used. The extent of degeneration is defined as a difference between the number of ter-
minals of DA-ergic axons in control (the group of animals that were not injected by the
toxin) and in experimental (the group of animals that were injected by the toxin) groups.
DA-ergic neurons and axons remained after MPTP administration are supposed to have
to increase its functional activity to compensate DA deficiency. One of the indicators of
increased functional activity of neurons and their fibers is their size increases (hypertro-
phy). TH – DA synthesis key enzyme – concentration increase can be another specific
indicator of functional activity of DA-ergic axons and neurons.
Application of the developed method allows one to quantitatively estimate features
mentioned above. The description of the method is given below in Sec. 2. Section 3
reviews the results of the method application.
2 Method Description
The proposed method is designed for the isolation of the small informative elongated
objects on the frontal striatum section images and for extracted objects’ feature calcu-
lation. Images and objects represented on that images were characterized as follows: a)
initial image resolution is 0.0117 µm
; b) terminals (Fig. 2) are rounded objects
with area varying from 0.6 − 0.7 µm
up to 2.5 − 3 µm
; c) terminals color differs
from background color; d) terminals can have oval, round, prolate or irregular shape.
The results of the method application are segmented object contours binary image and
their feature list. The automated segmentation method include 7 stages defined below.
The method stage description is outlined according to the following scheme: 1) brief
description of the applied transformation or algorithm and its mathematical content;
2) the significance of the particular transformation while task solving; 3) explanatory
material permitting results evaluation. Some method stages are supplied by plots of in-
tensity function for a particular column, which is marked on the corresponding image
with thin white dashed line. Intensity function corresponding to particular stage result-
ing image is plotted with solid line, this of previous stage resulting image (if any) is
depicted by dashed line and dash-dot line is used to demonstrate the partial result while
applying the transformation. In the equations presented below the grayscale reconstruc-
tion [5] of I from marker J is denoted by ρ
(J) (similar the dual reconstruction [5] is
denoted by ρ
2.1 Step 1. Opening by Reconstruction
Grayscale opening by reconstruction [5,6], denoted by I◦
B , consists of the following:
an initial image I is eroded [6] by a flat structuring element B , then the obtained image
I ⊖ B is used as marker to reconstruct the initial image.
I ◦
B = ρ
(I ⊖ B) . (1)
The first method step is intended for elimination of initial image narrow peaks,
corresponding to the background. The results of carrying out the present transformation
are depicted on Fig. 3 and Fig. 4. The erosion was done by the flat disk structuring