Obviously, Rule 1 and Rule 3 share some units
and Rule 2 and Rule 4 share some units.
From Table 2 and Table 3, we can observe two
– Process 1: when adding Rule 3 and Rule 4, the
processing system keeps working correctly and
performs correct actions for Rule 1 and Rule 2.
Adding Rule 3 and Rule 4 does not affect any
existing units’ working, although Rule 3 and
Rule 4 reuse several existing units.
– Process 2: when deleting Rule 1 and Rule 2, the
processing system keeps working correctly and
performs correct actions for Rule 3 and Rule 4.
Deleting Rule 1 and Rule 2 does not affect valid
units’ working; meanwhile some unused units
are deleted from the processing system.
Here, the processing system keeps working
correctly in the process of adding and deleting. Thus,
UMG and UMML can ensure the correctness of the
processing system. In other words, the framework
with UMG and UMML is effective.
In this paper, we present a flexible Event-condition-
action (ECA) rule processing mechanism including a
dynamic reconfiguration structure UMG and a
middleware for modifying and managing UMG
called UMML. UMG has the two independent
characters. UMML provides four mechanisms to
ensure that the framework for rules processing keeps
working when ECA rules are modified.
Furthermore, we use a smart home system to
evaluate our work.
Units are independent, so the UMG can be used
easily in distributed environments. Using the UMG
and the UMML in distributed environments is our
future work.
This paper is supported by National Nature Science
Foundation of China (Grant No. 60873073) and
France Telecom (Grant No. 46135653).
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ICEIS 2009 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems