Toshiro Minami
Kyushu Institute of Information Sciences, 6-3-1 Saifu, Dazaifu, Fukuoka 818-0117, Japan
Kyushu University Library, 6-10-1 Hakozaki, Higashi, Fukuoka 812-8581, Japan
Keywords: Library Marketing, Digital Libraries for e-Learning, Collaborative Learning/Filtering, Data Mining.
Abstract: Due to the development of information and communication technology our information environment has
greatly changed. People’s requests to libraries have been changing along with it. As a result the library
materials are changing from printed ones to network media. Considering such a circumstance we anticipate
that learning assistance should be one of the major library services in the future. In this paper, we propose a
model of collaborative learning in which the library users, or patrons, are implicitly helping each other as
they learn. The basic idea of this approach to collaboration comes from the mechanism of collaborative
filtering. Not only the learners but also the librarians are supposed to help the learners with advising their
learning materials and managing their learning processes; which is considered to be a style of extended
reference service by libraries. We anticipate that by mixing up the traditional reference services and the ones
that support patrons’ learning processes the future libraries would be able to keep existing as reliable
organizations and librarians would be considered to be their reliable supporters.
The aim of this paper is to propose a model of
library supported (implicit) collaborative learning
(CL) system and to demonstrate its importance.
The spreads of information and communication
technology (ICT) is one of the most influencial
changes for our society in these couple of decades.
Accessing to the Internet with mobile phones
becomes very popular now. We are able to access a
wide variety of information anytime, anywhere.
Libraries have been playing an important role in
our society as organizations that provide us with
services for reading materials (Ranganathan 1957).
Due to the development of ICT, the library materials
are changing from printed ones to digital media
privided via network. Then what sort of library
service is required in such an ICT age? Our answer
is that the services that support the library users, or
patrons, with their learning. People in these days are
eager to keep studying. Libraries have advantages
for playing such a role because they have good
experience in assisting patrons’ learning.
Our goal is to construct a system so that the
librarians support their patrons based on their
professional skills and the data that are collected as
the patrons learn. This model is a kind of CL in the
sense that the data are used for helping others. There
are two types of CL; explicit and implicit. Explicit
CL is the one that learners collaborate by explicitly
communicating each other by using a chat system,
for example (Ueno 2005). Implicit CL is the one that
learners do not communicate explicitly; they just
study. The data are automatically collected as they
learn, shared by them, and used for helping them.
2.1 A Model of Collaborative Learning
Figure 1 illustrates an overall organization of the
collaborative learning system poposed in this paper.
The left part indicates the system users who learn a
subject. Patron 1 studies materials based on the
library’s recommendation. Patron 2 uses an
intelligent bookshelf (IBS) (Finkenzeller 2003)
(Minami 2008) (Zhang and Minami 2007) that is
connected to the home server. The learning server
detects what books are taken out and returned at
which times. Such timestamp and other data are used
Minami T. (2009).
In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Computer Supported Education, pages 431-434
DOI: 10.5220/0001974704310434
for supporting Patron 2 with his study.
The middle part is the library, which has the
central collaboration server. Each patron is
connected to this server. All, or some, of the IBSs
access the server. Further, the librarians also access
the server in order to carry out their jobs. Reference
librarians use it for collecting data about reference
services as well as use it for looking for the
information and knowledge provided by the server.
Collaboration librarians also use the server. The
system provides them with information obtained by
analysing the raw data. The collaboration librarians
can change and/or add extra knowledge or policies
that specify how to use the knowledge of the server.
Libraries are also working collaboratively. They
have already been working cooperatively such as in
inter library loan (ILL) service.
2.2 Implicit Collaborative Learning
Learning Assistance with SASS
SASS (Searching Assistant with Social Selection)
(Oda and Minami 2000) is a system which was
planned and developed as a keyword
recommendation system for information searchers
(Fgiure 2). The input area is in the upper pane. It
also contains the given keyword(s), the type of
recommendation among several candidates. One
type is based on the relatedness of keywords.
Another example one is to find keywords which are
used in combination with the given keyword and
also which are closely related to the keywords that
are used in combination with the given keyword.
It is a surprise for us when we found SASS can
be used as a learning assistance in a sense that we
can recognize our knowledge level with the
recommended keyword list from the system. They
are related to the original keywords that are given by
the user in some senses. So we try to find the reason
how the recommended keyword is related to the
original keyword and why other searchers used them.
If we are can guess the reason then we can think
ourselves that we know well about the field that is
represented by the keywords. If we can not explain,
then we may consider that we do not know the field
sufficiently well. Thus we will set a goal of studying
this field in learning the recommended keywords;
starting with learning what the term means and then
learning what it is related to other terms and
concepts in the target field.
Figure 2: A Screen Shot of SASS.
Figure 1: A Conceptual Model of Collaborative Learning System Supported by Libraries.
Intelligent Bookshelves
Network of Libraires
Patron 1
Patron 2
Given Keyword(s)
and Additional
CSEDU 2009 - International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Figure 3: A Screenshot of WebLEAP.
Learning Assistance with WebLEAP
WebLEAP (Web Language Expression Assistant
Program) (Yamanoue, Minami and Ruxton 2000) is
a system that helps users with writing articles in
English (Figure 3). The input field is in the topmost
part, where the user types an English sentence or an
expression as a list of words. Then the system
replies with occurrence numbers of combinations of
consecutive words (n-grams) in the expression. The
occurrence numbers come from a Web search engine
specified in the system. The users are supposed to
read and compare the occurrence numbers and try to
find out what they mean including if the expression
he/she has given is right or not, if it is appropriate, if
it is popularly used, and so on.
In order to put appropriate conclusions by
reading and comparing the numbers, we have to
think hard, which is very good for us in training
ourselves in our studying of English. This is another
type of system that is good for educating ourselves.
2.3 Learner Profile Estimation
Figure 4 illustrates an example set of learning
materials M1, M2, ..., M6 together with the arrows
for representing their dependencies. Suppose that
these materials are the ones a learner has to study in
order to master a subject field. Let us take the
material M1 for example. There are two arrows
toward the material M1, which means that in order
to study the material M1, the learner must have
studied both of the materials M2 and M3.
Material Construction
The original material structure comes from the
knowledge and decision from experts in the target
field. We can refer textbooks for this. A lot of
companies have already provided such coursewares.
In addition to logical dependencies, we may use
other types of dependencies. Suppose, for example,
the material M3 has no direct dependency with M4.
We also suppose that M3 and M4 both contain
proofs that use mathematical inductions. We further
suppose that the mathematical induction used in M4
is simple and easy to understand, while the one in
M3 is somewhat difficult to understand.
We suppose further that it becomes easier to
understand the proof in M3 if the learners have
already studied the proof in M4. In such a case we
may consider that M3 is dependant with M4 not in
logical sense but in the sense of learning procedure.
In such a case we can put another dependency arrow
from M4 to M3. It also could happen that such
hidden dependency relationship may be detected
from the log data of patrons’ learning procedures.
Let us take the similar supposition as the previous
paragraphs. Then the learners may feel difficulties if
they study M3 before studying M4 and they would
feel it easier to study M3 after studying M4. This
difference may appear in study time and/or
achievement test of M3 or M4.
Learner’s Profile
In order to give advice to the patrons as they learn,
the librarians need to recognize the learning status,
or profile, of the patrons. In this paper we take the
set of learning materials and the patron’s
achievement degrees as the first approximation for
patrons’ profile data.
The achievement degree is from 0 to 1, or 0% to
100%, where 0 means that the learner has not
studied the material yet, or even after learning he/she
has failed to solve all the questions in the
achievement test or in some other methods of
evaluation. Degree 1 means that he/she has solved
all the test and he/she can go forward to the next step.
For other methods of evaluating the achievement
degree, we can take one described in Section 2.2; for
example, the system or librarian put a list of terms
that are supposed to have learned in the study topic
Figure 4: An Example Structure of Material Dependencies
and a Path of Learning for it.
and ask the learner to explain what they mean, how
two terms are related each other.
Study time is also a good index for assessing the
learner’s achievement. If the learner spends a lot of
time in studying, he/she may be in difficulty in the
studying material. Suppose, for example, the
learner’s study time is 20% longer than the standard
study time of the material then his final achievement
degree for the material may be calculated as the raw
degree times 0.8 or in other method.
It would be good to combine some types of
achievement degrees and decide the learner’s final
degree for the material. It is not necessary to require
the degree of 1 to go forward to the next step. We
put some threshold value, say 0.8, and the degree is
more than this value, the learner can go forward to
the higher level.
2.4 Material Recommendation
A learning plan is recommended by the collaborative
learning system. Then the reference librarian checks
the plan and modifies it if necessary. The final plan
will be decided upon negotiating with the learner
Due to the dependency constraint, the possible
study order is limited. For example, the set of study
material in Figure 4 has 16 possible study orders. An
example order [M4, M5, M2, M6, M3, M1] is
shown in the figure. How can the system evaluate
and choose a possible study order? A possible way is
to use importance of study order. Let us suppose the
importance is in the order of M1, M2, M3, M4, M5,
and M6. The possible first material to start with is
either one of M4, M5, or M6, because other
materials are depending on some other materials in
this set. From the importance order the material M4
is the most important, so the system chooses M4 as
the first study material. Then the next material to be
studied is either M5 or M6 and M5 is more
important to study than M6, thus M5 is the next. As
M4 and M5 have studied, the next candidates are
M2 and M6, and M2 is more important than M6, so
the system takes M2 as the next one. By repeating
such processes the recommended study order
becomes the one in Figure 5.
In this paper, we proposed a new library service
model of implicit collaborative learning. A key
feature is that the data are automatically collected as
a patron learns with the system, stored, and are used
for assisting all the patrons. Another important
feature is that not only the system but also the
librarians are involved in assisting the patrons with
providing their expertise and make final dicisions on
the ways of assisting. Also we discussed about the
methods of recommending study materials,
including their study orders.
The CL system proposed in this paper is an
education system in two different aspects. One is
that for patrons, of course. This is the major aim of
the system. Another one is that for the librarians.
They can learn as they use the system and help the
patrons with their learning. Even though this aspect
is rather a sub-aim, it is very important for both sides.
One of the biggest aims of this paper is to
suggest a direction to future library service when
libraries are facing difficulties in finding the way to
keep being as reliable organizations for our society.
The next goal of this research is set to design the
CL system in detail, implement, and demonstrate its
usefulness through experiments.
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CSEDU 2009 - International Conference on Computer Supported Education