Some Aspects of Forming Reflection and Assessment Skills to Young Pupils
Rumyana Papancheva and Krasimira Dimitrova
University “Prof. Dr. Asen Zlatarov”, Bourgas, 8000 Bulgaria
Keywords: Reflection, Critical thinking, Evaluation, Constructivism, Project-based learning.
Abstract: The information society we are living in is looking for new ways to help the new generation in the process
of forming skills and knowledge about the use of new technologies. One of the main accents is on the
abilities of forming skills for reflection, critical thinking, evaluation and self-evaluation. To form and create
successful personalities who will manage to develop their talent and to implement their abilities in complex
way, a systematic and purposeful education has to be proposed. Earlier the education process starts, more
real the desired results will be obtained. The paper considers the constructivism’s ideas of reforming the
learning process. A model of technologies integrated learning in the Primary school that was approbated in
the pedagogical practice is described. A way of forming skills for reflection and assessment – skills so
important for one to have really successful realization in life – is proposed.
The informational revolution leads to changes in all
sectors of the social life. Society’s changes
necessitate one person’s changes – the way of
thinking, the quality and the content of knowledge,
the behavior. The process of permanent expansion of
new, powerful and modern technologies requires
people to have skills to work with them. The
development of the informational technologies and
their implementation reveals new opportunities for
the educational system. In the same time, this
development brings before the educational system
new challenges.
For a person to be successful in future, should
start his/her education at early age. But, how one
would do this? Which one is the new educational
paradigm that will guarantee competitive
The paper makes an attempt to show some
possibilities of forming skills of reflection,
evaluation and self-evaluation during technologies
integrated learning in the Primary school, based on
some constructivism ideas. Some practical
experience is presented.
During the last few years psychologists, pedagogues
and teachers turn their attention to the ideas of the
constructivism and put them in the center as a new
educational paradigm.
The constructivism has a long story. It is related
to names of Lev Vigotski, Jean Piaget and John
Dewey to numerous varieties of the pedagogical
theory. The constructivism studies the learning
theories (how the person assimilates knowledge and
skills) and the characteristics of the knowledge itself
D. Jonassen defends the idea that the education
should be realized in an environment that resembles
different aspects of real society. Within traditional
model of learning the students obtain separated
portions of knowledge that they can’t use as unity.
He suggests the accent to be put on the construction
instead on reproduction of knowledge; students to be
involved in authentic, real problems and activities,
i.e. content instead of abstract learning; the
educational environment to be based on real
situations; the self-reflection and the rationalization
of the experience should be stimulated; the joint
efforts during knowledge construction to be
Papancheva R. and Dimitrova K. (2009).
TECHNOLOGIES INTEGRATED LEARNING IN THE PRIMARY SCHOOL - Some Aspects of Forming Reflection and Assessment Skills to Young
In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Computer Supported Education, pages 415-418
DOI: 10.5220/0001972204150418
supported instead of basing it on competitive rivalry
among students (Jonassen, 1997).
The student is an active subject during the
learning process. He/She learns by action. The
student is put in the center; it is assumed that he/she
is a creator, an acting subject that gains knowledge
through his/her personal experience. In this way the
knowledge acquires value and motivates the person
to form skills that will help him/her to manage in
real-life situations. The learning process, based on
the constructivism’s model helps in forming a lot of
qualities and skills of the students like tolerance,
critical thinking and self-evaluation and so on.
That’s why the problem of first significance,
according the constructivism theory is the
development of critical thinking (Cluster, 2001).
The critical thing is a skill to one to make a
decision to what to believe and to what – to not
believe (Norris, 1985).
The aim of critical thinking is the achievement of
understanding, evaluation of view points and solving
problems. Since all three things involve the asking
of questions, we can say that critical thinking is the
questioning or inquiry we engage in when we seek
to understand, evaluate, or resolve (Maiorana, 1992).
The critical thinking develops mental processes,
connected to the perception and the processing of
information and forms valuable standpoints. “Habits
of thinking” that contribute more exact and precise
perception and rationalization of knowledge are
formed though critical thinking. The critical thinking
assumes reflection skills.
The term reflection is used in order to describe
the processes of thinking. The reflection is an action.
By it people go through the experience, think over it,
and estimate it.
The main points of reflection are described in
four classical theoretical accents. According Dewey
the reflection is thinking about “myself” as an
individual and about “my function” as an individual.
The reflection is seeking of strong and weak features
of a person (Dewey, 1933). For Kolb learning is
described as process of learning by doing.
According the Kolb’s cycle the model of learning
suggests that a participant has a Concrete
Experience, followed by Reflective Observation,
then the formation of Abstract Conceptualizations
before finally conducting Active Experimentation to
test out the newly developed principles (Kolb,
1984). Schon distinguishes between ‘reflection-in-
action’ and ‘reflection-on-action’ (Schon, 1983).
Habermas studies the use of reflection as one of the
process that human being adopt in the generation of
particular forms of knowledge. He describes the
process of construction of new knowledge, and new
theories (Habermas, 1971).
Generalizing describer theories Moon states that
the reflection “is a mental process with purpose
and/or outcome that is applied to relatively
complicated or unstructured ideas for which there is
not an obvious solution” (Moon, 1999).
The following kinds of reflection are
Intellectual reflection – thinking about thinking;
Personal reflection – self-knowledge of a
Dialogic reflection – self-knowledge by and
through dialogue with others;
Praxeological reflection – self-knowledge
through one’s actions and creations.
The intellectual reflection is divided to
intellectual reflection in learning (learning
reflection) and intellectual reflection in science.
Strong criteria about the stage of the critical
thinking in young pupils are not formulated.
Concerning mental development the following
criteria are used: skills to operate with abstract
terms; logical thinking; working mentally.
The formation of critical thinking and reflection
skills are precondition for forming skills for
evaluation and self-evaluation. The estimation in the
Primary school is based on personality-oriented
approach. The self-control also has its place and role
in the Primary school.
Following theoretical formulations and principles,
we have developed and approbated a model for
technology integrated learning in Primary school.
The experimental work was launched in 2005.
The approbation successfully passed during the
school years 2006-2007 and 2007-2008. Two
schools from Bourgas – the fourth largest city in
Bulgaria, were involved. Eight teachers and 225
students – 50 students from first grade, 75 from
second grade, 55 from third grade and 45 students
from fourth grade – worked on different educational
The work within the Model is based on school
projects that cover topics of the curriculum and
provide activities requiring the use of information
technologies. Team work and interdisciplinary
CSEDU 2009 - International Conference on Computer Supported Education
approach are used. The assessment is a crucial
element of the model. The assessment is carried out
on the basis of criteria and indexes. The developed
system provides: Estimation that the teacher gives to
each team and to each student individually;
Estimation that the student gives him/herself;
Estimation that a student gives to his/her teammates.
Theoretical basis for the development of the
project is the project-based learning. The
modification of project-based learning for the
Primary school is indicated with the term project-
oriented learning. From first go fourth grade step by
step the transition from situational to project-
oriented education is realized.
Main focus of the work on the project is the use
of information technologies by the students. An
important accent in the Model is the development of
skills of children to present their work. Students
work on teams into the computer lab. They usually
have two assignments – one on computer and one
accompanying task that do not require work on the
computer (Papancheva, 2006).
The formation of reflexive skills, critical thinking,
skills of assessment and self-assessment in the
proposed methodology is based on theoretical
analysis considered shortly here. All these skills
should be considered as a unity even so they have
their specificity as well. Encouraging acts of
reflection of small pupils goes along with the overall
learning activity. The formation of reflexive skills is
aimed at the four mentioned types.
In the first grade the students are given the
opportunity to record their opinions about three
randomly selected children from the class. The
requirement for writing only positive qualities and
skills is being set to the children. So far students
have studied and played together, but have not been
provoked to peer at their classmates. The work on
this task supports the formation of skills of critical
attitude of the thought.
This line continues in the second grade, when on
the basis of the already formed skills students
created a skill to look at themselves. In front of the
students is placed a task to present them as they
describe qualities and skills of their character that
they consider to be their strengths. This assignment
provokes students to look at themselves and seek
their positive qualities to represent them in the best
In the third and fourth grade the formation of
reflexive skills are directed to the school and
praxeological reflection through appropriate learning
tasks. Students face a problem that they have to
resolve. They are confronted with a deficit of
knowledge and here it is particularly important the
manifestation of reflection.
The formation of critical thinking is a long and
complicated process. Its purposeful conduct in the
proposed methodology is implemented in three
parallel lines.
In the first manifestation of critical thinking the
students are proposed a large quantity of information
on the topic. They are acquainted with it and on the
base of their experience derive the most important
and essential on the topic, the things that they need
to complete the set task.
The second line, used to work for the formation
of critical thinking skills is the ability to formulate a
question on certain criteria, using the received
information. In first grade students work on a project
"Carnival of professions”. In this point they meet
with parents who tell them about their jobs. On the
base of what students have heard and based on their
personal experience, they have to ask different
questions to the parents. The question must be
adequate to the situation and to request information
not given by the parents till that moment.
In second grade the requirements in front of the
students are increased. They work on the project
"Spring Carnival", and do surveys of different
themes and objects related to spring (birds, animals,
trees, flowers). They are presented some information
on the topic. They in turn are required to obtain
additional information on the topic. Their task is to
formulate an interesting and curious question for the
object. Students prepare an electronic quiz with
interesting questions, which present in front of their
During the next grades the work on the second
line continues, and in the fourth grade students
prepare and conduct a discussion related to the
issues of energy. The thematic gradation is
expanding the range of vision of the students – from
the world around them to substantial problems,
common for the people. The leading of a discussion
requires a good basic training in the subject in order
to formulate specific and precise questions and
adequate answers, reasoned defense of their own
position, etc.
Assessment Skills to Young Pupils
The third line for the formation of critical
thinking occurs in relation to the used applications
for the realization of the set tasks. After the
theoretical treatment of the problem, students must
realize and accomplish it in practice. The selection
of an appropriate computer programs and
technological tools implies good technology culture.
Of particular importance here is the manifestation of
learning reflection.
The formation of skills of assessment and self-
assessment does not take place in isolation but is in
direct connection with the work on the formation of
reflexive and critical thinking skills.
Cards for evaluation and self-assessment are
introduced and their complexity increases with the
age of the students.
In first grade students are required to assess the
behavior of their classmates, using a picture of a
smiling or frowning face. They are offered two
levels of evaluation – good and bad.
In second grade an upgrading in two aspects is
carried on. There are three stages to evaluate the
behavior of a teammate – bad, good, excellent.
Images of men are used again, but they have a
characteristic color (by analogy with the traffic
light). At the beginning of the period the evaluation
of one’s own behavior (self-assessment) during the
academic activities is introduced. In the middle of
the period a big step in terms of personality, self-
reflection and self-assessment is made. The students
are required to assess their work using the already
known scheme. In the third and fourth grade the
evaluation cards are considerably more complicate.
Technology integrated learning must not be
considered as something isolated or as an end in
itself. It should support the process of learning by
offering new digital working environment to
students. The realization of the constructivism’s
ideas in pedagogical practice in the Primary school
and the integration of the technologies in the
learning process is very difficult task, as the main
researches are on theoretical base only.
Based on formulated theoretical postulates and
on the changes in the educational paradigm one can
describe the following conclusions about how
quality and innovative learning to be realized:
The accent should be shifted from the cognitive
to the motivational, emotional area with
balance between;
A special learning environment should be
created. This environment should offer
conditions for student to achieve more
complex knowledge and to develop their
cognitive potential;
The assessment process must not be an isolated
process, but integrated into the learning
process, based on different theoretical
The reflection should be a key factor of the
learning process;
The learning process in the Primary school
should be placed in a way to stimulate and to
develop the reflexive skills to young pupils. In this
way student could form abilities for self-evaluation
of their possibilities, evaluation of the information
available, and this will help them in their realization
in live.
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CSEDU 2009 - International Conference on Computer Supported Education