who share their knowledge. Universities may hope
also that the state will reimbursement them for the
lost tuition income as some sort of a tax-payers’
payback based on the public benefit of the scheme.
Some precedent systems paying for sharing
education have been already proposed. According to
(O’Brien, 2008), the Baltimore schools
Superintendent, Andres Alonso, unveiled a
controversial proposal to improve city schools: pay
students to perform. It's a simple idea that has
generated quite a bit of controversy from purists
who cringe at the thought of paying students to learn
and from realists who believe there simply must be a
more effective way to spend $1 million in a failing
school system. Yet despite moral and practical
objections, this approach does have a record of
success abroad. What's more, there may be a way to
tweak Mr. Alonso's plan so that it reinforces - rather
than undermines - the value of learning and enables
the city to earn a greater return on its investment.
Paying people to do what they should be doing,
such as working hard in school, may seem like
absurd policy, but this approach, as claimed by
(Lietaer, 2006) is proving to be an effective tool for
fighting poverty in the developing world.
"Conditional cash transfer" programs, as they are
known in the international development community,
have increased health and education outcomes for
impoverished families around the globe, from Brazil
and Argentina to Mozambique, Cambodia and
Pakistan. Perhaps the best-known such program,
Mexico's Progresa, pays parents cash in return for
forfeiting the wages their child could earn and
instead keeping him or her in school. Not
surprisingly, children of families enrolled in
Progresa are much more likely to stay in school and
acquire the skills they need for the high-wage jobs
that can lift an entire family out of poverty.
Progresa's success inspired New York Mayor
Michael R. Bloomberg to implement the first
conditional cash transfer program in US. Launched last
year, Mr. Bloomberg's Opportunity NYC is a privately
funded demonstration project that offers cash payments
to low-income workers who meet certain benchmarks,
such as opening a bank account or meeting with
teachers to discuss a report card. Early feedback from
the program suggests that these transfers aren't simply a
cash bonus; for many, they serve to replace the wages
lost when a parent leaves work to meet with his or her
child's teacher.
Mr. Alonso's proposal to pay students to perform
draws ire from those who believe our instant-
gratification culture has infiltrated every corner of
society; no longer are students compelled to learn for
learning's sake, or to achieve in the hope of securing a
better future. The critique that these payments for
passing send the wrong message to students is potent
enough for Baltimore to reconsider how it structures
and frames its program.
In our opinion, first, the city should split the
payment by handing one part directly to the student and
deposit the rest into a restricted savings account that
can be used only to pay for higher education or skills
training. The straight payment would give the city the
instant results it seeks, while directing the savings to an
account in the child's name would reinforce the
expectation that passing the state assessment test is just
one step in the journey to achieving a postsecondary
credential and, with it, a better life. As a bonus, such a
solution helps provide these students - those who work
hard to achieve – with the financial boost they need to
continue their education.
The program is thus transformed from a bribe for
kids to past tests to a vehicle for students to chart a path
to higher education through building academic skills
and earning their college scholarship.
According to (O’Brien, 2008), the Bloomberg’s
claim was: “We’ve reached a breakthrough agreement
establishing a new program that will reward excellent
performance by individuals and by entire schools.”
Mayor Bloomberg also said: “We are rewarding our
teachers who prove that they are the most successful in
helping students make academic progress”.
We claim that this approach has another problem
resulting from the use of legal currencies that are not
appropriate for certain types of communities like
education-centered ones, since these communities may
have other values.
For example, online communities blossom
around specific subjects. Some examples are the art
of problem solving www.artofproblemsolving.com,
the Interactive Mathematics Miscellany and Puzzles,
www.cut-the-knot.org, and the Maths Forum @
Drexel mathforum.org. They represent different
approaches to attracting highly motivated high level
students that love maths and enjoy exchanging
solutions. These communities have strong
community sense. From our point of view, they are
disconnected from the less advanced students, who
do not benefit from this excellent collective source
of knowledge. This paper is an attempt to provide a
framework for connecting these communities with
regular students and teachers.
In some sense there is a solution: it is the saber of
Bernard Lietaer (Lietaer, 2006). This is an alternative
rewarding system that helps students to achieve access