David Martín, Emilio Corchado and Raúl Marticorena
Department of Civil Engineering, University of Burgos, Spain
C/ Francisco de Vitoria s/n. 09006 Burgos
Keywords: Teaching of programming, Project evaluation, Programming metrics, Principal component analysis,
Unsupervised learning.
Abstract: In this present multidisciplinary work, measurements taken from source-code comparisons of practical
assignments completed by students of computer programme are analysed and visually represented, and
conclusions are drawn so as to gain insight into the situation and the progress of the group. This
representation is compared with another one generated by conventional code metrics, and the scope and
meaning of the results are assessed in each case. These analyses use various statistical and neural
dimensionality-reduction techniques for sets of multidimensional data.
Analytical and multidimensional data visualization
techniques are often applied in a range of
professional contexts. They provide tools that are
intended to facilitate the interpretation of results, and
thus improve the effectiveness of decision-making
that might affect the progress of a business. It
appears reasonable for computing professionals
involved in teaching tasks to take advantage of those
same improvements.
A teacher’s awareness of students, of the socio-
educational context, and of the inherent dynamics
within classroom groups is important in the
definition of contents and in curricular development
and design. The timely identification of structures,
hierarchies and subgroups in a group of students
means the teacher can focus follow up work and
make individual or group changes so as to optimize
the learning/teaching process. It is not an easy task,
especially with large groups and with study modules
that have few teaching hours. As an objective
contribution to that awareness, conventional
assessment tools are available to the teacher, which
are complemented by subjective observations based
on professional experience and “wisdom
(classroom time, personal consultation, tutorials,
etc.). Quality improvement systems are
fundamentally based on objective measurements
generated by conventional assessment models or
generalizations drawn from student satisfaction
surveys. All of these are conducive to positive
outcomes in the teaching/learning process, but lack
an immediacy that is desirable for decision-making
in the classroom.
Also within that same quality perspective,
indicators are used in programming development
methodologies to follow up projects. Programming
languages can easily incorporate the application of
measurement systems or metrics given that they use
reduced grammars. Practical programming
assignments performed by students of Computer
Science could be candidates for this type of
objective measurement.
Thus, in this study, projection techniques have
been applied to multivariate data to obtain a 2D
representation, simplifying the dataset but looking
for the “most interesting” directions, in so far as
those directions highlight specific aspects in the
dataset. Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
(Hotelling, 1933), (Friedman & Tukey, 1974) was
used, as well as a neuronal model of Exploratory
Projection Pursuit (EPP), Maximum-Likelihood
Hebbian Learning (MLHL), which is described in
(Fyfe & Corchado, 2002), (Corchado & Fyfe, 2003),
(Corchado et al., 2004).
The analyses done target discovering of student
groupings, based on the source code from their
assignments, which may not be easily perceivable by
means of quotidian contact in the classroom nor
Martín D., Corchado E. and Marticorena R. (2009).
In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Computer Supported Education, pages 47-54
DOI: 10.5220/0001970400470054
conventional assessment techniques. These
observations may reveal individual or group
non-desirable discordant practices so that teachers
could focus on them and determine different
adaptive teaching strategies based on their own
experience. In the studied case it was also checked if
the observed groupings might have an academic
origin, with negative results. A comparative study
was done on the results obtained from classic code
metrics and no valuable observation was obtained
from those graphs.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows.
The high-dimensionality data analysis techniques
applied in this study are discussed in Section 2. In
Section 3, the source and the data collection methods
are described. Section 4 presents the data processing
and the results. The main conclusions are presented
in Section 5 as well as proposals for future lines of
Projection methods project high-dimensional data
points onto lower dimensions in order to identify
"interesting" directions in terms of any specific
index or projection. Such indexes or projections are,
for example, based on the identification of directions
that account for the largest variance of a dataset
(such as Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
(Hotelling, 1933), (Pearson, 1901), (Oja, 1989)) or
the identification of higher order statistics such as
the skew or kurtosis index, as in the case of
Exploratory Projection Pursuit (EPP) (Friedman &
Tukey, 1974). Having identified the interesting
projections, the data is then projected onto a lower
dimensional subspace plotted in two or three
dimensions, which makes it possible to examine its
structure with the naked eye. The remaining
dimensions are discarded as they mainly relate to a
very small percentage of the information or the
dataset structure. In that way, the structure identified
through a multivariable dataset may be visually
analysed with greater ease.
A combination of these types of techniques
together with the use of scatter plot matrixes
constitute a very useful visualization tool to
investigate the intrinsic structure of
multidimensional datasets, allowing experts to study
the relations between different components, factors
or projections, depending on the technique that is
2.1 The Unsupervised Connectionist
The standard statistical EPP method (Friedman &
Tukey, 1974) provides a linear projection of a
dataset, but it projects the data onto a set of basic
vectors which best reveal the interesting structure in
data; interestingness is usually defined in terms of
how far the distribution is from the Gaussian
One neural implementation of EPP is Maximum-
Likelihood Hebbian Learning (MLHL) (Corchado et
al., 2004), (Corchado & Fyfe, 2003), (Fyfe &
Corchado, 2002), which identifies interestingness by
maximising the probability of the residuals under
specific probability density functions that are non-
Considering an N-dimensional input vector (x),
and an M-dimensional output vector (y), with W
being the weight (linking input j to output i), then
MLHL can be expressed (Corchado & Fyfe, 2003),
(Corchado et al., 2003) as:
1. Feed-forward step:
2. Feedback step:
3. Weight change:
is the learning rate and p a parameter
related to the energy function (Corchado et al.,
2004), (Fyfe & Corchado, 2002), (Corchado & Fyfe,
The objective of the study is to classify practical
computer programming assignments completed by
university students. It seeks to facilitate the
CSEDU 2009 - International Conference on Computer Supported Education
identification of divergent or non-desirable
situations in the educational process. Students
following the “Programming Methods” study
module in the 2nd year of Ingeniería Técnica en
Informática de Gestión [Technical Engineering in
Computer Science] complete practical assignments
using the programming language Java. Throughout
the four months of the study module, students have
to develop two assignments - P1 and P2 - either
individually or in pairs, following the design
specifications as proposed by the teachers.
The first, P1, is collected in December and the
second, P2, at the end of the first four months, in
January. The second assignment entails making
improvements to the first, includes new functions
and applies the techniques learnt during the final
stages of the study module. The practical assignment
for the study module consists in the partial
implementation of games.
3.1 Comparison of Practical
The primary datasets were constituted by
comparisons of source code written in Java that were
extracted by the “JDup” tool (Marticorena et al.,
2008). The JDup tool generated the relevant
comparisons, crossed by pairs from the 60 P1 and
the 50 P2 practical assignments (1800 and 1250
respectively). JDup comparisons are made by
establishing a minimum match length of 7 tokens.
The software tool compares tokens, snippets of
code, and evaluates their percentage similarity. It
was designed to detect plagiarisms (measured
similarity in the region of 100%). The analysis of the
entire spectrum of values of the set of comparisons
was attempted in this work. Although in the first
sample examined (December 2007), duplicate
practical assignments could be identified, and the
results were corroborated by direct checks
(reviewing the code, personal interviews, etc.),
neither the validity of the method nor the validity of
the possible approximations used in the tool to
improve the performance of the algorithm were
formally tested. As opposed to the trivial possibility
of a normal distribution, the detection and reiteration
of clear groupings in the present work was taken as
proof of the tools effectiveness.
3.2 Code Metrics
There are a series of measures that are widely used
as evaluation indicators of software programmes. In
this work, code metrics taken from a freeware tool
called SourceMonitor were used (Campwood
Software, 2007). SourceMonitor values are actively
and effectively used for the characterisation and
quantification of development effort in Computer
System projects in the final year of Computer
Engineering; projects that are much more diverse
and very different. They allow objective
comparisons, even between student intakes over
recent years.
Table 1: Metrics calculated by SourceMonitor.
Percent Branch Statements
Method Call Statements
Percent Lines with Comments
Classes and Interfaces
Methods per Class
Average Statements per Method
Maximum Method Complexity
Maximum Block Depth
Average Block Depth
Average Complexity
The metrics, listed in Table 1, assess the size, the
structure and the complexity of the code, although in
our case, as the students all work on a shared design
set by the teachers, some of the above metrics did
not initially appear relevant. It was expected that the
measurements of branch statements and complexity,
or even the total number of lines, would be the most
discriminatory when distinguishing between the
practical assignments and the programming models
proposed by the students.
These measurements were used alongside the
representations generated by the comparison of the
projects, and at the same time were independently
treated with the same analytical techniques.
3.3 Data Preparation
The first group of practical assignments was
corrected in December 2007, after the students had
handed them in. The list generated by the JDup tool
from the 60 assignments generated a longer list of
1800 comparisons which were ordered by degree of
similarity. The reference solution prepared by the
course teachers was included in the analysis. Having
detected cases of plagiarism subject to sanctions,
which appeared at the top of the list, the rest of the
data were not directly interpretable by the teachers.
In a search for analogies with other datasets
under study, the list was transformed into a
symmetrical matrix. The comparisons were arranged
by pairs as a Cartesian product, forming a
symmetrical matrix that constitutes the dataset to be
treated. By lines, each input variable may be
understood as a distance from a practical concrete
model, with values in the interval [0, 1].
These datasets, along with the corresponding
labels, were recorded in a CSV format text file that
was used as input data in the programme that applies
the previously described reduction treatment and
that generates the graphic representations.
Alternative labels were also included in the file as
well as other comparative or contrasting values that
were solely used, after processing, in the
representation and the final colouring of the graphs.
Data preparation, performed on a conventional
spread sheet, was a time consuming task, as a great
amount of data had to be reordered and associated
with academic management information taken from
various sources: names, number of students
completing the practical assignments, qualifications,
3.4 Labelling of the samples
With a view to facilitating the interpretation of the
graphs, each assignment was identified by a label.
The use of the full names of each pair of students
that performed the practical work would have taken
up too much space and produced overlaps, without
forgetting that the publication of student data of a
personal nature should be subject to rigorous
guidelines. Accordingly, the real names were
delinked, and a two-letter code was assigned to the
student that allowed the name to be easily localized
between the two different data treatment stages and
that also enabled a more compact on-screen
visualization of the graph. It should be remembered
that cases arise of one or more students that leave
the course, in which case the student code that
remains on file can also be quickly found. It is in the
case of plagiarism where overlap is inevitable and
reading is made more difficult; but it was assumed
that these cases had been urgently investigated and
sanctioned at an earlier stage.
Table 2 shows the codes assigned to the first
assignment P1. The assignation of a special code
“xx” to the teachers' reference solution proved very
effective when observing and attempting to interpret
the graphs.
The actual index of the assignment could be
made to appear on the data table, although it is not
especially relevant as the order of the table roughly
corresponds to the order in which the assignments
were handed in, which differed on both occasions.
Table 2: Labels used for the first practical assignment.
ey af fr cq bp+dd fk
bb+cf ax+bs cv+du dx+ft ds aw
ay+ef cb ar aq+dk cw bw+cx
cp+fy an+er by fd+fm ee+eg bd
ak+ap ev cc+eq cu bv+ep dw+ek
cd+eu bu+dn cy+fw bg+db be+ch ec+fb
dm bc bf+ew dr dp ba+fe
cm+dg br+en as+et bt av+fs ce+fc
ca+fh cr dh+ff at+fa au bk
ac+ag cs+eb bm+fq cg+dq dc+dv ad
Processing and labelling was repeated when
analyzing and comparing the second practical
assignment at the end of the four months,
maintaining the same codes even though students
might have changed partners.
The model described in section 3.3 emerged due
solely to other coinciding academic works along
with the production of an extensive report on
plagiarism. When the data corresponding to the first
practical assignment had become available, PCA
analysis identified the two clearly separate groups in
Figure 1 that prompted ongoing study of the data
gathered in this way. The position in the central
band, towards the edge of the graph that is occupied
by the teacher's reference solution was also
significant (“xx” in Figure 1).
Figure 1: PCA analysis of P1 (academic marks are colour-
Regardless of the researcher's discipline, the
graph appears to awaken some concern from a
CSEDU 2009 - International Conference on Computer Supported Education
teaching perspective. The evident polarization (the
two large groups marked out as A and B in Figure 1
and Figure 2) might reflect some weakness in the
teaching process, for example:
Different approaches between the two teachers
responsible for the practical assignments.
Insurmountable weaknesses in half of the
Students repeating the course, from different
Class timetabling.
The possibility that these groupings were simply
due to social relations in the group that leads to
different influences or styles of programming, was
also evaluated without this being of concern from an
educational perspective. Whatever the cause might
have been, it was thought that the study should
continue to find out whether it could lead to some
corrections or improvements in the teaching/learning
4.1 Initial Projection
The first observation was made using an earlier
development applying both PCA and MLHL
techniques. Codification of the students' names took
place at a later point in time. Figure 1 (PCA) and
Figure 2 (MLHL) were subsequently recreated using
the same analytical techniques and labels already
described. Shading (in grey on the printed graph)
represents the marks awarded for each assignment.
A non-uniform, random distribution was
observed (Figure 1 and Figure 2) regardless of
which technique was used:
The practical assignments that were copied
occupy the same position.
The assignments are distributed in two large,
very different, separate groups. A further two
subgroups could be identified within these two
large groups.
The reference solution offered by the teachers
is found outside the groups, at an equidistant
point some distance from them both.
Some students may be seen in situations that
are isolated from the groups. The most
prominent is the case of a student on an
international exchange programme (indicated
with an arrow Figure 1 and Figure 2)
The two groupings may be clearly appreciated
with both techniques. There is a notable separation
and the definition of the two subgroups improves in
the MLHL projection.
Figure 2: MLHL neural networking analysis of P1
(academic marks are colour-coded).
4.2 Variables in the Local Setting
It was subsequently investigated whether the
polarization observed in the P1 projection (A and B
in Figure 1 and Figure 2) might be due to some
known and "non-desirable" cause. Possible causes of
an academic origin are:
Group/timetable of the practical classes.
Individual work or work in pairs.
Students repeating the module.
Mark awarded for the practical assignment.
The corresponding values were introduced into
the CSV file and applied to the final graphs as
colour-coded points and as text labels. In no case
was a conclusive relation appreciated between the
two visible groupings.
4.3 Treatment of the Second
Following treatment of the first assignments, the
analysis of the second assignments was awaited, in
which possible ratification and evolution of the
pattern would be observable.
Whatever the case, two determining factors
should be considered prior to arriving at any
It was not a matter of separate exercises, as the
second practical assignment was an extension
or an improvement of the first. As their
starting point, each student began with the
code handed in for the first practical and a
major part of the entire code would remain
unchanged or have only minimal
Students were aware of the monitoring being
carried out and had been informed of the
sanctions for plagiarism. Logically enough,
greater honesty might be expected in terms of
reasonable collaboration between students
throughout the development of their
Students abandoned the course. This in turn
meant lower numbers of samples and practical
assignments in pairs being transformed into
individual assignments.
During the break between assignments,
improvements were made to the usability of the tool
by incorporating a configuration window that
facilitated repetition and adjustment of the tests. The
same general treatment as in the case of P1 was
Figure 3: PCA analysis of P2 (academic marks are colour-
In Figure 3, the persistence of two groups,
although less separately, may be seen. The
composition of the groups appears to be the same.
Within the two groups, movements may be seen
between the subgroups that are to some extent
Greater dispersion. The number of practical
assignments in peripheral positions increased,
and notably some practices may be seen in
zones close to the reference solution.
Although practical assignments are found in the
four marking bands in both groups, a greater density
of higher marks appears to be evident in one of the
groups and in the other, a greater density of lower
marks. It is not considered conclusive.
3.2 Code Metrics
The composition of the two groupings was
contrasted with information on the groups and from
students; likewise, the SourceMonitor code-metric
measurements, described in section 3.2, were
applied. No conclusive relation was observed, but
these data were used to perform an independent
analysis that generated the representation in Figure
4. The distribution was much closer to a normal
distribution than that obtained from the comparisons
and the only significant factor was the presence of
samples at the extreme periphery. These “extreme”
practices also occupied the prominent positions in
the representations that were evident in the earlier
Figure 4: PCA analysis of P1 Metrics.
4.5 Evolution of the Distribution
Having conducted a separate, parallel analysis of the
two datasets, the evolution between both was closely
examined, and the observable groups and subgroups
were defined. Tracing a line around the groupings
(P1, B1, etc.) may be done on sight as shown in
Figure 5.
Two large zones (A and B) are identifiable and
various subzones may be perceived in each one. A1
and B2 correspond to the densest areas of the two
groupings. Separated from these groups, an
individual, isolated practical assignment (belonging
to the exchange student, labelled “fk”) and the
reference solution “xx” may be identified, at some
distance, though on the axis of the representation.
Some points approach that zone (such as "ax+bs" or
"bd") in Figure 6 that corresponds to the second of
the practical assignments. The assignment
completed by the exchange student does not appear
in this image, as he did not hand in this second
CSEDU 2009 - International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Figure 5: Classification of groupings in P1.
A separation of the groups may also be seen. Let
us remember that the students were by that point
aware of the analysis that was underway and had
probably modified some of their practices relating to
an occasional exchange of code. The closest points
to “xx” are marked in Figure 6, as well as a unique
case in which a clear change was detected between
groups A and B. Informal contact was made with
this student who explained that she had made
significant transformations in order to resolve an
important error discovered after handing in the first
assignment. Another case of movement was also
detected, but in this case it was associated with a
change of partner.
Figure 6: Classification of groupings in P2.
4.6 Experience Gained
Applying different dimension reduction techniques
to the dataset produced by the JDUP tool, two clear
groups were observed as well as some individuals in
peripheral positions. The observation was mostly
reproduced in a second dataset from a second
assignment to the same students and some
evolutions were observed. No coincidence was
found to common academic settings, but the case of
a foreign exchange student.
Same techniques were applied to code metrics
obtained using the SourceMonitor tool to the same
assignments in order to compare both, but results
were quite poor. A common centred distribution was
These representations are not intended as a
conclusive categorization and in no case are they
proposed as evaluation tools. However, it is
considered that they might be a valid tool to provide
the teacher with insight into the group of students.
Peripheral situations or pronounced changes can
centre attention on certain students, whom the
teacher might try to observe more closely during the
practical sessions, and where necessary, a proposal
for more personalized attention, provision of
support, providing support and adaption of the
proposed assignments.
The set of values obtained by the JDup tool is
considered a valid means of characterizing a set of
practical assignments developed in separate ways on
the basis of a common design. This was not the case
of the values corresponding to the shared metrics
obtained with SourceMonitor, which were shown to
have a much more limited discriminatory capacity.
A model based on differential data is proposed,
which is more easily generalizable than other
theoretical measurements (metrics), the
representative nature of which will vary according to
the problem under study. The crossed-comparisons
model contributed a rich description of the dataset,
and allowed its dynamic to be observed, but did not
allow us to identify the factors that caused these
PCA and MLHL dataset visualization allowed an
important polarization to be detected in the group of
students under study. A search was made for
matching elements, although it was not possible to
associate this polarization with any defect or failing
in the academic organization of the course, in the
teaching methods, or even with the resulting set of
The impression formed by the teachers was
corroborated; students had learnt about the use of the
JDup tool to detect plagiarism in the first mandatory
practical assignment, had commented on it, and had
taken it into account. It is believed that this is the
reason for greater diversity and dispersion in the
second assignment, without forgetting the logical
and expected impact of the group's progress in the
subject matter.
The use of statistical (PCA) and neuronal
(MLHL) models applied to the work developed by
students studying computer programming allowed
information to be obtained on group dynamics in the
classroom and its evolution over time; something
that is difficult to achieve by direct observation and
that might be useful for planning timely changes to
teaching methods.
This work has sought greater knowledge of
teaching/learning processes in the context of
computing, thereby highlighting the spirit of
improvement and the interest that form part of
everyday teaching tasks; continuous improvement
with a view to training qualified professionals.
The following future lines of work are proposed:
Apply the method to other groups and subjects.
Apply the comparisons model to other fields
and to evaluation techniques where the
representation generated by the model may be
objectively contrasted with the curricular
competence under evaluation.
Propose improvements that facilitate portability
of the JDup tool data.
Improve the user interface of the analysis tool
or integrate it into other tools.
Apply other classification techniques that can
improve the definition of the graphs and the
automatic generation of groupings.
This research has been partially funded through
project BU006A08 of the JCyL.
Campwood Software. (2007). SourceMonitor Version 2.4
[Computer software]. Last accessed November 2008.
Available from http://www.campwoodsw.com
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CSEDU 2009 - International Conference on Computer Supported Education