mined by the acoustical system frequency: the smaller the frequency is, the worse its
lateral resolution is, and, consequently, the wider the “resolution spot” is. Its longitu-
dinal size is determined by the duration of the irradiated pulse: the longer the pulse is,
the worse is the longitudinal resolution and bigger is the “resolution spot”. The easiest
way to estimate the size of the “resolution spot” of a certain acoustical system is to
observe bright point reflectors of the acoustical phantom.
The first informative level (mentioned above) is a large-scale structure of the ob-
ject under investigation. At this level one can estimate the boundaries of organs and
their mutual disposition, the focal lesions and the large vessels. The macrostructure is
determined by the objects which size is larger than the “resolution spot” of the acous-
tical system. Due to this fact the definition of the correspondence of the macro-objects
in the acoustical image to real anatomic objects and the estimation of these objects’
properties is implemented relatively easily (we do not discuss here the various arti-
facts that can make the task more difficult). At diagnostics process the “direct” fea-
tures are estimated: the organs’ deformation (local or diffuse increase or decrease, the
presence of the local outpouching or retraction) and the violation of their normal
topography, the smoothness and clearness of the contours of the focal lesions, the
uniformity of the diameter and the right run of vessels.
The second informative level is presented by the small-scale structure. Here we
mean the various texture filling of extensive and relatively homogeneous areas of an
image of the parenchymatous organs. The structure of the scattering medium in this
case is characterized by the presence of a lot of scattering objects whose characteristic
size is of the order of tenth and hundredth portions of a millimeter. These are the the
cells layers of various orientation, arterioles and venules, small ducts, fibrous and fat
interlayers. At disease the morphological structure of these objects is changed. This
may lead to the changes of their acoustical properties. The local variations of the
brightness caused, for example, by small vessels, single small stones, etc., can also be
attributed to the small-scale structure level.
Thus, the microstructure of an image is determined by the scattering objects which
are smaller than “the resolution spot” of the acoustical system. An acoustical image of
such objects in principle does not have any geometric likeness with the original object
whereas within a single “resolution spot” there are tens and hundreds inhomogeneities
which are added statistically. As we deal here with the coherent adding of the acous-
tical oscillations, an interference amplification or weakening of the scattered signal
take place, which are not directly caused by the real changes of the reflective charac-
teristics of micro-objects (speckle-noise).
Nevertheless the change of the micro-objects’ scattering properties at various de-
ceases leads (though not directly) to the change of the image features. That is why the
characteristics of the texture structure of the picture that is obtained from these micro-
objects (including the speckle-noise) can serve as an indirect source of the informa-
tion about the disease nature. The changes of the brightness (the signal intensity), the
texture homogeneity and the degree of the attenuation of ultrasound signal are esti-
So, the morphological features of the objects under the study at macro- and micro-
levels are principally different. This fact causes the difference in approaches to their
analyzing. Obviously this leads to choosing the different mathematical means for
these informative levels’ processing.