mat using AIMSL. A similar application could reuse
this AIMSL specification; Flexibility and Adaptabil-
ity. The SIM framework manages best practices in-
corporation at several levels of abstractions. To adapt
to any changes at the organization level or domain en-
tity level, the user has to modify the skeletal plans be-
fore re-instantiating the ES plans that are deployed in
the AIMS system transparently by the Rule Manager.
We presented the SIM approach that models best
practices as an electronic and adaptive template
(skeletal plan), which is to be instantiated to several
ES plans. Both the skeletal and ES plan are referred
to as complex information. We presented also the
SIM framework for managing complex information
through three planes, specification, instantiation and
maintenance. SIM has been implemented based on
the ECA rule paradigm, XML and DB2; and applied
to manage clinical test ordering activities.
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with different workloads and query sets. Besides this,
more advanced visualization mechanism to review the
replayed information and a method for automatically
discovering information from the execution history of
the complex information need to be developed. This
discovered information can assist in auditing, analyz-
ing and improving already enacted best practices.
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Management using Pure Database System Utilities