Sara Boutamina
Mentouri University, B.P. 325 Route Ain El Bey, Constantine 25017, Algeria
Hassina Seridi
LabGed laboratory, Badji Mokhtar University, BP 12 Annaba 23000, Algeria
Abdelkader Gouaïch
LIRMM Laboratory, MontpellierII University Montpellier, France
Keywords: Collaboration Scripts, Tracking Learners, Traces, Design Method, Multi-Agent Systems.
Abstract: Collaborative learning is not always effective; its effects depend on the richness and intensity of interaction
between students during the collaboration (Dillenbourg, 2002). This collaboration is structured using
collaborative scripts. Hence, the design of these Scripts is not trivial; it requires information on learners and
on their interaction. We believe that when learners are the target of any design, this one needs to be
evaluated on the basis of the learners themselves. However, most of the design approaches do not use
experimental feedback on the learners’ collaboration to improve the initial design. We propose in this article
a method for the design of scripts basing on the experimental feedback. We suggest the use of multi-agent
systems to provide help and information to the scripts designers.
These recent years, researchers stress more the
importance of learning design. Among these
researchers, Robe Koper and Tattersall (. Koper &
Tattersall, 2005) who state that “the key principle in
learning design is that it represents the learning
activities and the support activities that are
performed by different persons (learners, teachers)
in the context of a unit of learning”.
Koper thinks that the key of the success of the
learning environments is the activities and not the
pedagogical objects. Consequently, he proposes, to
specify the learning situations, the Educational
Modelling Language (EML) which focuses on the
pedagogical activities. This language was adopted
by the IMS Global Learning Consortium to propose
the standard IMS Learning Design (IMS LD).
The result of the design of the learning situation
is called a script which is considered as a sequence
of phases.
In our work, we affirm that this concept (script) is
linked to the concept of trace. This later can
contribute to the changing of the script, either in a
dynamic way in order to regulate the learning, or at
the end in order to evaluate and reuse this script.
In this paper, we propose an approach for the
construction of scripts taking into account the
experimental feedback on the learners’
collaboration. The idea is to track the learners when
performing the different activities prescribed by a
script which is designed at first (preliminary design)
and provide feedback on the execution of this script
in order to review the preliminary design).
We A collaborative script (or scenario) is a set of
instructions prescribing how students should form
groups, how they should interact and collaborate and
Boutamina S., Seridi H. and Gouaïch A. (2009).
In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Computer Supported Education, pages 320-325
DOI: 10.5220/0001989303200325
how they should solve a problem (Dillenbourg,
2002). It structures the collaborative process in order
to promote specific types of interactions
(Dillenbourg, 2006 (a)). A script includes multiple
activities, occurring at different various social levels
(Dillenbourg, 2006(b)): individual activities (e.g.
reading, writing…), group activities (e.g. solving a
problem with a peer…), and class wide activities
(lecturing, discussion…).
A variety of design methods of scripts have been
proposed but none of them take into account the
experimental feedback and use it in an incremental
way in the process of scripts design. In fact, these
methods rarely use the feedback to improve
incrementally the initial design and most of them
focus more on the results of collaboration rather than
the process of design itself.
Also, designers have to take in consideration the
learners and their behaviours because they are at the
end the main actors of the designed script.
Our framework of scripts design is based on the
following six ideas:
1. The process of design is incremental based
on a loop of four phases which are:
Scripting, Specification, Execution and
Evaluation (Fig 1.).
Scripting is the phase of writing, for a group of
learners, of the different rules of collaboration and
describing the different activities, the different roles,
etc. In this phase a natural language can be used.
In the phase of specification, the script is
specified using a specific formalism. Then, this
script will be executed and finally it will be
evaluated on the basis of the learners’ traces during
the scripts execution.
Figure 1: The different phases.
2. The Scripting must be considered as a
whole and not only through its outcome i.e.
we have to take into account:
The starting point (the different data).
The final point (the outcome).
The transformation from the first point to the
second one.
3. A design method is to guide without any
constraints the designer who must take into
account the human factors involved in the
execution of the script. The execution
model of the script must be considered as a
task or activity model and not a data model.
4. Human factors play a central role in the
process of design. Designers require
information on learners and on their
collaboration in order to favour the
desirable interactions. For this reason we
suggest the tracking of the learners.
5. Formalism for the specification of scripts is
used. This formalism enables the designer
to express his choices and not only to
describe the result.
6. An integrated environment is desirable for
the scripts design in order to facilitate
continuous communication between the
various “activity spaces" of the design
process. Hence, in an incremental approach
of scripts design the designer can move
from the evaluation spaces to the
specification spaces and to the
implementation spaces. We propose that
the use of such environment provides a way
to overcome the problem and gives
designers tools to go beyond the
assumptions of standard design.
The developer of pedagogical scenario can not judge
a design choice only if he evaluates its consequences
in a real situation based on the feedback of the
learners interactions. Also, we recommend an
iterative process in which the results of the
developed scenario evaluation are analyzed and
interpreted in order to be used for the adaptation or
for the improvement of the scenario.
The execution of the script should be considered
as a task or activity model and not as a model of the
different resources offered to the learners.
The idea is to allow the designers to
express their choices and not only describe
the script. Indeed, the script is the expected
result but some choices may be important
as they are represented. For instance they
can be used in the reuse and adaptation of
CSEDU 2009 - International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Figure 2: The different activity spaces.
To facilitate the proposed design work, an
integrated environment is essential to allow
the designer to move between different
areas of activity. Indeed, the designer is
evolving from assessment space, to
specification and implementation spaces.
The constraints of such approach are the
automatic generation of script that can be
possible only by a formalization of the
outcome of the design and the use of a set
of artificial agents that will act in the
different activity spaces listed below.
What Activity Spaces and how to Skip from
an Area to Another?
The steps concepts must be distinguished from that
of space activity in a design. Indeed, a stage
characterizeed a specific product and design
methods are described in terms of stages. The
activity space characterizes a state of the developer’s
activity. We have identified and characterized the
different activity spaces of the design process. These
spaces and the links between them are presented in
the following figure (Fig.2.).
We can identify seven activity spaces useful for the
designer over two phases: the design and evaluation.
Each activity space represents an identifiable
viewpoint of the designer on its design task.
For the design phase, we have identified four
areas of activity spaces:
Data and activities acquisition space in
which information is collected: pedagogical
resources, profiles, learning activities...
The modeling and description space:
allows the designer to have key abstractions
and a clear vision and accurate information
it will use. This is similar to application
development approaches.
Activities structure design space: the
designer main concern is developing a
model of activities or pedagogical resources
stemming from the task for which the script
is designed. This model is different from a
data model.
The influx space: provides the designer
with the means to specify how to change
the specification of the script structure to
the instantiated structure of the target script.
For the evaluation phase, we suggest the following
three areas:
Observation Space: The main concern is to
observe the progression of learners in
accord with their requirements and profiles.
Analyze Space: Actions and interactions of
the learners in the groups are analyzed from
the observation delivered in the precedent
space in order to have synthesized
information about the learners’ progression
in the group and about the designed script.
Decision Space: The main concern is to
have some decision about the script to be
presented to the script’s designer in order to
refine this later.
Jennings and his colleagues (Jennings et al., 1998)
argue that the use of agents is attractive because they
are able to characterize naturally and easily a variety
of applications, and also to represent the different
entities of a system or a domain.
The agent paradigm is the most powerful paradigm
to provide abstractions for complex organizations
analysis and modelling. Humans and software
systems can be considered as entities which interact
and collaborate to perform their tasks in order to
achieve their goals.
In order to run a successful multi-agents
simulation in this approach, a script (scenario) must
be provided to agents. A collaborative script differs
from a program in that no explicit specification is
given in advance. It is necessary to propose a
conceptual model that models agents at an
appropriate level of abstraction by executing the
script and indexing actions and interactions of
learners in the learning environment.
The script author and an agent developer agree
upon activities as the interface between them. The
script author describes scripts using a language,
while the agent executor implements the activities to
be performed by learners and extracts interactions
from the script. The script author describes scripts
Using the learners’ activities and interactions in the
The script executor conducts experiments in a
real environment, and then the experiment outcomes
are used by the script writer in order to refine the
original script.
The evaluation agent observes learners interactions
by collecting different traces of learners during their
Learners are different and it is difficult to have an
adequate script for the entire group from the
beginning. In order to help the designer to modify
his script on the basis of learners, we suggest the use
of a set of agents having the following roles:
decision, interpretation, execution, observation and
tracking learners.
The work of the agents starts when the different
learners interact with the system.
A Graphical User Interface (GUI) is used to
facilitate the learners’ interactions with the system.
Each learner has to introduce his profile using this
interface. These profiles are stocked in the ‘Profiles
Base’ by ‘The Decision Agent’. This agent has a
direct relation with ‘The Interpretation Agent’ which
has to specify the script in a comprehensible format
for the other agents. This script is executed by ‘The
Execution Agents’.
‘The Tracking Agents: keep track of the learners
and stock the different traces in ‘the Traces Base’.
The Observer Agent’ controls the works of the other
The Decision Agent: Basing on the learners profiles,
the decision agent selects a script (which is adequate
to the profiles of the learners and not to the
behaviours/collaboration of learners) to be executed
in order to structure the learners’ collaboration.
Moreover, this agent is able to access directly to ‘the
Profiles Base’ and ‘the Traces Base’ in order to
provide the designer with the necessary information.
The Interpretation Agent: The script is specified
using a format which is different from that used by
agents; consequently, this script will be interpreted
by ‘the Interpretation Agents’ to make it
The Execution Agent: The Execution Agents’
execute the interpreted script taking into account the
different learners’ profiles.
The Observer Agent: The execution of the script will
be controlled by ‘the Observer Agents’. These
agents monitor the work of the other agents to
provide general information on the execution of the
The Tracking Agent: They collect the different traces
of the learners during their collaboration.
The ArgueGragh (Dillenbourg, 2002) script is a
macro script aimed to trigger argumentation between
peers. It consists of the following five phases:
1. Each learner responds to an on-line multiple
choice questionnaire and for each answer he is
expected to argue his/her choice.
2. When all the learners answer the questionnaire
and argue, the system produces a corresponding
graph where the learners are positioned according to
their answers. Then, the teacher or the system forms
pairs of learners who provided different answers in
Phase 1.
CSEDU 2009 - International Conference on Computer Supported Education
3. Each pair has to respond to the same
questionnaire in Phase 1 and provide arguments.
They can see their answers and justifications
provided by each peer in Phase 1.
4. For each question the system calculates the
answers given individually and in collaboration. The
results are used in a debriefing session where
learners comment their arguments.
5. Each student writes a summary of all the
arguments collected for a specific question. The
summary should be structured according to the
framework used in the debriefing session.
Application of the Proposed Model to the
ArgueGraph Script
When the learners are present, the decision agent
informs the interpretation agents in order to rewrite
the script in a comprehensible format for the other
agents. Then, this script is executed by a set of
execution agents. These agents provide the learners
with the questionnaire and each learner responds to
it and argues his/her choice.
According to the learners answers the decision
agent produces the corresponding graph. Then, the
teacher or this agent forms pairs of learners who
have conflictual answers.
Each pair has to respond to the same questionnaire
in Phase 1 and provide arguments. The decision
agent allows the learners to see their answers and
justifications in Phase 1.
This agent calculates for each question the
answers given individually and in collaboration.
The results are used in a debriefing session where
the learners comment their arguments.
The different interactions of the learners with the
system are collected by the tracking agents and
during all these phases, the observer agents monitor
the other agents in order to provide a general idea on
the execution of the script.
In this way the designer can modify his script
and adapt it on the basis of the learners assisted by a
set of artificial agents which gave him the necessary
information about the learners’ interactions and
To allow learners to access the learning system, a
distributed learning environment is proposed for
learners located anywhere and connected to learn at
any times. It’s a multi-agent based distributed
learning environment which provides a multitude of
learning object for learners of the group which are
referenced by the script author.
The learning system consists of the client side and
the server side. On the client side it has a JSP (Java
Server Page) user interface. On the server side, the
servlets and a multi-agent platform implemented
using JADE (jade:
JADE (Java Agent Development Framework) is
a software framework for the development of multi-
agent systems and conforms to the FIPA
specifications (fipa :
When learners log on the system through Web
based applications, a learner agent upload the profile
and requirements and the learner is affected to the
assigned group. The script is uploaded and the
execution of the script will be performed.
Collaboration has certain advantages for learning.
To profit from these advantages, the learners’
collaboration should be structured and organized.
Hence, scripts are used to structure the desired
interactions among learners.
The design of these scripts in not easy, for this
reason we suggest the use of an incremental script to
help the designer to take into account the behaviours
of learners and their interactions.
In this paper we presented a multi-agent based
system for the incremental design of collaborative
scripts. The main agents of this system are, namely,
The Decision Agent’, ‘The Interpreter Agents’, ‘The
Execution Agents’, ‘The Tracking Agents’ and ‘‘The
Observer Agents. These agents have the following
roles: decision, interpretation, execution, observation
and tracking learners.
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Dillenbourg, P, 2006(a). The solo/duo gap. Computers in
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Dillenbourg, P, 2006(b). Orchestrating integrated learning
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Jennings, N. R, Sycara K. P, and Wooldridge, M, 1998. A
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of Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems, 1(1):
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Koper, R, and Tattersall, C, 2005. Learning design: a
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CSEDU 2009 - International Conference on Computer Supported Education