Empirical evidence with an argument was provided
to show that centrality has importance in
performance of distributed coordination. Network
centrality properties shown positive relationship
with Mean Time Between Failure and Reciprocal
Time To Fix. We can conclude that centrally has a
bearing on coordination in distributed environments.
However bridging entities can slow down the flow
of information, because time distances can be
significant between nodes, therefore too high level
of betweenness is not beneficial. The implication of
this, that modularity might be important for large
projects (Hinds & Kiesler, 2002), but even in the
open source domain at least an informal centrally
positioned leader is required to enhance the
efficiency of a distributed work group. Although the
significance exceeded the confidence level in two
out of three clusters regarding the negative relation
between density and coordination performance, but
based on the results at least it is arguable that density
has positive effect on coordination. The results show
similarities with the results of Rathman (Rathnam &
Mahajan & Whinston, 1995). This finding is
interesting because their study was not in distributed
environment, however the results indicating that
similar relation exists in distributed environments.
The relation might not as strong as other theories
suggest that distributed work groups need
interconnections due to the temporal and
geographical distances they have to communicate
asynchronously (Crowston, 2005)
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