The Case of Gerry Weber
Christoph Goebel, Christoph Tribowski, Oliver G
Institute of Information Systems, Humboldt-Universit
at zu Berlin, Spandauer Str. 1, 10178 Berlin, Germany
Ralph Tr
oger, Roland Nickerl
Gerry Weber International AG, Neulehenstr. 8, 33790 Halle/Westfalen, Germany
RFID, Supply chain management, Case study, Apparel industry.
Although the use of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) in supply chains still lags behind expectations, its
appeal to practitioners and researchers alike is unbowed. Apart from technical challenges such as low read
rates and efficient backend integration, a major reason for its slow adoption is the high transponder price.
We deliver a case study that investigates the financial, technical and organizational challenges faced by an
apparel company that is currently introducing item-level RFID to monitor their supply chain. The company
has developed an implementation strategy based on cross-company closed-loop multi-functional use of RFID
transponders. This strategy leads to a positive ROI in their case and could serve as an example for other
companies considering the introduction of item-level RFID.
Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is a technol-
ogy, whose impact on supply chain management has
been rising steadily. Apparel companies have shown
a particularly high interest in the RFID-based track-
ing of their products to improve logistical operations
(Loebbecke and Huyskens, 2007). This high inter-
est can be explained by the fact that apparel has a
number of properties that make the application of
RFID tags attractive. First, reading out data on RFID
transponders applied to cartons containing apparel or
the labels attached to garments is already feasible
with today’s RFID reader technology. Second, most
clothing items have higher margins as compared to
fast moving consumer goods. On the one hand, this
makes tag prices appear a less crucial financial con-
straint. On the other hand, high product margins in-
crease the attractiveness of RFID-based theft preven-
tion. Third, being able to monitor the movements of
items on the shop floor has long excited the imagi-
nation of marketing professionals in the apparel sec-
tor. For instance, innovative retail applications such
as the RFID-enabled changing room are under consid-
eration among fashion retailers. However, the com-
mercial success of any application directly interfac-
ing with the end-consumers in a proactive way cru-
cially depends on their acceptance. In the case of
RFID-based applications, upfront technology accep-
tance has turned out to be rather low due to fears re-
garding privacy intrusion (G
unther and Spiekermann,
The initial euphoria about RFID’s potential has re-
cently made way for a more down-to-earth view of its
benefits in the supply chain. Companies who con-
sider using RFID usually conduct a conservative pre-
liminary analysis of the financial impact of such an
investment. These analyses typically focus on three
types of benefit expected from RFID: The reduction
of labour, capital and non-conformity costs such as
costs caused by wrong deliveries. Labour and capi-
tal costs can be decreased by RFID-enabled process
speedups, while non-conformity costs can be reduced
by detecting mistakes made during the distribution
process and taking appropriate action to prevent them.
Given the still relatively high cost of passive RFID
transponders (currently about 7 Eurocents), the use of
disposable transponders on the item level represents a
significant increase of variable costs in the short run.
Based on the authors’ knowledge gained in several
RFID projects, the one time use of RFID transpon-
ders to support standard distribution processes (e.g.
Goebel C., Tribowski C., Günther O., Tröger R. and Nickerl R. (2009).
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - Information Systems Analysis and Specification, pages 95-102
DOI: 10.5220/0001967700950102
picking, packing, shipping etc.) is hardly justifiable
in financial terms.
There are two interdependent reasons for the slug-
gish item level introduction of RFID: high transpon-
der prices and low demand. In 2006, the biggest share
of RFID transponders produced worldwide (556 mil-
lion) went to products such as smart’ cards, keys,
passports and tickets (IDTechEx, 2007). Only 153
million of them were sold for the purpose of iden-
tifying goods including drugs, tools, books, apparel
and other consumer products. Roughly 235 million
transponders went to the identification of logistical
units such as packages, cases and pallets. The mar-
ket price of RFID transponders is the pivotal param-
eter of most profitability calculations. The efficiency
gains achievable in the logistics operations of organi-
zations such as labour cost savings and prevention of
process errors has to outstrip RFID transponder and
infrastructure costs. Otherwise, the vision of perva-
sive RFID tagging is unlikely to become a reality. Ac-
cording to industry experts, the RFID market is sup-
posed to take off as soon as item level tagging in lo-
gistics applications becomes economically viable. On
the other hand, economies of scale in producing RFID
transponders cannot be fully realized since no large-
scale item level RFID implementations exist so far. In
this case study, we present an approach which could
enable first movers from the apparel industry to over-
come this deadlock.
The RFID strategy of our case company is based
on the repeated cross-company and combined use
of RFID transponders. The implementation of their
strategy results in a positive ROI even when using
conservative assumptions with respect to expected
costs and benefits. The supply chain participants
share the transponder cost while realizing RFID’s
full potential in applications along the chain. Used
transponders are fed back into the system by taking
them off sold products and putting them onto the new
ones. In addition to that, specific inter-organizational
benefits such as the detection of problems in upstream
stages of the supply chain can be realized. This appli-
cation is known as Supply Chain Event Management
(SCEM) and has oftentimes been implicated with the
RFID technology. Compared to singular use of RFID
transponders within one company, their repeated use
across firm boundaries involves additional technical
challenges and a high coordination effort.
The motivation for this work is to show a feasible
way out of the transponder price deadlock. We an-
alyze the potential of item-level RFID in the fashion
supply chain by conducting a case study in the ap-
parel industry and explore the challenges involved in
implementing cross-company closed-loop RFID ap-
Our paper addresses the following key research
What are the advantages and disadvantages of
the cross-company closed-loop use of RFID
transponders compared to single-company open-
loop usage?
Which challenges are involved in realizing such
RFID applications on the organizational and tech-
nical level?
How does the case company plan to deal with
these challenges?
The paper is structured as follows. We begin with a
review of the related literature followed by a justifica-
tion of our methodology. Section 3 contains a descrip-
tion of the case. Section 4 summarizes our findings
and concludes the case study.
The use of RFID in supply chains has received in-
creasing attention among researcher in the field of
information systems and operations management in
recent years (Ngai et al., 2008). While the potential
of transponder technology in manufacturing has long
been acknowledged and also realized in many cases,
the use of item-level tagging in the distribution of fin-
ished products is still rare (Schmitt and Michahelles,
2008). Most of the research conducted on RFID in
distribution so far focuses on the ex-ante assessment
of RFID benefits. Within this stream of research, most
attention has been paid to efficiency gains enabled
by RFID (Gaukler and Seifert, 2007). While authors
with an industry or consultancy background usually
strived to be more comprehensive in terms of ben-
efit estimation, academic research has concentrated
on specific types of benefit but has stayed more gen-
eral (Lee and
Ozer, 2007). (Chappell et al., 2003)
for instance, for the case of a major consumer mar-
ket, came to the conclusion that RFID could save up
to 3% of sales. Academic researchers from the op-
erations management field have investigated primar-
ily the impact of more accurate information and in-
formation sharing on supply chain management (Lee
Ozer, 2007). Researchers from the information
systems and computer science communities have fo-
cused more on the technical aspects of RFID such as
data management (Chawathe et al., 2004) and security
(Juels, 2006).
Although many RFID benefits in distribution op-
erations have been described and estimated in mone-
ICEIS 2009 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
tary terms, hitherto not much research has been pub-
lished based on actual item-level tagging cases. In
particular, real world challenges have not been dis-
cussed in the information systems community. This
lack of practical research can be partly attributed to
the transponder price deadlock discussed above: since
item-level adoption rates are low, practical experi-
ences with the technology are rare. However, the
existence of ’best practices’ based on real world ex-
periences with new technology applications are of-
tentimes crucial determinants for their adoption (Wu
et al., 2006). One of the main inhibitors of RFID
adoption is seen in technology uncertainty, in particu-
lar the risk of not being able to integrate RFID infras-
tructures with existing ERP solutions (see Figure 1).
Therefore, more research on this issue is warranted.
Especially, applied research taking into account real
world challenges should be of great value to practi-
tioners as well as to researchers in the field.
RFID diffusion
tag prices
Negative impact Positive impact
Negative impact Positive impact
Figure 1: Influencing factors on the diffusion of RFID,
based on (Strassner, 2005).
In this paper we use a case study approach to come
closer to answering the research questions stated in
Section 1. Case studies are popular both in opera-
tions management and information systems research
(Voss et al., 2002) since they offer insights into the ac-
tivities and experiences of a particular company. As
we mentioned above, research about RFID applica-
tions in SCM hitherto focusses on the ex-ante esti-
mation of benefits. Given today’s low RFID adop-
tion rates, empirical investigations of the benefits and
challenges involved in the application of RFID in
distribution processes would not be very fruitful at
this time. In contrast to that, the analysis of single
RFID adoption cases already makes sense taoday and
should be the preferred research method until adop-
tion has spread further. Case study research can be
used for exploratory, descriptive and explanatory pur-
poses (Schmitt and Michahelles, 2008). In contrast to
quantitative research methods, case studies serve to
analyze single or multiple cases with respect to sev-
eral dimensions of relevance. The case presented in
this paper serves to explore financial, technical, and
organizational challenges involved in the design, im-
plementation and deployment of item-level RFID in
the goods distribution process.
3.1 Company Profile
The Gerry Weber International AG (GW) is a glob-
ally operating apparel company based in Germany.
GW’s primary business consists of the design and
marketing of women’s fashion. Currently about 82%
of sales are generated by the wholesale channel, i.e.
the lion’s share of GW’s products are sold to end cus-
tomers by fashion retailers. The remaining 18% are
either sold by GW’s own brand stores or GW fran-
chisees. GW plans to increase the revenue generated
by its own shops to at least 50%. With about 2,000
employees, GW realized a turnover of over 507 mil-
lion Euros and an EBITDA margin of 12.2% in the
fiscal year 2006/2007, which is well above industry
average. GW’s recent success has been attributed to a
fundamental optimization process which among other
things resulted in the outsourcing of logistics opera-
While the physical operations such as manufactur-
ing, transportation and warehousing have been out-
sourced, supply chain management activities are or-
chestrated from the GW headquarters. GW sources
globally: 63% of the suppliers are located in the Far
East, another 23% in Turkey and the rest in Eastern
Europe. The focal target of GW’s supply chain man-
agement is to assure the reliable delivery of products
to wholesale customers and their own points of sale.
Logistic operations have recently moved to the centre
of attention because it has to keep pace with a recently
introduced marketing strategy: product life cycles in
the retail channel have been reduced to two weeks in
order to improve the customer buying experience and
increase the average number of store visits. GW has
been working on concepts of RFID usage in their sup-
ply chain for several years. In 2007 the decision to
introduce RFID on the item level was made.
3.2 The Supply Chain
3.2.1 The Flow of Goods
GW products are designed in the GW headquarters.
When the major wholesale customers have placed
their orders, GW routes manufacturing orders to con-
tract manufacturers around the world. Besides a small
number of ’never out of stock’-products (e.g. dark-
coloured business suits), which are replenished on
a regular basis, all products are ordered in one big
rush ahead of their respective selling season and are
produced and distributed according to a predefined
schedule. Suppliers can be distinguished into two
groups (large and small) according to the size of pro-
duction orders placed with them: Large suppliers fill
whole sea containers or trucks, whereas the shipments
of small suppliers get consolidated and filled into con-
tainers at consolidation sites near harbours or airports
by the long-haul transportation providers. Depend-
ing on the location of suppliers, merchandise is trans-
ported by truck, sea or air to distribution centres lo-
cated in Germany by major long-haul transportation
providers. Since long-haul transportation services for
apparel are only provided by a small number of major
logistics companies, the probability that GW uses the
same logistics provider repeatedly is relatively high.
In places with big concentrations of contract manu-
facturers of apparel such as the Shanghai area, long-
haul transportation providers operate large consolida-
tion centres where all products destined for overseas
are assembled to shipment lots.
The distribution centres in Germany are operated
by logistics service providers specialized on the ap-
parel industry. These providers also conduct central-
ized quality assurance (QA) and picking of shipments
destined for wholesale and GW’s brand stores. Since
the consumer segment addressed by GW is very sen-
sitive to the quality of products, GW closely monitors
the QA process in order to prevent negative impacts
on revenue. The commissioning process conducted in
the distribution centres is demanding due to two rea-
sons. Firstly, the array of selling points being served
is very heterogeneous in terms of batch sizes, pack-
aging and accounting requirements. Secondly, GW
reserves the right to interfere in the distribution pro-
cess up to the last minute in order to efficiently steer
the distribution of goods. In case of inconsistencies of
the actual supply process with schedules, GW’s man-
agement can take immediate action in order to opti-
mize the allocation of the available garments to stores.
The actual transportation from distribution centres to
stores and between stores is done by several short-
haul transportation providers. GW products can be
divided into two categories: Hanging and lying gar-
ments. Hanging garments are transported on hangers
while lying goods are put into cartons.
3.2.2 The Information Flow
In this section we outline which data is received and
sent by the different members of the supply chain dur-
ing the production and distribution of GW products.
We focus on information objects which are directly
associated with physical items. In particular, this in-
cludes production orders and Advance Shipment No-
tices (ASNs).
Production is initiated by sending a production or-
der to a supplier. The production order contains ex-
act information about the type and quantity of all gar-
ments to be produced. Upon receipt of a production
order, the supplier incorporates it into its production
schedule. The supplier is able to access and modify
the order data objects representing the production or-
ders using GW’s SCM system. Among other things,
production progress is recorded in the form of mile-
stones along the garment production process (dyeing,
cutting, sewing, washing) while the expected time to
finish an order is constantly updated. Finally, when
a supplier prepares a batch of finished products for
shipment, an Advance Shipment Notice (ASN) is cre-
ated by GW’s SCM software. This ASN provides
an overview of all items contained in the shipments
prepared to leave the supplier’s site. The items listed
by the ASN can be physically distributed over several
containers and/or truck loads and be packaged in car-
tons and hanging packs. The information contained in
the supplier’s ASN only refers to the item type, not the
individual garments. Without item-level RFID there
is no way to tell which carton contains which items
and inside which container or truck load a certain
hanging pack or carton is shipped. The garment lots
received from the small suppliers are consolidated
into shipment lots by the long-haul transportation
providers. When transportation batches have been de-
termined, the long-haul transportation providers send
an ASN via GW’s SCM system. Changes of trans-
portation status are also recorded by the system. Fig-
ure 2 describes the structure of the logistical data pro-
cessed in GW’s supply chain using an UML notation.
The logistics service providers that operate the
DCs receive the ASNs of the long-haul transporta-
tion providers as soon as they are available within the
SCM system. The DC processes have to be adapted to
the type and quantity of incoming deliveries. There-
fore, the ASN information helps the DC operators to
optimize their processes. For instance, if the ASNs
indicate that a larger than expected delivery will ar-
rive, capacity can be added in order to deal with the
situation. The information which GW receives from
the DC operators includes the quantity of garments re-
ceived, the results of the quality control which is con-
ducted shortly after shipments are received, as well as
the results of the picking process. The deliveries re-
ceived by the DC are counted either manually or auto-
matically on a 100 per cent basis, i.e. the data received
by GW allows them to determine whether the suppli-
ers have shipped the agreed quantity. The information
provided on the quality assurance process gives GW
the chance to react based on the number of production
lots which have not passed the tests. For instance, if
a significant number of garments are spoilt, the store
orders need to be reviewed and scheduled shipment
ICEIS 2009 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Production Order
Supplier ASN
Long-haul TP ASN
Hanging Garment
Lying Garment
Packaging Unit
Transportation Unit Truck
Figure 2: Structure of logistical data.
quantities have to be revised. The information about
the outcome of the picking process serves to create
the ASN of the logistics service provider (LSP ASN)
which is sent to customers. It is also used to proof
to the short-haul transportation provider how many
items have been handed over at the DC in case gar-
ments are lost on the way.
3.2.3 The Potential of RFID
In the case of Gerry Weber, the main ’hard’ benefit
expected from RFID is the reduction of wrong deliv-
eries. The completeness and timeliness of shipments
will be monitored by the use of RFID scanners at sev-
eral steps in the supply chain. Reaction to delays or
mistakes can therefore be carried out more timely and
accurately in the future; for instance, mistakes made
in the picking processes can be identified promptly
which improves the chances to correct the mistake be-
fore it can cause problems and additional work. An-
other source of quantifiable benefit is the reduction of
administrative overhead at GW’s own stores. For in-
stance, sales employees have to count incoming and
outgoing goods either manually or by scanning the
SKU barcode. With RFID, these processes will take a
fraction of the time and enable employees to pay more
attention to the customers.
A number of RFID benefits expected by GW can-
not be quantified in monetary terms but have never-
theless been taken into account. In particular, GW’s
general management perceives the introduction of
RFID as a strategic investment since their wholesale
customers may also demand tagged products soon.
The decision to introduce item-level RFID was
made based on an economic analysis which consid-
ered the ’hard’ savings mentioned above, i.e. the re-
duction of non-conformity costs at the DCs as well
as the labour cost savings at the stores. The initial
ROI calculation assumed the use of stand-alone RFID
transponders for one-time use. Since this assessment
resulted in a less beneficial ROI, GW’s management
searched for ways to increase benefits and/or reduce
3.3 Cross-Company Closed-Loop
Integrated Use of RFID
GW came up with three changes to the initial invest-
ment plan:
Cross-company RFID infrastructure: RFID data
will be used along the whole supply chain in order
to further reduce non-conformity costs.
Closed-loop application: RFID transponders will
be covered in plastic hard cases so that they can be
used several times in order to reduce transponder
Integration of RFID with EAS: beside the RFID
transponder, every hard case will also have Elec-
tronic Article Surveillance (EAS) functionality.
Although special transponders that can be reused
are more expensive than transponders for one-time
use, using the same tags multiple times leads to signif-
icant cost savings. GW anticipates that each transpon-
der will circulate 8 to 10 times on average. There are
three reasons for this conservative estimate: (1) the
surface of the plastic tags wears out over time which
could have a negative effect on the perceived quality
of GW’s products when being presented on the shop
floor; (2) the functionality of the RFID transponders
may suffer over time; (3) transponders may get lost in
the supply chain.
The savings resulting from the repeated use of
transponders are diminished by the additional ex-
penses for shipping the transponders upstream. How-
ever, these expenses are comparably small because
the capacity of containers and trucks on their way
back to the production sites in Eastern Europe, Turkey
and the Far East are usually not utilized and therefore
relatively cheap.
Another advantage of closed-loop applications is
that object identification does not require globally
unique identifiers such as Electronic Product Codes
(EPCs). Although GW is a member of the lead-
ing RFID industry consortium EPCglobal and also
pays fees for the use of European Article Numbers
(EANs), actually using the EPC numbering system
with full service would result in additional licensing
fees. Therefore the EPC is not used for now.
EAS tags are currently attached to the garments
in the European distributions centres. By combining
EAS and RFID, no additional RFID tagging process
is required. Moreover, both EAS and RFID function-
ality can be added at the manufacturing sites where
labour is a lot cheaper than in the distribution centres.
The additional benefits realized by the combi-
nation of cross-company, closed-loop and integrated
use of RFID resulted in a sufficiently positive ROI.
However, the additional requirements imposed by
cross-company closed-loop integrated use of RFID
transponders also lead to a number of critical chal-
lenges in terms of system and process design. These
will be discussed together with the envisaged system
design in more detail in the following section.
3.4 Design and Scope of the RFID
The design and development phase of GW’s RFID
project is almost completed by now. In collaboration
with their service provider IBM, they have specified
detailed use cases as well as hardware and network
infrastructure for the following processes:
Virtual association at suppliers, consolidation
sites, distribution centres, and retail stores (UC1)
Goods issue at suppliers, consolidation sites, dis-
tribution centres, and retail stores (UC2)
Goods receipt at distribution centres and retail
stores (UC3)
Localization of unassociated garments at distribu-
tion centres (UC4)
Disassociation of items at distribution centres and
retail stores (UC5)
Stock taking at retail stores (UC6)
All use cases have to comply with the above-average
complexity and diversity of GW’s supply chain pro-
cesses. For instance, they have to be designed both for
automatic and manual distribution centres, for hang-
ing and lying garments, for the described reusable and
also one-time use tags (possible requirement in the fu-
ture), and for different locations. Figure 3 provides an
overview of the information flow within GW’s sup-
ply chain, the involved information systems and the
scope of the planned RFID system. Due to space lim-
itations we will concentrate on the two most critical
RFID processes. We will point out the challenges in-
volved in their implementation and how the system
architects plan to cope with them.
Order Receipt
Picking Process
Goods Issue
Goods Receipt
Goods Issue
Goods Receipt
Quality Assurance
Picking Process
Goods Issue
Goods Receipt
Production order
Production progress
Supplier ASN
Long-haul TP ASN
Transportation progress
Received goods count
QA Information
Inventory levels
Picking information
Inventory levels
POS data
Supplier ASN
Long-haul ASN
Short-haul TP
GW Store
GW‘s SCM System
GW‘s ERP System
Figure 3: Information flow and scope of the RFID system.
3.4.1 The Virtual Association Process
In order to reuse RFID transponders, garments have
to be associated both physically and virtually. Phys-
ical association means that a transponder gets physi-
cally attached to a garment; virtual association means
that by an appropriate database operation a transpon-
der ID is associated with a garment stock keeping unit
(SKU), the ID of the transportation unit it is trans-
ported in and the context data object (e.g. a produc-
tion order) it belongs to. Whereas the association
of transponder ID and SKU ID is a basic necessity
for connecting read events with the appropriate con-
text data stored in the IT backend, the association of
transponder ID with the IDs of transportation units
and context data objects is required to enable the ef-
fective tracking of the flow of goods; in particular,
these associations can be used to identify tagged items
which have not been observed at a particular RFID
checkpoint although they should have been observed
there according to the schedule. In addition, GW
plans to validate the completeness of garment lots al-
ready during the association process: based on a real-
time matching of association data and available busi-
ness context data workers will be instructed to take
corrective action if necessary.
Both association types (physical and virtual) can
be conducted at several sites throughout the supply
chain (at large suppliers, consolidation sites, DCs) in
order to make sure that 100% of the garments which
leave the distribution centres are physically as well as
virtually associated (otherwise, the intended store use
ICEIS 2009 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
cases such as stock taking could not be carried out).
To this end, the association status of every shipment,
i.e. ’untagged’, ’tagged’, ’tagged and virtually associ-
ated’, is captured and relayed so that each of the fol-
lowing supply chain partners can react accordingly.
The RFID reader devices which will be used at the
work stations responsible for conducting virtual asso-
ciation will be able to read both barcodes and the data
stored on RFID transponders. Each station will ac-
commodate a dedicated server which will temporarily
buffer RFID-related data such as the business context
data required in the association process and the results
of the association process. For hanging garments, a
handheld device will be utilized, whereas the virtual
association process for lying garments will be per-
formed on a specially designed RFID packing table
which enables ergonomic and fast processing. While
associating the garments, the items will be merged
into logistics units (either plastic bags or cartons).
Thereby, they will also be virtually linked to the num-
ber of the respective logistical unit.
Physical association is straight-forward since it is
similar to other standard labelling processes that are
already conducted along the supply chain (such as the
application of price labels). There are, however, a
number of specific challenges involved in the man-
agement of the EAS-RFID hardcase tags as well as in
the implementation of the virtual association process.
The RFID implementation strategy implies that
transponders are shipped to the large producers, the
consolidation sites and the DCs at the right time
and in a sufficient quantity. GW expects that each
transponder is used two to three times per year de-
pending on the country it is shipped to, the transporta-
tion mode used, etc.. The calculation of the total num-
ber of required tags is not straight-forward since it has
to take buffer stock of tags into account.
Concerning the virtual association, the applica-
tion, among other things, has to be robust with respect
to the following exceptions:
Non-readable RFID transponders
Several RFID transponders in detection area
Non-readable barcode
Missing business context data
Bypassing of predetermined processes by em-
Whereas the first three issues can be solved pragmat-
ically (e. g. by replacing an RFID tag; shielding
or containment of the detection area; regeneration of
barcode label), the remaining two cannot be coped
with that easily: In case of missing business context
(such as purchase orders, ASN, etc.) immediate ac-
cess to the central RFID platform is required in order
to perform the planned quantity control. If the Inter-
net connection to the RFID system cannot be estab-
lished, the business logic has to be designed in a way
that conducting the virtual association without quan-
tity control is still feasible. Furthermore, the process
either has to be able to mitigate the faulty virtual as-
sociation of garments or at least detect it and notify
subsequent stages of the supply chain so that the as-
sociation process can be selectively repeated later on.
3.4.2 Goods Issue Process
When garments have been prepared for goods issue
at an RFID-enabled site, they have to be both physi-
cally and virtually associated as well as packaged in
plastic bags (hanging garments) or cartons (lying gar-
ments). The goods issue marks the last opportunity
to ensure the completeness of a shipment and the cor-
rect association of RFID transponders with garments.
In GW’s supply chain RFID hardware has to comply
with special environmental conditions. For instance,
the goods issue process can be conducted manually,
via suspension rails, with pallets or on conveyor belts.
In order to satisfy this requirement, different RFID
hardware solutions are necessary. Warehouse opera-
tors can for instance choose to use handheld devices
or a fixed RFID gate. Another challenge regarding
the RFID-enabled goods issue process is to read the
data stored on many transponders at the same time:
since reading reliability can still not be guaranteed,
ways to make the process robust to below 100% read-
ing rates had to be found. To this end the allocation
of transponder IDs and logistical unit IDs is used: if
all items packaged in the same carton or pack can be
inferred from the database, reading one transponder
ID suffices to conduct a full count at the goods issue.
Similar to the virtual association process de-
scribed above, GW will realize value added at the
goods issue by detecting potential deviations from the
distribution schedule. Warehouse operators will have
access to the RFID-based real-time loading status and
can be alerted if a shipment is incomplete. The RFID
system will be able to display to workers which items
or logistic units are missing in order to complete a
3.5 Project Management
The design and implementation of the described
RFID application will be carried out by one main con-
tractor (IBM) and several subcontractors (hard- and
middleware suppliers) supervised by IBM. The ad-
vantage of this organizational model for GW is to
have one single point of contact for managing all of
its RFID operations. IBM is responsible for the de-
sign, trial, rollout, and operation of the RFID system.
In order to minimize the financial risk involved in
realizing the RFID application, GW decided to ad-
vance in four steps. After each of these steps the con-
tinuation of the project will be re-evaluated. In the
first step, the RFID solution is designed, tested and
implemented in four distribution centres and two re-
tail stores. In the second step, the solution is rolled out
in all of GW’s retail stores. The international rollout
of the solution is initiated in the third step by equip-
ping two consolidation sites in China and Turkey with
RFID technology. In the final step, all remaining con-
solidation sites in the Far East will be included which
will enable the maximum item-level visibility that can
be achieved using RFID.
This paper described the current state of Gerry We-
ber’s RFID project. GW is one of the first companies
in the apparel industry that has decided to introduce
RFID on the item level. Based on the description of
the flow of goods and information, our case study dis-
closed the benefits GW expects from the introduction
of RFID. The case description gives insights into the
processes taking place along GW’s supply chain and
the data being exchanged between the supply chain
partners. GW has outsourced most of their logistics
operations but at the same time has to face the increas-
ing complexity of their supply chain. Therefore they
are interested in monitoring the flow of goods more
closely in order to diagnose possible exceptions re-
motely. Besides typical RFID benefits such as labour
cost and error reduction, RFID is expected to play a
key role in providing accurate monitoring data, which
will be used by sophisticated decision support sys-
The case shows how the ROI of RFID hardware
can be improved by closing the tag loop and ef-
ficiently combining RFID with extant technologies
such as EAS. Two RFID use cases that play a cru-
cial role in the implementation of GW’s RFID strat-
egy were analyzed: the virtual association and the
goods issue process. The corresponding advantages
and challenges were outlined. The approach of using
RFID in a closed loop and integrating it with extant
EAS processes is not necessarily restricted to the ap-
parel industry. It could also be applied to other retail
products of relatively high sales value (e.g. consumer
electronics). In our opinion, the approach of increas-
ing the ROI of item-level tagging outlined in this pa-
per has the potential to foster the diffusion of large-
scale item-level RFID applications. If more RFID
transponders are sold their price will eventually drop
due to the economies of scale realized in their pro-
duction. This in turn will eventually also make open
loop applications economically viable. Although GW
will start to use RFID transponders in a closed loop,
the system architecture that is currently being imple-
mented can easily be expanded to an open-loop appli-
cation: when GW’s wholesale customers start calling
for RFID tagging, GW will be ready to serve their re-
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ICEIS 2009 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems