Conceptual Model Proposal
María A. Reyes, Maryoly Ortega, María Pérez, Anna Grimán
Luis E. Mendoza and Kenyer Domínguez
Departamento de Procesos y Sistemas, Universidad Simón Bolívar, P.O. Box 89000, Caracas 1080-A, Venezuela
Keywords: Quality model, Component-based software engineering, Components.
Abstract: In this paper, which is part of a research in progress, we analyze the conceptual elements behind
Component-Based Software Engineering (CBSE) and propose a model that will support its quality
evaluation. The conceptual model proposed integrates the product perspective, a view that includes
components and Component-Based Software (CBS), as well as the process perspective, a view that
represents the component and CBS development life cycle. The model proposal was developed under a
systemic approach that will allow for assessing and improving products and processes immersed in CBSE.
Future actions include proposing metrics to operationalize the model and validate them through a case
study. The model application will allow studying the behavior of each perspective and the relationships
among them.
As software engineering has developed, new
techniques and tools have been employed to improve
development processes. Likewise, engineering scope
has been expanded and sub-disciplines have been
produced that serve as a framework for the software
development process. In this regard, Component-
Based Software Engineering (CBSE) is focused on
the design and construction of applications that use
software components; it is oriented toward the
acquisition of existing components, and takes into
account the interdependence between components
and these applications (Pressman, 2005; Clemente
and Hernández, 2003). In this regard, CBSE shares
common grounds with Service Oriented Architecture
(SOA) in its interest in developing organizational
relationships: develop partnerships between
developers and users; develop key processes. Mutual
support between the application generator and
service provider communities is necessary
(Anderson, 2007).
One of the CBSE processes is the development
of components as reusable entities for systems that
requires applying established methodologies.
Another process is the CBS development, which
includes maintenance and improvement of systems
through personalization and replacement of
components (Councill and Heineman, 2001;
Crnkovic, 2003).
CBSE objectives allow us to identify two
perspectives within CBSE itself: the product
perspective, a view that includes software
components and CBS, and the process perspective, a
view that represents the component and CBS
development life cycle. However, for applications
developed in CBSE to succeed, it is necessary to
consider quality aspects, oriented to the identified
perspectives. In this regard, it is possible to obtain a
model that includes characteristics and sub-
characteristics for each perspective through a quality
model that provides a set of guidelines aimed at
specifying quality requirements and assessment.
In this paper we analyze the conceptual elements
behind Component-Based Software Engineering
(CBSE) and propose a model that will support its
quality evaluation. By using a systemic approach,
our proposal integrates the product perspective,
which includes software components and CBS, and
the process perspective that includes how software
components and CBS are constructed.
The remainder of this paper is structured as
follows. In section 2 we discuss the background for
this research. Then, in section 3, we give a brief
description of the methodology followed in this
work. Afterwards, in section 4 we describe each sub-
Reyes M., Ortega M., Pérez M., Grimán A., Mendoza L. and Domínguez K. (2009).
TOWARD A QUALITY MODEL FOR CBSE - Conceptual Model Proposal.
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - Databases and Information Systems Integration, pages
DOI: 10.5220/0001978701010106
model and the integrated model. Finally, section 5
provides the conclusions and future works.
CBSE emerges as a reuse approach for software
Systems and it is oriented toward the design and
construction of systems using software components
(Pressman, 2005). The ability to construct full
solutions interconnected through interfaces created
with components is one important factor to consider
within CBSE.
For the purposes of this research, we define
component as a software element subject to
composition by third parties, which can be used by
other software elements and conforms with a
component model (SEI, 2000; Meyer, 2003).
Councill and Heineman (2001) point out that
components exhibit a number of characteristics:
those referred to the properties inherent in the
component, which are basic characteristics that
every component must have, and the desirable or
advanced properties of the components, which are
related to the different functions offered by the
component. The desirable characteristics of a
component may be present or not, but this not
jeopardizes its functionality; however, if
components have these characteristics, they can
guarantee the quality of the component as a product.
CBS, in turn, comprises a number of self-
contained component units. Components may have
been developed in different languages, executed on
different platforms and distributed throughout
different geographical locations (Gao et al., 2003).
CBS may be built with its own software
components, which can be specifically developed for
the software or with commercial off-the-shelf
(COTS) acquired for this particular purpose.
Additional to the concepts related to CBSE and
as a function to measure and assess component
quality, some authors have proposed quality models
to assess and select software components (Bertoa et
al., 2006; Simão and Belchior, 2003; Rawashdeh
and Matalkah, 2006; Carvallo, Franch and Quer,
2006; Andreou and Tziakouris, 2007; Carvallo et al.,
Furthermore, quality models for CBS has been
presented by several authors: Jasmine and Vasantha
(2007) propose a model to measure quality of CBS
products; the Sedigh-Ali and Paul (2001) model is
focused on measuring quality of COTS-based
systems; and finally, Grunske (2007) presents a
generic framework for early prediction of CBS
All these proposals stress quality assurance
oriented to measuring the properties of the CBS
product; they do not focus on quality of those
aspects related to the life cycle of CBS development
as a whole or consider quality assurance of software
components at the same time.
In this regard, Grunske (2007) highlights the
importance of proposing unified quality assessment
models for CBSE, which include the component
development life cycle and its inclusion into systems
so that to have the proper management of systems on
a large scale, and support technology development
and transference to industrial applications.
Since the aim of this research was establishing a
series of concepts behind CBSE (a CBSE conceptual
model), we considered that a methodology for
ontology creation was suitable for our purpose. The
main goal is to present conceptual elements that
allow defining a quality model for CBSE. In fact,
Noy and McGuinness (2001) define ontology as an
explicit and formal description of concepts in a
discourse domain. They propose the following seven
steps for creating an ontology, which were useful in
our research:
1. Determine the domain and scope of the
2. Consider reusing existing ontologies
3. Enumerate important terms in the ontology
4. Define the classes and the class hierarchy
5. Define the properties of classes
6. Define class relations
7. Create instances
The scope of this paper does not include
detailing each one of the proposed steps; however,
the activities carried out in every step are mentioned:
(1) elements common to each definition, were
identified to find the relevant terms; (2) ontologies
using a product-process approach were not found,
therefore existing ontologies were not reused; (3)
significant terms are presented in the sub-models,
specifying their hierarchical order as well as the
relations among them; (4) properties are not
specified or instances are not created at this level,
because this has still to be applied to a case study.
The outputs of the reminding steps are described in
the following sections.
ICEIS 2009 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
The quality model for the CBSE proposed herein
consists of five sub-models established for the
product and process perspectives. The component
and the CBS sub-models are defined within the
product perspective. The sub-models for the CBS
life cycle and for the component life cycle are
defined for the process perspective. It is important to
highlight that in the process perspective, the sub-
models represent process maturity models, which
will allow to measure quality in each process phase.
Finally, we show the Component Model, which
presents standards that allow us to precise a
component, its documentation and implementation,
and also is the backbone of a CBS (Gao et al., 2003),
providing support for development, communication,
evolution, composition and implementation The
Component Model is related with the component
and CBS sub-model.
4.1 Product Perspective Sub-model:
Figure 1: Component sub-model.
The relations established and the elements identified
for the component sub-model consider the
classifications proposed by Councill and Heineman
(2001), Montilva et al., (2003), and Gao et al.,
(2003), who recognize the existence of mandatory
characteristics related to identification,
independence, composition, documentation and
accessibility to the component through its interface.
Concerning the desirable characteristics of a
component, these authors refer to maintainability,
personalization, portability, reliability, and
certification. We classify characteristics as
prioritary, those that must be met by every
component effectively to ensure that the unit
evaluated corresponds to a component, and
complementary, those that add value to the
component and allow us to certify the component
quality. Figure 1 we show the characteristics defined
in the component sub-model that will allow us to
establish metrics to measure component quality.
4.2 Product Perspective Sub-model:
The quality sub-model to measure those aspects
related to CBS are based on the properties identified
by Gao et al., (2003). These characteristics are
unique and differ from traditional software systems,
highlight the relations existing between the
developed software and the components of which it
consists; they also call for the need of component
interoperability, and promote software and
component reuse and the evolution (maintainability)
of the developed systems, among others.
In Figure 2 we present the CBS quality model
based in ISO/IEC 9126. It can be observed that the
elements proposed correspond to the characteristics
the CBS must comply with, which are related to
components and their integration into the software.
Figure 2: CBS sub-model.
4.3 Process Perspective Sub-model:
CBS Life Cycle
Concerning the life cycle of CBS development, Cai
et al. (2002), Crnkovic (2003), Sommerville (2005),
and Pressman (2005) agree that CBS life cycle
includes stages that are comparable to those in other
processes; however, they consider that it is
fundamental to include elements related to
components and their composition into CBS. Figure
3 shows that CBS development life cycle includes
seven stages that relate the software development
TOWARD A QUALITY MODEL FOR CBSE - Conceptual Model Proposal
4.5 Component Model
life cycle to the elements associated to components
and their composition.
According to Sommerville (2005), a components
model consists of a definition of the standards that
allow for precising a component, its documentation
and implementation. Besides, Gao et al. (2003) point
out that the component model is the backbone of a
CBS (e.g.: CORBA, DCOM, JavaBeans). Figure 5
presents the component model, which highlights the
elements making up the components model, as well
as the support for development, communication,
evolution, composition and implementation of
components. This components model is related with
the CBS lifecycle in the composition phase, and with
the component sub-model when the component
complies the components model.
Figure 3: CBS life cycle sub-model.
4.4 Process Perspective Sub-model:
Component Life Cycle
The component life cycle reflects how a component
is constructed, its advantages and disadvantages,
how it is integrated into a system, quality aspects
and metrics required to assess process quality itself.
Cai et al., (2002) and Lau and Wang (2006) identify
three stages or phases in the life cycle: design,
implementation and execution environment of the
component. Figure 4 shows the phases identified for
the component lifecycle: analysis of component
requirements, development of the component within
a system, and certification and personalization,
viewed through the implementation and
modification of the component for it to be adjusted
to the requirements inherent in the system they are
going to be integrated.
Figure 5: Component Model.
Once we followed the methodology for defining
sub-models, we applied a method proposed by
(Carvallo et al., 2004) to define and integrate quality
models for CBSE. As a result, we obtained the
conceptual model shown in Figure 6, which is based
on integrated concepts and presents the relations not
shown in the sub-models identified in CBSE. The
relations between components and the component
lifecycle, between CBS and its lifecycle; finally the
relations between component models, components
and CBS development are presented.
This global view of concepts also allows us to
identify the important role of the sub-model named
components model which depicts properties to be
considered during the whole life cycle of the CBS. It
is to be one of the main elements in any CBS quality
evaluation model. This way, both perspectives are
closely related to each other and that they are
mutually affected. Notice that quality of a
component directly influences CBS quality, through
Figure 4: Component lifecycle sub-model.
ICEIS 2009 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 6: Integrated conceptual model for CBSE.
components models that are the backbone of these
software systems. Furthermore, software
construction, in each one of its phases, contemplates
those component-related aspects that range from the
component selection through their composition into
systems and their maintenance or replacement.
We analyzed and presented a model that integrates
the conceptual elements behind the formulation of a
quality model for CBSE. From a systemic point of
view, the model will allow us to assess and certify
the product and process perspectives identified. Our
proposal establishes and defines the relationships
between products (components and CBS), and
processes, related to how components and CBS are
constructed. Furthermore, we can highlight two
findings: 1) a close relationship exist between both
identified perspectives: quality of a component
directly influences CBS quality, 2) the component
models are the backbone of these software systems.
Future works within the scope of this research-
in-progress includes developing the metrics required
to effectively measure all the aspects proposed in the
integrated quality model. A GNU/Linux based
distribution will be used for the case study on which
the quality model is to be applied.
This research was partially supported by the
National Fund of Science, Technology and
Innovation, Venezuela (FONACIT), number G-
2005000165 and project USB/DID S1-IN-CAI-
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