Szabolcs Feczak and Liaquat Hossain
Faculty of Engineering and IT, The University of Sydney, PNR J05, Sydney, Australia
Keywords: Coordination gaps, Social Networks, Distributed Teams, Open Source Software.
Abstract: In this paper, we argue that coordination gaps, such as communication issues and task dependencies have
significant impact on performance of work group. To address these issues, contemporary science suggests
optimising links between social aspects of society and technical aspects of machines. A framework is
proposed to describe social network structure and coordination performance variables with regards to
distributed coordination during bug fixing in the Open Source domain. Based on the model and the literature
reviewed, we propose two propositions—(i) level of interconnectedness has a negative relation with
coordination performance; and, (ii) centrality social network measures have positive relation with
coordination performance variables. We provide empirical analysis by using a large sample of 415 open
source projects hosted on The results suggest that there is relationship between
interconnectedness and coordination performance and centrality measures were found to have positive
relationships with the performance variables of coordination measures.
Coordination can be viewed as the additional
information processing required in order achieving
the same goal with multiple actors as one would do
alone. However, management of the dependencies
and efficient communication is required to minimise
coordination gaps. (Malone, 1988)
Previous studies focus on measures such as the
efficiency of communication and dependency
management, the quality of the outcomes, degree of
meeting requirements and deadlines for reducing
coordination gaps of project groups working towards
a common goal. (Rathnam & Mahajan & Whinston,
1995; Kraut, 1995; Faraj & Sproull, 2000)
Nevertheless, management of coordination for a
distributed team imposes higher variability in the
dependency management requirements and
therefore, makes the coordination much more
challenging compared to groups operating on the
same site and not having this sort of distance.
(Bonaccorsi & Rossi, 2003) Group awareness
therefore can help to raise the level of efficiency
through implicit coordination. (Gutwin, 2004)
Since one major facet of coordination is
communication, it is important to study relation
between network structures and coordination
performance in a distributed environment. Centrality
has been identified to have major positive influence
on coordination performance in local teams, but has
not been confirmed yet on large scale. (Rathnam,
1995) Therefore, analysis of coordination problems
in dynamic and dispersed collaboration groups
through their social structure is considered to be an
important area of research.
In social networks centrality denotes the
structural power position of a node in a given
network. Centrality has three measures (a) Freeman
degree centrality - number of adjacent nodes, (b)
closeness - reciprocal value of the total number of
hops in the shortest possible way to every other
node. and (c) betweeness - number of times the node
appears on the shortest path between other nodes.
The higher the value is the more influence can a
particular node has on the entire network. Centrality
is not only understood on nodes, a characteristic
value can be calculated for the total network as well
using any if the above measures. Network density is
the number of links divided by the number of all
theoretically possible links. (Robert & Hanneman,
2001; Freeman 1979)
There are several studies in the open source
domain looking for answers regarding coordination.
(Madey & Freeh & Tynan, 2002; Spaeth, 2005)
Feczak S. and Hossain L. (2009).
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - Human-Computer Interaction, pages 84-90
DOI: 10.5220/0001994200840090
Coordination performance
(Dependent Variables)
Social Network Structure
(Independent Variables)
Network Densit
Mean Time Between
Defect Removal
ReciprocalTime To Fix
Centrality Measures
Figure 1: OSS Coordination performance model.
“Free and Open Source Software development not
only exemplifies a viable software development
approach, but it is also a model for the creation of
self learning and self-organising communities in
which geographically distributed individuals
contribute to build a particular software.” (Sowe &
Stamelos & Angelis, 2006) Consequently, open
source as a domain for this study was chosen for
exploring coordination performance measures.
We apply coordination theory for exploring the
effective coordination structures of open source
software teams engaged in bug fixing activities.
Using research findings of Sandusky and Gasser’s
study (Sandusky, 2005), we highlight the tasks
below which relates to coordination process by
incorporating normative software management
processes identified in open source environment: (i)
Goals: ensure that the software (i.e., is able to
perform all specified functions); (ii) Tasks (i.e.,
production tasks--identify the defect); (iii)
coordination tasks (i.e., report a bug, categorize a
bug: which module does it relate to, what is the
severity, priority); (iv) Actors-open source software
community members (i.e., one ore more developers
in various roles); and, (v) Dependencies (i.e., the
most common dependencies are from the producer-
consumer type). Dependency management is
performed in order to achieve the ultimate goal with
multiply actors: software without defects. Therefore,
effectiveness of the coordination is measured against
bug fixing task performance. Technical environment
has a moderating role in the information technology
domain (Rathnam & Mahajan & Whinston, 1995),
however these tools do not have ultimate effect on
coordination performance. Study by Kraut, and
Streeter suggest that project size and complexity
increases coordination gaps so these have been
added to the moderating variables as well (Kraut &
Streeter, 1995). With regards to the features of the
distributed team, experience was advised as a factor
which plays an important role in coordination,
providing a base for better understanding peers and
work flows to carry out internal coordination
without excessive communication (Faraj & Sproull,
2000). The number of the members in the team
relates to the size of the project so it has been added
to extend work group features.
To measure coordination performance, we
consider time constraint as it has direct correlation
with coordination performance (Espinosa, 2002).
Since coordination performance itself is not tangible
it is common practice to relate this measure to the
outcome of the work actors have completed
(Rathnam & Mahajan & Whinston, 1995).
Evaluation of the outcome could be done with
interviewing the users, however we do not have the
resources to do that, so the rating which relates to
dependency management is going to be done with
software evaluation methods discussed above (Kraut
& Streeter, 1995). Therefore, software quality
metrics are going to used to extend the timeliness
measure and evaluate coordination performance.
Figure 1 presents the elements of the framework and
relations between them. In developing this
framework, previous studies of coordination and
software development were analysed. After
identifying certain metrics, a preliminary test was
carried out to investigate if it is feasible to measure
those values advised by the literature. Based on the
availability and reliability of data accessible, the
measures were short listed. Based on the literature
and the model, we propose the following
propositions for this study: (i) higher degree of
network density creates redundant information flows
which have a negative effect on the coordination
performance; and (ii) higher degree of centrality and
betweenness creates stricter hierarchy, which
significantly reduces the dependencies, and
coordination gaps.
Most data about open source projects are publicly
available. However the number of projects is large
and they are scattered all over the world.
Furthermore, the services they use are not
homogeneous, and comparing many projects with
distinct technological characteristics in an unbiased
manner would be very tedious. Based on the above it
has been decided to use one of these major hosting
facilities as a source of data with a combination of
manual investigation of the preliminary selected
limited number of projects to check if they actively
use the services offered. The choice on SourceForge
was made based on the possibility that we could
have SQL access to monthly data dumps granted
through the Notre Dame University, Indiana, United
States. During the data set definition the following
aspects were kept in mind, to acquire as
representative data set as possible: (i) avoid
prominent projects; (ii) avoid projects with
gatekeepers; (iii) size of the project: around ten to
derive meaningful network structures; (iv) select
projects which have distinct characteristic to help
answering our questions, with minimum 200
interactions; and, (v) the project should be active in
bug fixing.
3.1 Network Data for Social Structure
First a list of the bug fixing contributors of the
selected projects was extracted grouped by
communication thread. Each unique participant is
identified by going through all lines and adding the
identifier to a vector if it does not contain it yet. An
empty adjacency matrix can be formed based on
that. Going through the lines again sorted by time,
we count the number of times an actor could see a
post from another actor in the thread before him/her,
this count becomes the weight of the link. It is
assumed that actors who submitted a post earlier
than someone else do not read the ones followed by
them unless they post again in the thread.
Interactions within each thread counted separately,
so even if two actors follow each other on the
timeline it does not count if it was on a different
thread. At the end of this process the matrix is
symmetrised based on the smaller number of
interactions. During the measurement, the threshold
was set to minimum five interactions to consider a
link significant (Adamic, 2005).
3.2 Coordination Performance
Time to Fix and Mean Time Between Failure
characteristics were measured based on the bug
tracking system records available from the database.
The Time to Fix index was calculated as an average
of differences between the open and the close date.
Mean Time Between Failure index was calculated as
an average of differences between the open time of a
bug and the open time of the bug before that bug in
consecutive timely order. Based on the histograms,
the variables did not follow normal distribution,
descriptive statistics confirm this, because all
skewness and kurtosis highly deviate from zero.
The Defect Removal Efficiency (DRE)
D(415)=0.141, p<0.001, Mean Time Between
Failure (MTBF) D(415)=0.130, p<0.001, and
Reciprocal Time To Fix D(415)=0.206, p<0.001
were all significantly non-normal.
"Density is a measure that is difficult to use in
comparisons of graphs of radically different sizes"
(Scott, 2000) Comparing work group performance
largely different in size would not be realistic either.
Therefore cluster groups were created based on the
frequency distribution of the node numbers in the
sample. Small (4-12 nodes), middle (13-40 nodes)
and large (41-223) network clusters were created to
achieve minimal dispersion from the median of the
respective pool.
4.1 Proposition 1
A number of variables show negative correlation on
Table 1 with the density, however at the level of
0.05 it is only significant for the reciprocal time to
fix variable in the group with 13-40 nodes. Negative
effect of density on coordination can be explained
by the strength of the weak ties argument,
(Granovetter, 1973) which states that too densely
connected actors provide mostly redundant, already
known information to each other. This hinders
coordination performance, as the communication
does not move forward the solution of the problem it
just increases the delay in the cooperative work. This
delay effects the time to fix and as this lowers
efficiency the defect removal deficiency as well.
What further suggest this theory is, that it can be
seen that the relation of the density with RTTF is
higher than with DRE, so the effect on the defect
removal efficiency measure can be indirectly due
ICEIS 2009 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Table 1: Spearman Correlation grouped by nodes between Network Density and Performance variables (DRE: Defect
Removal Efficiency, MTBF: Mean Time Between Failure, RTTF: Reciprocal Time to Fix).
Node Group
Spearman's rho
4-12 Density Correlation
-.011 .108 .015
Sig. (2-
.869 .088 .810
249 249 249
13-40 Density Correlation
.107 -.215
Sig. (2-
125 125 125
41-223 Density Correlation
-.086 .045 -.142
Sig. (2-
.594 .782 .376
41 41 41
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).
*. Correlation is si
nificant at the 0.05 level
to the increase caused in the time to fix. The p value
exceeding the significance level in the third group
(nodes 41-223) can be accounted to the high value of
standard error (47.17) of the node numbers in that
group. "Density is a measure that is difficult to use
in comparisons of graphs of radically different sizes"
However the above statistics do not apply to all
groups, but the coordination gaps were identified by
Rathman (Rathnam & Mahajan & Whinston, 1995)
to increase with the higher level of
interconnectedness and network density is also
referred as the degree of interconnectedness of
network members (Rober & Hanneman, 2001)
Again, Spearman correlation test is used to quantify
relations between centrality measures and variables
suggesting coordination performance.
4.2 Proposition 2
Centrality measures indeed show correlation with
coordination performance measures at the
significance level of 0.05. The positive relation can
be seen in all groups, on Table 2, the first which
applies to all of them is between Degree centrality
and the Reciprocal Time to Fix. Degree centrality
suggests activity so the network has more actors
with higher level of degree centrality the more
information is flowing through more active nodes
reducing the time gap between the sequence of
Mean time between failure has also positively
related to Degree centrality in the groups with nodes
4-40. This suggests not only efficient fixing of the
problem but also higher level of effectiveness. At a
significance level of 0.1 the same thing is true in the
large networks with 41-223 nodes as well. This
difference in significance can result from unclean
sample, or that the standard deviation of the node
numbers in this group is much higher (47.17)
compared to the two other groups. (2.53, 7.59). It is
interesting to see that closeness centrality has
positive correlation within all groups with Mean
Time Between Failure and Reciprocal Time to Fix.
Closeness centrality was identified to express
independence (Freeman, 1979) and a good predictor
on leadership. However it contradicts the general
belief that open source software development is
decentralised: “in practice tends to be more of a
peer-to-peer network topology than a military-style
command structure.” (Fogel, 2005)
There is an increasing weight in the relation as
we go from smaller networks to larger ones,
meaning that the more actors are in the coordinated
system the more effect a leader has on the
coordination performance. It seems that open source
is no exception under the rule, that coordinating
software development requires leadership and in a
distributed environment this is even more the case
(Lings, 2006). Leadership was also identified to
have high influence on selecting the best fitting
solution. (Bonaccorsi & Rossi, 2003) It explains
why the MTBF value becomes better, if a better
solution is selected to fix a problem it is probably
more reliable than other solutions. This is in line
with the other relation that Betweenness is positively
correlated with MTBF, if the leader is in a position
to control information, it can positively effect the
bug fixing coordination efficiency. This can be seen
among all clusters as well. There is also relation
between Betwenness and RTTF in the middle
cluster, also at the level of 0.1 it is also related in the
small group, so all together from 4-40 nodes. Again
the high value of the standard error in the large
Table 2: Spearman Correlation grouped by nodes between Network Centrality measures and Performance variables (DRE:
Defect Removal Efficiency, MTBF: Mean Time Between Failure, RTTF: Reciprocal Time to Fix).
Node Group
Spearman's rho
4-12 Degree Correlation
-.015 .145
Sig. (2-
.022 .040
249 249 249
Closeness Correlation
-.021 .140
Sig. (2-
.027 .022
249 249 249
Betweenness Correlation
-.015 .158
Sig. (2-
249 249 249
13-40 Degree Correlation
.099 .246
Sig. (2-
.006 .010
125 125 125
Closeness Correlation
.124 .217
Sig. (2-
.015 .019
125 125 125
Betweenness Correlation
.099 .297
Sig. (2-
.001 .049
125 125 125
41-223 Degree Correlation
.156 .267 .311
Sig. (2-
.329 .091
41 41 41
Closeness Correlation
.204 .316
Sig. (2-
.044 .026
41 41 41
Betweenness Correlation
.139 .319
Sig. (2-
41 41 41
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).
*. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).
group (41-223) can contribute to the fact that the
correlation does not reach the required level of
confidence. In conclusion, all centrality measures
are positively related with most of the coordination
performance variables so the stricter hierarchy
reduces the gaps in coordination. It has to be noted
that DRE was not related to any of the centrality
measures. Probably it is an implication of the
domain, since stability (which is related to MTBF)
considered to be more important than prompt and
frequent activities (Edwards, 2001). MTBF shows
high importance as the relation with centrality
measures is 8 out of 9 possible times among the
three groups. MTBF suggests stability, since if the
software operates without problems for longer
periods it requires less bug fixing work, and
consequently less coordination. The opposite is true
as well, if the MTBF drops, the work load
significantly increases. “If stability is not achieved,
the need for communication within the project will
significantly increase” (Fenton & Neil, 1999) This
communication overhead than results in larger
coordination gap.
4.3 Project Level Analysis
Scummvm project for example, which is large
enough for this level of analysis it can be seen that
ICEIS 2009 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
the number of permanent nodes is positively related
with the density of the network. That means that
over the time the more nodes stay permanent in the
network the more dense relationship they form.
However this density is negatively related with the
number of total nodes, so in case of a large network
the nodes are more loosely connected. As density
has positive effect on the error rate, so programmers
can produce more error free lines it is desired to
have the network built up from smaller dense
groups. These smaller work groups can interact
more efficiently and specialize on a specific area of
the code, which brings us to modularity. The code or
in general the work to be done must be broken down
into pieces which are analogical with the structure of
the team, or the other way round, smaller teams
should be organised around each problem areas. If
this out of synch that can raise issues with unclear
lines of responsibility, requiring more
communication which we can account as an
overhead, deteriorating the overall performance.
(Hinds & Kiesler, 2002) This is even more critical in
case of largely distributed work groups, since there
are limited possibilities for face to face interactions
and therefore the delay is typically longer between
exchanges. Even through phone conversations the
communication is less effective and due to time zone
differences the mutual time frames of availability
can be very short. (Wellman, 2000)
Short phases account for less number of errors as
seen on the evidence presented resulting in better
performance. A shorter work phase or milestone is
advantageous to accomplish goals on a smaller
scale, some ideas based on short cycles were coined
by the literature earlier for example the agile project
management concept. However shorter project
periods in case of an open environment have a
negative effect on engagement. Meaning that there is
less chance to attract more contributors to the project
and even those who are engaged typically stay only
till the end of the period. In case of a longer project
phase the turnover of the participants will be higher
and with people coming and going all the time there
is less chance to form a dense network compared to
a group with mostly steady memberships. Hence we
loose performance because of a more loosely
connected network. So on one hand we gain
performance efficiency with the shorter stages
through less turnover and more dense network, but
on the other hand as a result of smaller number of
people engaged the productivity is lower.
More people in the group ignites higher
productivity, but at the same time it raises other
issues. Without sound basic principles and strong
keep it simple policy more participants can have
very different ways of solving problems. This can be
good because it opens a possibility for innovation,
however it can easily increase work complexity,
uncertainty and the number of tasks that can not be
solved with best practices or routine procedures in
the future. (Kraut, 1995) In case of a distributed
environment more people can mean higher
effectiveness, but the efficiency can drop if the
leadership is not strong enough and with the lack of
clear guidelines which can induce internal
coordination without communication
overhead.(Espinosa, 2002, Gutwin, 2004)
Leadership brings us to the importance of
centrality and in fact as outlined above higher degree
of centralization increases the time between the
issues with the quality of the work reported.
Meaning that centrally located people can influence
the main direction of the project and increase the
quality and reliability of the work grounding a more
uniform work environment and clear vision about
what are the major goals. (Bonaccorsi & Rossi,
2003) It is interesting to note however that
betweenness centrality has negative effect on
productivity because the more betweenness the
network has the more time it takes to finish a task. In
local teams the betweenness network variable is
expected to project better team performance,
however in distributed teams people sitting in the
information flow can delay the process specially if
they act as bridges and they are the only ones who
connect segments of the network. If the node in
question is too busy or not available and the
information can not flow through any other node
towards the destination that significantly decreases
the reactivity of the team and as a result the overall
work group performance. Based on this it would be
useful to monitor the work load of nodes with high
betwenness score and match it against total team
Yet another interesting finding is that in an open
environment raising number of issues can actually
have positive influence on the team structure
because it raises the awareness about the possibility
to contribute and urge the users to do so. (von
Hippel, 2005) As a result the total number of nodes
in the network increases and opens possibilities for
future collaboration and innovation as these new
nodes when they join are only loosely connected so
they can refresh the redundant information within
the network with new ideas.
Empirical evidence with an argument was provided
to show that centrality has importance in
performance of distributed coordination. Network
centrality properties shown positive relationship
with Mean Time Between Failure and Reciprocal
Time To Fix. We can conclude that centrally has a
bearing on coordination in distributed environments.
However bridging entities can slow down the flow
of information, because time distances can be
significant between nodes, therefore too high level
of betweenness is not beneficial. The implication of
this, that modularity might be important for large
projects (Hinds & Kiesler, 2002), but even in the
open source domain at least an informal centrally
positioned leader is required to enhance the
efficiency of a distributed work group. Although the
significance exceeded the confidence level in two
out of three clusters regarding the negative relation
between density and coordination performance, but
based on the results at least it is arguable that density
has positive effect on coordination. The results show
similarities with the results of Rathman (Rathnam &
Mahajan & Whinston, 1995). This finding is
interesting because their study was not in distributed
environment, however the results indicating that
similar relation exists in distributed environments.
The relation might not as strong as other theories
suggest that distributed work groups need
interconnections due to the temporal and
geographical distances they have to communicate
asynchronously (Crowston, 2005)
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