Formal Verification of Documentation by Means of
Self-organizing Map
Algirdas Laukaitis and Olegas Vasilecas
Vilnius Gediminas Technical University
Sauletekio al. 11, LT-10223 Vilnius-40, Lithuania
Abstract. By using background knowledge of the general and specific domains
and by processing new natural language corpus experts are able to produce a con-
ceptual model for some specific domain. In this paper we present a model that
tries to capture some aspects of this conceptual modeling process. This model is
functionally organized into two information processing streams: one reflects the
process of formal concept lattice generation from domain conceptual model, and
the another one reflects the process of formal concept lattice generation from the
domain documentation. It is expected that similarity between those concept lat-
tices reflects similarity between documentation and conceptual model.In addition
to this process of documentation formal verification the set of natural language
processing artifacts are created. Those artifacts then can be used for the develop-
ment of information systems natural language interfaces. To demonstrate it, an
experiment for the concepts identification form natural language queries is pro-
vided at the end of this paper.
1 Introduction
Software engineers spend hours in defining information systems (IS) requirements and
finding common ground of understanding. The overwhelming majority of IS require-
ments are written in natural language supplemented with conceptual model and other
semi-formal UML diagrams. The bridge in the form of semantic indexes between docu-
ments and conceptual model can be useful for more effective communication and model
management. Then, an integration of the natural language processing (NLP) into infor-
mation system documentation process is an important factor in meeting challenges for
methods of modern software engineering.
Reusing natural language IS requirement specifications and compiling them into
formal statements has been an old challenge [1], [14]. Kevin Ryan claimed that NLP is
not mature enough to be used in requirements engineering [13] and our research express
that as well. Nevertheless, we hope that the current paper will suggest some promising
findings towards this challenging task.
The idea that we want to investigate in this paper consist from comparison of two
concept lattices received from different information processing streams: 1) the first one
is information processed by the human expert in the process of conceptual modeling,
2) and the second one is NLP of the domain documents. We suggest the formal con-
cept analysis (FCA) [3] as a framework to compare results from those two information
processing streams. We assume that an expert can define the domain object-attribute
matrix. From that matrix FCA produces concept lattice which can be interpreted as
the domain’s conceptual model. For the documents set the formal concept analysis, if
applied directly to words-document matrix, produces lattice that is far too big for any
comprehensible analysis. Then, we suggest the self-organizing map (SOM) [10] as a
tool for preprocessing and the problem dimensionality reduction. Finally, all presented
ideas and methodological inference is tested with the IBM Information FrameWork
(IFW) [7], which is a comprehensive set of banking specific business models from IBM
corporation. For our research we have chosen the set of models under the name Banking
Data Warehouse.
Then, solution for the stated problem organize the rest of the paper as follows. First,
we present the general framework of the automated model generation system from the
documents set. Next, we present IBM’s IFW solution and the model which we used in
our experiments. At this section we present FCA as the formal technique to analyze
the object:attribute sets. In the Section 4, we present the architectural solution of the
natural language processing system that has been used in this paper. SOM of the con-
ceptual model is introduced in chapter 5. Finally to prove the soundness of the proposed
method we provide a numerical experiment in which the ability of the system to iden-
tify concepts from users utterance is tested. The IBM Voice Toolkit for WebSphere [8]
(approach based on statistical machine learning) solution is compared with the system
suggested in this paper.
2 General Framework of the Solution
Conceptual models offer an abstracted view on certain characteristics of the domain.
They are used for different purposes, such as a communication instrument between
users and developers, for managing and understanding the complexity within the ap-
plication domain, etc. The presence of tools and methodology that supports integration
of the documents and communication utterance into conceptual model development
is crucial for the successful IS development. In this paper for such tool we suggest a
framework that is presented in the Figure 1. First, the corpus is created from the model’s
concept descriptions and in the figure it is named as the domain descriptions. The goal
of the framework is to derive two concept lattices shown in the right side of the Fig-
ure 1. One concept lattice is generated from conceptual model which was created by
the domain analyst. In the next section the process is described in details. The second
concept lattice is generated automatically from domain descriptions and we say that we
have “good“ descriptions if those lattices resembles each other.
At the core of the second lattice generation is self-organizing map which is used for
cluster analysis. In this paper we suggest the use of SOM to classify IS documentation
and IS utterance on a supervised and an unsupervised basis. SOM has been extensively
studied in the field of textual analysis. Such projects like WEBSOM [9], [11] have
shown that the SOM algorithm can organize very large text collections and that it is
suitable for visualization and intuitive exploration of the documents collection. The ex-
periments with the Reuters corpus (a popular benchmark for text classification) have
Fig. 1. Process of integration: Conceptual modeling, textual descriptions clusters detection and
interpretation by use of FCA.
been investigated in the paper [6] and there was presented evidence that SOM can out-
perform other alternatives.
Because our goal is to derive formal lattice from the domain documents, which then
can be compared with formal lattice from conceptual model, we suggest transforma-
tion schema that use FCA and transforms SOM to concepts lattice. It is important to
notice that when directly applied to the big data set of textual information, FCA gives
overwhelming lattice. This argument motivates integration of the FCA and other text
clustering techniques. In that sense our work bears some resemblance with the work of
Hotho [5]. They used BiSec-kk-Means algorithm for text clustering and then FCA
was applied to explain relationships between clusters. Authors of the paper have shown
the usability of such approach in explaining the relationships between clusters of the
Reuters-21578 text collection.
3 Concept Lattice Representation of the Conceptual Model
The problem with data centric enterprise wide models is that it is difficult to achieve
their use by all employees in the company. Their abstract and generic concepts are
unfamiliar to both business users and IS professionals, and remote from their local
organizational contexts. Natural language processing can be used to solve mentioned
problems. But, before applying the NLP techniques for the model and its documentation
management, we must have some formal method to deal with the set of {classes, object
and attributes}. In this section we introduce the formal concept analysis as the method
for automatically building the hierarchical structure of concepts (or classes) from the
{object:attribute} set.
As an example, consider Figure 2 (left side) we can see an excerpt of the IBM IFW
financial services data model (FSDM) [7]. The IBM financial services data model is
shown to consist of a high level strategic classification of domain classes integrated
with particular business solutions (e.g. Credit Risk Analysis) and logical and physical
data entity-relationship (ER) models.
Fig. 2. Left side: A small extract from the financial services conceptual model. Right side: CL
from this conceptual model. (We see that FCA depicts the structure from the conceptual model.)
Concept lattice of this model have been produced by FCA with Galicia software
[16] and is shown in the right side of the Figure 2. As we can see it is consistent with
the original model. It replicates underlying structure of conceptual model originally
produced by an expert team and in addition suggests one formal concept that aggre-
gates Arrangement and Resource Item: the two top concepts from the original model.
As we can see from this simple example, FCA is used to represent underling data in
the hierarchical form of the concepts. Due to its comprehensive form in visualising un-
derlaying hierarchical structure of the data and rigorous mathematical formalism FCA
grown up to mature theory for data analysis from its introduction in the 1980s [3].
In order to better understand the process of concept lattice generation from concep-
tual model, we can return to the Figure 2. As we can see from the figure, there are 12
concepts. As the first step, we instantiate the set of those concepts. The set of instan-
tiated objects we name as G. Let M be the set of all attributes that characterise those
objects i.e. an attribute is includes into the set M if it is an attribute for at least one ob-
ject from the set G. In our example we have 137 attributes (the whole model has more
than 1000 objects and more than 4000 attributes). We identify the index I as a binary
relationship between two sets G and M i.e. I G × M . In our example the index I
will mark that, eg., an attribute “interest rate” belongs to an object Arrangement” and
that it does not belong to an object “Event”.
The FCA algorithms starts with the definition of the triple K := (G, M, I) which is
called a formal context. Next, the subsets A G and B M are defined as follows:
:= {m M |(g, m) I for all g G},
:= {g G|(g, m) I for all m B}.
Then a formal concept of a formal context (G, M, I) is defined as a pair (A, B)
with A G , B M , A
= B and B
= A. The sets A and B are called extend and
intend of the formal concept (A, B) . The set of all formal concepts B(K) of a context
(G, M, I) together with the partial order (A
, B
) 6 (A
, B
) : A
is called
the concept lattice of context (G, M, I) .
In the Figure 2 the FCA algorithm Incremental Lattice Builder generated 11 for-
mal concepts. In the lattice diagram, the name of an object g is attached to the cir-
cle and represents the smallest concept with g in its extent. The name of an attribute
m is always attached to the circle representing the largest concept with m in its in-
tent. In the lattice diagram an object g has an attribute m if and only if there is an
ascending path from the circle labeled by g to the circle labeled by m. The extent
of the formal concept includes all objects whose labels are below in the hierarchy,
and the intent includes all attributes attached to the concepts above. For example the
concept 7 has {Building; Real Property} as extend (the label E: in the diagram), and
{Postal Address; Environmental Problem Type;Owner;... etc.} as intent (due to the huge
number of attributes they are not shown in the figure).
4 Vector Space Representation of the Conceptual Model
The vector space model (VSM) for documents transformation to the vectors is a well-
known representation approach that transforms a document to a weight vector. The most
naive way to construct vector is based on the bag-of-words approach, which ignores the
ordering of words within the sentence, ignores their semantic relationships and uses
basic occurrence information [15]. On the other hand, if we take the bag-of-words ap-
proach, the dimension of the vector space is based on the total number of words in the
data set and we are faced with problems of big dimensionality reduction.In this paper,
the process of dimensionality reduction and noise filtering is depicted in Figure 4. All
presented processes are described in details below.
1. Transform conceptual model. As the first in this process, we transform conceptual
model to the Web Ontology Language (OWL) structure. The motivation behind this
step is that OWL is a standard for expressing ontologies in the Semantic Web (W3C
2. Extract triplet is a process of data preparation. The triplet: concept name, the most
abstract parent-concept name, and textual description of the concept are extracted. We
received 1256 documents in the corpus where each document describes one concept.
For example, the concept Employee has the following entry in the corpus: {Concept-
Employee; Top parent concept - Involved Party ; Description - An Employee is an
Individual who is currently, potentially or previously employed by an Organization,
Fig. 3. The processes of dimensionality reduction and the conceptual model SOM design.
commonly the Financial Institution itself... }. It is important to mention that there was
only 9 top parent concepts: (involved party, products, arrangement, event, location,
resource items, condition, classification, business).
3. GATE - Natural Language Processing Engine is a well-established infrastructure
for customization and development of NLP components [2]. It is a robust and scalable
infrastructure for NLP and allows users to use various modules of NLP as the plugging.
We briefly describe the components used for the concepts vector space construction.
The Unicode tokeniser splits the text into simple tokens. The tagger produces a part-
of-speech tag as an annotation on each word or symbol. The gazetteer further reduces
dimensionality of the document corpus. Semantic tagger - provides finite state transduc-
tion over annotations based on regular expressions. Orthographic Coreference produces
identity relations between named entities found by the semantic tagger. SUPPLE is a
bottom-up parser that constructs syntax trees and logical forms for English sentences.
4. Abstraction. The basic idea of the abstraction process is to replace the terms by
more abstract concepts as defined in a given thesaurus, in order to capture similari-
ties at various levels of generalization. For this purpose we used WordNet [12] and
annotated GATE corpus as the background knowledge base. WordNet consists of so-
called synsets, together with a hypernym/hyponym hierarchy [4]. To modify the word
vector representations, all nouns have been replaced by WordNet corresponding con-
cept(’synset’). WordNet ’most common’ synset was used for a disambiguation.
5. Vectors space. In our experiments we used vector space of the term vectors
weighted by tfidf (term frequency inverse document frequency)[15], which is defined
as follows:
tfidf(c, t) = tf(c, t) × log
where tf(c, t) is the frequency of the term t in concept description c, and C is total
number of terms and C
is the number of concept descriptions. tf idf(c, t) weighs the
frequency of a term in a concept description with a factor that discounts its importance
when it appears in almost all concept descriptions.
5 Self-organizing Map of the IS Conceptual Model
Neurally inspired systems also known as connectionist approach replace the use of sym-
bols in problem solving by using simple arithmetic units through the process of adapta-
tion. The winner-take-all algorithms also known as self-organizing network selects the
single node in a layer of nodes that responds most strongly to the input pattern. In the
past decade, SOM have been extensively studied in the area of text clustering. It con-
sists of a regular grid of map units. Each output unit i is represented by prototype vector
= [m
], where d is input vector dimension. Input units take the input in terms
of a feature vector and propagate the input onto the output units. The number of neu-
rons and topological structure of the grid determines the accuracy and generalization
capabilities of the SOM.
During learning the unit with the highest activation, i.e. the best matching unit,
with respect to a randomly selected input vector is adapted in a way that it will exhibit
even higher activation with respect to this input in future. Additionally, the units in the
neighborhood of the best matching unit are also adapted to exhibit higher activation
with respect to the given input.
As a result of training with our financial conceptual model corpora we obtain a
map which is shown in the Figure 4. This map has been trained for 100,000 learning
iterations with learning rate set to 0.5 initially. The learning rate decreased gradually to
0 during the learning iterations.
We have expected that if the conceptual model vector space has some clusters that
resembles conceptual model itself, then we can expect that the model will be easier
understood compared with the model of more random structure. On a closer look at
the map we can find regions containing semantically related concepts. For example,
the right side top of the final map represents a cluster of concepts Arrangement” and
bottom right side “Resource items”. Such map can be used as scarificator for any tex-
tual input. It always will assign a name of some concept from the conceptual model.
Nevertheless, such map, as in the Figure 4, is difficult to use as an engineering tool. A
hierarchical structure is more convenient for representation of the underlying structure
of the concept vector space.
Figure 5 shows the concepts lattice computed from SOM shown in the figure 4. We
obtain a list of 23 formal concepts. Each of them groups several neurons from SOM.
We can find the grouping similarity of the neurons that are locate in the neighborhood
of each other. On the other hand some concepts makes a group of neurons that are
at some distance form each other. The basic idea of this step is that we received a
closed loop in the business knowledge engineering by artificial intelligent agent. The
agent classifies all textual information with the SOM technique and then using FCA it
builds hierarchical knowledge bases. For the details on how to apply FCA to the cluster
Fig. 4. SOM for the conceptual model. Labels: invol, accou, locat, arran, event, produ, resou,
condi represents concepts: involved party, accounting, location, event, product, resource, condi-
analysis (SOM in our case) we refer to the paper [5]. The paper describes an algorithm
which has been used in our research.
6 Experiment
Automatically generated concept lattice of document corpora is a useful tool for visual
inspection of underlying vector space. Nevertheless, we would like to have a more rig-
orous evaluation of the lattice capability to depict conceptual model structure. For that
purpose a classification accuracy (CA) measure has been used. CA simply counts the
minority of concepts at any grid point and presents the count as classification error. For
example, after the training, each map unit (and lattice node) has a label assigned by
highest number of concepts mapped to this unit (Figure 4). As we can see in the Figure
4, the top left neuron mapped 4 concepts with the label arrangement and 2 with label
event. Thus, classification accuracy for this neuron will be 66 %. For the whole concept
map we received CA = 39.27%. It is not very high classification accuracy, but it can
be used as a benchmark to compare other methods.
The framework that we presented in the previous sections generates document cor-
pora lattice which can be visually compared with lattice generated from conceptual
model. But as mentioned in the introduction, one of the objectives in this research was
to find the techniques and tools of modeling that, in addition to the visualization, gener-
ate some artifacts for natural language interfaces. In this paper we suggest to reuse SOM
as classification component. Each time the sentence is presented to the SOM component
Fig. 5. Concepts lattice that has been received from the SOM presented in the Figure 4.
we have one activated neuron which is associated with one concept from the conceptual
model. Additionally, we have the set of formal concepts associated with the activated
neuron. Both, the label from activated neuron and the set of formal concepts can be
used by some formal language generation engine (i.e. structured query language (SQL)
sentence generator for querying databases).
The following experiment has been conducted to test this approuch. IBM Web-
Sphere Voice Server NLU toolbox [8], which is a part of the IBM WebSphere software
platform have been chosen as the competitive solution to the one suggested in this pa-
per. SOM of the conceptual model and CL have been used as an alternative to the IBM
WebSphere Voice Server NLU solution. We have taken the black box approach for both
solutions: put the training data, compile and test the system response for the new data
set. The data set of 1058 pairs textual description:concept name mentioned above were
constructed to train the IBM NLU model. The same set has been used to get SOM.
Then a group consisting of 9 students has been instructed about the database model.
They have the task to present for the system 20 questions about information related
to the concept “Involved Party”. For example one of the questions was: How many
customers we have in our system?” We scored the answers from the system as correct
if it identified the correct concept “Involved Party”.
At the beginning only 9 top concepts were considered i.e. all 1058 documents have
been labeled with the most abstract concept names from the conceptual model. For
example documents that described concepts “Loan” and “Deposit” are labeled with the
concept name Arrangement” because concepts “Loan” and “Deposit” are subtypes of
the concept “Arrangement”.
Table 1. Concept identification comparison between IBM NLU toolbox and SOM of database
conceptual model.
CN=9 CN=50 CN=200 CN=400 CN=500
IBM NLU 36.82 17.26 14.82 11.15 8.22
SOM 46.73 30.70 27.11 20.53 18.83
Next we increased the number of concept names that we put into the model up to
50. For example, documents that described concepts “Loan” and “Deposit” have been
labeled with “Loan” and “Deposit” names. Then, number of concept names has been
increased up to 200, 400 and finally 500. Table 1 shows the results of the experiment.
Column names show the number of concepts. The row named IBM NLU represents
results for the IBM WebSphere Voice Server NLU toolbox. The row named SOM rep-
resents results for the SOM of the conceptual model that has been constructed with
the method described in this paper. For the classification error, the proportion of the
correctly identified concepts has been used.
As we can see, the performance of the IBM system was similar to the SOM re-
sponse. For all cases i.e. IBM and SOM the performance decreased when the number
of concepts increased.
7 Conclusions
Conceptual models and other forms of knowledge bases can be viewed as the products
emerged from human natural language processing. Self-organization is the key property
of human mental activity and the present research investigated what self-organization
properties can be found in the knowledge base documentation. It has been suggested to
build conceptual model vector space and its SOM by comparing concept lattice received
from manually constructed conceptual model and concept lattice received from SOM
of the conceptual model. We argued that if both concept lattices resemble each other
then we can say that IS documentation quality is acceptable.
Presented architectural solution for the software developers can be labor intensive.
The payoff of such approach is an ability to generate formal language statements di-
rectly from IS documentation and IS user utterance. We have shown that with the SOM
and FCA we can indicate inadequateness of the concept descriptions and improve the
process of knowledge base development. Presented methodology can serve as the tool
for maintaining and improving Enterprise-wide knowledge bases.
There were many research projects concerning questions of semantic parsing i.e.
the automatic generation of the formal language from the natural language. But those
projects were concerned only with semantic parsing as separate stage not integrated
into the process of software development. Solution presented in this paper allows us to
integrate IS design and analysis stages with the stage of semantic parsing. In this paper
we demonstrated that we can label documents and user questions with the conceptual
model concept name. In the future we hope to extend those results by generating SQL
sentences and then querying databases. The present research has shown that if we want
to build comprehensible model then, we must take more attention in describing concepts
by the natural language.
The work is supported by Lithuanian State Science and Studies Foundation according
to High Technology Development Program Project Business Rules Solutions for Infor-
mation Systems Development (VeTIS) Reg. No. B-07042.
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