall.
In using the m-learning tool, question can be set
to closely monitor the progress of students during
teaching, e.g., to test if the students have understood
the concepts of certain principles just taught, then a
few easy and short questions could be enough. The
questions can be presented to students one after the
other and step by step in a logical way. When the
answers are received back from all students (which
can be checked by the system), the teacher can check
the distribution of answers for each question and
hence decide whether more detailed explanations or
additional lectures are required for a particular topic
of the course.
A user-friendly interface program has been
developed for teachers to retrieve individual scores
from the database and hence to check the
performances of individual students during teaching.
5.2.7 Engaging Students
Student engagement is a big challenge for quality
teaching in large classes. When teaching large
classes, it is not easy to generate in-class interaction
with the students. The m-learning tool proposed here
can be used to design different methods to get the
students interact with the teaching materials. For
example, quizzes can be set in a form of
competition. Students who score the highest marks at
the end of the class can win prizes. Their names can
be displayed in the course website pages. Their
scores can be accumulated until the end of the year
and contribute to the final marks of the course.
5.3 System Architecture
Figure 3 shows that system architecture which
consists of the following components:
a) the Mobile learning platform server;
b) Administration Console Portal (a web
portal); and
c) A number of WiFi Access points.
d) A display program to display the percentage
of correct answer for each questions and
marks scored by each student.
Administration Console
(Java Program)
Figure 3: System architecture of Interactive Mobile
Learning system.
Students use their mobile devices installed with an
interface program, their usernames and passwords to
access the system server via any WiFi access point
in the campus or theoretically any mobile networks
(which should be seldom used due to the high cost).
For security reasons, the MAC addresses of the
WiFi-enabled devices are also needed to register in
order to gain access to the WiFi access points in the
To promote m-learning and celebrate the Beijing
2008 Olympics and also, at the same time, assess the
effects of the proposed m-learning tool, an Inter-
school Mobile Quiz Contest was organised in July
2008. We modified the Interactive Mobile Learning
Tool to be used in this contest which was held in The
University of Hong Kong. There were more than 200
students and teachers from 17 secondary and
primary schools participating in the contest. They
were all seating in the same hall of about 250 seats.
The contest was divided into three quiz question
sessions, with each having a specific theme. They
were about the general knowledge on the Olympic
Games, the Equestrian and The University of Hong
Kong. Each school could nominate 4-6 students as
the contestants to participate in each question
session. These students were all pre-registered with
the m-learning system. In each question session,
there were about 25-30 quiz questions in the form of
multiple choices and the contestants (students) were
given 5-10 mins to complete all the answers. The
quiz questions could be purely texts, with or without
pictures. The contestant who could answer most
questions was the Champion of the session.
Although the m-learning tool could support different
kinds of wireless devices such as PDA, mobile
handsets, PSP, etc. The contestants were all given
the same type of WiFi-enabled device, a Sony PSP,
to use in the contest, thus the contestants could not
complaint that their different wireless devices
affected their performances. To reduce the delays of
sending the questions to the contestants due to
congestion, three different access points with
different operating frequencies were setup in the hall
for the contestants to access the m-learning system.
During the quiz session, the scores for each of the
contestants were displayed on a big screen in real
time so that their supporters could see. This made the
contest a very exciting event. We could see students
stand up, shouting and screaming to support their
school-mates who were playing the game.
At the end of the contest, students found the
game very interesting and exciting to play. Teachers
said the system would be a very useful tool to
monitor the learning progress of the students during
In this paper, we have presented the design of an m-
learning tool for large class-room teaching and
assessment. The tool has different features targeted
at large class-room teaching. The system has been
used in an Inter-school Mobile Quiz Contest for
more 200 students and teachers from 17 secondary
and primary schools. Very good comments have
been given by the students and teachers.
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