environment for the 2008/2009 course ‘Introduction
to software engineering’. The three options students
might choose from remained unchanged to the
previous year, namely: to test FLOSS, to develop
FLOSS, or to write a requirement specification
documentation for a FLOSS project.
Besides the potential benefits of such hybrid
learning environment that we outlined above, we do
hope that this type of learning environment will
provide students with an informal collaboration and
cooperation space that is of a practical value to
them. This is to say that the initial cohort of students
for the year 2008/2009 won’t be able to gain from
earlier students’ works, and therefore we must
assure to provide by other means, like e.g. regular
chats, prompt responses to forum posts, or initial
content uploaded by us, that this online environment
is of an added student value. Within this, we will
also encourage our past year students, which already
worked and accomplished their assignments, to
participate within this environment and to offer their
help to this years students. Such help, as we
observed, very often happens on campus and we
hope to be able to take part of this discussion online.
Following the hybrid approach our learning
environment is open to fellow universities, learners
outside of formal education and also open source
practitioners, which we hope find some interest in it
and join our effort to develop the space further over
time in size and scope.
During this paper we have outlined the rationale
behind the hybrid approach to computer science
education at Aristotle University, the design
approach taken and the initial experiences we
gained. We explained which principles of FLOSS
and their communities we consider being desirable
for educational settings and which might be some of
the key challenges to be addressed.
At such an early point it is not possible to predict
the applicability of a hybrid approach within the
educational structures we are operating at, or what
still needs to change. However, having chosen an
open design approach, both in terms of
methodological framework as well as open in terms
of underlying open source solutions, one of the
advantages is that we can respond relatively flexible
to identified student needs, or the needs of external
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available at the project website at
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CSEDU 2009 - International Conference on Computer Supported Education