The parser uses an XML Schema to validate the
QGM and XSLT files to extract the information.
A QGM is a very complex document, with many
options that the parser has to choose. Most of these
options are coded in MathML. However, MathML is
a complex language too and making a good parser
for it would be very difficult. So, we decided to
extend our own parser with WebMathematica. This
leading software in the math’s domain would be
accessed through a web service and would be
responsible for validating the choices made by the
parser. The code produced in step 1 of the parser is
complete but step 2 was impossible to test so far due
to the high cost of WebMathematica’s license. To
test phase 3 we were able to solve the MathML
At the beginning of this work we were confronted
with two problems: How to pass on our long-term
experience to Portuguese and international networks
of Learning Objects? How to make our Learning
Objects independent from the technological
Although the PmatE project was older than the
LOM proposal, the QGM metadata have evolved
due to the efforts of its staff. Therefore, the
adjustment of QGM’s metadata to the LOM
structure occurred straight. The only problem found
was the lack of bibliography references in the LOM
reference model. That limitation was overcome by
adding the
<bibliography> element.
The definition of the QGM structure through
XML makes it freely available for other uses. In
fact, now with a XSLT file it is possible to extract
information from them rapidly. That was not
possible with the older structure.
Another major advantage of this new architecture
is the speed of development. Actually, due to the
volume of material to be developed, it took us two to
three months to be able to generate questions with a
QGM. With the QGM editor, it will be possible to
reduce that time by 90%, because we do not have to
code and we can try it immediately.
In the whole work we had a remarkable setback:
the inability to test our parser with the
WebMathematica. Despite this setback, we believe
that our new structure will be the future and it will
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CSEDU 2009 - International Conference on Computer Supported Education