Alexandre Mello Ferreira
, Eliane Nascimento Pereira
, Junia Coutinho Anacleto
Izaura Maria Carelli
Marcos Alexandre Rose Silva
and Ana Luiza Dias
Computer Department, Federal University of Sao Carlos, Rod Washington Luís, km 235, São Carlos/SP, Brazil
Education and Letters Centre, State University of West Parana
Av. Tarquinio J dos Santos, 1300, Foz do Iguacu/PR Brazil
Keywords: Common sense, Culture sensitive learning, Educational games, Sexual education, Pedagogical issues.
Abstract: The computer game use in education has been growing as a learning facilitator. What is it? educational
environment allows teachers to be co-author of an online game based on cards which uses a common sense
knowledge base. It also allows teachers to choose language according to their students’ culture and needs
providing them with suitable language. The environment also allows researchers to collect common sense
knowledge. Every user interaction in each editor’s module and player’s module generates a new common
sense statement which is stored into Brazilian Open Mind Common Sense (OMCS-BR) project knowledge
base. A study case was conducted with teachers and students from two different Brazilian public schools.
Results demonstrate there is a large potential of the use of this environment in real classes and the
methodology to collect common sense statements naturally through a web game.
Nowadays many schools still have difficulty to use
the potential of computers for education. In Brazil
there are a lot of schools with computer laboratories
but they use them only in computer classes or they
simply do not use them. Most of schools do not use
computers for educational purpose, what could allow
teachers to enhance their educational practice, join
educational and entertainment aspects. Then, why
not to take the computational benefits at education?
In this context this paper described a way to
allow teachers to use the computer in their classes,
through a game. There are many educational games
available, such as: Word Puzzle
Secret Word (www.cubagames.com.br/), Crossword
Compiler (www.crossword-compiler.com/?lang=en)
but most of them have fixed issues, like content or
story. Nevertheless if teachers want to use these
games, they need to adapt their classes to the game
rules. In the game proposed here teachers are co-
authors because they can set up, adapt and evolve
the game content, according to their educational
goals. This game also supports teachers on teaching
the transversal themes defined on the Brazilian
curriculum: sexual education, ethics, healthcare,
environment, cultural diversity, market and
consumption (SEF, 1998).
Educational games are able to promote activities
that combine fun (playful activity) and seriousness
(well defined rules), once they are very popular
among children and teenagers. Nevertheless
according to Vygotsky (1987), Freire (1996) there
are pedagogical issues that should be considered for
stimulating the learning process. For example,
culture sensitive and contextualized learning
considering the student’s reality. Then, this game
proposes to consider the apprentices’ common sense
knowledge to promote their learning aiming at:
adopting a vocabulary that is familiar to the
students; instantiating content and clarifying myths,
beliefs and taboos that are cultural heritage.
Examples of this kind of knowledge related to
sexual education are: teenagers believe that girls
don’t get pregnant during their first sexual relation,
pill has to be taken on the day she is going to have a
sexual relation, and AIDS is a homosexual disease.
This kind of knowledge can be mapped into the
commonsense knowledge and can be clarified by
Ferreira A., Pereira E., Coutinho Anacleto J., Carelli I., Rose Silva M. and Dias A. (2009).
In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Computer Supported Education, pages 205-210
DOI: 10.5220/0001967302050210
teachers during classes. The game called “What is
it?” (“O que é, O que é?” in Portuguese) aims at
helping players to infer a certain secret word related
to a certain transversal theme considering a set of
clues presented one at a time. The clues are
previously defined by the teacher having a common
sense knowledge base as a support on reaching such
This paper is structured as follow: section 2
explains the relation between commonsense
knowledge and education; section 3 presents the
“What is it?” game prototype; section 4 describes
the evaluation; section 5 discussion the results
obtained; section 6 draw some conclusions and
propose suggestions for some future works on
related topics.
The Brazilian Open Mind Common Sense Project
(OMCS-Br) is a Portuguese version developed by
Advanced Interaction Laboratory (LIA) at Federal
University of Sao Carlos (UFSCar) from the original
English project created by MediaLab of
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in
2000 (Anacleto et al., 2006).
Available over the Internet since August 2005 at
http://www.sensocomum.ufscar.br the project aims
to create a common sense knowledge base through
volunteers’ contribution. Any person can contribute
with the project, after fulfilling a small form with
information, such as: gender, day of birth, city and
To collect common sense knowledge, volunteers
have to complete some semi-structured statements in
natural language in templates. Each template is
related to one activity and composed by three
different parts: (I) a fixed part which is changed
according to activity; (II) a dynamic part which is
filled out by a feedback process that uses parts of the
statements already stored; and (III) free field, where
the user write their piece of knowledge creating a
complete statement. Nowadays there are 20
activities about general topics and 6 specific themes
(children’s universe, colors and objects, colors and
emotions, popular beliefs, sexuality and healthcare).
All knowledge typed by volunteers in natural
language are processed to create a semantic network,
in which, the knowledge is represented as binary
relations. This representation, called ConceptNetBr,
is formed by four text files which have the relation
name, the two concepts, the frequency that this
relation was created by an extraction rule, the
frequency that this relation was created by an
inference rule, and at least the identification of this
relation in the table entries, where all statements are
stored before have been processed.
Common sense is defined here as knowledge that
most people agree within a certain community at a
certain period of time related to human experiences,
knowledge about social, physical, space, time and
psychological aspects of our daily life (Liu et al.,
2004). Recent researches (Anacleto et al., 2008)
have shown that automatically collected common
sense knowledge can be used to culturally map a
certain group of people. The importance of the
common sense and cultural knowledge to support
the learning process is referred by a number of
pedagogy researchers. Vygotsky (1987) believes that
the individual’s mind model can be understood only
if the social and cultural processes are considered in
his/her context. Paulo Freire (1996) cites that it is
necessary to respect knowledge that students already
reached when they start at school. Knowledge is
acquired in the social relations they participate in
their community. According to Freire, teacher
should “discuss with students the origin of some of
this knowledge considering the content is being
presented”. Such knowledge can help in
contextualizing learning process according to the
student’s reality, which is Freire considers extremely
important. Besides, the use of common sense
knowledge provides teachers an adequate
vocabulary to contextualize and discuss subjects
with learners from a certain community (Carvalho et
al., 2007). Common sense knowledge also can be
taken into account in teaching the called transversal
themes from the official school curriculum, defined
by the Brazilian Education Secretary, considering
that “the commitment on constructing citizenship
which demands a pedagogical approach to reach the
comprehension on the social reality, the rights and
responsibilities related to the personal and
collective life, which leads to the political
engagement” (SEF, 1998).
The ongoing research aims to make possible the use
of common sense knowledge in web educational
games, stimulating the introduction, reinforcement
and construction of knowledge in the learning
process. It also aims at collecting common sense
knowledge from whom use the game. The
environment is divided in two main modules. The
player’s module is a quiz game where users should
CSEDU 2009 - International Conference on Computer Supported Education
find out a secret word considering common sense
clues given in the game. The game editor’s module
is used to set up a new game.
“What is it?” has the differential in considering
the players’ profile, concerning the games presented
in the previous section. Since the players have to
subscribe themselves in the system before starting to
use it, the new statements collected in the interaction
can be related to their profile. Taking into account
the players’ profile collected is especially important
for the culture sensitive approach necessary in
developing applications for specific groups in a
certain region and age, considering their context. In
this case, the common sense knowledge can be
filtered and the application’s designer can consider
only knowledge collected from a desired profile in
order to contextualize it to the target group.
Figure 1: The player’s module main interface.
Figure 1 presents the player’s module main
interface. To illustrate the game’s use, it was
developed a game’s instance considering the theme
“Sexual Education”. To start the game the player has
to click on the dice, represented by the orange letter
“C”, whose faces represent topics previously
selected during the game edition. Each topic is
associated to a letter (see Figure 1, “C” is associated
with the topic “Contraceptive Methods”) and they
are randomly presented, in this way, the player can
be in touch with different topics at the same game.
For each topic is defined a group of cards and each
card has one or more secret words (synonyms).
These cards are composed by up to ten clues, which
can be extracted from common sense base according
to the purpose considered by who has setting up the
game. After selecting the topic, the player needs to
find out the secret word. To reach their goal, they
can select clues clicking on the clue numbers in
“Group of clues” and visualizing them at the “Clue
balloon”. After guessing the word, the player can
continue, either select another topic clicking on the
dice and continue playing, or close the game.
As the player tries to find out the secret word,
the system collects common sense knowledge
storing the relation between the word typed by the
player and the clues that were already displayed.
This collecting process is interesting (a) to teachers,
who can identify possible misunderstanding by
analyzing the answers, and therefore, approach those
misunderstandings in classroom to clarify them; and
(b) to the OMCS-Br knowledge base, which will
increase the number of common sense statements.
For example, when the player tries the word
“condom” after he/she had clicked on three clues, as
it is shown in Figure 1; three new relations are
created by mapping each displayed clue with the
word typed by the player through the relation
ConceptuallyRelatedTo. Thus, one of these three
relations is: (ConceptuallyRelatedTo, “it’s used to
prevent pregnancy and transmission of STD”,
The game’s editor module is a seven-step wizard
which guides the teacher to create new game’s
instances, which fit to their pedagogical goals. This
module is supported by the common sense
knowledge stored in the OMCS-Br knowledge base.
In this way, to create a new game’s instance, the
teacher must define four items: (1) the target group
profile which will be considered during the filter
process (2) the game’s main theme, which should be
chosen from the six transversal themes available; (3)
the topics, which are specific subjects related to the
transversal theme chosen in order to compose the
game dice sides; (4) the cards, which have a secret
word related to one of topics defined, an optional
secret word’s synonym list, and a group of up to ten
Figure 2: The editor’s module.
After the teacher has defined the secret word and
the possible synonyms for each card, he/she must
define the clues – at least, one clue for each card. A
list of suggested clues is shown came from the
common sense knowledge base. To map the binary
relations at ConceptNet into these clues the game
editor combines some API functions, available to
communicate with the ConceptNet. For instance, the
relation (UsedFor, “prevent pregnancy and
transmission of STD”, “condom”) will be the clue
“It’s used for prevent pregnancy and transmission of
STD” depicted in Figure 2. Besides that, each clue
suggested can be modified before selected or new
clues can be added. It is important to highlight the
fail-soft approach adopted, i.e., the statements
suggested to teachers can be valid or not (Lieberman
et al., 2007).
Even as the player’s module, the editor’s module
also has some engines to collect common sense
statements from teachers to OMCS-Br Project.
There are seventeen rules to map the user interaction
into new statements, and then, new relations in the
ConceptNet. For example, when the word “Johnny”
as included as a synonym for “condom” one new
statement is created “Another way to say condom is
Johnny”, which will be at ConceptNet, the relation
(DefinedAs, “Johnny”, “condom”).
To evaluate“What is it?” environment with students
and teachers, a study case was conducted in two
Brazilian public schools. It was analyzed
information about use and collect knowledge
process, use facilities and some information
regarding to use of computer educational games in
schools. We got in touch with schools from two
cities, one in São Carlos/SP and another in Foz do
Iguaçu/PR. Some characteristics of the participants
are depicted in table 1.
Table 1: Evaluation participants.
2 4
4 5
Teachers were asked to create a new instance of
the game, choosing any of the themes and topics.
They used the system for approximately 40 minutes
to set up the instance with 2 cards on average. The
themes used in these settings were: environment (3
times), healthcare (twice) and sexual education
(once). After completion of the new configuration
for the game, not even being asked, all teachers
themselves wanted to play the newly created
instance of the game.
For the students’ interaction, the teachers created
two interesting instance about healthcare and sexual
education and made it available to the students of
Foz do Iguaçu and São Carlos respectively. Each
player used the environment for about 50 minutes,
playing an average of 7 cards.
The methods used to collect data were: direct
observation, questionnaires, notes and indirect
observation; the latter was obtained through the data
stored during interaction between users and system.
There were two questionnaires: (I) pre-session, its
objective is identify teachers and students profiles;
(II) post-session, for teachers about the use of
common sense knowledge support, and for students
related to use of the game considering the common
sense information.
Both post-session questionnaires were inspired at
QUIS™ (http://lap.umd.edu/QUIS/).The satisfaction
scale was modified to make it easy to the young
students; moreover, it is easier to teachers and
students to say that the game was very easy to play
rather than it was five, for example. Hence, an
adjective ranging from a higher to a lower degree
was defined based on Likert scale of 5 points, in
which “Very hard” represent one point and “Very
easy” five points (Evans, 2008; Wainer, 2007). As
the students’ module stores all the players’
interaction, teachers could observe their attempt; the
clues presented to them and their answers.
Before starting the evaluation we defined some
predictions about the “What is it?”environment
regarding to our expectations.
P1: The suggestions of clues coming from the
common sense knowledge base help the teacher to
create their cards: We believe that the common
sense knowledge can provide to the teacher what
their students are thinking about something, and
therefore help them to direct their class in a better
way, as some renowned authors in the educational
field say (Carvalho et al., 2007; Freinet, 1993;
Freire, 1996; Papert, 1985).
P2: The language used in the game’s content is
familiar to the student: As the common sense
knowledge base provides to the teachers what the
students know about something we expected that the
type of language used in the game should be familiar
to them. According to what was mentioned in
previous sections, it can provide a better educational
environment for students promoting the new
knowledge retention.
P3: A lot of common sense statements can be
collected in an easy way: As mentioned before, the
“What is it?” environment is also used to collect new
CSEDU 2009 - International Conference on Computer Supported Education
common sense statements from the user interaction.
Some rules are used to catch concepts among the
user interaction, and to create new common sense
statements, which will be part of the knowledge
base. We hope with this approach, a faster increase
of the common base knowledge base size.
Regarding to the editor’s module, in the pos-
questionnaire there were three questions related to
prediction 1 (P1) and in almost all of them the
teachers said that the support from common sense
knowledge base were helpful and relevant.
Nevertheless, only one teacher from São Carlos said
that this support was unhelpful or irrelevant, saying
I thought very unproductive have to read a huge list
of clues with many phrases without accordance” and
It is hard to find a clue that fit well to the secret
Table 2: Teachers’ interaction.
C HEALTH 1 2 80
F HEALTH 3 6 253
An overview about the information stored
regarding to the teachers interaction is given in
Table 2, which the columns refer to: (a) the teacher,
represented by a letter; (b) the main theme game; (c)
the number of topics used; (d) the number of cards
created; and (e) the number of new statements
generated by the system. It is easy to realize the high
number of new common sense statements created
(90 on average) through small instances (2,5 cards
on average), pointing out the capacity to insert new
statements without a huge effort by the user.
Likewise the teachers, the students answered a
questionnaire after used the system, in which the
questions were about the system aspects and the
cards content. From 36 responses received, 26 of
them were that they found something known;
however, one student from Foz do Iguaçu had many
problems to understand the clues and then, many
difficulties to discover the secret word. Otherwise,
this student was the only one who did not realize
anything common to him. The graph on Figure 3
presents the average of student’s responses for the
prediction 2 (P2).
Student 1 Student 2 Student 3 Student 4 Student 5 Student 6 Student 7 Student 8 Student 9
Figure 3: Average of students’ responses ref. P2.
All students’ interactions were stored to be used
to create new statements in OMCS-Br knowledge
base. Table 3 depicts some information collected
from each student such as: the game theme played,
the number of cards played, the total number of tries
to guess secret word and the number of new
statements created. These new statements are
combinations between the words typed by player
and each clue requested, i.e., new statements are
directly related to the number of tries and the
number of clues requested.
Table 3: Students’ interaction.
1 HEALTH 3 4 15
2 HEALTH 5 7 23
3 HEALTH 5 5 20
4 HEALTH 5 8 26
5 HEALTH 2 3 10
6 SEX EDUC 11 13 94
7 SEX EDUC 8 17 145
8 SEX EDUC 8 10 153
9 SEX EDUC 7 12 121
On the Table 3, the first 5 students (Health
theme) were from Foz do Iguaçu and the others
(Sexual Education theme) were from São Carlos.
We noticed a substantial difference between both
cities which be explained through the total number
of cards within each game, and due to some specific
improvements at the collect process of Sexually
Transmitted Disease (STD) topic.
The results presented highlight that “What is
it?” environment provides extra benefits beyond a
simple educational game. The teacher’s possibility
to be the co-author of the game content and, added
to that, a contextualized support during this process
through a common sense knowledge base is a great
feature well accepted by teachers.
Being specific to P1 our experiment show that,
except for one teacher, the suggestions from the
common sense knowledge base were useful to create
the game content in anyway. The critics made by
this teacher can be interpreted in two different ways:
(I) due to common sense knowledge base content is
created by anyone who access the project site, there
are many concepts that do not make sense or that are
scientifically wrong. It is a teachers’ decision how
they could work with this information; (II) the
process to create the clue has some problems and
can be improved in order to create better sentences.
Thinking on the latter interpretation, we are working
on with a natural language processing research
group to advance this functionality. Concerning to
P2, the majority of students said that they found
something familiar to them. Of course this not
means that it was happened only because of the
common sense knowledge support, however, as this
support was used by the teachers (mentioned
before), we believe that it should helped to achieve
this goal. Nevertheless, the student number 5 said
the opposite, pointing out that this strategy can be
used only to cover the majority people knowledge.
We may conclude that P2 was partially confirmed,
and we don’t have guarantee that the common sense
knowledge provided will be known for each student
in the group.
The environment also explores a new
methodology to collect common sense statements to
expand OMCS-Br knowledge base, which was
proved to be very efficient – prediction 3. For
example, using six game instances within 2.5 cards
on average each, 540 new statements into
knowledge base were produced. Therefore, as more
game will be created in “What is it?” environment,
more statements will be collected from the players.
“What is it?” educational game environment aims at
allowing teachers to configure and/or adapt the game
according to their pedagogical goals. Through this
game teachers can work on the transversal themes
proposed by the Brazilian Ministry of Education,
concerning to the students’ context and culture
through common sense knowledge usage, and
promoting a way of learning with fun. As it was
discussed in section 2, the adoption of common
sense based approaches for education is defended by
educators such as Freire (1996) and Freinet (1993).
As the design of the interaction considers students’
background and culture, it can motivate learners to
play since information presented has meaning to
them, engaged them in playing and learning. This
research also explores a new way to collect common
sense statements to enrich the OMCS-Br knowledge
base. To keep the knowledge base quality, we are
planning to adapt a spellchecker to validate the
sentences generated by the environment before to
send it to the OMCS-Br base, avoiding misspelled
Exploring some web features, this environment
can also be incorporated into a Learning
Management System that promotes e-learning, like
Tidia-Ae, Sakai, Moodle or ATutor.
We thank FAPESP, CAPES and PTI for financial
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CSEDU 2009 - International Conference on Computer Supported Education