the size of images. The calibration part adjusts the
overlapped and the projective regions. In the
contents control part, multimedia objects based on
movie clips are displayed. Once multimedia contents
are registered in the contents control part, a user can
control and play them on the huge screen by just
clicking a mouse or pressing a keyboard. Figure 8
shows the semiconductor education contents based
on the proposed tiled display system.
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Figure 8: Semiconductor educational contents.
A virtual reality system provides the sense of reality
and becomes a more user-friendly interface than the
other systems. In this work, we developed the tiled
display system for educating semiconductor
manufacturing processes. Moreover, we conducted
calibration in order to compensate the distorted
image and to increase the sense of reality.
We are currently considering natural interaction
for effective lecture with the proposed platform.
Even though, the proposed system does not include
natural interaction (for example, gesture
recognition), it has the potential of an immersive
education platform as an effective tutor.
This work was supported by VTRC (Virtual
Training Research Center) in KUT (R-2008-0123).
This work was also supported by the Korea Science
and Engineering Foundation(KOSEF) grant funded
by the Korea government(MOST) (R01-2007-000-