Olivier Corby
INRIA Sophia Antipolis, BP 93, FR-06902 Sophia Antipolis, Cedex France
Catherine Faron-Zucker
I3S, Universit´e de Nice Sophia, CNRS, BP 121, FR-06903 Sophia Antipolis, Cedex France
Isabelle Mirbel
INRIA Sophia Antipolis and I3S, Universit´e de Nice Sophia, CNRS, France
Search Process Modeling, Process Guidance, Ontology, Semantic Web, SPARQL, RDF(S).
Capitalisation of search processes becomes a real challenge in many domains. By search process, we mean
a sequence of queries that enables a community member to nd comprehensive and accurate information
by composing results from different information sources. In this paper we propose an intentional model
based on semantic Web technologies and models and aiming both at the capitalization, reuse and sharing of
queries into a community and at the organization of queries into formalized search processes. It is intended to
support knowledge transfer on information searches between expert and novice members inside a community.
Intention-driven search processes are represented by RDF datasets and operationalized by rules represented by
SPARQL queries and applied in backward chaining by using the CORESE semantic engine.
The study of research projects aiming at support-
ing activities of community members through a col-
lective semantic memory (Ait Ameur and al., 2008;
Yurchyshyna et al., 2008) highlights the need for
query capitalization. Beyond query capitalisation, the
capitalisation of whole search processes becomes a
real challenge in many domains. By search process,
we mean a sequence of queries enabling to find com-
prehensive and accurate information by composing
results from different information sources. These pro-
cesses are often difficult to acquire by novice users
and they become more and more critical because
of the specialization and proliferation of knowledge
sources (Bhavnani et al., 2003).
(Bhavnani et al., 2003) presents an approach to
formalize critical search procedures in the medical
domain into strategy hubs. A search procedure is
represented by an ordered set of sub-goals and strat-
egy hubs provide search procedures and associated
high-quality links to information sources that enable
users to find comprehensive and accurate informa-
tion. (Buffereau et al., 2003) propose to support nav-
igation among resources by e-road maps which are
composed of steps characterized by an intention or ti-
tle, an optional subject and optional illustrations (web
ressources). In this paper we propose a model to cap-
italize, reuse and share search queries and to orga-
nize them into formalized search processes. The orig-
inality of our proposal with regards to both strategy
hubs and e-road maps relies in that we statically as-
sociate resource patterns to steps of search processes.
Resources are dynamically selected when rendering
queries associated to search process sub-goals.
Our paper is organized as follows. Section 2
presents the concept of semantic search process and
the model we propose. Section 3 presents how search
processes are operationalized by rules. We conclude
in Section 4.
We define the notion of search process as a se-
quence of atomic searches to be processed by a do-
main expert to fulfill a domain-specific task or pro-
Corby O., Faron-Zucker C. and Mirbel I. (2009).
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - Artificial Intelligence and Decision Support Systems, pages
DOI: 10.5220/0001993103390342
cess. A search process may be seen as a particu-
lar kind of business process limited to search activi-
ties. Different business process modeling formalisms
have been proposed in the literature. They can
be classified into three categories: activity-oriented,
product-oriented and decision-oriented ones (Nurcan
and Edme, 2005). Decision-oriented models are se-
mantically more powerful than the two others because
they explain not only how the process proceeds but
also why. Their enactment guide the decision making
process that shapes the process, and helps reasoning
about the rationale (Nurcan and Edme, 2005).
To support knowledge transfer about search pro-
cess from experts to novices, we are concerned with
the modeling of why the search process is decom-
posed the way it is, as well as with the specification
of how it is decomposed. Moreover, to handle differ-
ent users’profiles and levels of knowledge, we want to
provide means to specify search processes at different
levels of detail. For all these reasons, the approach
we propose to model search processes is based on the
adaptation of an intentional process modeling formal-
ism (Rolland, 2007).
2.1 Maps
According to (Rolland, 2007), a map is a process
model in which a non-deterministic ordering of in-
tentions and strategies has been included. In our case,
we focus on search intentions and search strategies.
A map is a labeled directed graph with intentions as
nodes and strategies as edges between intentions. A
search intention is a goal that can be achieved by fol-
lowing a search strategy. An intention expresses what
is wanted, a state or a result that is expected to be
reached disregarding considerations about who, when
and where. There are two distinct intentions that rep-
resent the intentions to start and to stop the process.
A map consists of a number of sections each of which
is a triple (source intention, target intention, strategy).
A strategy characterizes the flow from the source in-
tention to the target intention and the way the target
intention can be achieved. A map contains a finite
number of paths from its start intention to its stop in-
tention, each of them prescribing a way to achieve the
goal of the search process under consideration.
Let’s take the example of a teacher belonging to
a community of teachers and looking for resources to
build a course about relational database. To fulfill this
goal, s/he may search for resources about database
history to build the introduction of its course, then re-
sources about the relational model, normal forms and
SQL, and finally resources on how to interact with
a database from a programming language. Search
for resources about database history and search re-
sources about relational model are examples of in-
tention. Depending on the context of the course
(the number of teaching hours, the audience, ...), the
teacher may be or not interested by some resources,
for instance resources about database history. Conse-
quently, this intention looks optional and two paths
are suggested to fulfill the main goal of building a
course about relational database with or without the
Searchfor resources about database history intention.
The formalization of this scenario with the map model
is presented in figure 1(a).
Figure 1: Example of a Map.
As shown in figure 1(a), there might be several
flows from a source intention to a target intention,
each correspondingto a specific strategy. It is the case
of intention
labeled by search for resources on how
to interact with a database from a programming lan-
guage which is reachable via a strategy based on the
Java programming language or via a strategy based on
the PHP programming language. There might also be
several strategies to reach a target intention from dif-
ferent source intentions. It is the case of intention
labeled by search for resources about the relational
model which is reachable from intention
by search for resources about database history or di-
rectly from the start intention.
Still according to (Rolland, 2007), the execution
of each section of a map is supported by an intention
achievement guideline (IAG) which provides an op-
erational or an intentional means to fulfill the target
intention. In our work, we operationalize an IAG by
the execution of a query on the community semantic
memory or we define it by a refined map, as shown in
figure 1(b) and (c).
To further formalize intentions and strategies, we
rely on (Prat, 1999) proposal, which has already
proven to be useful to formalize goals (Ralyte, 2001;
ICEIS 2009 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Rolland, 2007). According to (Prat, 1999), an inten-
tion statement is characterized by a verb and some
parameters which play specific roles with respect to
the verb. Among the parameters, there is the object
on which the action described by the verb is pro-
cessed. In (Ralyte, 2001; Rolland, 2007) different
other relevant parameters have been identified : ben-
eficiary, reference, quality, quantity, direction, time,
ways (manner or means) and location. Let us consider
again the map depicted in figure 1(b). Intention
labeled by search for resources about normal forms
definition is described by its verb search and its ob-
ject resources about normal forms definition. Inten-
labeled by search for resources on how to in-
teract with a database from a programming language
achieved through the PHP strategy is described by its
verb search, its object API and its manner PHP.
2.2 Search Process Modelling
Starting from the map model, we propose a search
process modelling based on Semantic Web standards.
We gathered the concepts and relationships of the map
model and we built an RDFS ontology dedicated to
the representation of search processes (including for
instance classes Verb, Object and Parameter to repre-
sent intention statement).
In order to specify intention statements, we are
currently exploiting a single verb, namely class
Search which instantiates class Verb, and we consider
many domain-specific concepts as instantiations of
class Object. The class Parameter is instantiated into
several classes modeling the context of the search pro-
cess. We distinguish between domain dependent and
domain independent contextual information. To fur-
ther populate the search process ontology with classes
of parameters, a domain independent context ontol-
ogy is under development and mappings with con-
cepts from a domain-specific ontology as well.
Based on the search process ontology, search pro-
cesses (or fragments of search process) are then rep-
resented by RDF annotations.
By relying on RDF(S) which is now a widespread
Web standard, we ensure the capitalization, reuse
and share of these representations of search processes
among community members. Beyond an alternative
way to organize and to dynamically access resources
in a community memory, we provide means to cap-
italize search processes themselves. We take advan-
tage of the inference capabilities provided by the RDF
framework to reason on search process representa-
tions, especially to organize them and retrieve them
for reuse.
Reusing search processes (or search process frag-
ments) is intended to enable a dynamic connection
of different search processes and therefore the build-
ing of a whole search process by combining those
(fragments of) search processes which both satisfy the
global intention and retrieve available resources. This
goes through modeling IAGs which connect a section
of a map representing a search process either with
another map representing another search process (in-
tentional means) which can be viewed as a fragment
of the global process fulfilling the target intention of
the connected section, or directly with a query (op-
erational means) retrieving relevant resources in the
community semantic memory.
We propose to represent an IAG by a rule which
conclusion represents a section of a map and which
premise represents either an operational means (a
query) or an intentional means (a map) fulfilling the
target intention of the section in conclusion. We call
a rule concrete or abstract depending on wether its
premise represents operational or intentional means.
The SPARQL language provides a unified framework
to represent both concrete and abstract rules through
the CONSTRUCT query form. A CONSTRUCT query
form returns an RDF graph specified by a graph tem-
plate in the query form and constructed by taking
each query solution, substituting for the variables in
the graph template and combining the resulting RDF
triples. In our case we formalize a rule representing
an IAG by a SPARQL query which CONSTRUCT clause
is the conclusion of the rule, i.e. the graph template to
construct the RDF representation of a section of a map
(the conclusion of the rule) and which WHERE clause
is the premise of the rule, i.e. a graph pattern repre-
senting a map (abstract rule) or criteria for retrieving
relevant ressources (concrete rule).
In our running example, let us consider again the
IAG associated to the section of the map presented in
figure 1 aiming at searching for resources about nor-
mal forms. This IAG describes an intentional means
to fulfill target intention
of the section. We repre-
sent it by an abstract rule formalized by the following
SPARQL query, where prefix
refers to the search
process ontology and prefix
refers to a domain on-
tology on relational database:
_:s map:hasTarget _:i (2)
_:i map:hasObject d:NormalForm (3)
_:s map:operationalizedBy ?g (4)
} (5)
WHERE { (6)
GRAPH ?g { (7)
?s1 map:hasSource ?i0 (8)
?i0 rdf:type map:Start (9)
?s1 map:hasTarget ?i1 (10)
?i1 map:hasObject d:NormalFormDef (11)
?s2 map:hasSource ?i1 (12)
?s2 map:hasTarget ?i2 (13)
?i2 map:hasObject d:NormalFormTransform
?s3 map:hasSource ?i2 (15)
?s3 map:hasTarget ?i4 (16)
?i4 rdf:type map:Stop (17)
The CONSTRUCT clause of this query is a graph
template for building an RDF graph representing any
section aiming at searching for resources about nor-
mal forms. It includes both statements (lines 2-3) de-
scribing the object of the target intention of the sec-
tion with the domain concept NormalForm instantiat-
ing concept Object of the map ontology and a state-
ment (line 4) about the RDF graph operationalizingthe
section and which content is described in the WHERE
clause of the query. This links together the two levels
of intention refinement.
The WHERE clause of the query describes how to
operationalize any section (in particular the one of our
example) whose RDF representation matches with the
graph template in the CONSTRUCT clause. It is a
graph template that matches with the RDF represen-
tation of the map shown in figure 1. It includes state-
ments about three sections: the first ones (lines 8-11)
describe a first section
which source intention is
a start and which target intention has for object the
definition of a normal form; the following ones (lines
12-14) describe a second section
which source
intention is the target intention of the first section
and which target intention has for object the transfor-
mation of normal forms; the last ones describe a third
section which source intention is the target intention
of the second section
and which target intention
is a stop.
Instantiating search processes, i.e. combining
sub-processes into a global process is achieved by ap-
plying rules implementing IAGs in backward chain-
ing. The problem of operationalizing the initial strat-
egy provided to the backward chaining engine then
boils down to operationalizing the sections described
in the WHERE clause of the query. We rely on the
(Corby et al., 2006) semantic engine for
both backward chaining on the knowledge base of
SPARQL queries and matching whith the knowledge
base of RDF annotations of domain resources.
In this paper, we proposed an approach relying on
semantic Web technologies and models to capital-
ize, reuse and share search queries and search pro-
cesses. By modeling search processes, our aim was
to capture knowledge and best practices into series
of structured search activities. Therefore, starting
from an intention driven process modeling formal-
ism, we proposed an ontology to annotate search pro-
cesses and we operationalized guidelines associated
to search processes fragments with rules implemented
as SPARQL queries. As a result, instantiation of search
processes is supported by backward chaining among
the rule base and matching with the RDF dataset an-
notating the community resources.
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ICEIS 2009 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems