Jaemyoung Lee
Korea Polytechnic University, 2121, Jungwang, Shihung, Kyunggi, Republic of Korea
Wireless controller, Laser pointer, Receiver.
We propose a wireless receiver unit of photodetectors for a commercially available laser pointer. A controller
in the receiver unit drives a multimedia player in accordance with the scanning direction of the laser pointer
over photodetectors. A control algorithm is proposed for control of the multimedia player. We believe that the
proposed receiver unit and the control algorithm for a laser pointer can be applied to other systems.
A laser pointer has mostly been used in presentations,
and has extended its application areas due to its porta-
bility, low cost, and visibility of the laser beam spot.
Lots of papers have used it as an input device (Kelvin
and Kelvin, 2003; Olsen and Nielsen, 2001; L. Zhang
and Chen, 2008; X. Bi and Chen, 2006), and some
papers have modified the laser pointer to afford other
functions as such the functions of a mouse (Oh and
Stuerzlinger, 2002; X. Bi and Chen, 2006).
In this paper, we use a commercially available
laser pointer as a wireless controller to activate and
control a multimedia player in a classroom. Multime-
dia players in classrooms are controlled by manual
buttons or RF remote controllers. In case of man-
ual operation, a lecturer should access to the con-
trol panel of a multimedia player each time he/she
wants some operation. For an RF controller, a lec-
turer should carry it and not misplace it to control the
player during his/her lecture. We propose a remote
control system for multimedia players in classrooms
using a laser pointer which most lecturers carry. To
use a laser pointer as a wireless controller, we build
a wireless receiver unit of photodetectors arranged in
a rectangular shape. A controller in the receiver unit
perceives the scanning direction of the laser pointer
and determines a control mode in accordance with the
proposed algorithm. The control algorithm and the
proposed system scheme take into account problems
due to hand jitter, and laser pointer’s misdirection.
We propose a wireless receiver unit using a com-
mercially available laser pointer in a classroom with-
out any alteration to itself, which has only one on-
off switch. Figure 1 shows a multimedia player in
which the proposed receiver unit of photodetectors is
attached to the multimedia player in a classroom.
Figure 1: Multimedia player using the proposed receiver
unit of photodetectors for a commercially available laser
Even though this paper takes an example of a multi-
media player to apply the proposed scheme using a
laser pointer, the proposed scheme can be applied to
other systems.
2.1 Receiver Unit of Photodetectors
In the proposed scheme, the receiver unit of the multi-
media player has a group of photodetectors which are
arranged in a rectangular shape. A controller in the
Lee J. (2009).
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - Human-Computer Interaction, pages 175-177
DOI: 10.5220/0001989901750177
receiver unit monitors the resistance of each photode-
tector to determine the laser pointer’s scanning direc-
tion over the photodetectors. The controller activates
an action on the multimedia player based on the scan-
ning direction of the laser pointer over the photode-
tectors, such as scanning to left, right, up, or down.
The proposed scheme could also activate certain ac-
tion by tying each photodetector for an action of the
multimedia player. However, the tying of each pho-
todetector for an action could cause unexpected ac-
tions due to laser pointer’s misdirecting. Since it is
hard to project a laser pointer’s beam on a specific
photodetector at a distance without any hand jitter, ty-
ing an action with a scanning direction on a group of
photodetectors is less vulnerable to misdirection and
to hand jitter, compared with tying an action with on-
or off- status of a photodetector.
Scanning to right and scanning down in oblique
directions are shown in Fig. 2 (a) and (b), respec-
Figure 2: Scanning (a) to right (b) down (c) in diagonal di-
rections in 3 × 3 photodetectors and (d) in a diagonal direc-
tion in 3 × 5 photodetectors (e) ID numbers of phtodetecors
in 3 × 3 photodetectors.
Even though the scanning directions are oblique in
Fig. 2(a) and (b), both cases are judged as scanning
to right and down by the controller. In case of Fig. 2
(a), photodetectors of 11, 12, and 23 can be regarded
as being scanned by a laser pointer (ID numbers of
photodetectors are listed in Fig. 2(e)). In Fig. 2(b),
the laser pointer projects a beam on the photodetec-
tors of 11, 21 and 22, 32. Since the spot size of the
laser point is comparable to the size of photodetector,
the spot of a laser pointer can spread over two pho-
todetecors along its scanning such as photodetectors
of 12 and 22, and photodetectors of 21 and 22 in Fig.
2 (a) and Fig. 2 (b), respectively. The problem of
laser pointer spot’s spreading over photodetectors can
be solved by the algorithm of controller’s.
The square shape of the group of photodetectors
may cause unexpected results, because the diagonal
scanning in Fig. 2 (c) can be perceived as scanning
to right , down. In the proposed scheme, we elimi-
nate this situation by arranging the photodetectors as
a rectangular shape. The scanning direction shown
in Fig. 2 (d) is rightward, because the laser pointer
beam scans photodetectors at both left and right sides.
The vertical length of the rectangular can also be ar-
ranged longer than the horizontal length in the pro-
posed scheme.
2.2 Control Algorithm for the Proposed
To control a multimedia player using a laser pointer,
we propose a simple control algorithm, (Fig.3).
Figure 3: A proposed control algorithm to control a multi-
media player using a laser pointer.
Scanning of a laser pointer to either right or left
through a receiver unit in which a group of photode-
tectors are arranged in a rectangular shape activates
the multimedia player, leading to a file search mode.
Forward and backward file searches can be made by
laser pointer’sscanning the receiver unit up and down,
respectively. Another scanning to right changes the
mode into a volume control mode, in which scanning
up and down turn the volume up and down, respec-
tively. Scanning to right at the volume mode leads
to a channel search mode in which scanning up and
down tune to the next adjacent channel forward and
backward, respectively. Further scanning to right at
the channel search mode deactivates the player. Scan-
ning to left at any mode returns the mode back to the
previous mode in the proposed algorithm. Various al-
gorithms can be suggested and realized for control-
ICEIS 2009 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
ling the multimedia player using a laser pointer as a
wireless controller.
We investigated the feasibility of the proposed
scheme by measuring the resistances of photodetec-
tors being projected by a laser pointer, (Fig. 4). Mea-
sured resistances in Fig. 4 show a linear increase as
the laser pointer moves away from the photodetector.
Because of the laser pointers electrical jitter, we ob-
served variations in resistances, which are shown as
error bars in Fig. 4. However, we could drive the
multimedia player with a laser pointer at the distance
of more than 20 m away from the receiver unit.
Figure 4: Measurements of resistance for different dis-
In this paper, we propose a wireless receiver unit of
photodetectors using a commercially available laser
pointer. To use a laser pointer as a wireless con-
troller without any alteration to itself, we build a re-
ceiver unit of photodetectors. Experiment shows that
resistances of photodetectors linearly increase as the
laser pointer moves away, and that the laser pointer
can send enough power to activate the multimedia
player at the distance of more than 20 m from the laser
pointer. The controller in the receiver unit acts on the
scanning direction of a laser pointer in the proposed
scheme. We believe that the proposed control algo-
rithm can further afford other control modes and be
applied to other systems.
This work is financially supported by the Min-
istry of Education and Human Resources Devel-
opment(MOE), the Ministry of Commerce, Indus-
try and Energy(MOCIE) and the Ministry of La-
bor(MOLAB) through the fostering project of the
Industrial-Academic Cooperation Centered Univer-
Kelvin, C. and Kelvin, P. (2003). Direct interface with
large-scale display systems using infrared laser track-
ing devices. In Proceedings of the Asia-pacific sym-
posium on Information visualization.
L. Zhang, Y. S. and Chen, B. (2008). Nalp: Navi-
gation assistant for large display presentation using
laser pointer. In IEEE Conference on Advances in
Computer-Human Interaction.
Oh, J.-Y. and Stuerzlinger, W. (2002). Laser pointers as col-
laborative pointing devices. In Graphics Interfaces.
Olsen, D. and Nielsen, T. (2001). Laser pointer interaction.
In ACM CHI’2001 Conference Proceedings: Human
Factors in Computing Systems.
X. Bi, Y. S. and Chen, X. (2006). Paper templates. In uPen:
A smart pen-like device for facilitating interaction on
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