J. Enrique Agudo, Mercedes Rico
Centro Universitario de Mérida, University of Extremadura, Santa Teresa de Jornet, 38, Mérida, Spain
Patricia Edwards
School of Business Science and Hospitality Studies, University of Extremadura, Cáceres, Spain
Héctor Sánchez
Centro Universitario de Mérida, University of Extremadura, Santa Teresa de Jornet, 38, Mérida, Spain
Keywords: Assessment, L2 learning, Hypermedia, e-Portfolio.
Abstract: Protocol technologies present a wide range of challenges for educators and learners, from course design to
teaching practices to assessment. Having moved beyond traditional teaching approaches, hypermedia,
enhancing a more goal directed learning format, grants people the chance to learn greater amounts of
information more quickly. In this context, academia needs to know how learning can be effectively
measured in technological environments. Regardless of the answer, it is essential to develop evaluation
systems that support all kinds of teaching and assessment practices. With this aim in mind, this paper
proposes two assessment methods which may best suit language learning in online environments: first,
architecture providing personalization services for adaptive educational hypermedia, and, second, the online
portfolio to measure performance based on collections of student-created work.
Personalized learning is receiving growing attention
from policy makers, theorists and practitioners in
order to properly address teaching different things to
different people (Sebba & Brown, 2007).
All too often, formal schooling is ruled by
policies based on the premise that most educational
problems are solved by a powerful testing system.
Such a system is rarely personalized as the tendency
is either to punish or reward students by simply
measuring high or low performance. Standardized
assessments aim at completing standardized test
packages based on concepts like overall reliability
and generalizability (J. D. Brown & Hudson, 1998).
Both notions indicate universal evaluation
measurement references rather than individualized
ones. However, every learner’s education and
personal background can be developed by attending
to his/her unique set of abilities, interests and needs,
and, by analogy, evaluating this type of learning.
Personalization thus, allows learners to obtain
information as adapted to their personal
characteristics. The first of these features is
identification of the user model employed to deliver
the main parameters for selecting and adapting the
information presented, and ultimately, evaluating it.
The concept of personalization means that the
individual is the center of the learning process.
Friedrichs & Gibson, (2001) claim personalization
consists of general competence concerned with
authenticity, the use of technology and the creation
of personalized problem-centered approaches.
Personalization in e-learning and technological
environments is currently a central issue challenging
the area of adapted learning, where multiple
parameters like context, methodology, content,
computer interaction, teaching/assessment practices
etc. are involved. Supporting personalized learning
in hypermedia environments requires, however,
expertise and coordinated efforts throughout the
whole learning process in order to improve
efficiency, cost effectiveness, virtual collaboration
Enrique Agudo J., Rico M., Edwards P. and Sánchez H. (2009).
In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Computer Supported Education, pages 123-126
DOI: 10.5220/0001976401230126
and design of individualized learning paths. In
essence, this means assessment procedures need be a
mirror reflection of teaching-learning methods.
Hypermedia technology and educational virtual
environments are increasingly being used to create
instructional spaces for distance education. They
encourage learners through the experience of
visualizing concepts in order to carry out simulated
real world tasks, Costagliola et al (2005) claim the
use of visual language provides an intuitive and
user-friendly interface for e-learning practices.
Nonetheless, technologies present challenges for
educators and learners, ranging from teaching
methods to assessment protocols. Emerging
applications include interactive simulations,
hypermedia and virtual explorations, obliging
teachers to reconsider teaching practices (Jacobson
& Azevedo, 2008) by designing innovative online
activities and devising evaluation procedures to
assess avant-garde learning ways and means.
How then can learning be effectively measured
in technological environments with a personalized
perspective? Some authors contend that the
limitations of classic assessment models should be
replaced by new paradigms for assessment in online
learning, pointing out the e-portfolio as one of the
most feasible (Mateo & Sangrá, 2007). Others like
Boboc, Beebe, & Vonderwell (2006) place special
emphasis on the factors involved in highlighting
time management, the complexity of the course
content, and the structure of the online medium as
variables influencing the design of assessment
proposals. Other solutions are backed by those in
favor of scaffolding self-regulated learning,
metacognition and assessment in designing
computer-based tasks (Azevedo, & Hadwin, 2005),
or by scholars who advocate the intrinsic potential of
Web 2.0 to support collaborative learning and
facilitate feedback between teachers and students
(Russell, Elton, Swinglehurst, & Greenhalgh, 2006).
Despite a variety of possible answers, a cornerstone
concept lies in developing evaluation systems to
support all kinds of teaching and learning practices
focused on collaboration, interaction, and,
personalization in hypermedia teaching approaches.
In light of the discussion, it seems reasonable to
conclude that for diverse kinds of virtual instruction,
the conversion of conventional learning models into
adaptive environments with hypermedia applications
and online teaching platforms is but a must.
To pursue a form of evaluation rendering true
face validity guaranteeing personalization in learner
assessment processes, our paper advocates two
methods of alternative assessment suitable for
language learning in online environments: adaptive
hypermedia and the online portfolio.
Web-based assessment is widely used to support
student learning and aids in achieving goals like
self-assessment, peer assessment, and evaluation of
the learning process itself (Grimon, Monguet,
Fabregas, & Castelan, 2008). Such applications can
be further enhanced when assessment is learner
customized since individuals have different
preferences, needs and wants (Brusilovsky, 2001).
Adaptive Hypermedia Systems (AHS) are those
offering a computer-aided format for learning at the
learner’s pace, joining the virtues inherent to
hypertext and multimedia as well as containing all
kinds of multimedia material, i.e. text, sound,
images, video, etc. Furthermore, AHS allows and
invites the user to freely explore the available
content (De Bra, 2006).
Thus, if adaptive hypermedia presents content
adapted to the hierarchical and linear learning
preferences of the user, and it delivers content which
accommodates visual, verbal, and experiential
learning preferences, then, it stands to reason that
adaptation plays an important role in both increasing
learning-effectiveness and in assessing personal
abilities on the specific content.
Aspects of AHS adaptation, make it apparent
that hierarchical and linear structure is fundamental
(Kobsa, Koenemann, & Pohl, 2001).
The features of an AHS distinguish three types
of data: adaptation of user data, the data to be used,
and, the data of the environment (Kobsa et al.,
2001). User data is identified as objects of traditional
adaptation employing user’s specific characteristics.
The data of use houses information on user
interaction with the system which cannot be
otherwise solved by the user features. The data of
the environment refers to all the aspects within the
setting other than those related to the user. The three
constituents make up a trio of elements conducive to
personalized hypermedia language assessment.
GexCALL research group has developed an
adaptive system for primary school children learning
foreign languages through ICT (Rico, Agudo,
CSEDU 2009 - International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Edwards, & Cumbreño, 2007). Its architecture
required multimedia task design adapted to the
limited level of knowledge and special interaction
styles of young target users (Agudo, Sánchez, Rico,
& Domínguez, 2007). Six fundamental parameters
make up the user model in order to adapt learning
tasks to each individual child (Agudo, Sánchez, &
Rico, 2006): the child’s educational level regarding
the pedagogical domain, knowledge acquired intra-
process, psycho-motor capacity, foreign languages,
textual information, and level of difficulty.
Figure 1: Evaluation Task example.
A sample task taken from the “Food” unit is
illustrated in figure 1. The objective lies in
identifying the foods introduced and then placing
them in the correct position in the shaded silhouette
on the screen. Technical details for the adaptation
parameters corresponding to this task are listed in
table 1, information collected from the user model.
Said parameters are transmitted to the Interface
via an XML file storing all information needed to
dynamically build the task.
Table 1: Task adaptation parameters.
Educational level 4 year-olds
Knowledge Level 1 passed
Interaction Level Level 2 (Click move)
Language English
Textual Information No
Difficulty Low (4 Elements)
Barret (2002) defines electronic portfolios as a new
kind of container providing an educational space for
participants to store, share and organize learning. As
a collection of personal student work, it houses
drafts of learner development records over time,
inventories focused on the process rather than on the
product, etc. Portfolios provide learners the chance
to show what they can do, they encourage students
to be reflective learners, and they help them take on
responsibility for their own progress. An added
bonus clearly different from traditional evaluation
methods, is that portfolios give both learners and
instructors the chance to collaborate and reflect on
work in the making as well as on the final product.
Portfolios use databases to collect observations
of learning activities in or outside of classrooms, log
learner task development and student interactions,
including records of conventional performance
assessments, grades, samples of student input and
output, interviews with parents /teachers /tutors, and
a very long etcetera (Chang, 2001).
In our adaptive system for primary school
children, implementation of the portfolio data for
assessment is a straightforward process. As the AHS
stores the results of every learner task, detailed
information is gathered on scores, correct answers,
errors and how long it has taken the learner to
complete each activity. The teacher can observe the
exact task being worked on as well as specific
information on tasks already completed.
Data recorded can be instructor accessed and
referenced. The wealth of information available
includes up-to-date records of how many tries are
needed for an individual to complete a task, the
resulting output of these efforts, how much work is
yet to be accomplished and summaries of student
output. The data not only provides an in-depth view
of personal learning processes, it also indicates
activities and concepts requiring reinforcement.
Figure 2: Global results.
Moreover, analysis of the group’s global results
(figure 2) shed light on learning aspects indicating
complementary assessment factors applicable to
personalization. Comparison with peer activity,
relative class rankings, percentile ratings, means and
averages, overall assessment of predominant task
simplicity or complexity, dedication in terms of time
spent on activities, among other findings, may serve
to unravel inquiries that aid in personalizing learner
assessment policies. For example, should the vast
majority of learners encounter excessive difficulty
with an assignment, the resulting data may be calling
for action regarding content or design rather than
evaluation of student performance on that task.
To answer the question addressing the establishment
of measures and methods for evaluating learning in
technological environments, our proposal identifies
adaptive hypermedia and portfolio assessment as
specific evaluation models to efficiently support
online teaching-learning practices.
The architecture of adaptive systems supplies
important benefits to educational applications, like
assigning grades in peer assessment, personally
guiding students in their learning process according
to their particular features, or helping them to make
decisions related to their individual performance.
Online portfolio assessment uses both qualitative
and quantitative techniques to provide reliability and
validity within the assessment process in online
teaching. By reporting on exploratory research into
designing information systems for online portfolios,
this paper also highlights the significant advantages
online portfolio information systems offer in
creating, distributing and assessing teaching to a
wide range of stakeholders in ways far superior to
other assessment solutions and tools.
The GexCALL system allows for adaptive
learning and evaluation by implementing a portfolio
that automatically tailors student completion of
interactive educational activities. Forthcoming is the
perfection of its interface to provide users with
handheld devices, virtual touch whiteboards and
video game consoles. The group user model will
allow for group interaction in collaborative
educational activities enriched by voice recognition.
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CSEDU 2009 - International Conference on Computer Supported Education