Institutionalization is vital to allow an increase in
organizations’ maturity levels and to therefore
guarantee the quality of software products. Software
process lines are a successful mechanism through
which to adapt processes. The combination of
process lines is an effective means to carry out
institutionalization due to their capability of creating
personalized processes. As a result of their
modularity, they offer a support with which to carry
out process mining on the variations, which implies
the improvement of both the process line itself and
the generated processes. In order to support and to
facilitate the implementation of the cycle, we have
design several techniques and practices based on
software process lines. These offer users the
capability to tailor and manage processes, learn
about their execution and reuse the information in
other processes to facilitate subsequent tailoring.
As future work we wish to design an
institutionalization environment which includes the
cycle and the techniques and practices described in
this paper. The environment will be based on SPEM,
with the adequate mechanisms to model process
lines. Once techniques and practices have been
created, a tool which includes them all and which
will permit organizations to use the cycle to
institutionalize their processes will be developed.
This work is partially supported by the research into
Software Process Lines sponsored by Sistemas
Técnicos de Loterías del Estado S.A. within the
framework of the agreement of the Innovación del
Entorno Metodológico de Desarrollo y
Mantenimiento de Software, the Program FPU of the
Spanish MICINN, and by the ESFINGE (financed
by the MICINN, TIN2006-15175-C05-05) and
INGENIO (financed by the Junta de Comunidades
de Castilla-La Mancha, PAC08-0154-9262) projects.
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ICEIS 2009 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems