Noriaki Sakamoto, Mitsuaki Fukase, Tsunenori Mine, Shigeru Kusakabe
Tsuneo Nakanishi, Yoich Omori, Mohammad Mesbah Uddin
Keijiro Araki, Akira Fukuda, Hiroto Yasuura
Graduate School of Information Science and Electrical Engineering, Kyushu University
744 Moto-oka, Nishi-ku, Fukuoka-shi, Japan
Teruaki Kitasuka
Graduate School of Science and Technology, Kumamoto University
2-39-1 Kurokami, Kumamoto, Japan
Keywords: Business-academia collaboration, PBL, Practical education, Internship.
Abstract: The progress of Information Technology, which is the infrastructure of an advanced information society, is
remarkable and has the enormous impact on our daily life. On the other hand, it has been pointed out by the
industry in Japan that there is a lack of highly skilled Information and Communication Technology
personnel who can lead the next generation. In order to address this issue, the Graduate School of
Information Science and Electrical Engineering in Kyushu University has established Social Information
System Engineering education course. Since April 2007, we have started practical education program with
an objective to foster world class leaders who have extraordinary technical skill, basic knowledge and sense
of ethics. This effort is steadily progressing by the collaboration with various companies through Nippon
Keidanren with support of Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology. There have
been several findings in 1) Project Based Learning, 2) omnibus courses, 3) long term internship, and 4)
curriculum improvements during the planning and execution of this program. This paper describes the
content, method, interim result and evaluation of this education course. We also discuss the challenges that
need to be resolved.
Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
is rapidly evolving and has a significant effect on the
social infrastructure. On the other hand, there is a
remarkable shortage of highly skilled ICT personnel
who can lead the industry. It has been pointed out
that the university education does not meet the
requirements of industry. In order for Japan to be
competitive in the globalized environment, it is
imperative that the industry and university
collaborate all together and foster highly skilled ICT
personnel. To address this issue, the Graduate
School of Information Science and Electrical
Engineering (ISEE) in Kyushu University has
started Social Information System Engineering
(SISE) education course which is based on the large
scale collaboration with Nippon Keidanren
(Keidanren). It is the federation of economic
organization and covers most of the big corporations
in Japan. Its members include 1,315 major
companies that represent various industries in Japan.
Keidanren chose Kyushu University as the partner of
its education program to foster highly skilled ICT
personnel (Keidanren, 2005) and Ministry of
Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology
(MEXT) selected Kyushu University as the hub
Sakamoto N., Fukase M., Mine T., Kusakabe S., Nakanishi T., Omori Y., Mesbah Uddin M., Araki K., Fukuda A., Yasuura H. and Kitasuka T. (2009).
In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Computer Supported Education, pages 159-166
DOI: 10.5220/0001972101590166
university in the education program to bring up
leading Information Technology specialist (Ministry,
2006). The characteristics of SISE are, 1) master
education course through large scale business-
academia collaboration, 2) practical education to
meet social needs, 3) full support by Keidanren and
its cooperating companies, and 4) alliance among
partner universities. We have started the preparation
on May, 2006, established project office on
November, 2006, and started SISE education course
on April, 2007.
This paper describes curriculum overview,
interim results and lessons learned in SISE education
course. Chapter 2 outlines the objective, contents
and characteristics of this course. Chapter 3
describes the interim result and evaluation. Chapter
4 discusses the challenges. Chapter 5 is dedicated to
the findings and Chapter 6 is the summary.
2.1 Education Course Overview
(1) Issues on Conventional Curriculum
The conventional curriculum at graduate school in
Japan is based on classroom lecture and is mainly
focused on learning the theory and technical
knowledge, which is important. However, the
conventional curriculum is not enough to develop
the insight, communication, analysis, and solution
capability to accommodate the rapidly progressing
ICT environment. Especially, Project Based
Learning (PBL), which is effective in developing the
practical capabilities, has not been commonly
introduced in the conventional curriculum.
(2) Objective of SISE Education Course
In this education course, we are trying to foster the
students, who have 1) the professional skills that are
required immediately in the software research and
development, 2) the insights toward the changing
ICT and social environments, 3) the flexibility to
execute software development, and 4) the capability
to lead the corporation or society in the future.
(3) Curriculum Overview
During the preparation phase of this education
course, staffs and instructors from universities and
cooperating companies got together and had through
discussions about the curriculum overview and the
details of each course. As the result, we have
decided to introduce the practical training, human
skills development and ICT sophistication courses
on top of the conventional basic technology and
theoretical courses. Considering the strength and
weakness of university and cooperating companies,
it was agreed that the university instructors should
be in charge of teaching the basic technology and
theoretical courses and instructors from cooperating
companies should be in charge of teaching the
practical courses and omnibus courses. Figure 1
shows the curriculum overview and Figure 2 shows
the curriculum schedule of this education course. In
order to establish the alliance with other universities
Foster the basic belief to act
considering the future of our society
Master Thesis
Training for leadership and
communication skills
PBL on Real Problems
Courses for practical subjects
PBL on System
PBL on Advanced
Prototype of electronic key rental
One village one portal hosting system
Tools for hardware design integration
Courses for ICT sophistication
Knowledge for ICT, like software, hardware and network area
Enterprise systemEmbedded system
Courses for technology and theory
(Example): Advanced Topics on ICT
PBL: Project Based Learning
(Example): Advanced Topics on
Leaders of Information Society
Courses for ICT human skill
Figure 1: Curriculum overview.
First year
First semester
PBL basic,
-Advanced Topics
on ICT
-Advanced Topics
on Info. Sys.
PBL on Real
PBL on
Advanced Project
Management, etc
S/W Development
Social & Historical
Aspects of IT
- Advanced Topics on
Information Society
- Design Aspects of
Future Information
- Advanced Topics on
Leaders of Information
Society, etc
System II
Information &
Network, etc
Information Security
Joint PBL
Assessment &
Basic ability
Master Thesis
PBL on
Courses for ICT
sophistication /
human skill /
technology and theory
Courses for practical
subjects/Master Thesis
First year
Second semester
Second year
First semester
Second year
Second semester
Practical and
Planning ability
Leading ability
Mini project
Figure 2: Curriculum schedule.
and to educate as many students as possible, we
asked other universities in Kyushu area to join this
education program. As the result, Kyushu Institute
of Technology (KIT), Fukuoka University,
Kumamoto University and Miyazaki University
joined this education course as our partners. We also
established the management structure to run this
education course jointly with cooperating companies
CSEDU 2009 - International Conference on Computer Supported Education
under Keidanren. The management committee,
which is held quarterly, is responsible for defining
the strategy and giving the direction to this
education course. The project office is responsible
for executing the curriculum and running this
education course. Advisory committee and
evaluation committee, both of which are held once a
year, give the advice and evaluation to this education
course from broader perspectives. By establishing
these management structures, we can improve our
curriculum through the repeated Plan-Do-Check-
Action (PDCA) cycle.
2.2 Project Based Learning (PBL)
PBL is the way of learning where students are
assigned the actual project to execute and take the
initiative in solving problems. It is very effective in
developing the practical abilities. There are several
papers which discuss PBL in ICT education
(Matsuzawa, 2007, Itoh, 2007, Hanai, 2007). Here,
we discuss the purpose and contents of PBL in this
education course.
(1) Positioning of PBL and its Purpose
As indicated in Figure 1, PBL is positioned as the
center of practical courses and is mandatory for the
students. The purpose is to have students acquire the
capabilities of problem-solving, logical thinking,
insight and flexibility. Two systems engineers have
been assigned as the full-time PBL instructors to
this education course from the cooperating
companies under Keidanren.
(2) Contents
In PBL course, students learn the project
management process, starting from requirement
definition, design, coding, testing and all the way to
project maintenance phase. They are given the
opportunity to develop abilities to define, prioritize,
analyze and solve various problems that are
encountered during the project. They also learn the
importance of self-learning, teamwork, time
management and communication. There are various
projects, like the international project, actual project
provided by cooperating local company, and
advanced technology project to establish cloud
computing environments. At the end of PBL course,
Keidanren forum is held for the students to
demonstrate their project result in front of many
participants from cooperating companies and related
As shown in Figure 2, PBL is performed in three
stages, which are PBL on System Development,
PBL on Real Problems and PBL on Advanced
System. It was designed so that students can
experience the project step by step depending on
their abilities and can repeat the project management
activities, which is unique in this education course.
2.3 Omnibus Courses
(1) Overview
In this education course, we offer five omnibus
courses, where the executives, senior managers and
technical leaders from cooperating companies give
the lectures on various ICT topics. The lectures
emphasize what is going on in ICT industry front
end, how it is connected to the social infrastructure
and how it is changing the world, in order to
motivate the students and give them broader
perspectives as the ICT engineers. In the first half of
2008, total 22 instructors from cooperating
companies gave the lectures.
(2) Management Structures and Features of
Omnibus Course
In omnibus lectures, we encourage interactive
lectures by introducing the drills and discussion time.
We also organize get-together after the lecture is
over so that students and instructors can have casual
conversation in the relaxed atmosphere, which is
effective in motivating the students. At the end of
the course, we conduct the panel discussion between
students and instructors. All the omnibus lectures are
broadcasted to the partner universities through the
We established a new way to manage the
operation of omnibus courses. In order to avoid the
duplication and to ensure the accuracy of lectures,
we created a review team which consists of
instructors from university and cooperating
companies. The instructor, who is in charge of the
lecture, prepares the class materials two weeks
before the lecture. The review team reviews
materials from the view point of 1) conformance to
the course objective, 2) duplication with other
lectures, 3) adequacy of terms used in the material.
Then, it is distributed to the students a week before
the lecture through WebCT (Web Course Tool)
(Kyushu, 2008). Students can download the
materials using their PCs. After the lecture, students
and instructors are asked to fill in the questionnaire
respectively. The results are shared among all the
instructors to improve the quality of lectures. By
establishing this operation, we are able to 1)
maintain the quality of lectures, 2) avoid content’s
duplication among the lectures, 3) have students
prepare for the class and 4) provide instructors
useful information beforehand.
2.4 Long–term Internship
In the summer of the first year, long-term internship
is held, which is fully supported by Keidanren and
its cooperating companies. In 2008, 24 companies
provided 100 themes. This internship is the part of
practical ICT education and aims to 1) acquire
practical skills and knowledge, 2) enhance human
skill, 3) motivate students as ICT specialists and 4)
have students notice their weak points. This
internship lasts for one to two months, which is
more intensive than the conventional internship in
Japan that is usually one or two weeks.
The students participate in the internship as the
members of real projects and go through the
system/product development, design, and quality
evaluation phase. Themes of internship are
published to the students through portal site on
Internet and each student applies for his/her
favourite theme. After the interview with company
staff to understand the contents, all of the students
start the internship when the summer vacation
begins. During the internship, the Keidanren Joint
Forum is held in Tokyo area to provide the chance
for students, company and university staffs to get
together and communicate each other. This is a very
good opportunities for the students to talk with
variety of people and broaden their sights.
Also, during the internship, university staffs visit
the companies to see the status of internship and to
motivate students. It is beneficial for the university
teachers to understand how the internship is
conducted in individual company and how the
student is performing his/her theme.
The students’ presentation session is held after
the internship is over. We invite the cooperating
companies’ staffs and other university teachers to
this session. All the students make presentations to
demonstrate their achievement and the lessons
learned during the internship.
Although it is only one year and half since we
started this education course, there are many
findings and outcomes which will be described in
this chapter.
3.1 Project based Learning (PBL)
In this section, we discuss the PBL on System
Development and PBL on Real Problems, which are
held in the first semester and the second semester of
the first year respectively.
(1) PBL on System Development
One of the big problems was the variety of skill
levels and basic knowledge of the students. We have
decided to teach project management,
documentation, Java, SQL and UML during the PBL
course. Actual project was conducted using a
company’s real case developed for their employee
training. The students were given the source code of
Web book store application programs and were
instructed to create the project documentations,
which we call the reverse engineering. By doing so,
students could learn the necessary skills and
knowledge depending on their technical level, which
was very effective.
Before the team assignment, we conducted a
programming test and preference inventory survey.
Based on the result, the teams were created (4 to 6
members) so that each team has similar technical
and communication skill level. This was very
effective to promote active communication within
the team. During the project, each student was asked
to rotate their role, like project manager, quality
manager, configuration manager, so that they can
understand the importance of each role.
At the end of PBL course, we tried a mini project
where students were given a task to improve
usability interface of anything in everyday life and
to create a prototype. All the teams decided their
project and started to work very hard to solve the
problems. Though it was only two weeks project,
students had a precious experience to discuss and
work together. The presentation session we had at
the end of mini project was a success. 70 people
participated including university staffs, students and
cooperating company staffs. One of the programs
was nominated as the candidate for patent
application and the other program is now used as the
online questionnaire system in this education course.
The mini project proved to be very effective for the
students to learn how to take initiative in finding and
solving problems.
CSEDU 2009 - International Conference on Computer Supported Education
(2) PBL on Real Problems
This PBL course focuses on the real projects in the
university and external company. A variety of
themes were prepared like enterprise system project,
embedded system project, international project.
Students chose their favourite project and the
projects were started. The instructor from
cooperating company managed all the project teams
and reviewed project status extensively. The
university and local company staffs played roles of
customers and took care of the technical aspects of
the projects. At the end of the projects, we held a
Joint PBL Forum on March, 2008, in Tokyo together
with Keidanren, Tsukuba University and KIT, where
the students made presentations and demonstrated
their outcomes. Total 121 people attended the forum
including about 60 people from cooperating
companies of Keidanren. It proved that the students
are making progress steadily. This forum was very
effective for the students to acquire presentation and
communication skills and to improve their
3.2 Omnibus Courses
After the ominbus courses were over, we conducted
students’ survey. All the courses scored more than
80 out of 100, which indicate students were satisfied
with omnibus courses. Some of the typical
comments were that 1) the lectures based on real
business cases were very convincing and interesting,
2) the interactive group discussion was exciting, and
3) they could broaden their perspectives because of
the various themes in the courses. The high scores
and these comments show that omnibus lectures are
highly effective in motivating students and
broadening their perspectives. However, there was a
concern on the disruptions of Internet lines to
broadcast the lectures to partner universities.
At the end of each lecture, we asked the
instructors from cooperating companies to let us
know their insights. Their typical comments were
that 1) students were very active in group discussion,
and 2) students were very honest in the get-together
after the lecture. They raised a concern on the lack
of proactive questions from the students in addition
to the disruptions of Internet lines.
We had several new trials during the omnibus
courses, such as 1) joint panel discussions among
students and company executives to discuss the
future of ICT and society, 2) introduction of the
instructors by students based on their preliminary
exploration, and 3) publication of the lecture notes
through Intranet. All of these trials were very
effective for the students to learn proactively and to
enhance their communication capabilities.
3.3 Long–term Internship
All the 29 and 19 students participated in the
internship in 2007 and in 2008, respectively. We
tried several new approaches as follows.
(1) Encouraging Students to Take Initiatives
Before starting the internship, students were
encouraged to talk to the company staff about
nondisclosure agreement, terms and conditions,
which was a good opportunities for the students to
negotiate in the real business situation. At the
Keidanren Joint Forum described in section 2.4, the
students from Kyushu Universities, Tsukuba
Universities and KIT discussed the current status
and problems of this education course. They made
proposals to this education course, which were
highly appreciated by the university and company
(2) Visiting the Companies by University Staffs
During the internship, we visited all the companies,
which accepted the students, in order to see the
status of internship and to discuss with the company
staffs. By doing so, we could obtain useful findings
such as 1) matching is very important between
student’s skills and required skills, 2) more than two
months are required to acquire professional skills, 3)
basic business manner is required. These visits were
quite beneficial for the university staffs to
understand the problems and challenges as well as to
motivate the students on site.
(3) Students Forum to Report the Result of
The students’ presentation session was held to share
the experience and findings after the internship were
over. The students gave positive opinions like 1) the
importance of team work and time management, 2)
skills that need to be enhanced, and 3) the
importance of business manners. The long-term
internship is quite beneficial and is a precious
experience for the students, where they could work
with professional engineers and students from other
universities in the actual business environment.
(4) Evaluation by Company Representatives
We asked representatives of each company to
evaluate student’s performance. According to the
evaluation in 2008, 95% of the students could
complete the projects in a given period. 90% of the
students satisfied the required skill level. 53% of the
students performed the projects as expected and 37%
of the students exceeded the expectations. They
rated 74% of the students were aggressive. Though it
was pointed out that the students are not proactive in
asking questions in the omnibus class, this
evaluation indicates that students have developed
aggressive attitude, which was one of the positive
outcome of this internship.
(5) Benefits of Long-term Internship
Compared to the conventional internship in Japan,
which is 1 to 2 weeks, the long-term internship can
provide real project environment for the students to
work with company professionals. The students
were treated as the members of project team and
they worked very hard to accomplish their mission.
There were many findings from the students’ side,
too. The students became aware what is required in
the real business environment, what skills are
lacking to them and what they need to do in the
future. All of these are the benefits of long-term
3.4 Business-academia Joint Camp to
Discuss Curriculum
A very unique approach in this education course is
the joint camp to discuss the contents of omnibus
lectures, PBL and internship in addition to the
overall curriculum and outstanding issues of this
education course. This camp is held twice a year and
lasts for two days, where university staffs (about 15
people), instructors/executives from cooperating
company (about 20 people) and the students (about 5
people) attend. By organizing this camp, 1) we can
have the common understanding on the contents and
objectives of overall curriculum, 2) instructors can
share the purpose of omnibus courses and eliminate
the duplication, 3) we can confirm the common
challenges of this education course, and 4)
acknowledge the sense of unity as a team. These are
very valuable and essential in running this education
course. This approach can be regarded as a new way
of doing faculty development in the university.
3.5 Overall Evaluation
Since April, 2007, when this education course
started, we have endeavoured to foster highly skilled
ICT personnel by the continuous improvements of
the curriculum, which were described so far. Table 1
shows the overall evaluation after one and half
year’s experience. Five evaluation items were picked
up as human resource development and three
evaluation items were picked up as curriculum
management. Eight major action items in this
education course and their evaluations were
summarized in Table 1. The establishment of large
scale business-academia collaboration, which was
implemented as management committee, project
office, advisory committee, joint camp and various
support from cooperating companies, was very
effective in performing and enhancing the practical
education. PBL and omnibus courses, which were
taught by the instructors from cooperating
companies, were very useful in strengthening the
students’ practical skills and broadening their
perspectives. Long-term internship provided
excellent opportunities for the students to experience
the projects in the real environments and to improve
their motivation. By utilizing WebCT and
broadcasting the lecture, the students in the partner
universities were able to participate in the omnibus
Naturally, the evaluation of an education course
should be done based on the performance of students
after their graduation. However, we believe that the
education course by large scale business-academia
collaboration is very effective and can improve
students’ skills, execution capability and proactive
attitude tremendously.
Table 1: Overall evaluation.
Specialty skill
Human skill
Practical skill
and project
and flexibilit
Execution of
Inspiring unity
as a education
education with
Large scale business-
academia collaboration
Instructors from
cooperating companies
Joint camp and
management committee
4 PBL courses EVEVEEVE E E
Omnibus courses and
6 Long term internship
Partnering with other
Utilizing WebCT and
broadcasting to partner
ery effective EEffective
Evaluation item
Major actions
Human resource development Curriculum management
We see the challenges in the future as follows.
CSEDU 2009 - International Conference on Computer Supported Education
(1) Time Management between PBL and
Research Activity for Master Thesis
Most of the students have tendency to work hard
beyond the PBL class hours extensively. Many
students are suffering from the workload balance
between PBL and master thesis. This issue should be
considered including the structure of this education
(2) Establishment of Sustainable Education
Although we spend much manpower and time on
this education program, it is imperative to utilize our
resources more appropriately so that we can
continue this program and educate more effectively.
Also, it is important to establish the way to evaluate
the growth of the students.
Here are the major findings that were derived from
the experience in last one and half years’ experience
in this education course.
(1) The Importance of Information Sharing and
Mutual Agreement on the Direction of Education
We believe that large scale business-academia
collaboration in the university education like this
program was the first trial in Japan. We knew that
university staffs have strength in teaching the basic
theory and technology. On the other hand, company
staffs have strength in practical education. Through
the repeated discussions, we decided to take
advantages of both sides and designed the
curriculum to achieve the common goal of fostering
the internationally competitive ICT personnel. We
found that it is very important to have common
understanding and agreement on the direction of
program in order to perform the large scale business-
academia collaboration successfully.
(2) The Importance of Creating the Process to
Ensure the Consistent Curriculum
In order to maintain the consistency of curriculum,
we organized the management committee, project
office and two days joint camp. In addition, we
established the review process for the omnibus
classes to ensure the consistency among the omnibus
lectures. All of these processes proved to be very
(3) The Importance to set up the Process to
Enhance Students’ Motivation
We found that the students are strongly motivated
when they can contact with external communities
and personnel. To this purpose, it was very effective
to set up the get-together with instructors from
cooperating companies, the joint forum during the
internship and at the end of PBL.
In this paper, we described the endeavour to foster
the highly skilled ICT personnel in Graduate School
of Kyushu University, trial of large scale business-
academia collaboration, effectiveness and findings.
We have a lot of challenges ahead of us to deploy
this education system to other universities and to
make it sustainable, but we are determined to
improve this new approach.
We would like to thank Ministry of Education,
Culture, Sports, Science and Technology for
supporting this education program. Also, we would
like to thank Professor Mitsuo Tateiba (previous
dean of Information Science and Electrical
Engineering in Kyushu University, current president
of Ariake National College of Technology) for his
dedicated management support to start up this
education course. Lastly, we would like to thank
advisory committee, management committee,
Nippon Keidanren, member companies of Keidanren,
local companies, staffs in Kyushu University and
staffs in partner universities (Kyushu Institute of
Technology, Fukuoka University, Kumamoto
University and Miyazaki University) for all their
support and cooperation to develop and run this
education course.
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Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and
Technology, 2006. “Education Program to Foster Leading
IT Specialist”.
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Course; For the Design, Development and
Implementation of Practical Cell Phone Software”,
IPSJ Journal, Vol.48, No.2, pp.846-857.
Hanai, Toshihiro, et al., 2007. ”A Bi-directional Practical
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CSEDU 2009 - International Conference on Computer Supported Education