Toward Participatory Design and Development of the Interaction Process
Daniela Fogli
Dipartimento di Elettronica per l’Automazione, Università di Brescia, Via Branze 38, Brescia, Italy
Loredana Parasiliti Provenza
Dipartimento di Informatica e Comunicazione, Università di Milano, Via Comelico 38-40, Milano, Italy
Keywords: Customization, Communication gap, Multi-facet specification, Participatory design, Participatory
Abstract: This paper proposes the adoption of human-computer interaction methods to address some of the problems
related to the customization of information systems, and particularly of enterprise resource planning
systems. The paper specifically describes a multi-facet approach to participatory design and development of
information systems to build the dialogue between the information system and its users. It encompasses i) a
specification framework for representing and translating the different perspectives of the members of the
design team, including the end users’ perspective, ii) a methodology for collaborative design of the
interaction process, and iii) a set of guidelines to carry out the development activities.
Large scale-software design and implementation
projects, such as those involving information
systems (IS) and, particularly, enterprise resource
planning (ERP) systems, represent a challenge for
many companies all over the world.
These systems are aimed at managing and
integrating business processes within a complex
organization, by adopting existing industry best
practices. However, experience studies document
several project failures, in which cultural misfits
between developers, vendors and consultants, on the
one side, and company managers and employees, on
the other side, are some of the main reasons for
failure (Molla and Loukis, 2005; Soh et al. 2000).
ERP systems are software packages, whose high
complexity is due to their cross-module integration,
data standardization, adoption of underlying
business models and the involvement of several
stakeholders. ERP systems are generally composed
by a core part and a set of modules that can be
customized according to the company’s
characteristics, needs and target market. However,
this customization is often a critical problem because
the philosophy adopted is usually ‘shaping’ the
company and its business processes according to the
predefined ERP model, rather than vice versa.
Consequently, users are forced by the new system to
work and reason in some way different from what
they would naturally do, possibly far from their
usual ways of working and reasoning.
ERP system customization may include either
code modification or ERP parameter configuration,
with the aim of adapting for instance workflows,
reports, queries, data formats. An important aspect
of ERP customization that, in our opinion, is not yet
faced adequately by vendors and consultants is
concerned with designing and developing a proper
dialogue between the ERP system and its users. A
suitable dialogue is however fundamental to make
the interaction effective and efficient. Whenever the
dialogue is not well designed, problems arise: for
example, it often happens that users are not aware of
the presence of some useful functionalities, because
they are not able to find them or even to recognize
them among the available options. These problems
are often due to a presentation and interaction
language alien to users’ experience, which makes
the system not understandable and the interaction
process complicated.
Such a situation leads frequently to failures
manifested by implementation delays, cost
Fogli D. and Parasiliti Provenza L. (2009).
INFORMATION SYSTEM CUSTOMIZATION - Toward Participatory Design and Development of the Interaction Process.
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - Human-Computer Interaction, pages 72-77
DOI: 10.5220/0001992400720077
increasing, lack of system use. Such failures are
normally ascribed to users, whose resistance to, or
even rejection of, the software being introduced are
rarely well understood by developers and
consultants (Wagner and Piccoli, 2007).
In this paper, we advocate the adoption of
human-computer interaction (HCI) methods to carry
out the customization of the dialogue between users
and an ERP system. Among HCI approaches and
practices, participatory design appears as the most
promising for reducing the failures described.
Participatory design is a design paradigm that
invokes direct participation of users as active
members of the design team (Schuler and Namioka,
1993) in order to produce interactive systems that
are usable and meet users' needs.
We have been directly involved in participatory
design experiences of interactive systems that
support collaborative work in specific domains – e.g.
medical diagnosis and mechanical engineering
(Costabile et al., 2007). On the basis of those
experiences, we propose here a participatory
approach to designing and developing information
systems. Particularly, the approach can be adopted in
the context of ERP customization to develop, in a
participatory way, the dialogue between users and
the system, by taking into account users’ culture,
language and system of signs. To this end, we
suggest the creation of participatory design teams
constituted by at least three categories of
stakeholders, as owners of different expertises: 1)
software professionals, including developers,
vendors and consultants; 2) domain experts,
including representative users, i.e. employees and
company managers; and, last but not least, 3) HCI
experts, namely professionals in human-computer
interaction who should play the role of mediators
between software professionals and domain experts,
in order to satisfy usability requirements.
However, in such a multidisciplinary team,
communication gaps may arise (Folmer et al., 2005),
due to the different skills, cultures and languages of
team members, and this may seriously compromise
the collaboration. Another problem emerges when
the participatory approach remains at the high level
of system design, without explicitly addressing the
problem of system development (Wagner and
Piccoli, 2007).
To overcome these problems, our participatory
approach is characterized as follows: 1) it is multi-
facet, in that it recognizes the existence of the
different stakeholders’ perspectives and permits their
expression according to the stakeholders’ culture
and language; 2) it supports an effective
communication among stakeholders, by permitting
the translation of each stakeholder’s perspective into
a language comprehensible to the others and by
sustaining the iterative design of the interaction
process; 3) it advocates a true engagement of users
in carrying out the IS customization, by giving them
the possibility to participate in creating the
interaction experience they would like to live with
the system.
The paper is organized as follows: Section 2
presents the motivation underlying this work and
discusses related literature; Section 3 describes the
proposed participatory approach; Section 4
concludes the paper by delineating a promising
research line.
Daneva (2003) describes various degrees of success
and failure in ERP requirements engineering. With
reference to a well-known commercial product, she
analyses the main causes of success and failure.
Some of the reasons for failures are interesting to be
mentioned here, such as insufficient validation
efforts, clashes between process stakeholders, ad-
hoc ways of working, underestimation of the
importance of certain practices. As one can notice,
they are in some way due to inadequate
comprehension of user requirements and, generally,
to insufficient user involvement.
Soh et al. (2000) wonder, from an Asian
perspective, if an ERP can be considered a universal
solution. Through a study performed in seven public
hospitals in Singapore they arrive at identifying
different types of misfits – data misfits, functional
misfits, output misfits –, namely gaps between what
is offered by the ERP package and organizational
requirements. Then, the authors observe that most
solutions to these problems “require the users to
work around with the alternatives offered by the
package” (Soh et al., 2000, p. 50). Other solutions
consist in working without validation checks, thus
compromising control, or in going back and forth
through different screens to look for necessary
information, thus compromising productivity. Soh
and colleagues argue that the strategy to be followed
to cope with these misfits is asking users for
assimilating the package functionality in some
depth. They say that users “must now consciously
‘get into the ERP software’ to evaluate the
appropriateness of the new configured system or the
alternatives adopted” (Soh et al., 2000, p. 51). This
conclusion assumes that users should become expert
INFORMATION SYSTEM CUSTOMIZATION - Toward Participatory Design and Development of the Interaction
also in information technologies and in the specific
package characteristics, besides being expert in their
own application domain. Actually, this is a usual
attitude of software developers and vendors, who
consider users as some people to be ‘educated’. A
similar ‘recipe’ is suggested in (Simosko, 2008),
who presents tips “on how to prepare and enable
your users”, by considering user education as a key
business process. While, in principle, we can agree
on most of these tips, what we question here is the
undervaluation of users’ competencies, experience
and knowledge.
As Rittel (1984) highlights in his “symmetry of
ignorance” principle, each person has different
knowledge and experience, but none is more
important than the others. Therefore, all stakeholders
must recognize that each one complements the
ignorance of the others, and that it is necessary to
reach a mutual understanding by means of a peer
collaboration. Thus, Rittel suggests that the
knowledge owned by every stakeholder be shared
and integrated with other stakeholders’ knowledge.
This perspective is in line with the ideas
presented in (Molla and Loukis, 2005), where an
ERP system is not considered as a mere technical
product, but as a socio-technical system including
several stakeholders, each one holding a certain
cultural assumption towards implementing and using
the ERP system. The analysis they performed on real
cases suggests that the congruency between the
system culture – the views of ERP developers,
vendors and consultants – and the host culture – the
views of the organization’s project team, managers
and employees – may contribute to the ERP success.
As advocated in HCI by participatory design
scholars, methods, techniques, and possibly software
tools should be defined and developed to bring
together different and controversial perspectives,
with the aim of avoiding misunderstandings and
communication barriers that may compromise the
collaboration among the different stakeholders. In
(Bodker and Iverson, 2002), the authors discuss how
to concretely involve users in participatory design by
means of scenarios and prototypes. Scenarios
represent an informal way of investigating current
practice and triggering ideas for future system
usages. Prototypes, besides permitting evaluation of
hypotheses, also encourage exploration of design
However, even if the adoption of participatory
design promises to offer solutions to users’
resistance (or even rejection) and system’s
requirements change, in practice this is far from an
automatic occurrence. In the study described in
(Wagner and Piccoli, 2007), it was observed that
“users tend not to fully engage until the system’s
impact on their working life is apparent – generally
when the system ‘goes live’” (p. 52). According to
the authors, to make participation more powerful,
users should be involved on topics really salient for
them. This suggests to consider participatory design
and participatory development as two interrelated
activities (Pekkola et al., 2006). Pekkola and
colleagues propose a multi-methodological approach
that bridges the gap between participatory design
and information systems development (ISD)
methodologies, where methods and techniques for
system design and system development are used in
an interleaved way. Even though this represents an
interesting proposal, a lot remains to be done for
developing “a formalized end-user-oriented ISD
method that is useful not only for the system
designers but also for every party involved in the
ISD process in each of its phases” (p. 28). The
present paper proposes an approach that goes in this
We present here the multi-facet participatory
approach to system design and development. The
approach derives from our direct experiences in
participatory design of domain-specific interactive
systems (Costabile et al., 2007; Costabile et al.,
2008). It aims at giving value to the stakeholders’
different perspectives and, at the same time, at
supporting their convergence toward a shared
understanding of the interaction with an information
system. Through proper procedures, guidelines and
techniques, the approach has the goal of fostering
true engagement of team members and supporting
communication among them during all system
lifecycle phases.
In the context of IS customization, the
participatory design activity has the purpose of
allowing different stakeholders to achieve a common
specification of user-system dialogue in terms of the
functionalities to be made available to users, the
interaction metaphor on which the system should be
based, and the interaction style it should support.
Whilst, the participatory development activity aims
at building such a dialogue in order to obtain an
information system that is understandable, usable,
reliable and accepted by its users. A key issue in
both system design and development is to permit
each stakeholder to describe the interaction process
between user and system from her/his point of view
and to support an efficient and effective
communication among the different stakeholders.
ICEIS 2009 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Therefore, the approach foresees (Figure 1):
A specification framework, which provides
languages to support the expression of one’s own
view of the interaction experience with the
system and the communication among the team
members in all the stages of the design and
development processes;
A design methodology, which establishes how
the different stakeholders in the multidisciplinary
team should work together and collaborate in
designing the interaction process between user
and system, by specifying it according to their
own perspectives;
Development guidelines, i.e. a set of
recommended practices to be followed when
developing, in a participatory way, the designed
interaction process.
Figure 1: Our participatory approach.
For sake of simplicity, but without loosing
generality, in the following we restrict our reasoning
to the description of the collaboration among three
categories of stakeholders: software professionals,
domain experts, and HCI experts. It is worth
noticing that, especially in the case of ISs, one can
identify different stakeholders among software
professionals, as well as among domain experts. The
approach is scalable to situations where the various
stakeholders are identified more precisely. Another
important consideration about the team composition
is the presence of HCI experts, who play the role of
mediators between domain experts and software
professionals. In our participatory design
experiences, as HCI experts, we empirically adopted
a framework of languages and translation procedures
in order to bridge the communication gap between
domain experts and software engineers. We actually
operated translations from the domain experts’ view
to the software engineering experts’ view and vice
versa. The approach presented in the following aims
at formalizing and generalizing these experiences,
which can be effectively applied to the case of IS
3.1 Specification Framework
In our participatory design experiences (Costabile et
al., 2007; Costabile et al., 2008), we have observed
that each stakeholder looks at and describes the
interaction experience with a software system from
her/his own perspective and according to her/his
goals. Based on these observations, we have
formalized a specification framework constituted by
different interaction languages – one for each
different stakeholder – whose sentences provide an
explicit description of the interaction process
between the user and the system according to the
different perspectives (Fogli et al., 2007). By
restricting to the case of three kinds of stakeholders
– domain experts, HCI experts, and software
professionals –, we have introduced three interaction
languages to describe the different perspectives. The
first language, the interaction trace language (ITL)
describes the interaction experience from users’
point of view. It is expressed as finite sequences of
images on the screen coupled with the names of
operations users perform on them. The second
language, the direct manipulation language (DML),
describes the interaction experience from the HCI
point of view, by adding state-based descriptions to
the elements of the previous language. Finally, the
third language, the finite state machine-interaction
language (FSM-IL), describes the interaction
experience from the software professionals’ point of
view, by enriching the previous language with
computational-oriented information. ITL, DML and
FSM-IL share some core elements, which can be
used to define translation procedures for mapping
each language into the others. They are called
animated pictorial elements (APEs): the pictorial
parts of the system each stakeholder can see on the
screen and reasons about during interaction, together
with the names of operations that can be performed
on the system. Figure 2 gives an overview of the
specification framework.
End user’s
point of view
HCI expert’s
point of view
Sw professional’s
point of view
End user’s
point of view
HCI expert’s
point of view
Sw professional’s
point of view
Figure 2: The specification framework.
3.2 Design Methodology
The design methodology is a procedure that
establishes how the members of a multidisciplinary
team work together to design the interaction with the
information system, by providing different but
INFORMATION SYSTEM CUSTOMIZATION - Toward Participatory Design and Development of the Interaction
related specifications. The methodology is multi-
facet since it aims at building, through the
framework, three different descriptions of the
interaction process. The procedure consists of the
following steps to be performed several times in an
order dictated by the results of each step:
1. Domain and HCI experts work together by
discussing scenarios that describe current work
practices and possible future system usages with the
purpose of providing a description of the interaction
process from users’ point of view. Specifically, they
firstly identify the alphabet of APEs, on which the
interaction process will be based, according to users
notation and system of signs. Then, they collaborate
each other in defining the ITL.
2. HCI experts analyse the ITL obtained in the
previous step from the usability point of view, by
taking into account intention formulation, action
planning and user perception and interpretation of
system feedback; then, they translate the user’s view
ITL – into a state-based specification of the system
DML – to be submitted to software professionals.
3. Software professionals analyse such state-
based specification and produce a computational-
oriented specification of the systemFSM-IL. In
this phase, software professionals could notice
problems in the state-based specification that may
ask for a revision; this requires a new collaboration
phase with HCI experts, and thus to go back to step
2. Whenever this revision affects the user’s
description of the interaction process, HCI experts
need to collaborate again with domain experts to
decide the necessary modifications, thus going back
to step 1.
4. The computational-oriented specification is
then used to generate a prototype, which is given to
domain experts in order to be tested.
5. Domain experts can thus analyse the prototype
physical appearance and behaviour, possibly
noticing interaction problems due to
misunderstandings, incompleteness, lacking in
consistency, etc.
6. To solve the above problems, domain experts
should ask for collaborating with HCI experts to
revise together the ITL. This situation will also occur
at use time whenever users, as well as their work
environments, organization procedures and adopted
technologies, evolve. In both cases, it is necessary to
go back to step 1.
Note that, as suggested by step 6, the design
process is active throughout the IS lifecycle.
3.3 Development Guidelines
During participatory design activities, it may happen
that the specific users’ needs are not clearly
understood and that attention is not paid to users
ideas. Very often, users are not even able to express
their point of view because design problems are
presented them by using terms alien to their
experience and culture. Consequently, users are not
able to understand soon the impact of the new
system in their life and work, and tend to perceive
participatory design just as an overhead to their
work activities (Wagner and Piccoli, 2007).
To support an effective user engagement during
IS customization, our participatory approach
includes also the following development guidelines:
each member of the team should be able to
analyse the interaction experience according to
her/his own reasoning strategies using her/his own
notations and system of signs;
each team member should be able to develop
the interaction experience from her/his own
all team members should be able to
communicate about and collaborate in designing and
developing the interaction experience with the
These guidelines suggest that each member of
the team should be provided with a development
environment permitting the description of one’s own
perspective on the interaction with the system under
customization. Such environment should facilitate
its users in defining the corresponding interaction
language formalized in the framework. The different
perspectives should be exchanged among the
stakeholders and properly interpreted by the
development environment used by each stakeholder.
In the past, we have proposed the software
shaping workshop (SSW) methodology to support
participatory design and development of domain-
specific interactive systems. Particularly, the
methodology has been applied in the mechanical
engineering and medical diagnosis domains
(Costabile et al., 2007). SSWs are software
environments conceived according to the
development guidelines delineated in this paper:
they are customized to stakeholder’s culture and
knowledge, they provide all and only the tools to be
used to perform the stakeholder’s activities, and are
organized in a network to support communication
among stakeholders. We argue that similar tools
might be developed to make concrete our
participatory approach to IS customization.
ICEIS 2009 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
This paper asks for a greater awareness by IS
developers and consultants of the Rittel’s symmetry
of ignorance principle. They should regard users as
the ‘owners’ of the problem, thus recognizing that
users’ domain knowledge complements their
ignorance (and not only vice versa, as software
professionals are used to think).
The multi-facet approach here proposed
recognizes this symmetry by allowing a
multidisciplinary team to take into account all the
different perspectives in designing and developing
the dialogue between an information system and its
users. More specifically, the approach provides a
methodology for participatory design and a set of
development guidelines, which recognize and give
value to the different expertises of the team
members while fostering their collaboration. The
approach also provides a specification framework
that supports team members in both design and
development by allowing them to represent and
translate their different perspectives.
The languages in the framework are formal tools
that may facilitate system prototyping, since they
can be used for creating proper software
environments that support system specification and
prototype generation from the specification. The
generated prototypes can then be directly tested by
the users, who can thus ask immediately for system
As a future work, we plan to apply the approach
to a real ERP context, in order to evaluate its
effectiveness in the case of information system
customization. In general, our objective is to
persuade IS vendors and developers of the
importance of providing their clients and consultants
with software environments for participatory design
and development of the dialogue between an
information system and its users.
The authors wish to thank Piero Mussio for his
contribution to the approach presented in this paper.
This work capitalizes on participatory design
experiences carried out in collaboration also with
Maria Francesca Costabile and Antonio Piccinno,
who are herewith acknowledged. The authors are
also grateful to Sonia Di Labio for the interesting
discussions about the content of the paper.
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INFORMATION SYSTEM CUSTOMIZATION - Toward Participatory Design and Development of the Interaction