to obtain new complete courses, or to obtain new
individual units and projects. The results obtained
are added to the course creation Experience Layer.
When the course contents are defined (in the
Knowledge Layer), it is necessary to establish a
common objective for the competence and the
course. The system shows the available objectives
(again from the Information Layer), and the user
chooses an available objective or creates a
completely new one. After this assignment, the new
course including its objective is stored in the
repositories of the Data Layer.
Finally, the user chooses between assigning other
course to the same competence or to end the process.
The User Layer filters the content displayed
depending on user type. In this use case, there is
only a user type, so there is not explicit
implementation of the layer.
4.1 Implementation Issues
The core language used to implement the prototype
was Java, using Swing and AWT libraries for
Graphical Interfaces. Competence, Course, Project
and Unit repositories were created and managed
with mySQL databases. The set of ontologies that
model the domain were written in OWL-DL, using
the Protégé ontology editor. For the query system,
we used Protégé OWL API (Knublauch, 2006), and
the chosen reasoner was Pellet (Sirin et al., 2007).
For the CBR implementation, we used jColibri2
(Díaz-Agudo et al., 2007), developed by the GAIA
group at Complutense University of Madrid.
In this work, we presented an architecture to address
some common problems encountered in CCD.
Specifically we focused on the re-use of available
information. Our approach uses a mix of Semantic
and CBR techniques in order to enhance a real
world, factual industry problem. A case study
implementation of our architecture was presented for
using the design of a mid-level vocational education
course that complies with the Spanish normative as a
demonstration sample.
As future work we intend to extend our
implementation in two different directions, one
being related to the collaborative aspect of our work
(e.g. many users modifying the same resources at the
same time). The other direction we wish to explore
will focus on the possibility of enhancing the system
with experience in using SOEKS techniques (Sanin
et al., 2007) used in other domains with positive
results (Toro et al., 2007).
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