composed by 9 educational institutions from
Romania, Spain, Poland, Finland and Greece,
prepared and developed specific materials for
training on using Virtual Instrumentation in Science
Education. The training materials were designed to
in-service teachers from primary and secondary
schools involved in Sciences subjects in the
partners’ countries. As a decision of the project staff,
the training materials presented three Virtual
Instrumentation environments (LabView, Crocodile
Clips and Cabri Geometry) (Gorghiu (coord.), 2007)
and the participants were asked to select one of the
software environments for understanding its main
functions and creating at least one learning object
that has to include a virtual application.
In order to give more help to the course
participants in the selection of the Virtual
Instrumentation environment to use, it was provided
a set of already made simulation-based virtual
instruments, organized by area and category. This
set of VIs is on-line provided in the VccSSe e-
Space, integrated in the project web site, special
designed to support the teachers’ activities. The
main science areas are: Mathematics, Physics,
Chemistry and Digital Electronics.
Through e-Space, the partnership aims to offer
examples of virtual instruments (free accessible by
any web site visitor) which can be used to teach a
wide range of science lessons. The VI examples
aims to: (a) give a better understanding of VI
environments, (b) provide an idea of what topics can
be better taught using VIs (c) and help teachers to
create the final products.
The training sessions were provided using the
Moodle (Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic
Learning Environment) e-learning platform. When
necessary, special face-to-face learning sessions
were held for given supplementary explanations and
presentation. Hereinafter are presented several
considerations regarding the software products used
for training (Suduc et al., 2008).
2.1 LabVIEW
LabVIEW software was the first option for training
activities. It is an intuitive graphical programming
language with built-in functionality for simulation,
data acquisition, instrument control, measurement
analysis, and data presentation. This software is
suitable for creating a wide range of applications in
different areas of industries but also in education for
Science subjects teaching.
From the student’s point of view, LabVIEW has
many advantages. The first one is the intuitive
graphical interface that allows using the “drag and
drop” technique to create specific user interfaces for
the applications with pre-built objects. The
application functionality can be specified by
assembling block diagrams. The intuitive graphical
nature of LabVIEW allows students to focus on the
theory being taught and not on the tool manipulation
and on the programming nuances. The time to
develop complex applications is shorter than using a
general programming language. Because LabView is
specifically design for engineers and scientists, and
it is used in a wide range of areas, the students’
transition from school to industry is smoother.
From the teacher’s point of view, the additional
materials provided by National Instruments
represent a real help in curriculum developing. The
Measurement & Automation Experiments Library
contains experiments written by educators that show
the use of National Instruments products in
academic labs around the world. The Courseware is
a collection of related experiments that encompasses
an entire course or topic. Every experiment and
courseware is free to download, ready-to-use, easy-
Another LabVIEW advantage is offered by the
possibility to remotely control the applications,
facility that opens a new window in the technical
distance teaching.
All these benefits with the very unique software
licensing give the possibility to improve the face-to-
face and distance education.
2.2 Crocodile Clips
Other two environments were proposed by the
partners to be used in training: Crocodile Clips and
Cabri Geometry II Plus. The new tools were
proposed as alternatives which can fit their
necessities for being suitable with the national
The Crocodile Clips simulation packages are
developed specifically for education and allow
students and teachers to recreate experiments, model
mathematical theories or simulate real life quickly
and easy. Crocodile simulators let students
experiment in a safe, accurate environment, and
come with a wealth of ready-made simulations and
models. Crocodile Clips includes four packages:
Crocodile Physics, Crocodile Chemistry, Crocodile
ICT and Crocodile Mathematics. In the frame of the
VccSSe project, the first two packages were selected.
The main Crocodile Clips advantages are related
to the user-friendly interface and curricula focus
features for the primary and secondary school. In
CSEDU 2009 - International Conference on Computer Supported Education