A Subject in Information Systems Security
M. Gestal, J. R. Rabuñal, J. Dorado, D. Rivero and A. Pazos
Information and Communications Technologies Department
University of A Coruña, A Coruña, Spain
Keywords: European Higher Education Area, Computer Security, Syllabus, Evaluation, Course Design.
Abstract: This article describes the “Security in Information Systems” subject that is currently imparted at the
University of A Coruña as part of its Master in Computer Sciences. This subject is organized as a response
to the requirements of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) and of extreme importance to future
computer experts, since security is such a delicate and essential part of any information system. Special care
has been given to the development of this subject, which requires continuous and timely updating.
Our information society is, to a great extent, based
on the idea that basic rights such as privacy,
confidentiality, access to information, and
authentification are not to be violated. In the world
of information systems, security is particularly
crucial because its advances take place at such a fast
rate. Security requirements change with each new
development, and since more and more information
becomes accessible, security checks become
increasingly exacting. As such, technological
advances are catalysers that work in two directions:
on the one hand they provide access to more and
new information (entailing more security controls),
on the other hand they allow for the implantation of
more refined security mechanisms (which provide
secure access to new information types).
The proposed subject is designed to provide
students with the basic concepts and techniques for
the protection of information systems. This
knowledge is presented from a physical, logical,
administrative, and legal point of view, and allows
our future experts to understand and solve risks that
threaten information systems in the present and in
the future.
Among the first basic concepts that are imparted is
the evolution of several cryptographic algorithms
(Ramió, 1998; Lucena, 2008). The enormous surge
in electronic information exchange systems
(electronic mail, web pages, e-commerce, digital
signature, etc.), has increased the importance of
first-level training on secure and reliable security
infrastructures, with a strong focus on protocols,
configuration, etc. (Stallings, 2006).
Operating Systems (Garfinkel et al., 2003) are
also extremely dependent on security: they
constitute the core of any computerized device and
are the favourite target for computer attacks, so their
vulnerabilities and possible defence strategies are
especially interesting.
In general terms, this subject focuses on the
weaknesses of Information Systems from both a
physical (communications networks) and logical
(operating systems, communications protocols,
configurations, etc.) point of view, and broadly
covers the following areas:
Public-key cryptosystems
Private-key cryptosystems
Vulnerabilities in Information Systems
Security in Operating Systems
Gestal M., Rabuñal J., Dorado J., Rivero D. and Pazos A. (2009).
BUILDING THE EUROPEAN HIGHER EDUCATION AREA - A Subject in Information Systems Security.
In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Computer Supported Education, pages 398-401
DOI: 10.5220/0001967003980401
Security in Networks
These subjects provide students with extensive
knowledge on basic security concepts, applicable to
a wide range of fields, and allow them to manage
and administrate the security aspects of information
systems. The main purposes of this subject are the
Become familiar with the security process
Identify the risks for information systems
Know the security mechanisms with which to
equip an information system
Understand the fundamental concepts of
Understand the nature, definition, and
application of a security policy
After completing this subject, the student will
have of a series of competences with which to
manage and administrate the security of information
systems. These competences can be divided into
three large groups:
Competences related to conceptual capacity:
Summarize the foundations of
Know the legal aspects of information
systems security
Define the risks and vulnerabilities of an
information system
Analyse new advances in security and
their repercussions
Competences related to procedural capacities:
Use security tools
Organize the security of an information
Express clearly and effectively the need
for security measures and their
implantation, advantages, and
Competences related to behavioural capacities:
Assume the existence of vulnerabilities in
information systems and minimize them
Assess a system’s security in a critical
and objective manner
Collaborate with other professionals (such
as system administrators, networks,
databases, applications, etc.) in launching
and maintaining security measures.
These competences will allow students to carry
out their work in the systems security field. They
will be able to design, implant, and evaluate the
security mechanisms, the incident detection
mechanisms, and the security policy of an
information system.
The subject is based on three elements: theoretical
classes, practical classes, and practical exercises.
During the theoretical classes, the fundamental
concepts of the subject are introduced so as to allow
the student to study the proposed matter in depth. At
this point, the teaching staff plays an essential role,
but the students are also encouraged to participate
actively and this participation will be evaluated.
Students receive the teaching material and a
selection of bibliographical references, which
enable them to prepare the classes in advance or
focus on any given aspect. They may be exposed to
written tests based on brief theoretical questions or
on solving small problems, in order to check their
level of assimilation of the concepts that were
explained during class or analysed individually.
These tests have a duration of approximately 30
minutes and are corrected and commented in class.
The practical classes are dedicated partly to the
application of the exposed theoretical concepts to a
practical case. During these classes, the students
play a more relevant role; the professor merely
presents the case and provides an individualized (or
generalized, if relevant) support in case of doubt.
The practical sessions take place individually (or
in groups of two persons), except for one of the
classes which requires 2 or 3 sessions with groups of
4 to 6 persons. This particular class consists in a
collaborative learning experience in which the group
works on a previously indicated and structured
theme (e.g. the application of security policy to a
concrete case). The group indicates one person
responsible for each part of the work; the persons
responsible for the same part work together and
explain what they do to the rest of their group, so
that in the end all the components of one group have
acquired knowledge on all the parts. In order to
stimulate the explanation of concepts between the
members of one group, a written test takes place
after the work and the obtained result is common to
the entire group, i.e. the average of the results of the
individual members. This method enhances the
interest of each student in making a fellow student
understand the part for which he/she is responsible.
The practical classes can be complemented with
seminaries that develop a subject related to the
objective of the subject.
Finally, the practical exercise is carried out by
groups of 2 to 4 persons and either chosen from a list
proposed by the professor or directly proposed by
the students. The proposed exercises have to be
related to one of the subjects of the subject and seek
BUILDING THE EUROPEAN HIGHER EDUCATION AREA - A Subject in Information Systems Security
to expand it. They are followed-up continuously
during obligatory tutorials and finally exposed, as
part of the theoretical classes, for a duration of 30
minutes. Time is given for questions and comments,
and the content of these exercises is considered part
of the subject material.
4.1 Theoretical Programme
The classes are within one semester, with four
classes each week. The programme is divided into 5
large sections of very different nature. The subjects
are the following:
SECTION 1: Basic notions
1.- Basics of the Security Theory
2.- Physical and logical Security
SECTION 2: Cryptography
3.- Classical Cryptographic Systems
4.- Private-key cryptographic systems
5.- Public-key cryptographic systems
6.- Digital signature
SECTION 3: Security in Operative Systems
7.- Security in Linux systems
8.- Security in Windows systems
SECTION 4: Security in Networks
9.- Communciations Networks: Introduction
10.- Security elements in communications
networks: firewalls, , proxy
11.- Vulnerabilities and Security on the
Internet: WWW, electronic mail
SECTION 5: Advanced Concepts
12.- Steganography, visual cryptography
13.- Forensic analysis
4.2 Practical Programme
For a correct and adequate follow-up of the
theoretical programme, a practical programme is
imparted that consists of a series of practices:
Security Policies
Classical Cryptography and Cryptoanalysis
Security configuration and intruder detection in
operative systems
Security configuration and intruder detection in
web servers
Forensic Analysis
The evaluation process of this subject is continuous
and consists of several sections: assimilation of
theoretical concepts, execution of practices, and
exposition of exercises that are evaluated according
to the weighting criteria mentioned in Table 1.
Table 1: Weighting criteria for the evaluation of the subject.
Aspect Criteria Instrument Weight
Active participation in theoretical
and practical classes.
Attendance and
Observation and teacher’s
Participation and output tutorials
Command of theoretical and
operative notions
Concepts Final theoretical exam 40%
assimilation of
Assimilation and compression of
theoretical and operative notions
Partial exams 10%
Output of tutorials
Monitored Practical
Observation and teacher’s
Quality of work
Clarity of exposition
Observation and teacher’s
notes Elaboration Practical
Classes and Exercices
Output and elaboration of exercise
during practical classes
Presentation exercises and
practical classes
CSEDU 2009 - International Conference on Computer Supported Education
In order for students to pass this subject, the sum
of their qualifications in the above sections must be
at least 5, and the results of the theoretical exam, the
practical exercises, and the exposition of the work
must each reach at least 40% of the highest mark.
The practical exercises will be retained for one
year. The students who have already passed these
during the previous year may repeat them but are not
required to do so.
This subject has been very well received by the
student population, who was particularly interested
in the “Hacking techniques in web applications”
seminar that was organized in collaboration with
The monitored works have in many cases
exceeded the required level, the students themselves
being the ones who proposed additions or
improvements to the initial proposal. We have even
been obliged to organize additional classes so as to
make room for all the expositions and subsequent
debates and rounds of questions.
Good notions on security in information systems is
an essential element in the training of any computer
professional. Our subject is structured in a way that
allows students to easily assimilate the programme
but at the same time requires the highest level of
participation (by means of practical classes and
exercises). We believe that this can do nothing but
stimulate their interest and implication in the
Ramió, J. Aplicaciones Criptográficas. Universidad
Politécnica, Escuela Universitaria de Informática,
Lucena, M.J. 2008. Criptografía y seguridad en
Computadores, 4ª Edición. Electronic book available
Stallings, W. 2006. Cryptography and Network Security:
Principles and Practice, Fourth Edition; Prentice Hall.
Garfinkel, S., Spafford, G., Schwartz, A. 2003. Practical
UNIX and Internet Security, Third Edition. O’Reilly.
BUILDING THE EUROPEAN HIGHER EDUCATION AREA - A Subject in Information Systems Security