An Application of Gaze Tracker to Concentration Exercises
Bartosz Kunka, Andrzej Czyzewski and Bozena Kostek
Multimedia Systems Department, Gdansk University of Technology, Narutowicza str. 11/12, Gdansk, Poland
Keywords: Concentration test, Gaze tracking, Multimodal interface.
Abstract: This paper presents different methods of concentration tests. Some existing methods are reviewed and more
thoroughly described. The gaze tracking system developed at the Multimedia Systems Department of the
Gdańsk University of Technology is presented and its principle of working is explained. Performed tests of
the gaze tracker system show that it could make a useful system for concentration exercises. Some selected
applications of the gaze tracker to concentration tests are also discussed in the paper.
Nowadays, people are attacked by information
constantly. Children are even more susceptible to
media exposure because they are not critical in their
perception. Consequently, many of them cannot
concentrate on one activity. Therefore, a method of
exercising concentration was proposed by the
Multimedia Systems Department (MSD) of Gdansk
University of Technology. This approach consists in
using an inexpensive gaze tracking system
developed in the MSD. The gaze tracker is a tool
which allows for tracking eye movements and for
estimating a localization of the fixation point that is
a point a user is looking at the computer screen. This
paper describes shortly some existing methods of
concentration tests, then presents the gaze tracking
system developed at the MSD and points out its
potential as a practical and easily accessible tool for
concentration exercises.
For many years people have tried to develop
methods of concentration enhancement.
Concentration tests could be reviewed in many
aspects. One of the approaches is an analysis of the
attention level which helps checking if a user is not
tired or sleepy. Other tests are used to select a person
who needs to process information in a systematic
way accurately. Another group of concentration tests
enables to develop skills and possibilities of autistic
children and those affected by the ADHD (ADHD -
Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder).
2.1 Standard Tests
In the Internet we can find many interesting
exercises, applications and movies which could be
helpful in concentration tests.
Some methods consist in ability to perform tasks
at the same time or while solving a logical task. One
of the examples of such a method could be an
application described below. There is a matrix with
values from 0 to 3 as shown in Fig. 1a. A user
should set all values (buttons) to ‘0’ but when he/she
chooses one button, then its value and values of four
neighboring buttons are decreased by ‘1’. This is
shown in Fig. 1b. When a user sets all values faster,
he/she scores more (BM, website).
Figure 1: a) Matrix with input values; b) Chosen part of
matrix with updated values (BM, website).
Other methods available in the Internet are some
interactive games. An example of this approach is
Kunka B., Czyzewski A. and Kostek B. (2009).
CONCENTRATION TESTS - An Application of Gaze Tracker to Concentration Exercises.
In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Computer Supported Education, pages 119-122
DOI: 10.5220/0001975901190122
the Supermarket Game. It is basically a labyrinth
that must be traversed while the player acquires
items shown in the shopping list. An additional
restriction is that the player can cross most of the
paths only once. The game includes specific rules
and challenges that allow for scoring positively, by
acquiring a correct item, or negatively, in case the
player commits a fault by breaking one of the rules.
An important criterion is the elapsing time
(Andrande et al., 2006).
2.2 Specialized Tests
There are concentration tests that focus on autistic
children and those affected by the ADHD. Methods
used in that area are more complex and typically
may require more hardware equipment.
Most systems dedicated to children with
neurological disorders are based on processing EEG
signals (Electroencephalography). EEG signals
contain information on electrical potentials in
various parts of the brain, thus they are the recorded
electrical activity of the brain.
As mentioned in Introduction, the gaze tracking
system engineered at the MSD enables to track
fixation point on the computer screen. The current
version of the system works correctly with definite
space resolution. It is assumed that the gaze tracker
system may be applied to concentration exercises
(Czyzewski et al., 2008).
3.1 System Description
The gaze tracking system developed at the MSD is
based on infrared (IR) illumination. Lighting IR
LEDs cause arising characteristic corneal
reflections, technically known as “glints”. Glints are
usually the brightest points in the image. They form
a shape of quadrangle because they are created by
four sections of LEDs located in four display
corners. Also, localization of glints is characteristic.
They are localized in the iris and the pupil. The pupil
is always very bright because of IR LED illuminator
beaming light along the camera optical axis.
Therefore, contrast between the brightness of the iris
and pupil is relatively large, therefore finding area
with glints is possible. All data gathered are used in
the eye detection procedure and they are usually
sufficient to detect eye regions correctly. Processed
images are recorded in grey scale because they were
IR-illuminated. The hardware configuration of the
developed gaze tracker system along with the
detected region of eye are presented in Fig. 2.
Figure 2: a) System configuration of the gaze tracker
developed by the MSD; b) Part of the image with the
detected eye region.
The main assumption of the gaze tracking system
is hands-free application. The second assumption
concerns the head position. A user should sit in front
of the screen at a distance of about 60cm. The
system does not require to be seated very still but the
user should try not to move his head too much. The
latter assumption is connected to the system
accuracy. The space resolution of the system, also
associated with the accuracy, amounts to 9 parts of
the screen. In fact, the gaze tracker works correctly
and discerns each of 9 areas with a sufficient
3.2 Results and System Accuracy
The current version of the gaze tracking system is
unaffected by different eye colors and small head
movements. Influence of light conditions on correct
working is described below. Tests were organized in
real conditions involving 50 persons. Results of
these tests are presented in Fig. 3.
The lens used had a focal length of 16mm and
the chosen image resolution was 800x600 pixels.
The outcome of the tests indicates that gaze
tracking system engineered in MSD allows to apply
this technology in concentration tests. Group of 50
persons was tested in equal conditions. Results of
person who reached the worst effectiveness were
characterized by more scattering than results of
person who reached the best effectiveness.
Moreover, some regions were detected incorrectly
what is not seen in this picture (Fig. 3). The cause of
CSEDU 2009 - International Conference on Computer Supported Education
the effectiveness differences could be light
conditions or too large head movements.
Figure 3: Gathered outcome of the worst, normal and the
best results of tested persons.
It is proved that additional infrared emission,
contained in sun radiation, disturbs the gaze tracker
based on infrared illumination. Therefore, the gaze
tracker depends on light conditions, unfortunately.
Nevertheless, the gaze tracker could be regarded
as a promising solution for concentration tests,
particularly in systems with space resolution of 9
areas per screen.
4.1 Concentration
The gaze tracking system could be applied in two
types of concentration tests. Firstly, a user is
engaged in an exercise, i.e. it is an interactive
activity. For example, he/she tracks the moving
object (as shown in Fig. 4). The second type is the
tracking of the user’s passive activity. He/she can
read a text or watch objects on the screen and the
gaze tracking system analyzes the fixation points in
real time.
It is worth to mention that concentration is
related to the commitment of a user, enthusiasm for
the task, skills to perform the task, psychological
and physical state and environment (UC, website).
Therefore, the problem of concentration tests is
more complex, and fully measurable.
4.2 MSD Concentration Test
There are many research studies associated with
applying eye tracking methods to improvement of
the learning process. An example of this is AdeLe, a
framework for adaptive e-learning using eye
tracking technology. The AdeLe utilizes the
commercial eye tracking system (Tobii 1750). It
enables to obtain a very high accuracy and it is
unaffected by eye changes (e.g. blinking), head
movements and light conditions. Therefore, AdeLe
has more possibilities of the concentration
monitoring. It is possible to measure a saccadic
velocity, blink velocity and the degree of the eyelid
openness. Saccadic velocity is said to decrease with
increasing tiredness and to increase with increasing
task difficulty (Pivec et al., 2006).
Effectiveness of the gaze tracking system,
developed in MSD, is lower than AdeLe but its
functionality could be useful in improving methods
of concentration exercises as well. The MSD
proposes some applications cooperating with the
gaze tracking system. They are directly associated
with time measurement. Two of them have been
currently engineered and tested. It is worth to
mention that the gaze tracking system is calibrated
for each user therefore not looking at the screen is
detected as well.
The first application is based on the redeveloped
version of one of the methods based on animation,
described in Section 2. The main idea of this
exercise is looking at the indicated object in the
image and gaze-tracking it. The application enables
to choose one of two options: smooth/sudden and
random changes of the object movements. The user
is distracted by other objects which move in the
image freely. A change of game levels is possible. In
the easiest configuration distracting elements move
relatively slow. The most difficult level contains
quickly moving and flickering objects. An additional
difficulty is the moving background. During each
exercise time of the object being correctly tracked is
measured. A so-called ‘concentration ratio’ (CR)
computed according to formula (1) can be
concentration ratio;
time of correct fixation (when the user
tracks an object correctly);
total time of exercise.
An example of the screenshot of the application
interface is shown in Fig. 4.
CONCENTRATION TESTS - An Application of Gaze Tracker to Concentration Exercises
Figure 4: An example of the screenshot of the user
interface; the bee is the tracked object.
The second proposition of application is slightly
similar to creating a visual heatmap. A visual
heatmap is a graphical representation of the
distribution of screenparts observed by the user. The
frequency of looking at the objects in the image
generates colors – from blue (the most infrequent) to
red (the most frequent). This application does not
force a user to constant concentration but check
what elements of the given image are more
interesting than the others. This approach enables to
find out how long the user can concentrate on one
object and how often he/she changes a direction of
looking. The map of transitions is generated in order
to visualize these changes. A therapist can observe a
heatmap generated in real time or screenshots with
heatmaps after finishing a test. The project of the
graphical interface of this application with an
example of the visual heatmap is shown in Fig. 5.
Figure 5: An example of the visual heatmap.
Nowadays, concentration tests become more
frequent, and they are often used in education.
Paying attention is a skill that is very important
during the learning process and the career
development as well.
The rapid development of multimedia
technologies enable to apply interactive methods in
concentration exercises. The existing AdeLe
framework is directly connected to using expensive
eye tracking system. Therefore, its common usage is
still impossible. Initial tests of gaze tracking system
proposed at the Multimedia Systems Department
allow for regarding this system as a promising
approach of modern solution to the concentration
exercises. Children who were tested with this
interface very easily and correctly understood and
follow all guidelines. Besides, working with the gaze
tracker was pleasant for them. Thus, a game-like
exercise with such an interface could be very
pleasant for a child and at the same time may be an
attention examination tool for parents or therapists.
Even though applying the gaze tracking system
in concentration tests is not a fully objective
measure because it doesn’t e.g. examine
commitment of the user, enthusiasm for the task,
skills to perform the task, psychological and
physical state and influence of environment.
However it may be treated as a tool allowing for
exercising children’s concentration.
The research on gaze tracker carried out at the
MSD directs to increase its usability in other
applications in which the attention/concentration
assessment is needed.
The research work is partially supported by the
Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education
within the project entitled: „Elaboration of a series
of computer multimodal interfaces and their
implementation to education, medicine, defence and
to industry" (POIG 1.3).
Andrande L.C.V., Carvalho L.A.V., Lima C., 2006.
Supermarket Game: An Adaptive Intelligent Computer
Game for Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
Diagnosis, Proceedings of the 5
International Conference on Artificial Intelligence.
BM, website of the Brain Metrix, last access: 2008-11-17,
Czyzewski A., Kunka B., Kurkowski M., Branchat R.,
2008. Comparison of developed gaze point estimation
methods, Conference on New Trends in Audio and
Video. NTAV/SPA 2008.
DM, website of the Datamation, last access: 2008-11-17,
Pivec M., Trummer Ch., Pripfl J., 2006. Eye-Tracking
Adaptable e-Learning and Content Authoring Support,
University of Applied Sciences FH Joanneum.
UC, website of the Univ. of Cambridge,
last access: 2008-12-09
CSEDU 2009 - International Conference on Computer Supported Education