Application of IAFIS is demonstrated by
implementing a prototype of the information system
for the SP development problem (SPDIS). The IS is
implemented on the basis of commercial colla-
boration and content management system according
to IAFIS shown in Figure 3. Figure 4 shows the user
interface of SPDIS of the university. Markers are
used to indicate different parts of SPDIS. The first
part refers to problem domain representations for
different OEs (e.g., university and faculty). Part 2
contains links to IEs needed by the particular OE.
These elements are collected and structured accor-
ding to the rules established in Section 5.1. Part 3
contains the selected IE, in this case the regulations
on SP development. Part 4 lists parameters of the
selected IE. The list contains their title and value,
and summation value, which is computed from data
provided by clients in the summation relationship.
Part 5 lists all IEs from the collection C
. The
recommendations part (part 6) demonstrates
automatic knowledge propagation. The IEs in this
part are included according to the rules K
and K
specified in Section 6.2. Part 7 shows parameters,
which are used by the university in elaboration of
regulations on SP development. The parameters are
those included in group of parameters P
The paper has proposed IA and its analysis rules as a
tool for developing fractal systems. The problem
representations specifically suited for particular OEs
and built on the basis of IAFIS are self-similar what
ensures consistency in the relatively loose coupled
system and reduces systems development and
maintenance cost. At the same time, they are
adjusted to needs of particular OE, which have the
sufficient information basis to complete their tasks
with respect to common and individual goals. The
set of rules for change and knowledge propagation
enables updating of the FISs and facilitates
knowledge sharing among fractal entities. To our
knowledge, the proposed IA and its analysis rules
provide the first systematic framework for
information management in fractal systems.
Efficient utilization of IAFIS requires
parameterization of IEs. Concept modeling and
document mining techniques can be used for this
purpose. The fractal system can be designed in either
top-down or bottom-up manner. In the case of top-
down approach, a lead entity develops its problem
representation and this representation can be used as
a template for developing self-similar represent-
tations. In the case of bottom-up approach, fractal
entities have their own problem-representations,
which are continuously aligned during evolution of
the fractal system. Another question for future
research is integration of fractal systems with other
ISs because IAFIS and implementation of FIS
depends upon already existing models and systems.
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