The Domain Analysis and Application Requirements Engineering Phases
Adriana Leite
and Rosario Girardi
Department of Computer Science, Federal Institute of Maranhão, Avenida Getúlio Vargas, São Luís, Brazil
Department of Computer Science, Federal University of Maranhão, Avenida Dos Portugueses, São Luís, Brazil
Keywords: Software Process, Requirements Engineering, Multi-agent Systems, Reuse, Ontologies.
Abstract: Domain Engineering is a process for the development of a reusable application family in a particular
domain problem, and Application Engineering, the one for the construction of a specific application based
on the reuse of software artifacts in the application family previously produced in the Domain Engineering
process. MADAE-Pro is an ontology-driven process for multi-agent domain and application engineering
which promotes the construction and reuse of agent-oriented applications families. This article introduces an
overview of MADAE-Pro emphasizing the description of its domain analysis and application requirements
engineering phases and showing how software artifacts produced from the first are reused in the last one.
A software development process is a model that
specifies a life cycle, describing the phases through
which transits a software product from its
conception through its development along with a
methodology that integrates the techniques to be
applied in each one of the phases according to a
development paradigm.
MADAE-Pro (“Multi-agent Domain and
Application Engineering Process”) is a process for
the development and reuse of families of multi-agent
software systems. A family of software systems is
defined as a set of systems sharing some
commonalities but also having particular features
(Czarnecki and Eisenecker, 2000). It consists of two
complementary sub-processes: Multi-agent Domain
Engineering and Multi-agent Application
Multi-agent Domain Engineering is a process for
the development of a family of multi-agent software
systems in a problem domain, by applying MADEM
(“Multi-agent Domain Engineering Methodology”)
(Girardi, 1992); and Multi-agent Application
Engineering, the one for constructing a specific
agent-oriented application by reusing one or more of
those families, using MAAEM (“Multi-agent
Application Engineering Methodology”) (Leite et
al., 2008). The MADAE-Pro products are
represented as facts of the ONTORMAS knowledge
base. ONTORMAS (“ONTOlogy driven tool for the
Reuse of Multi-Agent Systems”) (Leite et al., 2008)
is a knowledge-based tool for supporting and
automating the MADAE-Pro tasks.
The paper is organized as follows. Section 2
describes the MADAE-Pro software development
process. Section 2.1 introduces its lifecycle and a
general description of the support that the MADEM
and MAAEM methodologies provide to each one of
its phases. Section 2.2 details the particular tasks of
the Domain Analysis and Application Requirements
Engineering phases along with the guidelines
provided by these methodologies to carry out those
tasks. Section 3 references related work discussing
its similarities and differences with MADAE-Pro.
Finally, section 4 concludes the paper with some
considerations on ongoing work.
MADAE-Pro is a knowledge-based process. Its
phases, tasks and products are conceptualized in the
ONTORMAS knowledge-base and both, particular
or multi-agent system families are represented as
instances of this knowledge base.
Main modeling concepts and tasks of MADEM
and MAAEM are based both on techniques for
Leite A. and Girardi R. (2009).
A PROCESS FOR MULTI-AGENT DOMAIN AND APPLICATION ENGINEERING - The Domain Analysis and Application Requirements Engineering
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - Information Systems Analysis and Specification, pages
DOI: 10.5220/0001990201560161
Domain and Application Engineering (Czarnecki
and Eisenecker, 2000) and for development of multi-
agent systems (Bresciani et al., 2004) (Cossentino et
al., 2004) (Dileo,Jacobs and Deloach, 2002). A
specific graphical modeling language has been
defined for the representation of the MADAE-Pro
concepts. For the specification of the problem to be
solved, the methodologies focus on modeling goals,
roles and interactions of entities of an organization.
Entities have knowledge and use it to exhibit
autonomous behavior. An organization is composed
of entities with general and specific goals that
establish what the organization intends to reach.
The achievement of specific goals allows reaching
the general goal of the organization. Specific goals
are reached through the performance of
responsibilities that entities have by playing roles
with a certain degree of autonomy. Entities playing
roles have skills on one or a set of techniques that
support the execution of responsibilities in an
effective way. Pre-conditions and post-conditions
may need to be satisfied for/after the execution of a
responsibility. Knowledge can be consumed and
produced through the execution of a responsibility.
2.1 The MADAE-Pro Lifecycle
The MADAE-Pro process life cycle is iterative,
incremental and goal-driven. Development is carried
out through successive increments, looking for
reducing software complexity. It is initiated with the
decision of development of a new family of
applications or a specific one by specifying a new
general goal and restarted for the development of a
new specific goal or to update an existing one in
evolutive and corrective maintenance, respectively.
Iterations also can occur between the phases for
refining modeling products.
MADAE-Pro consists of six development
phases: domain analysis, domain design and domain
implementation, supported by the MADEM
methodology; and application requirements
engineering, application design and application
implementation, supported by the MAAEM
The domain analysis phase of MADEM
approaches the construction of a domain model
specifying the current and future requirements of a
family of applications in a domain by considering
domain knowledge and development experiences
extracted from domain specialists and applications
already developed in the domain. This phase
consists of the following modeling tasks: modeling
of domain concepts, goal modeling, role modeling,
role interaction modeling and user interface
prototyping. The product of this phase, a domain
model, is obtained through the composition of the
products constructed through these tasks: a concept
model, a goal model, a role model, a set of role
interaction models, one for each specific goal in the
goal model and a prototype of the user interface.
Next section details the domain analysis tasks and
The domain design phase of MADEM
approaches the architectural and detailed design of
multi-agent frameworks providing a solution to the
requirements of a family of multi-agent software
systems specified in a domain model. This phase
consists of two sub-phases: the architectural design
sub-phase which establishes an architectural model
of the multi-agent society including the knowledge
shared by all agents in their communication and
their coordination and cooperation mechanisms; and
the agent design sub-phase which defines the
internal design of each agent, by modeling its
structure and behavior. A Multi-agent Framework
Model of the Multi-agent Society is constructed as a
product of this phase, composed of a Multi-agent
Society Knowledge Model, an Architectural Model
and a set of Agent Models.
The domain implementation phase of MADEM
approaches the mapping of design models to agents,
behaviors and communication acts, concepts
involved in the JADE framework (Bellifemine et al.,
2003), which is the adopted implementation
platform. An implementation model of the multi-
agent society is constructed as a product of this
phase, composed of a model of agents and behaviors
and a model of communication acts.
Variability modeling is carried out in parallel
with all MADEM phases to determine the common
and variable parts of an application family. This is
done by identifying the “Variation Points” and its
correspondent “Variants”. A variation point is the
representation of a concept subjected to variation. A
variant represents the alternative or optional
variations of such a concept.
MAAEM is a methodology for requirement
analysis, design and implementation of multi-agent
applications through compositional reuse of software
artifacts such as domain models, multi-agent
frameworks, pattern systems and software agents
previously developed in the MADEM Domain
Engineering process.
The requirements analysis phase of MAAEM
looks for identifying and specifying the
requirements of a particular application by reusing
requirements already specified in domain models.
This phase follows a set of modeling tasks
consistently uniform with the ones of the MADEM
Application Requirements Engineering Phases
domain analysis phase, for producing a set of models
composing the multi-agent application specification.
The MAAEM requirements analysis phase is
performed through the following modeling tasks:
concept modeling, goal modeling, role modeling,
role interaction modeling and user interface
prototyping. The product of this phase, an
application specification, is obtained through the
composition of the products constructed through
these tasks: a concept model, a goal model, a role
model, a set of role interaction models, one for each
specific goal in the goal model and a prototype of
the user interface. Next section details the
requirements analysis tasks and products.
In the application design phase, developers reuse
design solutions of a family of applications and
adapt them to the specific requirements of the
application under development. A set of models
composing the multi-agent application architecture
are produced by following a set of modeling tasks
consistently uniform with the ones of the MADEM
domain design phase. This phase consists of two
tasks: the Architectural Design task aiming at
constructing a multi-agent society architectural
model and the Agent Design task, which defines the
internal structure of each agent in the society. The
Architectural Design task consists of five sub-tasks:
Multi-agent Society Knowledge Modeling, Multi-
Agent Society Modeling, Agent Interaction
Modeling, Activity Modeling, and Coordination and
Cooperation modeling.
In the application implementation phase, agent
behaviours and interactions are identified and
specified in a particular language/platform for agent
development. A Behaviors Model and
Communication Acts Model are generated in this
development phase.
Along all MAAEM phases, reuse is carried out
by identifying variation points in MADEM products
and selecting appropriate variants.
2.2 The Domain Analysis and
Application Requirements
Engineering Tasks
This section describes the Domain Analysis and
Application Requirements Engineering tasks of
MADAE-Pro showing how software artifacts of the
ONTOSERS domain model (Mariano et al., 2008)
are produced and reused on the development of the
InfoTrib multi-agent recommender system.
ONTOSERS-DM is a domain model that specifies
the common and variable requirements of
recommender systems based on the ontology
technology of the Semantic Web, using three
information filtering approaches: content-based
(CBF), collaborative (CF) and hybrid filtering (HF)
(Mariano et al., 2008).
InfoTrib is a Tax Law recommender system in
which, based on a user profile specifying his/her
interests in the diverse species of taxes, the system
provides recommendations based on new tax law
information items.
The Domain Analysis Tasks. The modeling of
domain application concepts task aims at performing
a brainstorming of domain concepts and their
relationships, representing them in a concept model.
The purpose of the goal modeling task is to
identify the common and variant goals of the family
of systems, the external entities with which it
cooperates and the responsibilities needed to achieve
them. Its product is a goal model, specifying the
general and specific goals of the system family
along with the external entities, responsibilities and
variant groups. In this task, variability modeling
looks for identifying variant points in specific goals
related with variant groups of responsibilities.
The goal model of ONTOSERS-DM has the
“Provide Recommendations using Semantic Web
Technology” general goal. It is reached through the
“Model Users”, “Filter Information” and “Deliver
Recommendations” specific goals. In order to
achieve the “Filter Information” specific goal, it is
necessary to perform the “Ontology Instance User
Model Creation and Update” responsibility, which
also contributes to reach the “Model Users” specific
goal. Besides that, the “Grouping of user models”,
“Information Items based on Ontology Instance
Representation” and “Similarity Analysis”
responsibilities are needed. The “Grouping of Users
Models” responsibility allows for identifying groups
of users with similar interests.
The “Model Users” specific goal has a variation
point with groups of responsibilities for user profile
acquisition, being possible to choose between three
alternative variants: “Implicit Profile Acquisition”,
“Explicit Profile Acquisition” or both. The last
responsibility, “Ontology Instance User Model
Creation and Update” is fixed, i.e. it is required in all
the applications of the family. The “Filter
Information” specific goal has a variation point that
has as variant alternatives: the “Grouping of users
models” responsibility, required in systems that use
CF; and the “Information Items based on Ontology
Instance Representation” responsibility required in
the ones using CBF. The “Deliver
Recommendations” specific goal does not have
variation points, therefore the “Similarity Analysis”,
“Personalized Recommendations Production” and
ICEIS 2009 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
“Delivery of Personalized Recommendations”
responsibilities are required in all the applications of
the family, then belonging to the fixed part of the
goal model.
The role modeling task associates the
responsibilities, either common or variants,
identified in the goal modeling task to the roles that
will be in charge of them. The pre and post-
conditions that must be satisfied before and after the
execution of a responsibility are also identified.
Finally, the knowledge required from other entities
(roles or external entities) for the execution of
responsibilities and the knowledge produced from
their execution is identified. This task produces a set
of role models, one for each specific goal or, having
it one or more variation points, one role model for
each variant, specifying roles, responsibilities, pre-
and post-conditions, knowledge and relationships
between these concepts. The role interaction
modeling task aims at identifying how external and
internal entities should cooperate to achieve a
specific goal. For that, responsibilities of roles are
analyzed along with their required and produced
knowledge specified in a role model. A set of role
interaction models is constructed as a product of this
modeling task, one for each specific goal, or having
it one or more variation points, one role interaction
model for each variant, specifying the interactions
between roles and external entities needed to achieve
a specific goal. The interactions are numbered
according to their sequencing. Finally, a User
Interface Prototype, is developed by identifying the
interactions of users with the system family.
The Application Requirements Engineering
Tasks. In this phase, the reuse of domain models is
supported by the ONTORMAS tool. In
ONTORMAS, the selection of software artifacts is
supported by semantic retrieval, where the user
inputs a query specifying the product features he/she
intends to reuse and gets as result the available
artifacts from the repository which satisfies his
query. After the selection of the artifact that most
closely matches their needs, the user should check if
the artifact can be integrally reused or if it needs
adaptations and/or integrations with other artifacts.
The modeling of application concepts task aims
at performing a brainstorming of the application
concepts and their relationships, representing them
in a concept model. The purpose of the goal
modeling task is to identify the goals of the
application, the external entities with which it
cooperates and the responsibilities needed to achieve
them. Its product is a goal model, specifying the
general and specific goals of the application along
with the external entities and responsibilities. This
task should be reuse-intensive. From the concept
model and from a first draft of the goal model,
possible terms for searching and reusing goals in
already available domain models can be revealed. If
a general goal is identified, the corresponding goal
model in a domain model is selected for reuse. If a
specific goal is identified, this goal, sub-goals in a
possible hierarchy, related responsibilities and
external entities in a goal model of a domain model
are selected for reuse. Otherwise, the goal model is
constructed from scratch.
If a selected specific goal or sub-goals in its
hierarchy have associated variation points, they
should be analyzed to select and possible reuse the
appropriate variants of alternative or optional groups
of responsibilities. Only one group of
responsibilities in an alternative variant can be
selected for reuse. Zero or more groups of
responsibilities in an optional variant can be selected
for reuse.
To construct the goal model of InfoTrib, first, a
search in ONTORMAS with the term
“recommendation” was done. The general goal
“Provide recommendations using semantic web
technologies” was retrieved through the search.
Therefore, the corresponding goal model was
selected for reuse, in this case, the goal model of
ONTOSERS, part of the ONTOSERS domain
model. From the variation point of the “Model
users” specific goal, the ”Explicit profile
acquisition” responsibility variant was selected in
order to support just the explicit acquisition of user
profiles. From the variation point of the “Filter
Information” specific goal, the “Information Items
based on Ontology Instance Representation”
responsibility variant was selected for providing
content-based information filtering. The names of
the external entities “User” and “Ontology based
information source” were specialized to “Tributary
User” and “ONTOTRIB”, the ontology that defines
the Tax Law concepts and relationships.The role
modeling task associates the responsibilities
identified in the goal modeling task to the roles that
will be in charge of them. The pre and post-
conditions that must be satisfied before and after the
execution of a responsibility are also identified.
Finally, the knowledge required from other entities
(roles or external entities) for the execution of
responsibilities and the knowledge produced from
their execution is identified. A set of role models,
one for each specific goal in the goal model is
constructed in this task, with or without reuse.The
following rules apply for the reuse activities
performed during this modeling task:
Application Requirements Engineering Phases
If a similar general goal was identified during
the goal modeling task, thus reusing fully or partially
a goal model then, the set of role models, already
available in the corresponding domain model and
associated to each reused specific goal will be
reused and eventually adapted for the previously
customized specific goals and selected
responsibilities from groups of alternative or
optional variants.
Otherwise, if a set of similar specific goals
were identified during the goal modeling task, thus
reusing partially a goal model, then the set of role
models already available in the corresponding
domain model associated with the similar specific
goal will be reused and eventually adapted,
considering selected responsibilities from groups of
alternative or optional variants.
Otherwise, if the goal model was constructed
from scratch, then the set of role models will be
also constructed from scratch, one for each specific
goal. Please note that in this task, reuse is implicitly
supported by the semantic relationships, that
associates a specific goal with a role model.
The role interaction modeling task aims at
identifying how external and internal entities should
cooperate to achieve a specific goal. For that,
responsibilities of roles are analyzed along with their
required and produced knowledge specified in a role
model. A set of role interaction models is reused in
this modeling task, one for each specific goal, or
having it one or more variation points, one role
interaction model for each variant, specifying the
interactions between roles and external entities
needed to achieve a specific goal. The interactions
are numbered according to their sequencing. Similar
rules to the ones of the role modeling task apply for
the reuse activities performed during this modeling
task. For the construction of the user interface
prototype of the specific application,the generic
interfaces associated to a reused external entity are
selected and customized according the specific goal
with which it is related.
Some approaches for agent development, like GAIA
(Zambonelli et al., 2003), PASSI (Cossentino et al.,
2004) and TROPOS (Bresciani et al., 2004), have
been already developed to increase the productivity
of the software development process, the reusability
of generated products, and the effectiveness of
project management.
GAIA is a methodology based in human
organization concepts. It supports the analysis and
design phases for multi-agent system development.
Tropos is an agent-oriented software development
methodology supporting the complete multi-agent
development process. It is based on the i*
organizational modeling framework. PASSI (a
Process for Agent Societies Specification and
Implementation) is a process for multi-agent
development integrating concepts from object-
oriented software engineering and artificial
intelligence approaches. It allows the development
of multi-agents systems for special purposes as
mobiles and robotics agents and uses an UML-based
Some characteristics of GAIA, PASSI, TROPOS
and MADAE-Pro are following described. All the
approaches propose an iterative life cycle, where a
software product goes through several refinements
during the development process. With the exception
of GAIA, in all other approaches the life cycle is
also incremental, where a software product is
represented in several models to facilitate its
For the supported development phases, all these
approaches cover analysis and design while PASSI,
TROPOS and MADAE-Pro also support the
implementation phase. To our knowledge, only
MADAE-Pro allows the development of families of
systems. For the available development tools, PASSI
is supported by PTK, a Rational Rose plug-in
allowing modeling in AUML and code generation.
The application of TROPOS is assisted by the
TAOM-Tool (Bresciani et al., 2004), an Eclipse
plug-in allowing system modeling with the i*
framework. The MADAE-Pro process is supported
by the ONTORMAS tool that allows the modeling
and storage of individual applications and families
of multi-agent applications as instances of
ontologies. GAIA does not have a tool support yet.
Finally, for reuse activities, GAIA and TROPOS
allow the reuse of models and code in an informal
way. PASSI permits the reuse of source code from
class and activity diagrams. MADAE-Pro process
allows reuse of both models and source code of
software products.
Two main features distinguish MADAE-Pro
from other existing approaches. First, it provides
support for reuse in multi-agent software
development, through the integration of the concepts
of Domain Engineering and Application
Engineering. Second, it is a knowledge-based
process where models of agents and frameworks are
represented as instances of the ONTORMAS
knowledge base. Thus, concepts are semantically
related allowing effective searches and inferences
thus facilitating the understanding and reuse of the
ICEIS 2009 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
models during the development of specific
applications in a domain. Also, the ontology-driven
models of MADAE-Pro can be easily documented,
adapted and integrated.
This work described MADAE-Pro, a process for
Multi-agent Domain and Application Engineering,
emphasizing the description of its domain analysis
and application requirements engineering phases and
showing how software artifacts produced on the first
phase are reused in the last one.
The software artifacts produced by MADAE-Pro
are represented as instances of the ONTORMAS
tool, which serves as a repository of the MADAE-
Pro reusable software artifacts and is a knowledge-
based tool supporting application development.
MADAE-Pro has been evaluated with several
case studies approaching both the development of
application families (Mariano, Girardi, Leite,
Drumond and Maranhão, 2008) and specific
applications (Newton and Girardi, 2007). It makes
part of a project for the improvement of multi-agent
development techniques, methodologies and tools.
With the knowledge base provided by
ONTORMAS, an expert system is being developed,
aiming at automating various tasks of both MADEM
and MAAEM, thus allowing fast application
development and partial code generation.
MADAE-Pro currently supports compositional
reuse, based on the selection, adaptation and
composition of software artifacts. A generative
approach for reuse has been already explored with
the specification of the GENMADEM methodology
and the ONTOGENMADEM tool (Jansen and
Girardi, 2006). ONTOGENMADEM provides
support for the creation of Domain Specific
Languages to be used on the generation of a family
of applications in a domain. Further work will
extend ONTORMAS for supporting
ONTOGENMADEM allowing generative reuse in
Multi-agent Applications Engineering.
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Application Requirements Engineering Phases