Melise M. M. V. Paula
, Danilo B. Lima
, Luís Theodoro O. Camargo
UNIFAL-MG - Exact Sciences Departament, Federal University of Alfenas, Alfenas-MG, Brazil
Sergio Assis Rodrigues
, Jano M. Souza
COPPE/UFRJ - Computer Science Department, Graduate School of Engineering
Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
DCC-IM/UFRJ - Computer Science Department, Mathematics Institute, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Keywords: Negotiation Support Systems, Workflow, Decision Making Process, Knowledge Management.
Abstract: It has been claimed that there are different methods for solving conflict; however, the main one is to solve
conflicts through negotiations. This paper addresses one of the Negotiation Support Systems developed,
namely NK-Sys and a workflow approach titled W-Neg. Negotiators often attempt to resolve their conflict
through the use of intrinsic activities and their own skills. In W-Neg, we suggest a set of workflow models
to tackle issues that may be conflicting during the negotiation table. As any decision-making process,
negotiations arise from some well known steps. Therefore, the management of activities realized from these
steps can be considered an alternative to improve negotiator’s preparation. In this proposal, workflow’s
technology is aligned with this alternative once the main goal of workflow systems is to provide better
business processes management.
Overall, the word “conflict” is considered a
divergent phenomenon that results in damages or
injuries. However, conflict is a natural event present
in people’s lives and organizations and, if well
managed, can also produce benefits to society.
Diversity and opinion exposition engender an ideal
environment to suggest new ideas and innovative
Negotiation is one of the best ways to solve a
conflict. During negotiations, even informally, the
negotiator can follow different strategies and
methodologies. However, as a decision-making
process, the negotiation requires a well-done
planning and a special summarization. These
artifacts, allied to strategies to find agreements,
result in better argumentations and facilitate
As any decision-making process, negotiations
arise from some steps execution. The management
of activities realized from these steps can be
considered an alternative to improve future
decisions. In this context, workflow’s technology is
aligned with this alternative once the main goal of
workflow systems is to provide better business
processes management.
Therefore, this work aims to present negotiation
activity as a process composed of different “ways of
agreements” which can be managed through a
proposed workflow system, named W-Neg. The
article is organized as the following: section 2
describes the negotiation process considering the
proposed approach; section 3 shows the W-Neg
architecture as well as its descriptions of interfaces
and functionalities. Then, some considerations, the
conclusion and further works are presented.
Negotiation is an interactive process among two or
more counterparts whose goal is to hold a
distributive agreement, in which each counterpart’s
interests are mutually acceptable (Zlatev and Eck,
2003). In this case, a process can be considered a set
of activities that, when appropriately realized, obtain
certain work’s objective (Araujo and Borges, 2001).
M. M. V. Paula M., B. Lima D., O. Camargo L., Assis Rodrigues S. and M. Souza J. (2009).
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - Artificial Intelligence and Decision Support Systems, pages
DOI: 10.5220/0001989703310334
Analyzing the negotiation’s literature, it is
possible to identify several approaches about
negotiation process schematization (Duzert et al,
2005, Fisher and Ury, 1981, Kersten and Noronha,
1999, Mills, 2000, Lima, Camargo and Paula, 2008).
In this work, negotiation scheme is mapped into
workflows. Every workflow must specify its
activities and how immersed in the negotiation
process the activities are.
Lima, Camargo and Paula (2008) show
negotiation as a process with four basic workflows:
preparation, development, execution and evaluation,
as shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1: Principal Negotiation’s Workflow (Lima,
Camargo and Paula).
The first negotiation workflow is the Preparation.
In this step, it is unnecessary that the counterpart be
present once this phase concerns initial negotiation
researches. As said by Mills (2000), usually, the
difference between success and fail in negotiations is
just correlated with how well the preparation step
was done.
Figure 2 shows the activities designated to this
stream. As observed, these activities do not need a
specific order. All of them were defined based on
theoretical instruments proposed in the literature
about the preparation process.
Figure 2: Preparation Workflow.
The development workflow represents activities
executed when negotiator is already prepared to
interact with other counterparts. Figure 3 depicts
these types of activities.
Negotiation rounds reflect appointments,
discussions and meetings in which negotiators have
to interact to improve the changes of a real
agreement. All information analyzed during the
preparation’s workflow must be considered as an
input to decision making processes
Figure 3: Negotiation Development Workflow.
The agreement can be reached or not depending
on how counterparts proceed in the deal. The
existence or not of a possible agreement depends on
the reserve values and the pretended values of each
negotiable attribute. Thus, negotiator should
thoroughly analyse these values before any
negotiation round.
Once agreement is reached, it is necessary to
formalize the terms settled. According to Figure 3,
this activity is named Contract Development and its
execution is conditioned to the existence of a
possible agreement between involved parts.
The Execution workflow can represent two lines
of different actions: in case of holding an agreement,
it is necessary to verify what was settled and take the
enough decisions to assemble what was negotiated.
On the other hand, if there were no agreements,
the execution step concerns the planning to obtain
gains which were not hold from the actual
Regardless whether or not the agreement was
reached, this workflow corresponds to the plan of
actions to be followed from the negotiations’ results.
In this context, it is import to determine the tasks
which must be executed, the responsible, the rules,
date estimations for beginning and deadline.
During the Evaluation, with or without
agreement, the involved counterparts shall evaluate
the process, starting the activities belonged by
Negotiation’s Evaluation, in which negotiators
introduces their perceptions and judgments about the
finished deal. The activities in this phase are
composed of the evaluation of the obtained
agreement (if does it work), counterparts’ analysis
and the negotiation strategy validation.
ICEIS 2009 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
W-Neg is a module inserted in the NK-Sys
Software, which is a Negotiation Support System.
In such environment, the W-Neg objective is to
facilitate the management of activities executed
during negotiations and share this information to
improve quality during future decision making
processes. This functionality represents ease as it
aids in the organization of the tasks and stimulates
the execution of still incomplete tasks. (Lima,
Camargo and Paula, 2008).
W-Neg is structured in two modules: the
workflow model and the workflow’s instances
(Figure 4). In the model, the negotiator can find
information about such activities, as depicted in
Figures 5 and 6.
Figure 4: NK-Sys Architecture.
Figure 5 represents the negotiation model defined in
the W-Neg. The negotiator can consult information
about any activities defined in the model, as show in
Figure 6.
Figure 5: A W-Neg’s Workflow Model.
Figure 6: Activity description to develop the BATNA
(Fisher and Ury, 1981).
From the model, negotiator can instance a
specific activity. The actual negotiation workflow is
created, or updated, automatically. Activities are
defined in different colours to indicate which
workflow is correlated. However, activities are
presented following a temporal order, as illustrated
in Figure 7.
Figure 7: An example of Negotiation’s Workflow.
During the activity selection, the negotiator can
fill forms with the enough information to prepare the
negotiation execution, as show in Figure 8.
In the course of the negotiation, some defined
activities are instantiated whenever negotiator
considers necessary. In Figure 7, for example,
during the BATNA examination, negotiator can
create an instance of this activity. However, during
the negotiation, if there is a need to examine this
information again, it is imperative to create a new
instance in the workflow. It is important to
emphasize that the new instance is related to the
previous instance of BATNA. This property reflects
the time perspective of execution of the activities
described above.
From the functionalities described the W-Neg
can be considered as a way to stimulate negotiators
to prepare their negotiations as well as decrease the
chances to negotiator neglects important activities.
Figure 8: An example of negotiation’s round activity.
During this work, several negotiation aspects were
analysed, such as: the preponderant elements to
negotiate, the steps to reach an agreement and
workflows to support these phases. From this point
of view, it was possible to identify two basic
requisites to create a negotiation’s environment: the
support do decision making and the support to the
negotiation process.
The first requisite points to the necessity to
elaborate a decision model which is able to capture
the logic used and the knowledge associated with the
decision-making during negotiations. This
procedure allows the future recovery of these
elements. The decision model proposed in this work
is based on the perspective oriented by the
Prescriptive/Descriptive perception proposed by
Raiffa (1982). This approach suggests that all
prescription must be based on the best possible
description of the negotiation environment.
The article shows that, in the NK-Sys software,
knowledge management is used to prescript the
negotiator’s behaviour through the capture and
reutilization of the knowledge acquired during the
deal. This information capture and organization is
realized from negotiators interactions with
functional mechanisms offered by W-Neg.
The second requirement reflects the necessity to
define a model to support the process that includes
all components needed to support negotiators during
the implementation of negotiation inherent activities.
In this aspect, functionalities described in W-Neg
lead negotiators to take deals based on the problem
solution approach, analysing their interests,
alternatives and options. Besides, the activities are
formally documented ensuring that the process can
be executed according to what was planned,
satisfying the imposed requisites.
At the present time, NK-Sys has been extended
to increase the attraction of cooperation between
bilateral negotiators through tools that support
synchronous and asynchronous written
It is important to point that the NK-Sys is still
undergoing development. As future work, the
proposal is to extend the functionalities from the use
of other approaches such as the simulation of
negotiation environments to enable negotiators that
use this environment streamline their negotiation
This research was funded by UNIFAL, CAPES,
CNPq and COPPETEC Foundation.
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ICEIS 2009 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems